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La théorie sociale classique et contemporaine s'est beaucoup preoccupee de la question de la mobilité occupationnelle. Selon les sociologues fonctionnalistes, la modernisation de la société a entraîné la professionnalisation, laquelle a permis à diverses occupations déjàétablies ou emergentes au sein du secteur des services d'acquérir plus d'autonomie dans l'organisation de leur travail. La tradition critique, par ailleurs, soutient qu'une déprofessionnalisation est en cours, caractérisée par une perte d'autonomie et resultant du plus grand nombre d'emplois tributaires de l'État et des corporations. Cette seconde interprétation caractérise aussi la théorie féministe, qui met l'accent sur la domination masculine d'occupations traditionnellement artisanales et féminines. Ma recherche sur les sage-femmes de Terre-Neuve et du Labrador me permet d'établir un portrait plus précis du degré d'autonomie dont jouissaient les sage-femmes dans des conditions pré-modernes. A ce titre, la thése de la déprofessionnalisation peut aider à comprendre la situation actuelle des sage-femmes, mais elle donne une vue déformée de la situation des sage-femmes du passe-dont les pratiques indépendantes tendent àêtre idéalisées par cette littérature. En effet, bien que libres de tout controle bureaucratique, les sage-femmes traditionnelles etaient bien peu autonomes dans la plupart des aspects de leur travail. The issue of occupational autonomy has been widely debated among classical and modern social theorists. Functionalist sociologists have maintained that professzonatization, a n outcome of modernization, has allowed established and emerging service occupations increasing freedom to organize their work activities. Critical sociologists, by contrast, have argued that employment by state and corporate organizations has involved a loss of autonomy, a deprofessionalization, for service workers, and this perspective has been shared by feminists, who stress the male dominance of traditionally autonomous female craft work. Research on Newfoundland and Labrador midwifery makes it possible to form a better picture of the degree of autonomy midwives actually enjoyed under premodern conditions of practice. While the deprofessionalization thesis may help to illuminate the situation of contemporary midwives in large complex organizations, it gives a misleading view of the lay midwives of the past, whose independent practice this literature tends to glorify. Although free of contemporary forms of bureaucratic control, traditional lay midwives lacked autonomy in most areas of their work.  相似文献   


What is the impact of the economic crisis on the practice of social casework? How is the economic crisis reflected in the professional practice, when social services have to cope with depletion as a result of an increasing attendance pressure? This study analyses the way in which social workers in community services face the understanding of the problem situation jointly with their clients. The aim is to uncover the items that professionals prioritize when they formulate and analyse the problem situation together with their clients. Data show that there is a discrepancy between the intervention criteria that have been considered important and their level of accomplishment. This difference points out that the understanding of the problem situation seems superficial, showing a low level of practice of the intervention criteria that assess the meanings which clients give to the incidents, strengths, solutions attempted, and larger systems involved. Data show that the implementation of fundamental analysis instruments is not sufficiently trusted and the use of the professional’s own knowledge is not regarded as important. This situation does not provide a context of intervention that is suitable and consistent with the problem situation and, consequently, the interventions for change will probably not match the clients’ needs.  相似文献   

Data from a psychoanalytic case are used to explore the development of client autonomy in clinical treatment. The client's narratives and the talk about them in which narrative meaning is formulated and reformulated are selected as one series of interactions in which the development of client autonomy can be studied. Discourse analysis methods are adapted to document and describe specific shifts in the structure of client narratives and talk about them which reflect the development of client autonomy over the course of treatment. Implications for casework treatment are discussed.  相似文献   

Governmentality studies and social theories agree that in contemporary societies the idea of autonomy is no longer simply an ideal or an individual aspiration but a social obligation. In an attempt to clarify the meaning of autonomy in this day and age, this paper asks how individuals perceive and negotiate the various dimensions of autonomy and how this affects the functioning of late-modern institutions. The empirical insights derived from a qualitative study provide a differentiated picture of how individuals pursue their claims to autonomy and comply with institutional demands for autonomy in everyday practice. By presenting seven types of late-modern “autonomy managers,” the analysis evinces a usurpation of autonomous agency that renders individuals the institutional editors of the contemporary contradictions, deficits, and tensions that occur in their everyday interactions. This comes at the price of notionally free but exhausted actors running short of all kinds of resources.  相似文献   


