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上海推行基础设施特许经营,要聚焦重点领域,继续推进垃圾处理、污水处理领域的特许经营,继续推进正在实施的特许经营项目,并向社会性领域拓展;要完善制度框架,构建完善的政府管理制度框架和合理的风险分担机制;要创新政府管理,落实市相关行政管理部门的责任分工,建立政府相关管理部门之间的统筹协调机制,设立特许经营项目管理咨询机构;要健全法律、法规,建立"基础设施特许经营立法性文件+特许经营协议或合同+同时适用的其他法规"模式的特许经营法律、法规制度框架,出台行业性特许经营管理办法和实施细则。  相似文献   

赵乃丹  肖广建 《城市》2006,(3):43-45
一、公用事业市场化与特许经营是市政发展的必然要求 公用事业特许经营是指城市政府通过特定的程序和方式,授权给符合条件的企业对某项公用事业产品进行经营的权利和制度.简单讲,就是政府的事(公用事业),通过合同约定,交给企业去办(经营).可以用"官督民办"四个字来概括特许经营制度的内涵.  相似文献   

郭汉丁  王新毅  李伟 《城市》2015,(10):61-64
城市集中供热实施特许经营制度是新时期公用事业发展的内在要求,研究其激励策略有利于促进供热企业技术和管理水平提升。在分析政府管理部门与供热企业委托代理行为的基础上,构建委托代理模型,在确定用热价格上界前提下,分析政府管理部门与供热企业之间的委托代理行为特征,得出最优激励与约束机制条件,并据此提出优化特许经营契约设计、引入特许经营市场准入竞争机制、实行行业限制性分配制度、强化信誉激励作用等激励策略。  相似文献   

从特许经营项目可融资性角度,分析我国目前特许经营立法及实践中存在的问题,并就如何提高政府依法行政能力和为公用事业市场化经营创造更好的法律环境提出建议。  相似文献   

政府特许经营是政府实行有限公共资源经营权转让之后从事经营活动的经营模式。城市出租汽车客运使用的道路不是有限公共资源,不是特许经营对象;出租汽车客运经营权属于服务经营权,获得出租汽车客运经营权在于经营资质符合法定要求。  相似文献   

王强 《科学发展》2016,(10):9-16
推进上海公共事业特许经营配套支持政策的重点,是如何促进政企双方能力的提升,能够管控项目的各类风险.因此,要鼓励和推动第三方专业机构进入公共服务领域,促进特许经营企业经营能力提升和经营机制转换,推出相应的公共事业领域国资国企改革的政策,促进政府提高特许经营管理能力和工作机制的建设,培育和发展特许经营项目的资本市场.  相似文献   

肖林 《科学发展》2016,(2):45-55
中国市场化取向改革的核心是如何处理好政府与市场的关系;而中国经济体制改革的核心是投融资体制机制改革.中国基础设施和公用事业的融资创新、建设运营效率和服务质量仍有较大改进空间,其实践探索道路还很长,需要政府、企业、学术研究等各界人士,共同研究探索中国PPP模式和特许经营的未来发展之路,进一步提高基础设施和公用事业等公共产品的效率和质量.  相似文献   

回顾上海供排水行业改革开放以来特许经营管理的情况,论述加强特许经营管理的必要性,提出要抓紧制订有关法规和规范性文件,以及应重点明确的一些内容。  相似文献   

成建  王超 《城市》2005,(5):54-56
特许经营权是指由政府在确保实现社会公益目标的原则下,以市场竞争为导向,通过特定程序,授予或委托企业在一定的时间和范围内,对界定的一项公用事业进行经营的权利.建设部<关于加快市政公用行业市场化进程的意见>明确了市政公用行业特许经营权的获得、申请企业应具备的条件、特许经营合同的基本内容、特许经营权的变更与终止以及转变政府管理方式、推进市场化进程等.  相似文献   

施航华 《城市》2014,(6):12-19
正近些年,中央和地方各级政府相继颁布出台一系列鼓励和支持社会资本进入基础设施领域的政策、法规和办法。特别是十八届三中全会以来,"加快发展民营经济"、"鼓励社会资本特别是民间投资以特许经营等方式参与基础设施建设运营",已成为当前经济体制改革的重头戏。笔者基于对城市基础设施投融资模式及其发展的深入研究,特别是在"基础设施建设融资方式"、"基础设施行业扩  相似文献   

