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座落在河北省蔚县西部的暖泉镇在第二批中国历史文化名镇中名列第一名,是现河北省保存最完整的古镇,因镇内有一暖泉而得名。当地每年正月十五元宵节的打“树花”活动已有300多年的历史,是暖泉镇独有的狂欢形式。  相似文献   

今天你“打飞机”了吗?“打飞机”是最近最流行的一个手机游戏。低头、点、划、盯,这是“打飞机”过程的几个关键词。而不少“打飞机”的疯狂粉丝“打着打着就打到了医院”。  相似文献   

反腐不公平事实上是一种新的腐败。反腐须讲公平,“苍蝇”要打,“老虎”也要打,没背景的“老虎”要打,有背景的“老虎”也要打,更要紧的是摧毁腐败“老虎”的层层关系网。  相似文献   

<正>“十万人家火烛光,门门开处见红妆”。唐代诗人张萧远在《观灯》描述了古代节日观灯的盛景,春节元宵节赏花灯,是中华民族的传统习俗,每盏花灯都象征着新年的繁荣昌盛,寄托着人们对生活的美好祝愿。地处塞外张家口蔚县的暖泉古镇被誉为“中国十大最具年味的地方”之一,年节中的古镇,大街小巷张灯结彩,挂满了造型各异颇具北方特色的古典式铁艺宫灯,给古老的城堡增添了无比的喜庆氛围。  相似文献   

孙纯福 《老年人》2010,(11):28-29
一个花甲老人,竟敢与年青人“打擂”?他打的是什么“擂台”,结果又如何呢? 这位“打擂”的老人名叫刘景遂,今年66岁,是工商银行郴州市支行的一名退休干部。  相似文献   

一位女性来咨询,问题是丈夫总是打她。“他为什么打你?”我问。“因为他最不喜欢别人说他不像男人。”“你知道他最不喜欢别人这样说他,你还这样说他?!”我更好奇了。“他就是不像男人嘛!”她非常委屈地说。“那他打了你,你怎么样?”“反正我根本打不过他,只好不再说他了呗。”她一睑无奈的样子。  相似文献   

报复小明的爷爷是个急性子,每见小明顽皮,总要打小明一顿。小明的爸爸每见小明挨打,便也自己打自己耳光,有一次居然打出血来。爷爷问小明的爸爸:“你这是为什么?”小明的爸爸气愤地答道:“你能打我的儿子,我就不能打你的儿子?”不是他干的甲:“老张,有人看见你儿子昨天给我的自行车放气了。”乙:“放完了吗?”甲:“还算走运,没放完。”乙:“那绝不是我儿子,要是他定会把气门芯拔掉的。”度蜜月山姆和亚瑟的太太都在生产,两人在产房外焦急地踱步。“我实在很倒霉。”山姆抱怨说,“这事居然在我休假时发生了。”“你以为这…  相似文献   

“站住的挺不住,挺住的站不住”这句话的意思是说,环保局干部要想保住“乌纱帽”就不能硬坚持环保“原则”,而要从经济“大局”出发,否则就得“靠边站”。定州环保局一负责人打了这样一个比喻,“整顿污染企业,就好象用自己的拳头打自己的眼睛。”  相似文献   

校园导演各有解释一学生提出“打人与被打有何不同”,请教老师。历史老师:打人是侵略者,被打是受害者。英文老师:打人是主动式,被打是被动式。物理老师:打人是施力,被打是抗力。教导主任:各记大过一次。  相似文献   

一般情况下,孩子之间发生打架是“一个巴掌拍不响”。有一方能够妥善处理问题就打不起来。因此,不管是自己的孩子打了别人,还是被别人打了,都不宜劈头盖脑地训斥孩子,也不宜为了“澄清事实”或者“给宝贝出口气”而卷入孩子之间的纠纷。比较理性的做法是让孩子充分倾诉,了解更多的细节,然后抓住关键环节,教给孩子妥善处理纠纷的方法。  相似文献   

