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Hu Shi is regarded as one of the most important intellectuals after the Revolution of 1911,and he has a far- reaching influence in 20th century.In the perspective of Hu Shi,the contribution and continuation of the Revolution of 1911 has some inspiration for us to analyze the relationship between Chinese intellectuals and social revolution.  相似文献   

达尔文进化论立足于个体选择理论,这使它难以解释社会性昆虫等的利他行为;为此,达尔文后来提及群体选择思想.群体选择理论直到20世纪60年代才被正式提出,却仍然面临利他行为与适者生存的矛盾.为此,亲缘选择理论和基因选择理论应运而生.这两种理论在一定程度上把个体选择与群体选择结合起来,但又各自面临新的困境.索伯-威尔逊模型区分了"群内选择"和"群间选择",前者以个体选择为主.后者以群体选择为主,并给出利他主义得以进化的条件.本文在索伯一威尔逊模型的基础上,进一步揭示了利他主义对利已主义的随附性关系,亦即群体选择对个体选择的随附性关系;同时指出,这只是适合于人类这种具有独立意志的物种,因而是一种次级关系.而对于包括人类在内的一切物种来说,更为基本的关系是:个体选择随附于群体选择.  相似文献   

Started from the argument of Culture is the carrier of the reproduction of ideology, the model of reproduction and dissemination of different ideologies. this paper divides the Chinese culture into three kinds from a macro view. These three kinds of culture are national culture, elite culture and popular culture.  相似文献   

王海明教授对他所谓道德自律论的批判犹如跟一堆假想的老虎搏斗。他所谓道德他律论实为彻底的道德工具主义;具体表现为道德价值外在论、计算理性、功利主义等三个论题;其最终所导致的是道德虚无主义。由于王先生没有看到集体意向性乃是道德的真正诞生之地,也没有注意到语言对道德的重大作用,所以,他错误地断言:动物不但有道德,而且有最高尚的美德。  相似文献   

There have always been two opposite opinions on the relationship between pragmatics and language norm.Some scholars hold the opinions that language norm is not the shackles of language use,so language users can break the norm occasionally in order to achieve the purpose of communication.Other scholars believe that sticking to the norm is the presupposition of successful communication.According to them,the violation of norm is the negation of the function as well as the necessity of language norm.  相似文献   

明清时代宗教的发展越来越突出其实用性与功利性的价值,越来越趋向平民化、内容世俗化。宗教的世俗化意味着传统教义中的神圣性质在逐步地淡化和减少,传统宗教的仪式及组织也日趋简化,传统宗教放下身价主动向民间信仰靠拢。从江南地区观音信仰及城隍崇拜的盛行,可以看出明清时期佛道发展的这一世俗化趋势。明清时期的城隍神最初是由官方赋予的官僚形式,成为神道设教与打击淫祠的象征,但是苏州民众却将其逐渐演变成富有特色的民间宗教信仰活动,包含进丰富的民生内容。最终使得城隍信仰活动演变成为苏州城乡民众的狂欢节日。  相似文献   

tion of cool roll (initial rolling) and hot roll (stable rolling) respectively is established by treating aluminum foil rolls and aluminum foil integrally. The influence of work roll contour on aluminum foil profile was analyzed. It is suggested that the to  相似文献   

十年前去世的原全国政协副主席、中国佛教协会会长赵朴初出生在四代翰林的家庭;二十年代走上佛教道路;对中国革命作出了重要贡献;与毛泽东、周恩来、邓小平、江泽民等领袖人物以及谢冰心、曹禺、赵元任等文化名人有广泛的交往;在文革期间受到冲击;对中国和世界佛教以及和平事业作出了突出贡献;本人佛学思想丰富;有很高的诗词、书法造诣;淡泊名利,善于养生;关心、支持家乡建设;其佛学思想和人生道路对今天的青年人和大学生有多方面的启迪。  相似文献   

Ideology in Althusser shows total time,materiality,subjectivity and other gestures,but this is only one aspect.The other aspect of ideology,namely diachronicness,relations,objectivity,as well as their relationship,does not get due attention.  相似文献   

通过《哈克贝利.菲恩历险记》这部作品,马克.吐温把美国式的幽默和严肃文学完美地结合起来,达到了前人从未达到的境界。在美国文学史上曾经存在过有关马克.吐温和这部作品的论战,其原因在于对作者及其作品存在不同理解。如果我们认真观察密西西比河,就能发现理解作者及其伟大作品的钥匙。密西西比河养育了马克.吐温,也为故事发生提供了背景。大河无所谓高尚和美好,但她帮助了那些以大河为他们生活中重要成份的人们向好的方面发展,许许多多像吐温和菲思这样的人都因河受益。通过这部小说,作者颂扬大河,针砭时弊,道出了美国人的愿望和爱好。因此,他和他的作品为美国人乃至世界所接纳。  相似文献   

In 1957, Grice suggested the theory of meaning-nn as a theory of communication. Later, he developed Cooperative Principle (CP) as guidelines for the efficient and effective use of language in conversation. Some philosophers and linguists try to develop and modify the Grice's Cooperative Principle or attempt to challenge the validity of this and suggest some other principles. However, very few try to explore the driving force behind conversation. What is the mechanism underlying the use of a sentence to convey extra meaning? After a more detailed examination of Grice's work on philosophy and language, we discover that the importance of rationality is shown throughout his work. Therefore we can conclude that rationality, not the cooperation, is the real motivation, though Grice invents the Cooperative Principle. Cooperation is the realization of rationality applied at the level of discourse.  相似文献   

Since the opening -up of Shanghai,various kinds of architectures have reflected a city with unique fascination.Those houses in close connection with our daily lives are just like works of art,implying complicated cultural imagination through different kinds of forms.In the last two decades,there has been a large scale of urban renewal in Shanghai.Nowadays,Shanghai,a modern and fashionable metropolis is standing in front of the public.However,from my point of view,the urban renewal of Shanghai is not very successful for it is cutting apart its real history little by little in its dreamlike modern imagination,which does not actually meet the real needs of humanity.  相似文献   

In the Climate Summit in Copenhagen,the developing countries have criticized the developed capitalist countries for failing to deal with the climate crisis,including the driving of the process and outcomes of this meeting and that the capitalist system is the root of global warming.  相似文献   

<批评、正典结构与预言>是在国内学界颇有影响的"知识分子图书馆"丛书中的一本.但就在这部经典译作之中,却出现了多处明显的翻译讹错.这些问题主要分为三类:目的语处理不当,导致读者理解可能发生偏差或无法理解;出发语理解错误或不准确,导致翻译出错;翻译时脱离语词的具体语境,产生误导性翻译.在哈罗德·布鲁姆其他著作的翻译中也存在类似的错误.这实际上从一个侧面反映了当前国内西方文论翻译的尴尬现状.  相似文献   

江南禅学的产生与发展有着自身的内在逻辑。它植根于江南自然诗性文化之中,融会了本土的自然天道思想和外来的玄、佛思想。牛头禅主张虚空为道本,与江南玄学有着密切的渊源。在牛头禅的推动下,宗教性的印度禅终于蜕变为自悟性的中华禅,是聪慧的哲学、热忱的宗教、浓郁的诗性和日常的生活的统一。江南禅学对当时的慧能南宗禅学产生了积极的影响,对以后的江南新理学和阳明心学也产生了革新性的影响。  相似文献   

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