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This paper develops a structured method from the perspective of value to organise and optimise the business processes of a product servitised supply chain (PSSC). This method integrates the modelling tool of e3value with the associated value measurement, evaluation and analysis techniques. It enables visualisation, modelling and optimisation of the business processes of a PSSC. At the same time, the value co-creation and potential contribution to an organisation’s profitability can also be enhanced. The findings not only facilitate organisations that are attempting to adopt servitisation by helping avert any paradox, but also help a servitised organisation to identify the key business processes and clarify their influences to supply chain operations.  相似文献   

The health care climate is one of stormy relations between various entities. Employers, managed care organizations, hospitals, and physicians battle over premiums, inpatient rates, fee schedules, and percent of premium dollars. Patients are angry at health plans over problems with access, choice, and quality of care. Employers dicker with managed care organizations over prices, benefits, and access. Hospitals struggle to maintain operations, as occupancy rates decline and the shift to ambulatory care continues. Physicians strive to assure their patients get quality care while they try to maintain stable incomes. Businesses, faced with similar challenges in the competitive marketplace, have formed partnerships for mutual benefit. Successful partnerships are based upon trust and the concept of "win-win." Communication, ongoing evaluation, long-term relations, and shared values are also essential. In Japan, the keiretsu contains the elements of a bonafide partnership. Examples in U.S. businesses abound. In health care, partnerships will improve quality and access. When health care purchasers and providers link together, these partnerships create a new value chain that has patients as the focal point.  相似文献   

Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) is a consolidated purchasing tool applied across different industries. However, in some cases, existing models are not satisfactory. The paper analyses the tinting industry, where manufacturers of colourant dispensing machines sell products and related services to paint producers, who install them in retail stores to sell the colour paints to the final consumers. Authors develop a TCO model integrating those existing in literature and including the following specifications: (i) all relevant costs along the product life cycle are considered; (ii) both goods and service-related costs are considered; (iii) both explicit and hidden costs are considered; (iv) the model adapts to the perspectives of various actors in the supply chain. The TCO model is tested with real data and provides useful insights on real costs sustained by each actor.  相似文献   

Since the introduction of the internet, firms have continued to seek ways to use these public networks to gain competitive advantage. The procurement function is beginning to take on greater strategic importance as these networks started providing firms wider opportunities such as choices of suppliers. This aims not only to reduce procurement costs, but also to build stronger relationships with suppliers to improve quality and flexibility in meeting customer demand. This type of linkage of firms with their suppliers when the product manufactured is complex and supply-chain is heavily tiered, such as the case of the automobile industry, creates challenges to any electronic market or exchange that is aiming to support such a system. Based on discussions with some key individuals in an automotive supply chain and an in-depth analysis of a supply-chain segment, this paper explores the role electronic markets may have to play, if they are to support the procurement processes of various agents along the supply chain.  相似文献   

石油储备价值研究:基于供应链视角   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
石油储备是应对石油供应链危机的重要途径.构建了反映石油供应链运营的线性规划模型,利用该模型模拟供应链发生不同程度的供应危机和价格危机时,30 d、60 d和90 d的石油储备在应对需求及价格危机中的作用.研究结果表明:当需求及价格发生较大幅度上升时,供应链石油储备可以有效抑制需求及价格上升引起的运作成本上涨,且不同规模...  相似文献   

贾新波 《领导科学》2005,(18):14-15
同级领导成员之间的关系,应当是目标上的共同关系,组织上的集合关系,工作上的协同关系,感情上的交流关系。但是,由于他们之间在工作职能、工作能力、性格特征、工作方式等方面存在差异,也可能产生这样那样的矛盾冲突,这些矛盾冲突如果处理不好,将会直接影响领导班子的战斗力和领导工作的成效。所以,领导干部掌握处理与同级领导之间冲突的技巧,寻求正确的协调与沟通的途径,对于减少内耗、增强合力、发挥领导班子的整体效应,有着极为重要的意义。一要淡化名位意识。有关调查显示,同级领导成员之间出现矛盾冲突的一个重要原因就是过分看重名、…  相似文献   

