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陈敏  马晓冬 《城市》2011,(4):22-28
边界地区的协调发展一直是经济地理学关注的重要问题。我国对省际边界区域的重视始于1980年,学者多从内涵、界定、发展的影响因素、空间结构模型与开发模式、区域管制、发展战略与对策等角度出发进行研究,但往往比较关注拥有大核心城市的经济发达地区(如长三角、珠三角等)的边界区域发展,忽略了在一些后发地区(如成渝经济区、淮海经济区),这种竞争性或者对抗性可能更为明显,尤其是在国家开始重视落后地区发展并有很多跨区域规划出台的情况下,对后发地区边界区域的研究显得更加重要。  相似文献   

淮海经济区城市经济联系定量测度与对策分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
区域经济合作逐渐成为经济发展的主要趋势.成为打破行政区划阻碍实现区域经济协调发展的重要途径。很多学者对区域经济合作的研究备加关注.对我国区域经济合作的影响因素、时间演变、模式、措施等进行了大量研究和分析.为我国区域经济的共同发展提供了行之有效的建议和对策。但是。目前对区域经济合作的研究绝大部分都集中在定性研究.很少涉及定量测度研究.同时也缺乏对欠发达的省际边界区经济合作进行研究。淮海经济区是典型的省际边界区.是我国沿海地区经济发展的低谷。推动该区域的崛起,  相似文献   

经济区的科学发展,不能不考虑文化发展;没有文化发展的支撑,不可能有经济区经济、社会等各方面的可持续发展。广西北部湾经济区文化发展是作为国家战略的《广西北部湾经济区发展规划》不可缺少的有机部分。对广西北部湾经济区文化发展的研究,不仅要对其单体文化城市进行研究,还要在更为广阔的城市群框架下对其共有文化资源与文化一体化进程的整体与全面进行研究。根据文化发展理论与区域文化现状,探索适合城市群文化发展模式,目标是建设一个经济发达、社会文明、文化繁荣的文化城市群。其核心是,共建文化服务体系、共建文化市场体系、共建文化企业体系、共同配置文化资源、共同制定文化政策、共同实行文化体制改革,为中西部地区文化发展起示范与引领作用。  相似文献   

我国现代化城市建设的新思维   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
一、必须重视城市区域发展的空间利用问题 区域经济发展与城市规划建设,必须要重视区域之间的协调与空间利用的综合性问题,尤其是城市建设的可持续发展问题.温家宝总理曾经指出,目前,跨省级行政区的资源开发利用、基础设施布局还缺乏统一规划和有效协调,矛盾越来越突出.因此,要高度重视跨省区的区域规划工作,探索建立有效的实施机制.美国各个地区、各大都市区域的发展十分重视区域之间的协调.美国地理学工作者与城市规划工作者提出(大纽约地区规划委员会)区域规划的三条原则:一是研究对该区域各市县都有利的事情,如市际间的交通网络、市际绿化带、农田保护范围和建设用地的控制等;二是限制对别的市、县有害的发展和建设项目(如在别的市县上水上风方向建设污染工业而又不采取足够的有效措施的);三是使全区协调发展(如主要突出各市发展的优势与分工协调建设等).  相似文献   

人才培养模式是高等教育的核心内容之一,面向区域经济建设要求开展人才培养模式改革则是高职教育的本质要求与特色的具体体现.随着我国高职教育的快速发展与改革实践的不断推进,面向区域经济建设开展人才培养模式研究以提高人才培养质量已成为高职教育理论研究与改革实践的重点与焦点之一.鄱阳湖生态经济区是新中国成立以来江西省第一个上升为国家级战略的区域性发展规划,是江西省的重大战略举措与历史性战略发展机遇.省政府明确提出要把鄱阳湖生态经济区建设成为“生态与低碳经济发展的区域”,“经济文明与生态文明高度融合的示范区域”,“人与自然高度融合的示范区域”.为了实现经济区的建设目标,急需一大批高素质技能型人才以满足经济社会发展的需要.  相似文献   

臧学英 《城市》2012,(9):3-7
一、后发赶超与转型发展的内在逻辑关系所谓后发赶超,是指经济欠发达国家和地区由于在收入水平、技术水平、产业发展水平等方面与先进国家和地区存在差距,不发达国家和地区可以利用这些差距,通过引进先进的理念、技术及管理方式等来加快自身发展,从而赶上甚至超越发达国家。这些国家和地区能够实现跨越式发展的根源在于充分利用了"后发优势"。  相似文献   

严定中 《城市》2003,(4):21-23
湾区是美国加州最重要的经济区,以旧金山湾为中心,环湾形成经济发展带。第二次世界大战以来,这一地区是美国经济最活跃,发展最迅速的地区。西湾有世界瞩目的旧金山市,东湾有著名港口城市奥克兰,南湾是世界高科技中心圣何西市(硅谷)。湾区对美国,乃至对世界经济发展都有着重要影响,其中湾区地铁在都市发展中发挥着重要的作用。湾区地铁是美国建设最早的城市快速交通系统之一。它的建设,引起了全世界的关注。笔者介绍如下,希望其40多年的发展过程取得的经验教训能够对天津正在建设的地铁及相关地区发展有所裨益。一、40年前地铁建设的基本状况…  相似文献   

