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Amongst the most prominent uses of Twitter is its role in the discussion of widely televised events: Twitter's own statistics for 2011, for example, list major entertainment spectacles (the MTV Music Awards and the BET Awards) and sports matches (the UEFA Champions League final and the FIFA Women's World Cup final) amongst the events generating the most tweets per second during the year. During such major media events, Twitter is used most predominantly as a technology of fandom: it serves as a backchannel to television and other streaming audiovisual media, enabling users offer their own running commentary on the universally shared media text of the event as it unfolds live. This article examines the use of Twitter as a technology for the expression of shared fandom in the context of a major, internationally televised annual media event: the Eurovision Song Contest. Our analysis draws on comprehensive data sets for the ‘official’ event hashtags, #eurovision, #esc, and #sbseurovision. Using innovative methods that combine qualitative and quantitative approaches to the analysis of Twitter data sets containing several hundreds of thousands, overall patterns of participation to discover how audiences express their fandom throughout the event are examined. Such analysis is able to provide a unique insight into the use of Twitter as a technology for fandom and for what in cultural studies research is called ‘audiencing’: the public performance of belonging to the distributed audience for a shared media event. The work points to Twitter as an important new medium facilitating the connection and communion of fans.  相似文献   

Outpatient commitment (OPC) permits compulsory outpatient treatment of the mentally ill. This study examines the wider institutional or normative purposes of OPC: greater social control of the mentally ill in the community and a less restrictive environment than inpatient commitment. OPC's ability to meet these contradictory institutional demands—social control and greater individual liberty—is explicated by the institutional theory of organizational activity and based on two data sources. First, case studies of four community mental health centers reveal the organizational beliefs that define OPC as social control and/or a least restrictive patient environment. Second, data collected in North Carolina from patients ordered to OPC and their primary therapists demonstrate that in practice OPC does provide both a least restrictive alternative as well as greater community social control.  相似文献   

Allen Chun 《Cultural Studies》2013,27(3-4):430-461
This paper attempts to examine the colonial experience of Hong Kong as a function of the historicity of British imperial rule, whose ideology and practice can be contrasted with experiences in other places (India, Oceania, Africa, etc.) as well as other times and where the changing nature of colonial governmentality can be seen to be influenced by the concurrent emergence of the state, modernity and commoditization.  相似文献   

Cet article examine de façon critique les arguments pour et contre l'application du concept de groupe minoritaire à deux sous-groupes qui traditionnellement n'ont pas été inclus sous ce concept: les femmes et les gens âgés. Les débatants ont eu tendance à utiliseressentiellement la même definition de groupe minoritaire, y incluant à la fois des éléments de structure sociale et des éléments socio-psychologiques. Mais ils ne sont pas d'accord sur l'importance relative de ces éléments et sur les évaluations et interprétations de l'évidence empirique pertinente. Les débats montrent que le concept de groupe minoritaire, malgré son attrait idéologique, est encore ambigu, mal operationalisé et ne rend pas sensible aux changements temporels dans la position du groupe. Les efforts récents de redéfinition et d'élargissement de ce à quoi il se supporte n'ont pas réussi à résoudre les problèmes conceptuels et méthodologiques sous-jacents. Des suggestions sont faites dans ce sens. This paper critically examines contrasting arguments over the extension of the minority group concept to two subgroups outside the traditional minority perspective: women and the aged. The participants in these debates have tended to utilize an essentially similar definition of minority group which encompasses both social structural and social psychological elements. But they have disagreed on the relative importance of these elements and on the evaluations and interpretations of relevant empirical evidence. The debates reveal that the minority group concept, though ideologically attractive, is still ambiguously defined, poorly operationalized. and insensitive to changes in a group's position over time. Recent attempts at redefining it and broadening its referents have not succeeded in clarifying the conceptual and methodological issues underlying the current debates. Suggestions are made toward this clarification.  相似文献   

Teaching policy analysis is compared to teaching research skills. Both involve the selection of an appropriate analytical tool to be used with multiple units of analysis; and in both, the selected instrument must fit the purpose of the analysis or the product is not useful. Policy analysis frameworks characteristically address policy process, content, and performance. However, these frameworks are based on different worldviews, with embedded assumptions and with deep philosophical roots that may be rational (classical), interpretive, or progressive (radical). These different assumptions can lead to very different analytical expectations and results. Here, we justify teaching policy analysis as research, categorize a number of frameworks, and provide recommendations for equipping students to critically assess issues that arise in the development and use of policy analysis frameworks.  相似文献   

Sex differences in job satisfaction are explored utilizing data from the National Opinion Research Center (NORC) General Social Surveys, 1974–1982. Theoretically, differences in job satisfaction are accounted for by job rewards, job values, work conditions, and individual attributes. This study confirms that women receive significantly fewer job rewards than men, have significantly different job conditions, and possess slightly different work values. However, there is no difference in job satisfaction between women and men. As a consequence, these factors may not affect levels of job satisfaction, or men's and women's job satisfaction may be determined by different determinants. Alternatively, the relative level of these factors compared to one's past or expected levels may be more important than absolute levels. The multiple regression analyses reveal that similar determinants influence women's and men's job satisfaction, but that the determinants operate differently. Age and occupational prestige were significant predictors in both full models. Moreover, for both men and women a sense that one's personal situation is improving is more important than concrete rewards.  相似文献   