马跃东  祖延华 《交通与港航》2005,19(2):26-28,44
在分析哈尔滨市燃气行业现状的基础上,提出对其实行市场化改革的设想——实行特许经营制度,通过对燃气企业实行股份制改造,提高运营管理效率,扩大投资渠道,从而达到经济效益与社会效益相统一的目的。  相似文献   

The relationship between gender, work and organization in professional occupations can be shown to vary according to different work environments and national contexts. The career patterns of women in chartered accountancy and law in Britain and France are explored in different types of organization in order to determine whether the societal structuring of these occupations is gendered and whether women fare better in small professional practices or large bureaucratic organizations. The findings are derived from a comparative study which combined macro-level data with in-depth qualitative analysis of work and family life histories of a small number of women professionals. While women in the two countries and two occupations were found to share many of the same problems in establishing and pursuing a career, the evidence suggests that women in France may have a marginal advantage over their British counterparts, not so much because they have access to more extensive statutory employment rights but rather because they are more often employed in small practices where they are able to use their independence and their control over working conditions and work-time arrangements to structure their careers according to their own requirements and interests.  相似文献   

The “Federalist financial revolution” may have jump‐started the U.S. economy into modern growth, but the Free Banking System (1837–1862) did not play a direct role in sustaining it. Despite lowering entry barriers and extending banking into developing regions, we find in county‐level data that free banks had little or no effect on growth. The result is not just a symptom of the era, as state‐chartered banks seem to have strong and positive effects on manufacturing and urbanization. (JEL G21, N21, O43)  相似文献   

张永岳  崔裴 《科学发展》2013,(11):101-103
目前,我国基本形成了以廉祖住房为基础、以公共租赁房为重点,包括适当发展经济适用房和限价商品房、加快各类棚户区改造在内的城镇住房保障体系。这种住房保障制度和体系存在诸多问题,如产品种类偏多、管理不善、退出机制缺失等。针对租赁型保障房,应创新运行管理模式,逐步将廉租房与公租房并轨,统一规划、统一建设、统一审核、统一管理,实行分级补贴、租补分离、明收明补,以完善租赁型保障房制度体系。  相似文献   

Non-profit industrial development organisations (NIDOs) represent a common but little studied community response to widespread deindustrialisation in the United States. These non-profits are organised as chartered not-for-profit corporations, public authorities or agencies of local government. Most receive at least some public funding to promote local industrial development. Thus, a key issue is how accountable NIDOs are to the public they have been created to serve. Data from national surveys of NIDO executive directors in 1984 and 1994, as well as a survey of six case study boards of directors, suggest that public accountability is an increasingly important concern among NIDOs. Public hearings, efforts to diversify the boards in terms of gender and race, and connections to community development corporations and other local organisations are among the ways NIDOs attempt to be accountable to the general public. Although few women or racial minorities serve on NIDO boards, those boards with representation of these groups tend to be more concerned with public accountability. Boards containing public officials tend to be less concerned, presumably because their presence makes the NIDOs more directly accountable as a result of the participation of elected public representatives.  相似文献   

陈宪 《科学发展》2013,(9):93-97
出租车行业的许可管制应实行车辆管制模式,即向个人和公司公开拍卖出租车营运证,引入竞争性多元化经营模式。合理设计营运证市场的机制和规则,形成营运证一级市场和二级市场,分别进行拍卖和自由转让。政府则通过控制营运证数量来调节供求和价格。在此基础上,加强行业的培育,发挥行业组织在出租车运营和管理中的作用,政府逐步退出对出租车行业的直接干预。  相似文献   