Currently there appears to be a spate of world, national and local disasters. Always there is concern, not only about how to manage the immediate emergency, but how to facilitate the long-term recovery period. This paper presents a six-months perspective of a particular disaster and recovery period, based on the experiences of a recovery worker. It emphasises the importance of routine training for workers in organisations who may be called upon in a disaster. It notes that because of the unique situation in every disaster, decision making on recovery structures and processes needs to remain invested in the local community, with assistance from external resources. It makes other suggestions for consideration in the continuing building of recovery theory. Finally, it underlines the importance of the social work role in most aspects of disaster recovery work, and the need to prepare not only undergraduates, but professional workers, for this role.  相似文献   

The paper concentrates on three aspects that played a role in shaping the capital of Slovakia: the importance of a name given to the territory illustrating how renaming came to play a crucial role in creating a capital of Slovakia, an successful example of how to nationalise a place and a past; the second part of the paper describes the barriers in acceptance of Bratislava as the capital city of Slovakia among its citizens; the final part deals with ideological incentives in demolition and construction the town and its monuments. The main argument says that the route of Bratislava to the position of the capital of Slovakia was atypical, the majority of its population did not want this status, the actors of the national revolution—the Slovaks did not regard it as their centre, and it did not even have a definitely fixed Slovak name. Nevertheless, Bratislava succeeded gradually made its own history of ‘all Slovakia’. The democratic revolution of 1989–1993 confirmed the functioning of Bratislava as the centre of Slovakia, both in the actual political revolution and in the creation of democratic institutions. As a matter of fact, Bratislava could not be considered a ‘big city’ especially in comparison to Vienna, Prague or Budapest—with nearly half of million inhabitants belongs to rather small cities in East Central Europe and sometimes is characterised as a ‘provincial large city’.  相似文献   

This article examines the history of the sociology of corruption. It is shown that from the 1950s until the early 1970s, the sociological discourse on corruption was dominated by a functionalist approach that tried to offer a counter-intuitive perspective on deviant behavior in arguing that corruption has positive functions for political and economic development. Because of a political reading of this discourse, its ambiguous terminology and some difficulties in methodology, it was largely abandoned in sociology. However, this not only led to a change in paradigmatic orientations in the sociology of corruption, but also to a general decline in interest for the phenomenon in sociology. This gap was filled by economic models of corruption that could bypass some terminological difficulties in defining corruption and, building on this, also enabled a largely quantitative approach in numerically comparing, correlating and ranking corruption. The effect was a consensus on the mostly negative effects of corruption on development, a proliferation of the transparency ideal and the disability of sociology to offer an alternative perspective on evaluating the effects of corruption.  相似文献   

One of the central questions in the study of special purposegovernments is how to explain their proliferation over the pastfifty years. Of particular concern to scholars has been therise of a hidden government that is not highly accountable throughregular democratic processes. This article looks specificallyat one form of special purpose government, known as a "publicauthority," and amends the conventional explanation that localgovernments principally create public authorities to addresspublic finance concerns. First, I argue that full "service publicauthorities," which administer and make policy about a particularservice arena, raise different concerns about democratic accountabilityfrom a "conduit authority" and are a nonparsimonious solutionto a public finance problem. Second, drawing on an archivalsurvey of the institutional choices of county governments indealing with solid waste policymaking in New York State, I findthat while public finance is a driver in the choice to createa service public authority, equally, if not more important,are the needs of local government to resolve a policy problemin a politically competitive environment.  相似文献   

This communication deals with the involvement of ergonomists in a research-action design process of a software platform in radiotherapy. The goal of the design project is to enhance patient safety by designing a workflow software that supports cooperation between professionals producing treatment in radiotherapy. The general framework of our approach is the ergonomics management of a design process, which is based in activity analysis and grounded in participatory design. Two fields are concerned by the present action: a design environment which is a participatory design process that involves software designers, caregivers as future users and ergonomists; and a reference real work setting in radiotherapy. Observations, semi-structured interviews and participatory workshops allow the characterization of activity in radiotherapy dealing with uses of cooperative tools, sources of variability and non-ruled strategies to manage the variability of the situations. This production of knowledge about work searches to enhance the articulation between technocentric and anthropocentric approaches, and helps in clarifying design requirements. An issue of this research-action is to develop a framework to define the parameters of the workflow tool, and the conditions of its deployment.  相似文献   

