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Happiness and Satisfaction: Measures of Affect and Cognition?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Analyses of data from six national samples of adult respondents indicated that happiness could be predicted better from cognitive measures of domain satisfaction and work attitudes than from a measure of positive affect, thereby calling into question the widely accepted argument that satisfaction measures are cognitive and happiness measures affective in orientation. Perhaps distinctions between cognitive and affective measures are illusory in studies of subjective well being.  相似文献   

China'sPopulation:StatusandChallenges¥TuPing&PengXizheDr.TuPingis(professoroftheInstituteofPopulationResearchofPekingUniversi...  相似文献   

EducationalStatus:ImprovementandProblemsZhangTianluIntheolddays,therewasnomoderneducationandnomodernschoolsexistedinTibet.Tra...  相似文献   

Tibet′sPopulation:PastandPresentTudengAfterTibetwasconqueredbytheMongolswhofoundedtheYuanDynasty(inthe13thcentury),ithassince...  相似文献   

A Revolutionary Change Reform by nature is a complicated undertaking;the most important thing is to develop a modern spirit and vision first.After more than 30 years of arduous efforts,China achieved a stable,low fertility rate in the late-1990s,an impressive feat.However,the country s population and family planning sector still retained many remnants of the planned-economy era, which is increasingly incompatible with socioeconomic reform.It has become imperative that the family planning sector catch up with the pace of overall reform in China. Reform against such a backdrop has therefore assumed a special importance and urgency.It is not a piecemeal fix of the original system, but rather a revolutionary change. The basic starting point is putting people first and letting people be the greatest beneficiary of reform.  相似文献   

This paper presents evidence for regarding well-being and ill-being as distinct, although not orthogonal dimensions. It is suggested that well-being and ill-being may be like measures of quantitative and verbal ability in intelligence tests. For some purposes (e.g. for admitting students to particular courses of study) it may be sensible to use only one of the measures. For other purposes a combined measure-I.Q.-is appropriate. In this study we employ Indices of Well-Being and Ill-Being and a combined measure, Balance of Well-Being and Ill-Being. Using data from the first wave (1981) of an Australian panel study (N=942), four measures of well-being and three measures of ill-being were factor analysed, confirming the existence of distinct dimensions. The value of the distinctions was underlined by findings indicating that well-being and ill-being have different correlates and causes. Wellbeing depends more than ill-being on the personality traits of extraversion and optimism, and also on the existence of supportive social networks. Ill-being is more strongly related to SES, poor health and low scoring on the trait “personal competence”,. Overall, however, it was found that more variance can be accounted for in the Balance of Well-Being and Ill-Being Index than in the separate indices of Well-Being and Ill-Being.  相似文献   

PreferenceforSons:PastandPresentLiDongliChinahashadafeudalhistoryandadominantlyagri-culturaleconomyforover2,000years.Feudalno...  相似文献   

ManandWoman:ASharedResponsibilityAReportfromRuralEmei,SichuanProvinceYuXuejunThetraditionaldivisionoflaborinaChinesefamilydic...  相似文献   

Enhanced knowledge and healthy attitudes toward aging sexuality can help promote the perception that full sexual expression is part of the entire extent of adulthood. We sought to determine gynecologists' knowledge and attitude regarding sexuality in older women. A total of 141 gynecologists in five hospitals responded to the survey: Aging Sexual Attitude and Knowledge Scale (ASKAS). No correlation was found between respondents' knowledge and attitude (r = .06, p = .54); no correlation found between respondents' age and knowledge (r = .20, p = .02), but 20% of the variance in attitude could be explained by age (beta 0.20, p = .02). Neither gender, ethnicity, level of training, nor hospital location demonstrated a significant correlation to either knowledge or attitude scores.  相似文献   

Over the past several decades, U.S. fertility has followed a trend toward the postponement of motherhood. The socioeconomic causes and consequences of this trend have been the focus of attention in the demographic literature. Given the socioeconomic advantages of those who postpone having children, some authors have argued that the disadvantage experienced by certain groups would be reduced if they postponed their births. The weathering hypothesis literature, by integrating a biosocial perspective, complicates this argument and posits that the costs and benefits of postponement may vary systematically across population subgroups. In particular, the literature on the weathering hypothesis argues that, as a consequence of their unique experiences of racism and disadvantage, African American women may experience a more rapid deterioration of their health which could offset or eventually reverse any socioeconomic benefit of postponement. But because very few African American women postpone motherhood, efforts to find compelling evidence to support the arguments of this perspective rely on a strategy of comparison that is problematic because a potentially selected group of older black mothers are used to represent the costs of postponement. This might explain why the weathering hypothesis has played a rather limited role in the way demographers conceptualize postponement and its consequences for well-being. In order to explore the potential utility of this perspective, we turn our attention to the UK context. Because first-birth fertility schedules are similar for black and white women, we can observe (rather than assume) whether the meaning and consequences of postponement vary across these population subgroups. The results, obtained using linked UK census and birth record data, reveal evidence consistent with the weathering hypothesis in the United Kingdom and lend support to the arguments that the demographic literature would benefit from integrating insights from this biosocial perspective.  相似文献   

