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The year 2010 is the last year of the Eleventh Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development as well as the final year of the 2001-2010 Program for Women and Children. In addition, this year marks the centenary of the International Working Women's Day. We will continue to take the Scientific Outlook on Development as our guide, diligently serve the overall interests of the country, serve women and serve local branches of the All-China Women's Federation and strive to open up new prospects for programs to help women.  相似文献   

Chaoshan Dance     
This painting depicts a folk activity popular for hundreds of years in Chaoshan, in the Southeastern coastal area. The dancers dressed as ancient warriors in red robes march forward while beating bamboo clappers rhythmically, showing the respect of the people in the coastal areas for heroes, as well as the rejoiceful mood after harvest. Every Spring Festival, men in fishing villages organizn the  相似文献   

RECENTLY, 1,456 people in Shanghai were investigated for their marriages. The result was that the reason for marriage, age and the way of seeking partners has changed. The Reasons for Marriage According to the investigation, most people in Shanghai married first for reproduction purposes, so as to continue the family line and to further society. In  相似文献   

In the aftermath of the Olympic Games, we look back on the highlights for Chinese women. Outstanding performances by the athletes thrilled audiences across the country. Chinese athletes did remarkably well, winning 28 gold medals for the country; there were not a few female athletes among them, who picke up a total of 16 golds. This issue features the Chinese women gold medalists as a mark of respect and to say that we, as women ourselves, are extremely proud of them.  相似文献   

Shooting the Way     
LAST November, after working as a picture editor for eight years for China's biggest news agency, I was assigned to Bonn as Xinhua's overseas photography correspondent. When I reported in at the German Federal News Agency, the woman officer in charge of foreign journalists' affairs said to me in surprise: "As far as I know, China has never sent a photojoumalist to Bonn before. Now here comes the first Chinese news photographer, and she's a woman! Tell me, what does it mean for you, as a woman, to be given such a working opportunity?"  相似文献   

The Ding Kiln, one of the five famous kilns of the Song Dynasty, was located in today's Jianci village of Quyang County, Hebei Province, which is celebrated for its production of white-glazed porcelain. It was influential in the South as well as in the North.  相似文献   

THE Law of the People's Republic of China on Teachers (to be referred to as the Law on Teachers for short), was discussed and adopted at the Fourth Session of the Eighth National People's Congress Standing Committee October 31, 1993, and put into effect January 1, 1994. The Law on Teachers' formulation and promulgation shows the Party and the government's concern and care for teachers. It is the embodiment of maintaining the strategic role of developing education as a priority, respecting teachers and attaching importance to education. It is the result  相似文献   

Brave Women     
In the summer of 1998, as Chinafaced the worst floods for decades,the women introduced belowdemonstrated their amazing courageand spirit of contribution.  相似文献   

China for Women-Travel and Culture 《女人眼中的中国——旅游与文化》 Publisher: Feminist Press From the Paleolithic period to the present, Chinese women have held up half the sky. Nowadays, they work as architects, soldiers, physicians and fruit growers. Some have traveled the Yangtze's rapids in rubber rafts. China for Women is the perfect guide for both  相似文献   

The newly developed tourist city of Huangshan possesses the extremely beautiful natural scenery of Mt. Huangshan, as well as the splendid culture of its 2,300-year history, providing marvelous enjoyment for both domestic and foreign tourists. The scenery in Mt. Huangshan is lovely all year round, with its "four unique views"—the rocks, the pine trees, the sea of clouds and the hot springs. In the areas around Mt. Huangshan, people can see folk customs as well as ancient architecture in the form of bridges, residences, arch towers, streets and ancestral halls.  相似文献   