Monitoring and evaluation are crucial aspects of all rural development projects in terms of ensuring that objectives are being met and assessing the impact of various interventions. Thus, monitoring and evaluation should be built into a project's organizational and implementation structure and constitute a continuous, systematic project activity. In need of further refinement, however, are techniques for monitoring and evaluating the nonmaterial, nonobjective dimensions of development projects such as community participation. Needed is an approach that is not based exclusively on the measurement of material impact, but is also able to explain what happens in a rural development project that seeks to promote participation. In dealing with participation, there is a concern not only with quantitative results, but also qualitative processes. Toward this end, project beneficiaries should have a role in describing the processes involved, analyzing the results, and making a judgment as to the outcome of project activities. The unmet need in this area is to devise indicators of economic, political, cultural, and vulnerable-group participation in rural development projects and to identify ways such indicators could be used to collect relevant data.  相似文献   

Whilst the detrimental effects of forced separation through incarceration have been explored in the context of parent–child relationships, little is known about the social and psychological impact of having a sibling in custody. The present research was carried out in order to develop a better understanding of the needs and experiences of children who have a sibling in prison and is based on an interpretative phenomenological analysis of the accounts of eight young people (age 9–17, mean = 13 years) with an older brother in custody. The interviews revealed a series of themes, including the emotional response to a sibling being taken into custody, a reluctance to disclose information to teachers and peers, and perceptions of own behaviour in the light of the sibling's experiences of the criminal justice system. Findings are discussed in relation to policy implications and recommendations for those working with young people, and suggestions are made for future research directions.  相似文献   

This study was designed to identify the degree to which the directors of adult basic education programs perceive they have program quality support, as evidenced by a well-defined mission and role in the community, a management system, human resources management, and a suitable learning environment. NSCALL’s Evidence-based program self-assessment (2006) was modified and administered electronically to administrators of adult education programs in a mid-southern state. Findings indicated that most directors perceive they are implementing the indicators of program quality support in all of the areas surveyed. A research-based annual self-study that considers the quality indicators is recommended, leaving a need for an update to the NCSALL assessment for use as a program assessment instrument.  相似文献   

As today's workplaces strive toward a climate of inclusiveness for persons with disabilities, much work remains for employers in developing a process to achieve this ideal. While survivors of mental illness are encouraged to disclose related concerns to their employer, such sharing of personal information remains daunting. Similarly, employers attempting to assist the process are often awed by the extent of collaborations involved in integrating employees with mental health issues back to work as well as concern about compliance with human rights legislation. Needed accommodations in terms of approach to the work itself are often simple; however substantiating the need for adjustments is more complex. This case study introduces a model to support the development of shared goals and shared understandings for return to work (RTW) among workers with mental health concerns, employers, co-workers and therapists. The model of occupational competence is used as a basis to guide dialogue, identify challenges and generate solutions that take into consideration a worker's preferences, sensitivities, culture and capacities in relationship to the occupational demands in a given workplace environment. A case study is used to demonstrate the potential utility of the model in assisting stakeholders to strengthen collaborations and partnering to achieve a shared understanding of worker and workplace needs.  相似文献   

The idea of a community of learners is based on the premise that learning occurs as people participate in shared endeavors with others, with all playing active but often asymmetrical roles in sociocultural activity. This contrasts with models of learning that are based on one‐sided notions of learning— either that it occurs through transmission of knowledge from experts or acquisition of knowledge by novices, with the learner or the others (respectively) in a passive role. In this paper, I develop the distinction between the community of learners and one‐sided approaches from the perspective of a theory of learning as participation, and use two lines of research to illustrate the transitions in perspective necessary to understand the idea of communities of learners. One line of research examines differing models of teaching and learning employed by caregivers and toddlers from Guatemalan Mayan and middle‐class European‐American families; the other line of research involves a study of how middle‐class parents make a transition from their own schooling background to participate in instruction in a public US elementary school.  相似文献   

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