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This article conveys the author's personal thoughts, views, reflections, experiences, and observations about social justice. As a value and ideal, it is what social workers and activists work toward. As a goal and result, it is an unfinished product in most organizations, institutions, communities, and societies.  相似文献   

Scientific literature and facts have highlighted the perpetuation of gender inequality in the labour market in spite of the ongoing endeavours of political bodies and legal norms to eliminate the vertical and horizontal segregation of women. Portuguese Social Economy Act stresses “the respect for the values […] of equality and non-discrimination […], justice and equity […]”. In this paper, we offer a reflection on indicators that uncover vertical and horizontal segregation in the labour market. Based on a mixed methodological approach, we found very high rates of employment feminization in social economy organizations. Women are mainly allocated to technical and operational activities, being ultimately underrepresented in statutory boards and as such excluded from deliberation and strategic decision. The sector is moving away from the ideals of justice and social equity and may preserve women’s “non-place” in the definition of the public and strategic direction and in the most invisible/private organizational “places”.  相似文献   

Outlaws have been prominent actors in a social context which is characterized by collective dissent, conflict, and violence. Bandits, brigands, and militants emerged in societies with the decline of social justice, political stability, and economic prosperity. Their emergence and social networks with different actors and agencies provide us principal motives to deconstruct the social identity of outlaws and determine the factors that fostered collective dissent, conflict, and violence in different societies. This special issue covers a vast geography and different time periods to theoretically and methodologically advance our knowledge in the historical sociology of outlaws. In doing so, we address complex social, political, and cultural issues that rendered outlaws inextricable part of social problems. Exploring the power and activities of outlaws in different social geographies offers us new perspectives to tackle the origins and outcomes of social, political, and cultural dissent across the world.  相似文献   

法律与道德的关系是法学问题研究不可回避的一个重要方面。通过对比探讨中国与西方在法律与道德关系研究上所持的不同的理论观点,提出应从制度层面上将人类的道德理想与原则外化为法律规范。同时,强调程序的重要性和公开性,从而为实现中国司法实践中真正意义上的程序正义提供良好的法制现代化环境。  相似文献   

This paper discusses some of the most significant challenges and opportunities for evaluating the effects of programs in support of transitional justice - the field that addresses how post-conflict or post authoritarian societies deal with legacies of wide spread human rights violations. The discussion is empirically grounded in a case study that assesses the efforts of the International Development Research Centre (IDRC) and one of its Guatemalan partners to evaluate the effects of a museum exposition that is attempting to recast historic memory and challenge racist attitudes in post-conflict Guatemala. The paper argues that despite the increasing trend to fund transitional justice programs, many international aid donors are stuck in traditional and arguably orthodox paradigms of program evaluation. This is having a negative effect not only upon the administration of aid but also upon how transitional justice research is perceived and valued by local populations. The case study experience indicates that there is no perfect evaluation model or approach for evaluating transitional justice programming - only choices to be made by commissioners of evaluation, evaluators, and those being evaluated. These are profoundly influenced by the extreme politics and moral values that define transitional justice settings as contested spaces in which calls to remember the tragic past must be balanced with aspirations to re-build a hopeful future.  相似文献   

Health and illness are not objective states but socially constructed categories. We focus here on infertility, a phenomenon that has shifted from being seen as a private problem of couples to being seen as a medical condition. Studying infertility provides an ideal vantage point from which to study such features of health care as inter‐societal and cross‐cultural disparities in health care, the relationship between identity and health, gender roles, and social and cultural variations in the process of medicalization. Infertility is stratified, both globally and within Western societies. Access to care is extremely limited for many women in developing societies and also for marginalized women in some highly industrialized societies. We also discuss the ways in which responses to infertility are influenced by the process of self‐definition. The experience of infertility is profoundly shaped by varying degrees of pronatalism and patriarchy. In advanced industrial societies, where voluntary childfree status is acknowledged, many women experience infertility as a ‘secret stigma’; in other cultures, where motherhood is normative for all women, infertility may be impossible to hide. In the West, acceptance of the medical model is virtually hegemonic, but in other societies medical interpretations of infertility coexist with traditional interpretations.  相似文献   

