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叶珊 《中国妇女(英文版)》2010,(2):40-42
2月14日情人节在即,很多单身女或许觉得自己与身边充溢的甜蜜气氛格格不入;社会为她们贴上“剩女”、”败犬”的标签,将她们视作需要关怀的“弱势群体”,这些都有意无意间给她们带来压力。然而,单身女的情人节注定要成为可悲的日子么?为什么不可以享受一个人的快乐,昂首挺胸做主宰自己生活与心情的“女王”呢? 相似文献
从澳门的第一个国际赛事的冠军,到澳门小姐,再到现在的三诺集团副总裁,李菲.这个带有传奇色彩的女人一路走来.每一个华丽转身,都充满了故事。 相似文献
中国第—家以妇女儿童为主题的国家级博物馆于2010年1月10日正式开馆了!她是一座标志中国妇女儿童事业发展的里程碑;她是一座展示和传承优秀女性文化、陶冶思想情操的教育基地。从2004年6月批准立项,历经5年多的时间,无数筹建者的辛勤劳动与汗水让她花团锦簇,尽情绽放! 相似文献
在梵高奶奶热烈奔放的画里,色彩就是感情.线条勾勒的全是记忆。她用画笔画着记忆、往事和乡村,那些花草、动物、老房子,还有秋天明亮的金色。 相似文献
京郊怀柔区九渡河镇红庙村的男女老少一年到头总能沉浸在“红红火火”的气氛当中。—户户工作间和村口场院里都堆满了红色、粉色的大灯笼.村民个个忙得不亦乐乎,只为做出最好的灯笼,挂在京城的大街上、公园里,为农历新年添分喜气! 相似文献
每年的2月4日是世界癌症日,值此机会,我刊向大家介绍这一可怕病症给中国社会带来的挑战,以及一些战胜病魔的女“斗士”的亲身经历。 相似文献
Beauty in the Fields
Situated on Zhegu Mountain, which has a thick forest and clear springs, Suomo Region, in Ma'erkang County, in Southwest China's Sichuan Province, is widely considered to be the home of beautiful women. A dozen Tibetan villages are situated in the quiet valleys, which are surrounded by green trees. 相似文献
Situated on Zhegu Mountain, which has a thick forest and clear springs, Suomo Region, in Ma'erkang County, in Southwest China's Sichuan Province, is widely considered to be the home of beautiful women. A dozen Tibetan villages are situated in the quiet valleys, which are surrounded by green trees. 相似文献
The early seventh century was the beginning of a new phase in ancient China's history: Rulers of the Tang Dynasty (618-907) established a united regime, which concluded more than 300 years of separation and strife in Central China. Meanwhile, Srongtsen Gampo, based on the foundation set by his father, Namri Songtsen, built the first regime in Tibet -- the Tubo Empire. 相似文献
For close to 200 years, the ideas of Shakespeare have inspired incredible work in the literature, fiction, theater and cinema of the Chinese mainland, Taiwan and Hong Kong. 相似文献
李牧心美国 《中国妇女(英文版)》2010,(2):76-77
Mulan is a story that has been told for ages, from the Ballad of Mulan to the most recent cinematic telling -- the 2009 feature film production ofHua Mulan, directed by Jingle Ma and co-directed by Wei Dong. 相似文献
玉竹西班牙 《中国妇女(英文版)》2010,(2):74-74
The Boat to Redemption is author Su Tong's last novel. It earned Su the Man Asian Literary Prize in November 2009. Established in 2007, the award is the most prestigious prize for literature in Asia. 相似文献
Guided bv the spirit of the 17th NPC (National People's Congress) and the Fourth Plenty Session of the 17th Central Committee of the CPC (Communist Party of China), ACWF (All-China Women's Federation)'s Legal Department, this year, will abide by the deployment of the 10th National Women's Congress of China. 相似文献
Promoting Implementation of National Programs
To promote the implementation of the National Program for Women's Development (2011-2020) and the National Program for Children's Development (2011-2020) (the two new NPAs), the Working Committee on Children and Women of Miyi County (in Southwest China's Sichuan Province) in recent years has established and/or improved the following nine mechanisms: 相似文献
To promote the implementation of the National Program for Women's Development (2011-2020) and the National Program for Children's Development (2011-2020) (the two new NPAs), the Working Committee on Children and Women of Miyi County (in Southwest China's Sichuan Province) in recent years has established and/or improved the following nine mechanisms: 相似文献
Zimbabwean Women's Delegation Visits China
At the invitation of the All-China Women's Federation (ACWF), a sixmember women's delegation, headed by Theresa Makoni, Zimbabwean Public Works Minister and Women's Assembly Chairperson of the Zimbabwean Party Movement for Democratic Change, visited Beijing and Shanghai from November 2-11, 2009. 相似文献
At the invitation of the All-China Women's Federation (ACWF), a sixmember women's delegation, headed by Theresa Makoni, Zimbabwean Public Works Minister and Women's Assembly Chairperson of the Zimbabwean Party Movement for Democratic Change, visited Beijing and Shanghai from November 2-11, 2009. 相似文献
Housekeeping-skills Competition Held in Shanghai
The Sixth Housekeeping-skills Competition was held in Pudong New District, Shanghai, on December 23, 2009. Preparations for the event began more than five months earlier. Of the nearly 1,000 participants, 36 entered the final. 相似文献
The Sixth Housekeeping-skills Competition was held in Pudong New District, Shanghai, on December 23, 2009. Preparations for the event began more than five months earlier. Of the nearly 1,000 participants, 36 entered the final. 相似文献
Yao Culture Enters Campus
To protect and develop Yao culture, the Society of Yao Culture and the Shuibin Primary School in Gongcheng, in South China's Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, have been holding, since 2007, activities to promote the campaign Yao Culture at the Campus. 相似文献
To protect and develop Yao culture, the Society of Yao Culture and the Shuibin Primary School in Gongcheng, in South China's Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, have been holding, since 2007, activities to promote the campaign Yao Culture at the Campus. 相似文献