The oil produced from high oleic acid soybeans (HOS) offers benefits to both consumers and food manufacturers. It is lower in saturated fat and more heat-stable than commodity-grade soybean oil. Optimum Quality Grains L.L.C. is working with seed distributors, elevators, and crushers across the Midwestern U.S. to develop a new supply chain which keeps the HOS and the resulting oil separate (identity preserved (IP)) from commodity-grade soybean oil. This case illustrates the challenges and key issues facing three players—an agricultural inputs dealer, a grain elevator, and a soybean crusher—that must decide whether to join the new supply chain as the HOS reach commercialization. The case can be used to create a discussion about how each player can create and capture value from this specialty crop. The case works well either as part of an undergraduate capstone course or a graduate course in agribusiness, or in an executive education course, especially such a course aimed at managers from seed and life sciences companies.  相似文献   

The present research examined the effects of corporate executive officer (CEO) ethical leadership on the job pursuit attitudes and behaviors of prospective job applicants. Furthermore, this paper tested two potential mediatory mechanisms for explaining why CEO ethicality matters to prospective applicants: perceived organizational reputation (Study 1) and perceived value congruence with the CEO or person–CEO fit (Study 2). The results of Study 1 showed that job seekers at a career fair were more likely to apply for a job with an ethical CEO's company, compared to that of a morally-questionable CEO or one whose ethicality was unknown. The results also showed that perceived organizational reputation mediated the relationship between CEO ethicality and job pursuit. These findings were replicated in Study 2. In addition, Study 2 showed that perceived value congruence with the CEO also mediated the link between CEO ethicality and job pursuit, although this effect was conditional on the Honesty–Humility personality of the prospective job applicant. These findings highlight the potential relevance of executive ethical leadership within the recruitment context.  相似文献   

The global value chain (GVC) framework and its central concept of governance are increasingly advocated as powerful tools for interpreting managerial issues with particular reference to global supply chain (SC) management. However, a gap still exists about how the GVC concepts, which have been developed at the industry level, can be applied at the company level. The aim of this work is therefore to investigate how the concepts of GVC structure and governance are related to the way the SC is managed. Several research propositions drawn from the literature are investigated by means of seven case studies in the electric motors industry. The results show that the GVC can be a useful framework for understanding and deploying SC management at the company level. Moreover, the analysis of the governance modes provides an effective tool to explain the existing degree of technological and operational collaboration in the SC. Finally, we show the importance of considering such contextual factors as company size and the competitive priorities of the company to move seamlessly between the GVC, at the industry level, and SC management, at the company level.  相似文献   

黄越 《领导科学》2001,(7):30-31
秘书如何同领导相处,是一个大课题.这方面的研究心得和正反经验很多,有成文成书的,有私谈明道的,有无可奉告的,也有只可意会不可言传的.根据我的所见所闻和切身经历,下述几点更值得注意.  相似文献   

This study aims to determine the value of vendor-managed inventory (VMI) over independent decision making with information sharing (IS) under non-stationary stochastic demand with service-level constraints. For this purpose, we utilize mixed-integer linear programming formulations to quantify the benefits that can be accrued by a supplier, multiple retailers and the system as a whole by switching from IS to VMI. More specifically, we investigate the incremental value that VMI provides beyond IS in terms of expected cost savings, inventory reductions, and decrease in shipment sizes from the supplier to the retailers by conducting a large number of computational experiments. Results reveal that the decision transfer component of VMI improves these performance measures significantly when the supplier׳s setup cost is low and order issuing efficiency is high. The benefits offered by VMI are negligible under the problem settings where the supplier׳s order issuing efficiency is low and the production setup serves solely a single replenishment under IS.  相似文献   

供应链企业间的各种联系使得供应链中一个企业发生财务困境会对其上下游企业产生影响,甚至导致其上下游企业也发生财务困境。以由单个制造商和单个零售商组成的两层供应链为背景,研究了供应链企业财务困境的传递过程。首先从供应链运作的角度分析了零售商发生财务困境对制造商运营及财务状况的影响,然后结合制造商的决策行为分析了财务困境从零售商向制造商传递的特征。数值分析进一步展示了财务困境传递过程中一些参数的影响。  相似文献   

Corporate reputation is a multi-stakeholder concept that is reflected in the perceptions that stakeholders have of an organization. There is much evidence that reputation interacts diversely with different stakeholder groups and in relation to other concepts such as corporate responsibility. In this paper, we propose the implementation of the reputational quotient on a sample of Italian SMEs and attempt to discover and measure the relationship with corporate responsibility. Thus concluding that the instruments used for measuring and managing reputation can also be usefully employed in terms of corporate responsibility.  相似文献   