This study examines issues related to the fertility of graduate students over time. First, it examines changes in motherhood rates between 1970 and 2000 among women aged 20–49 who are enrolled in graduate school, both by themselves and relative to prevailing trends among women not enrolled in graduate school, and to other college educated women. Overall, women enrolled in graduate school are increasingly likely to be mothers of young children, and are increasingly similar to non-graduate students. Second, it examines the timing of these births, and finds that almost half of births occur while women are enrolled in graduate school. Third, a brief review of current maternity leave policies and childcare options available to graduate students is presented. Results are discussed in terms of institutional changes within academia, changes between cohorts that attended graduate school in these decades, and the policy needs of graduate student mothers.
Arielle KuperbergEmail:

This paper contributes to the growing body of social science research on population displacement from disasters by examining the social determinants of evacuation behavior. It seeks to clarify the effects of race and socioeconomic status on evacuation outcomes vis-a-vis previous research on Hurricane Katrina, and it expands upon prior research on evacuation behavior more generally by differentiating non-evacuees according to their reasons for staying. This research draws upon the Harvard Medical School Hurricane Katrina Community Advisory Group’s 2006 survey of individuals affected by Hurricane Katrina. Using these data, we develop two series of logistic regression models. The first set of models predicts the odds that respondents evacuated prior to the storm, relative to delayed- or non-evacuation; the second group of models predicts the odds that non-evacuees were unable to evacuate relative to having chosen to stay. We find that black and low-education respondents were least likely to evacuate prior to the storm and among non-evacuees, most likely to have been unable to evacuate. Respondents’ social networks, information attainment, and geographic location also affected evacuation behavior. We discuss these findings and outline directions for future research.  相似文献   

FWCW-NGOFORUM:PopulationandFamilyPlanningWorkshop¥//TheNongovernmentalOrganization(NGO)ForumonWomenwillbeheldinBeijingbetween...  相似文献   

FertilityDeclineandPopulationGrowth:China'sDilemmaChinahasatpresentapopulationofover1.2billion,whichismorethanthepopulationof...  相似文献   

Research has demonstrated the importance of job characteristics to explain work-to-family enrichment (WFE) and the value of this enrichment to explain employees’ wellbeing. However, there is no comprehensive framework to explain the relationship between these variables. This study uses the Job Demands-Control-Support model as a guiding framework, and examines the relationship between these job characteristics and WFE and, more interestingly, the WFE as a mechanism for explaining the relationship between job characteristics and employees’ well-being. Furthermore, we analyzed the relationship of employees’ perceptions of High Performance Work System (HPWS) with job characteristics. With a sample of 1,390 employees from a Portuguese bank, job demands were found to be negatively related to WFE while autonomy and supervisor support displayed a positive relation. We also observed that WFE is an important mechanism to explain the relationship between these job characteristics and employees’ well being. As expected, HPWS was a relevant organizational characteristic to explain job characteristics, however, we observed that it was also directly related to WFE.  相似文献   

We describe the functioning of a two-region economy characterized by asymmetric wage setting. Labour market tightness in the leading-region affects wages in the whole economy. In equilibrium, net labour demand shifts towards the leading region raise unemployment elsewhere and leave regional wages unchanged, causing an increase in aggregate unemployment. Based on SHIW micro-data on earnings, we find strong evidence that wages in Italy only respond to Northern unemployment. We estimate that around 33% of the increase in Italian unemployment during 1977–1998 can be explained by regional mismatch, mainly due to an excess labour supply growth in the South.
Barbara Petrongolo (Corresponding author)Email:

《Journal of homosexuality》2012,59(2):209-237

This study examines how BDSM participants understand sexual experiences. Data are drawn from 32 in-depth, semistructured interviews and discussion-board threads from a large BDSM community Web site. The analysis suggests that many BDSM participants perceive sexual BDSM experiences as not only significantly different from but also better than mainstream or “vanilla” sex. Three primary differentiation mechanisms are identified. First, BDSM participants constructed sex as requiring genital contact, while framing sexual BDSM as creating sexual fulfillment not requiring normative indicators of sexual experiences (e.g., orgasm). Second, participants constructed sexual BDSM as centered on emotional and mental experiences, while perceiving sex as being centered on physical experiences. Third, participants perceived sexual BDSM experiences as facilitating deeper interpersonal connections than those available in sex. Importantly, these mechanisms serve not only a differentiating but also an evaluative function. Most participants in this study reported a strong preference for sexual BDSM over sex.  相似文献   

LuwanDistrict,locatedindowntownShanghai,isoneofthefirstsixpilotareasexperimentingwiththequalityofcareprogram.Itsboomingeconomyallowstheestablishmentofawell-developedservicenetWorkandahighdegreeofeducationamongresidents.Demographically,localresidentsexhibitadesireforfewerchildrenthanwithpreviousgeneratiolls,anegativepopulationgrowthrate(-6.1perthousand)andalowtotalfertilityrate(0.77).Inaddition,thepercentageoftheelderlyisgrowingandaveragelifeexpectancyhigher.Thesexratioatbirthfallswithintheno…  相似文献   

The central government's strategic decision todevelop west China has profound implicationsfor population development in the region:population control, improvement of populationquality, optimizing population structure, amelioratingpopulation distribution, and the development ofhuman resources. Family planners face a historicopportunity to incorporate population developmentinto overall socio-economic development.Human resource is the key to socio-economicdevelopment. Currently, however, western …  相似文献   

Soil erosion and desertification in China areattributed by many scholars to the degradation offorests and grasslands in western China. It is ofvital importance. therefore to Preserve the environmentand resources of the western region in the course ofeconomic development.Researchers have established causal relationshipsbetween the loss of forests in the west and theoccurrence of serious draughts in recent years. Theprimary reason for the degradation of grasslands isovergrazing. which in turn i…  相似文献   

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