This study examines how autonomy in protest camps is enabled by and manifested through architecture. Although the importance of space for the struggles for autonomy in protest camps has been recognized in recent research, their architecture has not been widely examined in this respect. This study uses empirical data collected from four different protest camps during 2015–2017 to examine the role of architecture for the struggles for autonomy. The study found that architecture is essential in creating protest camps’ autonomy from the status quo. Furthermore, the results suggest that protesters engage especially with Do-It-Yourself -architecture to organize their lifeworlds in a way that allows, enforces, and reflects their alternative societal structures and practices, thus also enforcing their autonomy as a prefigurative praxis. Overall, the findings of this research suggest that architecture plays a significant role in both creating and manifesting autonomy in protest camps, thus adding architecture as a significant element to be analyzed in protest camps and expanding the existing field of research.  相似文献   

The Hawthorne Effect is relatively common in community intervention trials. Yet, very little is known about it in developing countries where poverty may play an important role in how and why people participate in studies. A quasi‐experimental trial with a comparison group designed to evaluate the effectiveness of an indoor air pollution intervention showed evidence of reactivity in rural South Africa. By drawing on post‐trial focus group discussions with members of the comparison group (n = 30), this paper explores the reasons why participants improved their behaviours despite not having received the intervention. Results suggest that participants changed their behaviours for three reasons: expectations of gain, misunderstandings of the data collection equipment and a learning effect. In addition to highlighting the role of poverty and miscommunication in influencing reactivity, this paper also offers recommendations to reduce the Hawthorne Effect in impoverished contexts.  相似文献   

Summary The similarities and differences between the traditional psychosocial approach to casework and that of crisis intervention have been discussed with the use of illustrative case material. It is important to recognize that while crisis intervention is justifiably subsumed under the generalist concept of social work theory and practice on the basis of their striking similarities, it is necessary for the sake of professional clarity to differentiate between the two forms of problem-solving treatment methodologies in terms of goals, process, and structure.  相似文献   

In recent years, several states have been developing or adopting casework practice models in an effort to shape the thinking and behavior of front line child welfare workers with a commitment to improving the safety, permanency and well-being outcomes of vulnerable children in their care (Antle, Christensen, Barbee & Martin, 2008; Christensen, Todahl & Barrett, 1999; Courtney, 2009; Folaron, 2009). This article presents one framework for approaching the organizational changes that need to be made in order to support a practice model. The Getting to Outcomes” Framework (Wandersman, 2009) is a useful approach for ensuring that all areas to support practice change are addressed.  相似文献   

There have been substantial changes in the demography of the family since the early 1970s in Australia. Age at 1st marriage has risen substantially. In 1986, 6.1% of heterosexual couples in Australia were living together. In 1 in 3 marriages today, 1 or both partners have been married before. The percentage of marriages ending in divorce based on annual data increased from 14% in 1971 to 35% in 1986. The birth rate has declined substantially since 1971. In 1986,, 77% of all households were family households, 4% were group households, and 19% were 1-person households. Over 1 in 3 Australian children being born today will spend some time in a 1-parent family before they reach majority. The important measure, however, may not be family structure but the extent of support, both economic and emotional, that the child receives from his or her parents. Similar arguments may be applied to the aged. A 1982 survey showed that among persons aged 15-64 years who had a parent living elsewhere, over 50% had contact with that parent at least once a week. The same survey showed that among aged people requiring help, they were 5 times more likely to receive that help from a family member than from a government agency or from a voluntary agency. A focus on how families function draws attention to the changes in the lives of married women. Labor force participation rates for married women have been steadily increasing for over 50 years. Even in couple families with a child under 5 years old, 40% of the women were in the labor force in 1986. The family changes described above can all be interpreted in terms of the movement to personal autonomy which has characterized the last 20 years. This is especially the case with the increase in age at marriage, the decline of teenage pregnancy, and the rise in the divorce rate. The trend for young couples to live together rather than marry can be seen as an experiment in the pursuit of personal autonomy. The author hypothesizes that people choosing to live together before marriage are seeking personal autonomy, and it is the conflict between personal autonomy and family life that leads ultimately to their higher break-up rates.  相似文献   