This paper examines the centralised monitoring of an upstream supply chain (USC) in the context of a mass customisation production system. We propose an adaptation of the material requirement planning framework to manage demand uncertainty at each stage of the USC. New analytical relations that exploit structural information on demand beyond the frozen horizon are developed for efficient decision-making and appropriate information sharing among the productive supply chain units. A numerical example to illustrate the implementation of the new analytical relations is provided, and a synthesis of benchmarks performed in the automotive industry is presented.  相似文献   

In investment selection the problem arises of which selection criteria to use when judging investment proposals. This paper distinguishes three such criteria, i.e. financial return, synergy and affinity to strategy, and societal aspects. It describes a method for the identification of synergy and affinity to strategy of an investment proposal. The method has been developed during 7 years of consultancy activities and is now in use in several major European enterprises.  相似文献   

随着改革开放的深入,我们已进入“发展处于黄金期,问题处于凸显期”的特殊阶段。在这个阶段,我们要进行世界上最大规模的经济结构调整,我们承担着巨大的就业压力,我们的城乡差距和地区差距还很大,腐败现象在某种程度上仍很严重,我们的生态环境恶化趋势还未得到有效遏制。因此,我们必须高度重视这个阶段的稳定发展问题。具体来讲,就是要认真贯彻落实科学发展观,构筑“三线”,抓好“四点”,从而形成维护社会主义政治稳定发展的屏障。构筑“三线”1.坚持以人为本,构筑一条民心线。历史和现实都告诉我们:谁拥有民心,谁就拥有一切。因此,我们在各…  相似文献   

龚志刚 《领导科学》2007,(17):34-35
从去年年初到今年上半年,县乡党委、人大、政府、政协领导班子陆续进行了换届。笔者作为组织部的一名工作人员,全程参与了换届考察工作,深深体会到要把有能力、作风好的人选进班子,优化班子结构,增强班子的整体功能,组织部门责任重大。笔者认为,工作实践中首先要正确处理三个关系。  相似文献   

党的十六大科学判断我们党所处的历史方位,围绕完成党所肩负的历史任务,准确把握时代特点和党员干部队伍的状况,作出了新世纪新阶段加强和改进党的建设的总体部署。各级党委必须从战略和全局的高度,深刻认识加强和改进党的建设的紧迫性,抓紧研究解决存在的突出问题,真正把各级领导班子建设成为坚持党的基本理论、基本路线、基本纲领、基本经验,坚持“三个代表”重要思想,坚持立党为公、执政为民,团结坚强的领导集体。在新世纪新阶段,加强和改进党的建设和组织工作,就是要服从、服务于全面建设小康社会、加快推进社会主义现代化这…  相似文献   

本文研究公平感对由一个供应商和一个零售商组成的二级供应链中的定价决策的影响,其中供应商决定批发价格,零售商在接受供应商批发价格合同之后决定零售价格,市场需求受到零售价格的线性影响.采用管理实验方法得出,首先,供应商的批发价格和零售商的零售价格均分别低于完全理性假设下的均衡解;供应商是利他性的,即,乐于看到零售商收益的增加,并且,供应商认为零售商是完全理性的,即零售商的决策目标是最大化自身收益;然而,零售商却是刻毒性的,即乐于看到供应商收益的减少.其次,批发价格的变异度大于零售价格的,即供应商决策的难度大于零售商的.给管理者的启示是:供应商应考虑零售商的刻毒性的特征,降低批发价格,以提高零售商接受供应商所提批发价格的概率;此外,还应该为供应商提供辅助决策手段,以降低批发价格的变异度,提高决策的准确性  相似文献   

Environmentally responsible manufacturing, green supply chain management (GSCM), and related principles have become important strategies for companies to achieve profit and gain market share by lowering their environmental impacts and increasing their efficiency. As environment has become a key strategic consideration in supply chains, this study examines the components and elements of GSCM and suggests a novel GSCM evaluation framework. It also provides a real-case study of Ford Otosan, one of the pioneering companies about environmental subjects in Turkey, to illustrate the industrial application of our theoretical assessment model. The identified components are integrated into a strategic assessment and evaluation tool using analytical network process (ANP). The dynamic characteristics and complexity of the GSCM analysis environment make the ANP technique a suitable tool for this study. Moreover, to cope with ambiguity and vagueness of the decision maker's evaluations, the fuzzy extension of the ANP method is preferred.  相似文献   

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