This article considers why women managers are often perceived to be ‘less committed’ at work than men, through an exploration of male and female managers' meanings of ‘commitment’, to see whether their meanings are shared. Despite a large body of literature on the concept of commitment, managers' own meanings of commitment have not been reported. In general, engineers reported that they used the term ‘committed’ without defining what it meant. Their meanings were a broad composite of organizational and career commitment, focused on very strong affective commitment with almost no emphasis on continuance commitment, in contrast to the traditional (1979) definitions of commitment (Mowday et al. 1979). Results from this interview study of engineering managers and senior technologists (20 males, 17 females, 17 British, and 20 Swedish graduate engineers, from vice‐president to senior technologist) show that there are differences in male and female engineers' unprompted meanings of commitment at work, as well as differences in meaning between the three levels of management sampled. Females responded more often with less visible ‘commitment’ meanings such as involvement, being people‐concerned, and availability. More males (and top managers) used the term commitment to mean task delivery, being proactive, being innovative, adding value, and being ready for challenge. The gender differences identified in reported meanings could impact on the assessment of women's commitment, when evaluated for promotion, career development and professional chartered status by the mostly male engineering managers.  相似文献   

华伟  巩腾 《科学发展》2014,(8):48-54
上海房产税改革试点运行3年有余,取得了先行先试的改革示范效应,但房产税在财政收入筹集和房地产市场调节上发挥的作用并不显著,其原因主要在于房产税税制要素设计不尽合理、房产税功能定位有偏差.进一步改革的优化路径是:完善税收结构,合理税负分布,稳定和优化房地产宏观税负;合理设计房产税税制要素,实现房产税向存量房逐步过渡;清理不合理的行政事业性收费,设立配套税,打包征收;逐步把房产税培育为地方主体税种,以降低财政对土地出让金的依赖.通过以上改革,实现房地产税收体系的整合和房地产税制的重塑,为我国房地产市场稳健运行建立税收制度基础.  相似文献   

Labor costs represent the largest single cost of operation for most organizations. For the unionized employer, the compensation package is determined during contract negotiations. It is important for both union and management negotiators to be able to identify the cost of a proposed agreement. Both parties to a contract should know whether a proposed compensation package is consistent with an organization's ability to pay. In addition, when "trading" demands, both parties should be aware of the cost of the demands being traded. An approach to costing out a labor agreement has been presented in this article. While it can be described as the standard approach, it is subject to several criticisms. Typically, it is applied in a way that assumes that history will repeat itself. In addition, it focuses on the direct cost of a proposed compensation package. While this is certainly relevant, the impact of the compensation package on organization profits is more important. Finally, the time value of money is not taken into account. This would be important if a multi-year contract is being negotiated. While there are legitimate concerns about the approach presented here, our objective is to provide the reader with a basic approach to costing out a wage and benefit package. Anyone involved in contract negotiations or, in the nonunion firm, anyone responsible for administering a wage and benefit program, should be aware of the problems that we have described and seek out reference materials to provide guidance in addressing them.  相似文献   

《Habitat International》1988,12(3):139-147
The benefits of urban services have to be made accessible to increasing numbers of low income families in less developed countries. High levels of service are unlikely to be sustainable, and success depends upon addressing the key issues of Affordability and Maintenance. The complex interactions between technical, financial and social factors must be considered. The provision of high standards of service by implementing agencies is expensive and reflects neither the priorities of the beneficiaries nor their ability to pay. It is more effective to provide only the most basic level of service (primary level infrastructure) at the outset, which can subsequently be upgraded. The community should be able to take individual and collective responsibility for their priorities in improving the services based upon what they can afford. Primary level infrastructure is provided without cost recovery, with subsequent improvements being funded through loans to individuals and the community. It is easier both to recover costs from and to maintain individual plot service connections; however, the installation costs and tariffs must be affordable. Efficient operation and maintenance is essential. This is frequently the responsibility of an urban local authority who should be fully involved throughout; design and implementation should take account of their technical and financial capabilities.The factors which should be considered in the implementation of urban infrastructure can be summarised by the “Five I's”: Incremental improvement; Involving people; Individual services; Income related; Institutional.Possible implications for external aid are: (1) funding of primary level infrastructure for identifiable communities, including support for continued community development; (2) funding loans for infrastructure upgrading, with loan repayments forming a revolving fund; (3) strengthening the financial and managerial performance of urban local authorities; (4) technical training for housing authorities, urban local authorities, and public utilities.  相似文献   

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