Social support is a multifaceted construct recognized as a significant predictor of physical health. In this study, the authors examined several support domains simultaneously in a sample of 247 college students to determine their unique prediction of physical health perceptions and physical symptoms. They also examined gender differences across social support and physical health. Their findings indicated that belonging predicted better health perceptions for women and fewer physical symptoms for men, suggesting that a sense of connection to a group of others is a key support component for the physical health of college students.  相似文献   


This paper discusses the development of a peer support and advocacy Network, Young Mothers for Young Women. The Network evolved through a participatory action research project into young mothers experiences of violence. Through the Network, young women participate in a community development approach to violence reduction. As part of the Network, young women offer peer support to other young women. Network members also engage in ongoing community education and advocacy about issues, such as poverty, isolation and sexism which increase young womens vulnerability to violence. An important aim of this paper is to make visible the dialogue between social workers and young women on which the Network relies. This paper is motivated by the concern that as social work enters an era of increasing accountability it is critical that workers articulate the often invisible role they play in facilitating participatory processes.  相似文献   

Scientific research that requires space flight has always been subject to comparatively strong external control. Its agenda has often had to be adapted to vacillating political target specifications. Can space scientists appeal to one or the other form of the widely acknowledged principle of freedom of research in order to claim more autonomy? In this paper, the difficult question of autonomy within planned research is approached by examining three arguments that support the principle of freedom of research in differing ways. Each argument has its particular strengths and limitations. Together they serve to demonstrate particular advantages of scientific autonomy, but in the case of space science, their force ultimately remains limited. However, as the arguments highlight the interrelations between scientific autonomy, the democratic process and the collective interest in scientific knowledge, they suggest that a coherent and sustained space science agenda might best be ensured by increasing the transparency of science policy decisions and involving the democratic public.  相似文献   

Recent discussions about disciplinarity and interdisciplinarity in the social sciences have tended to map and critique methods, theories and approaches to knowledge production, but spend less time exploring the ways in which institutional constraints and personal trajectories produce different kinds of disciplinarity and interdisciplinarity. In this paper we present findings on interdisciplinarity from UK research undertaken as part of an EC project on knowledge, gender and institutions. The research involved a small survey (n = 14), in-depth interviews (n = 5), two focus groups (n = 7) and observation of social scientists in one university department between June 2006 and April 2007. We reflect on the unwillingness of social scientists to confront the conditions of our academic labour in an account of our difficulties with gaining access and respondents in this study, before moving on to consider some of the different ways in which interdisciplinarity and disciplinary commitments were related to particular forms of scientific and symbolic capital. We go on to discuss this in relation to the autonomy of academic teaching-and-research staff compared to contract researchers, and consider the implications of our findings for the future of interdisciplinarity and the social sciences.  相似文献   

This article provides a framework for understanding disadvantaged young people from a youth citizenship perspective that includes social inclusion principles and a rights based approach to service delivery. This paper will argue that a rights based and inclusive practice approach can help to enable the self-confidence, resilience and capacities of marginal youth in efforts to counter social exclusion. A social inclusion strategy that is derived from the European Union helps frame inclusive practice and is explicitly linked to an emerging national human rights and inclusive agenda for marginalized youth in Australia. Elements of inclusive service practice include youth participation in services, issues of access and equity, service responsiveness, joined-up services and user-led accountability. These elements provide a basis for bringing a citizenship framework into services, and for professional learning and education in work with marginal youth. A framework is suggested that seeks to recognise and respond to highly disadvantaged youth that includes the marginalizing ‘intersections’ of gender, racial and disability identities. Brief excerpts of secondary qualitative data on two highly vulnerable youth populations-homeless youth and Aboriginal youth-are used to highlight the need for a citizenship approach that listens and responds to these vulnerable young people in both research and practice.  相似文献   

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