This article considers the legacy of Enlightenment and Empire in settler society as a conflict of cultural values,at once a problem of justice and identity. Aotearoa/New Zealand is an exemplary case: the failure of the court system to fully acknowledge that settlement was founded on negotiation with indigenous people threatens to return this society, in constitutional and social terms, to a state of nature. I consider the problem raised by the claims to justice of indigenous Maori through the viewpoint of a major historian, and white New Zealander or Pakeha, J. G. A. Pocock. The progressivism of enlightenment history still evident in his thinking undergirds a view of Maori history as a primitive dreamtime. This misconception belies the refusal of Pakeha to acknowledge the extent to which their own view of history is a product of enlightenment myth-making. The negative British view of Maori in the nineteenth century shows the continuity of racial stereotypes since Captain Cook's encounter. Today, the judicial failure to countenance different cultural values reorients questions of justice. The state of nature returns as the absence of a constitutional framework for negotiating specifically cultural differences. The abstract universalism of liberal justice – Pakeha think justice cannot be culturally inflected – is part of the problem, and fuels Maori grievances. Yet Pakeha are increasingly turning to Maori insignia to establish a sense of national identity. Historical justice and questions of national identity remain inseparable in settler societies. The failure to consider settlement in terms of competing cultural values, evident in the problem of history, creates the conditions for an uncivil society. In this context I question the grounds for regarding acts of indigenous violence as unjustified.  相似文献   

The pressure to increase productivity is driving many industries to automate. By the year 2000 experts foresee that the VDT will be as common as the telephone is today on the desks of office workers. Just as the mechanization of farm and factory work changed our society and economy in the past, so will the automation of white-collar work influence and change the work process and society. This paper will explore the productivity, cultural, health and mental health issues of office automation. We also discuss the role EAP's can play to help business ameliorate or avoid potential problems associated with the darker side of office automation.  相似文献   

David Ellerman   《Journal of Socio》2010,39(6):696-700
Just as the two sides in the Cold War agreed that Capitalism and Communism were “the” two alternatives, so the two sides in the intellectual Great Debate agreed on a common framing of questions with the defenders of capitalism taking one side and Marxists taking the other. From the viewpoint of economic democracy (e.g., a labor-managed market economy), this late Great Debate between capitalism and socialism was as misframed as would be an antebellum Great Debate between the private or public ownership of slaves. The Great Debate between capitalism and socialism is now in the dustbin of intellectual history, but Marxism still plays an important role in sustaining the misframing of the questions so that the defenders of the present employment system do not have to face the real questions that separate that system from a system of economic democracy. In that sense, Marxism has become the ultimate capitalist tool.  相似文献   

Previous conceptions of social justice presupposed a closed political community in which nation‐states were to be in full control of policy instruments that reinforced mechanisms of social justice. States’ governing capacity to deliver social justice to their citizens has been challenged in the face of deepening transnational interactions and interdependencies in economic, political, and cultural realms, as these interactions and interdependencies directly affect the lives of millions of people. This paper revisits an ongoing debate on Global Social Justice and aims to introduce two clashing views – namely, Minimalist and Cosmopolitan approaches – on whether or not people in affluent societies have distinctive duties of concern for people in less developed countries. After outlining the main contours of the arguments on both sides, the paper concludes by suggesting that the debate can inform different areas of sociological inquiry that are directly related to issues such as power, inequality, and social exclusion.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to explain the relationship of humans with their god(s) during different stages of technological development. We answer the question under which circumstances what image of God becomes popular. To do so we use Lenski’s ecological evolutionism and combine this macrotheory with Topitsch’ micro-hypothesis that people reason by analogy and explain the unknown in terms of what is known and what is important in a society. The known can consist of a vital process, a social structure or a technological achievement. Using the Standard Cross-Cultural Sample of Murdock’s Ethnographic Atlas, we find that high gods are less common in the technologically less advanced societies. High gods are most likely to occur in the advanced horticultural, herding and agrarian societies. When we distinguish between non-moral and moral high gods we see that non-moral ones are most often found in the advanced horticultural and moral ones in the herding and agrarian societies. The relationship between subsistence technology and godly images is to a large extent mediated by a society’s economical and political structure.  相似文献   

The author distinguishes between fundamental justice and incremental justice and argues that the Harsanyian/Rawlsian, ex ante, concept of justice is the only concept of justice relevant to the design and evaluation of institutions. Unlike incremental justice for which a concensus as to what constitutes justice is generally not possible the conditions that satisfy the Harsanyian/Rawlsian concept of justice are derived from the assumptions of rationality and aversion to large risks, and the postulate of fairness. A concensus occurs not fortuitously but inevitably. The paper develops eight principles of institutional design that contribute towards a just society and that follow logically from these assumptions and postulates. The paper argues that these principles are by and large needed for social welfare maximization, so that justice is generally consistent with efficiency. The paper applies the theory to the concept of exploitation, crime and punishment, as well as labour market and social security, to illustrate the working of the principles developed.  相似文献   

This study contrasts how men and women in public relations perceive a global standard of justice with how they experience justice issues instrumentally. Many of the differences that exist between men and women in public relations may be explained by the inherent differences between symbolic and instrumental beliefs about these issues.