This article argues that Stuart Hall's work provides an important theoretical framework for developing an expanded notion of public pedagogy, for making the pedagogical central to any understanding of political agency, and for addressing the primacy of public pedagogy and cultural politics in any viable theory of social change. Hall's work becomes particularly important not only in making education crucial to the practice of cultural studies, but also in providing a theoretical and political corrective to recent attacks on cultural politics, which cut across ideological lines and include theorists as politically diverse as Harold Bloom, Richard Rorty and Todd Gitlin.  相似文献   

Bob Hodge 《Cultural Studies》2013,27(3):351-364
This article uses a case study of a TV programme, Atlantis Uncovered, an archaeological programme debunking popular ideas of Atlantis and the ancient past, as an instance of a discursive paradox, or discursive pathology, in which defenders of traditional canons of scholarship (science and rationality) decide they must go feral, fighting fire with fire, using the illogical and irrational methods of thought they attribute to what they perceive as the enemies of reason in order to defeat them. The devices used in the archaeological programme are compared with the devices used in a more famous and influential ‘hoax’, Sokal's so-called ‘spoof’ of postmodernism published in the journal Social Text, used to discredit ‘postmodernism’ and cultural studies. The two episodes, with all their differences, suggest that whether these tactics are successful or not, they contradict the core beliefs in rationality and science of their protagonists, illustrating instead the ‘postmodern’ decline in intellectual values that they claim to deplore.  相似文献   

As concern over natural resource management has increased, modern societies have been warned that a new, less materialistic ethic will be required for man's survival. The American Indian cultures have been prominent among the ideals mentioned. This paper puts forth and cites evidence to support the economic arguments that incentives matter most. Ethical considerations are important to the extent that they influence institutions, which are crucial in determining incentives. Indian use of private property rights, and the problems caused when that solution was impractical, are featured.  相似文献   

This article extends recent work on the public arenas approach to social problems (Hilgartner and Bosk 1988) by examining changes in audience receptiveness to claims-making activities. Scientists' claims about global warming failed to attract much public attention until the extraordinary heat and drought of the "summer of '88" created a social scare . That is, environmental claims are most likely to be honored—and accelerate demands in the political arena—when they piggyback on dramatic real-world events. The dynamics of this social problem over time reveal that both demand attenuation and issue redirection processes have diminished global warming's standing as a "celebrity" social problem. Social scares hold potential importance for prospective social problems that revolve around new technologies.  相似文献   

This study investigates the nature and sources of overall work satisfaction in several occupational groups. The effects of three types of work rewards on work satisfaction are assessed. They are: intrinsic task rewards, extrinsic social rewards and extrinsic organizational rewards. Data from 1,385 workers representing five occupational groups suggest that intrinsic rewards followed by extrinsic social rewards, are powerful determinants of satisfaction across all occupational groups. Extrinsic organizational rewards appear to emerge as an important determinant only in lower-level occupations. The implications of these findings for job redesign programs are subsequently discussed.  相似文献   

Drawing on sociological studies that document the regularity through which marginalized ethnic groups construct an ethnic identity, this article examines identity formation in the Jewish American context. A content analysis of 100 short stories written between 1946 and 1995 demonstrates how victim-oriented identities are created out of the more mundane experiences of everyday life. These stories, which were intended for consumption by Jewish American readers, describe daily life within the Jewish American community and, with surprising regularity, bring issues of victimization into the imagined experience for their readers. In addition, the analysis shows how Jewish American short story writers present the Holocaust, victimization, and anti-Semitism as contributing heavily to the processes of identity formation within the community. The discussion of the data concludes by arguing that, as the Jewish American community becomes further removed from the events of World War II, the Holocaust is becoming a more salient recurrent reality in the formation of a Jewish American identity that is increasingly tied to issues of victimization.  相似文献   

The impending death of a parent with young children in the home presents a family with often overwhelming challenges. Social workers and other mental health professionals are in a position to assist such families if they understand the misperceptions, beliefs and veiled presentation of affect in children. The framing of proposed interventions in cognitive, affective and behavioral spheres will be discussed. Parent guidance, critical to the overall success of the intervention, is presented along with many clinical examples and vignettes.  相似文献   

In a period marked by extensive cross‐national interactions, nationality may present an important focal point that individuals coordinate on. This study uses an experimental approach to study whether nationality serves as a coordination device. We let subjects from Japan, Korea, and China play coordination games in which we vary information about their partner. The results show that nationality serves as a coordination device if common nationality is the only piece of information available to the subjects. The strength of this device is nationality‐dependent and diminishes when participants are provided with additional information about their partner. We also find that subjects are likely to coordinate on the Pareto‐dominant equilibrium at about the same rate if the partner has a different nationality than if nationality is unknown. (JEL C91, C92, Z1, Z13)  相似文献   

How is rationality related to morality and the emotions? In response to Hume, Smith argues that sympathy is about the attenuation, rather than the escalation, of original emotions because sympathy involves judgment. Sympathy means that the spectator understands an emotion felt by the principal by placing him or herself in the principal’s shoes. Such understanding would not take place unless the principal’s emotion is proper in that the principal has attenuated the pitch of the emotion via self‐command, that is, via rational choice. Smith’s notion of sympathy solves the commitment problem: agents command their emotions, which include the temptation to cheat their future selves and others, in order to receive approval. (JEL B12, D01, D64)  相似文献   

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