I. Introduction 1. The children of today will run the families of the 21st century. Their survival, protection and development decide, for the most part, the quality of a people and lay the foundation of human progress as a whole. The 1990 World Summit for Children endorsed the "World Declaration on the Survival, Protection and Development of Children" and the "Plan of Action for Implementing the World Declaration on the Survival, Protection and Development of Children in the 1990s," (hereinafter referred to as "Declaration" and "Plan of Action" for short), In March 1991, Premier Li Peng signed the two documents on behalf of the Chinese Government, making a solemn commitment to this major undertaking. 2. The wholesome development of children has a bearing upon the future of China. The Communist Party of China and the Chinese Government have always paid close attention to the survival, protection  相似文献   

WHAT used to be known as a neighborhood is now called a "community"—a civic sub-administrative body below that of "district." The change applies not only to the name but to its role as well; economic progress and changes in people's lifestyle have called for new uses for the community—the most fundamental administrative unit in a city.  相似文献   

XIE Youyu went to Antarctica in November, 1985. It was the second time that China sent a scientific expedition to the South Pole. On the eve of her Antarctic trip, my colleagues and I visited her. On behalf of all the staffers of Women of China, we presented her with a flag bearing the words "Bring Credit to Our Country" and asked her to plant the flag at the South Pole which expressed our concern for China's research in Antarctica, as well as our respect for Xie and her brave venture. Xie spent four months at the  相似文献   

The mythological goddess known as N(?)wa was a representative figure of Chinese primitive matriarchy. With her brush, Annie Leung expresses admiration for N(?)wa's heroic feat of mending the hole in the sky with a colorful stone even as the flood waters rose around her.  相似文献   

IN terms of both time period and implementation, China has accomplished nearly 50 percent of her goal for decreasing the 1989 mortality rate of infants and children below the age of five by as much as one-third by the year 2000. According to the Ministry of Public Health (MPH) statistics released in August, 1996, China's maternal mortality rate decreased from 94.7 per 100,000 in 1989 to only 39.2 in 1995. Figures for rural  相似文献   

ALL parents hope their children will grow up healthy and clever. To provide children with good health care and education early on and to mold them into talented people who will be able to contribute toward the next century is the mission of China's development program for children. In order to implement the "National Program of Action for Child Development in China in the 1990s," to mobilize all walks of life to become concerned with the health of mothers and children and the fate of the next generation, as well as to improve the quality  相似文献   

PEOPLE in Yinan County refer to Li Xiuying, a doctor highly respected for her gynecological and obstetrics surgical skills, as "Magic Scalpel Li." Li Xiuying assumed the post as vice director of the Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics in the People's Hospital in Yinan County at the young age of 27. She held the post for 12 years until 1988 when she was became director of the county's Family Planning Service Center. Li had never pursued the new position, and was unable to accept the unexpected transfer, preferring instead to continue working in the Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics throughout her career.  相似文献   

IN February 1992 the State Council Standing Meeting discussed and endorsed the National Program of Action for Child Development (hereinafter referred to as National Program for short) in China in the 1990s which is a program of action for children. Children are the future of our motherland and the hope of our Chinese nation. The wholesome development of children has a bearing upon the future of China. Improvement of the quality of our entire nation begins with them.  相似文献   

I work on the railways and as a freelance photographer. I've always held a special emotion for the railways. Ever since I started my pho-  相似文献   

Wei Xiuying was born in Ruijin, Jiangxi Province. She joined the Communist Party of China in 1932, and served as directorfor Xingguo County Soviet Government Committee for the Improvement of Women's Life, and secretary in charge of women's work in Jiangxi Province.In October 1934, Wei Xiuying took part in the 25,000-li Long March with the Central Red Army.After liberation, she served as the first-term director of the Jiangxi Women's Federation. In the early 50s, it was she who first found that schistosomiasis was serious in Yujiang County, and reported this condition in a report to the National People's Congress. The very day Chairman Mao Zedong saw this report, he gave the order "eliminate this plague". Wei Xiuying was appointed as the deputy head for South China Land Reclamation and Cultivation Bureau in charge of the development of Hainan Island. Before retirement, she was the Vice President for Jiangxi Provincial Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference.Now, Wei Xiuying is 86 years old. Sh  相似文献   

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