The general impression derived from a survey of the literature is that the ideal of justice and the reality of women's experiences continue to diverge in many areas, despite considerable progress. (D. H. Broom, 1984, p. xv)  相似文献   

The common law presumption that a boy under the age of 14 is incapable of sexual intercourse has provoked controversial debates in Hong Kong. This article describes a 6-step advocacy journey to examine how community efforts have helped modify this law so that juvenile male sexual offenders under the age of 14 who have committed the crime of having sexual intercourse with underage females can be sentenced to receive appropriate treatment. Seven court cases provided by the magistrates’ courts in Hong Kong were used in this advocacy effort for the removal of the presumption in July 2012. Although this effort has yet to reveal signs of effectiveness, it represents greater public awareness about providing rehabilitation appropriate for juvenile sex offenders through a formal sentence. Restorative justice, as opposed to retributive or punitive justice, places an emphasis on rehabilitation of the offender and restoration of victims to a place of wholeness.  相似文献   

Rationality’s extension from individuals to groups yields collective rationality. Just as individuals should be rational, groups should be collectively rational. This paper briefly presents collective rationality and then compares it to universal rationality and joint rationality. Universal rationality is the rationality of all members of a group. It directs individualistic evaluation of a collective act. Joint rationality is the rationality of each individual’s part in a collective act given the collective act’s realization. Game theory uses it to characterize solutions to games. Collective rationality is not the same as either universal or joint rationality. However, in certain ideal conditions collective rationality agrees with universal rationality, and in other ideal conditions it agrees with joint rationality. Distinguishing the three types of evaluation and explaining their relations contributes to a general theory of rationality.  相似文献   

The justice literature suggests, but has nottested, a positive relationship between met expectationsabout multiple workplace rewards and distributivejustice evaluations (the individual's assessment of whether s/he has been treated fairly). Datafrom samples of teachers in South Korea (N = 649) andthe U.S. (N = 810) are used to examine thisrelationship. In addition, U.S.-South Korea culturalvalue differences in individualism, seniority, and hierarchicalauthority are the basis for hypothesizing that certainreward-specific met expectations will be linkeddifferently to justice evaluations across the twosocieties. As hypothesized for both societies, the moreone's expectations about job-related rewards are met,the greater the perception of just treatment. Also ashypothesized, several societal differences based on cultural differences are found. Metexpectations about autonomy are more important inexplaining justice evaluations in the U.S., whereas metexpectations about advancement opportunities are moreimportant in South Korea.  相似文献   

Approval voting (AV) is a voting system in which voters can vote for, or approve of, as many candidates as they like in multicandidate elections. In 1987 and 1988, four scientific and engineering societies, collectively comprising several hundred thousand members, used AV for the first time. Since then, about half a dozen other societies have adopted AV. Usually its adoption was seriously debated, but other times pragmatic or political considerations proved decisive in its selection. While AV has an ancient pedigree, its recent history is the focus of this paper. Ballot data from some of the societies that adopted AV are used to compare theoretical results with experience, including the nature of voting under AV and the kinds of candidates that are elected. Although the use of AV is generally considered to have been successful in the societies—living up to the rhetoric of its proponents—AV has been a controversial reform. AV is not currently used in any public elections, despite efforts to institute it, so its success should be judged as mixed. The chief reason for its nonadoption in public elections, and by some societies, seems to be a lack of key “insider” support.  相似文献   

For social workers, engagement in policy processes aimed at furthering social justice is a professional obligation. Nonetheless, the literature on social workers’ policy engagement has yet to clearly explicate the range of options open to social workers seeking to realize this obligation. This article discusses six policy routes through which social workers in democratic societies can affect the policy process: voluntary political participation, holding elected office, policy practice, policy involvement by and through professional organizations, academic policy involvement, and street-level policy involvement. This conceptualization of policy routes can serve as map of options for social workers and as a heuristic tool for students.  相似文献   

Fathers' involvement in paid and unpaid activities and the notion of the ideal father is evolving in contemporary Western society. Little is known about how fathers construct balance in everyday life and what ideologies underpin these constructions. We explored balance using qualitative interviews with 15 men in dual-income heterosexual partnerships who had young children. Phenomenographic and critical discourse analyses generated two key constructions of balance: managing life and participating in a mix of activities. The first construction highlighted the subject position of the Ideal Father, which embraced the ideologies of the ideal father and the model paid worker. According to this construction, fathers attained balance by ensuring the family's financial security, participating in family life, and serving the greater good of the family by meeting its needs. The second construction reflected the Contented Man position, which was informed by the ideology of occupational justice. It emphasized that men achieved balance by engaging in diverse experiences, enjoying the freedom to spend time alone, and meeting personal needs. The tensions that arise among these three ideologies (ideal father, model paid worker, and occupational justice) can impede men's attainment of balance, which has implications for health and social policies and services.  相似文献   

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