区域经济的发展离不开教育的支持,而高职教育在地方经济发展中处于不可忽略地位.鄱阳湖生态经济区的建设为南昌市职业教育的发展带来了机遇与挑战.如何有效地发展南昌市高职教育,适应并促进鄱阳湖生态经济区建设,则是本篇文章论述的重点.  相似文献   

霍兵  刘茂国 《城市》2007,(7):25-26
一、城市群是当前区域城市发展的趋势,是国家重要的空间发展战略 城市群是经济全球化与区域经济一体化情形下,在区域城市化与城市区域化、城市集聚与扩散共同作用下,城市化发展高级阶段的产物.城市群成为辐射和带动区域发展、促进城镇化水平进一步提高的重要依托,是加快工业化和城镇化进程中的重要战略节点区域.充分发挥城市群的作用是一个国家或地区取得区域竞争优势的必由之路,我国"十一五"规划中明确将城市群发展作为现阶段城市化的重要战略.  相似文献   

林昆勇 《城市》2012,(7):19-23
自2008年国家批准实施《广西北部湾经济区发展规划》以来,对广西首府南宁以及各中小城市而言是一个前所未有的机遇,这表明广西北部湾经济区已被国家明确为我国面向东盟的一个重要区域.南宁在广西北部湾经济区中处于核心地位,具有与东盟各国交往的独特优势.  相似文献   

The Journal invited Tom Andersen, author of major pioneering work on the reflecting team, and his colleagues, to offer comment on The Reflecting Team Process in Training. We thought such a north-south dialogue was in keeping with the spirit of reflecting teams, and the team members in Melbourne and Tromsø agree — Editor.  相似文献   

A recent European Molecular Biology Laboratory Conference on Science and Society entitled "Time & Aging--Mechanisms & Meanings" fascinated scientists from different research areas as well as nonscientists. Topics discussed included not only the biological aging process but also the psychological effects of aging and social influences that affect this process.  相似文献   


This paper examines the role of arts and crafts in reconstructing communities after times of upheaval, their use in creating employment opportunities, and their impact on the nature of South African art history. It looks at craft initiatives during and after the Johannesburg World Summit on Sustainable Development in 2002, and draws parallels with early twentieth-century initiatives, particularly those of Florence Phillips, who founded the Johannesburg Art Gallery in 1910, Emily Hobhouse, who established Boer home industries, and the South African National Union, which promoted the manufacture and use of local products.  相似文献   

Within the existing body of research, the information pertaining to sexual compulsivity (SC) among women, both homo- and heterosexual, remains rather limited in comparison to men. The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence of SC in a community sample of gay and bisexual men and lesbian and bisexual women and to identify differences in sexual practices based on classification as sexually compulsive within gender. Supporting previous research, the findings indicated that gay and bisexual men were significantly higher in SC when compared to lesbian and bisexual women. Similarly, sexually compulsive gay and bisexual men were more likely to report drug use with sex than their non-sexually compulsive peers, suggesting that “party n' play” may play a larger role for men with SC. In addition, the findings demonstrated empirical support for the proposition that lesbian and bisexual women with symptoms of SC were more likely to engage in specialized sexual behaviors in comparison to their non-sexually compulsive peers. These data suggest that SC manifests differently in gay, lesbian, and bisexual men and women.  相似文献   

Some form of verbal report—that is, a research participant' s concurrent or retrospective verbal account of thought processes during problem-solving activities—has been used throughout this century as the database from which psychologists have developed theories of human mentation. Newell and Simon (1972) and Ericsson and Simon (1980, 1993) have provided extensive justification for using one such method, protocol analysis, as a tool for investigating cognition from an information-processing (IP) perspective. Their arguments have characterized protocol analysis as a methodology capable of providing evidence of the ways in which people attend to information stored in short-term memory to solve problems, with the evidence providing them with the grounds from which to generate models of human cognitive processes. A different view of protocol analysis is available from the perspective of cultural-historical activity theory (CHAT) based on the work of Vygotsky (1987), Leont'ev (1981), and others, and its concern with the mediation of human development by culturally and historically grounded signs and tools. Because of its emphasis on culturally channeled development, a CHAT perspective views speech, including the speech that serves as evidence for cognition in psychological research, as a tool that potentially enables changes in consciousness. In this article I outline a CHAT perspective that accounts for protocol analysis along three key dimensions: (a) the relation between thinking and speech from a representational standpoint, (b) the social role of speech in research methodology, and (c) the influence of speech on thinking during data collection. The purpose of this discussion is not to refute the IP perspective on protocol analysis but to illustrate how this method can be viewed through a CHAT lens and to identify alternative assumptions that must be made to use it from a CHAT perspective.  相似文献   

The study examined whether differences in gender and family status affect parental caregiving disposition and acceptance of children among parents of children in mid-childhood. The number of participants were 122 divorced-custodial fathers, 107 married fathers, 85 divorced-custodial mothers, and 82 married mothers (n?=?398). A comparison among four groups of parents revealed the following gender differences: mothers scored higher on anxious caregiving and parental acceptance than fathers, and lower on avoidant caregiving. Regression analysis indicated that the higher the caregiving avoidance or anxiety, the lower the parental acceptance. Family status moderated parental acceptance, as avoidant caregiving was associated with reduced parental acceptance among married parents, but not among divorced custodial parents. The finding that avoidant caregiving was not associated with reduced acceptance among divorced custodial parents implies that their parental acceptance behaviors toward their children are affected by their parental status as sole custodial parent, and the associated responsibilities, rather than by gender.  相似文献   

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