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China Has Released a National Report on Child Development for 2003 to 2004 《中国儿童发展状况国家报告(2003-2004年)》公布China has released a national report on child development for 2003 to 2004 at the 7th East Asia and Pacific Ministerial Meeting on Children in Siemreab, Cambodia. The report, which was made public by the National Working Committee on Women and Children under the State Council, describes recent progress on child development and reaffirms China's pledge to embrace child development as a top priority. It also reveals that China has stuck to the principles stipulated in the Bali Consensus passed at the 6th ministerial meeting in Indonesia and made considerable achievements in strengthening children's protection, empowering their rights and improving their well-being.  相似文献   

China is one of the most diverse countries on Earth, and its habitats range from the vast deserts of the northwest and the Tibetan Plateau, to forested mountain slopes, to a myriad of rivers and lakes and the steamy tropical forests of the far south. China is home to many rare and threatened species. and conservation is now a firm priority for the Chinese Government. Interest in China's green heritage has never been greater,  相似文献   

THREE years have passed since China.promulgated and implemented the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of the Rights and Interests of Women, the first of its kind in China. What role has this law played and what effect has it had on the situation of Chinese women over the past three years? In April and May of 1995, the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress (NPC) conducted an extensive and profound investigation in eight of China's provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities to  相似文献   

Relying on advanced technology, China has greatly improved its meteorological service in the past few years. The modern meteorological technical system has played an important role in preventing and reducing damage from natural disasters, thus helping to advance China's economic construction. Meanwhile, the field has benefitted from international cooperation on scientific research and meteorological education. Women meteorologists have been essential to this process.  相似文献   

ZHANGJIAGANG, a small city with a population of 820,000 in southern Jiangsu Province, has become famous recently. Media from the central authorities to the localities vie with each other to report on the city. Over the past three years the economy of the city has quadrupled and increased by over 60 percent annually. In 1995 its average income per capita was US $2,146, which was second among the 100 top counties and cities in China. As new villages and towns have been built one after another, the city has taken on a new look. It was  相似文献   

China has 367 million children under 18. Adhering to the principleof "children first," the government and the society pay closeattention to the issues surrounding child development. Accordingto the newly released National Report on Child Development for20…  相似文献   

LEPROSY has been spreading in some parts of Chinafor more than 2,000 years. With the founding of NewChina in 1949, the Chinese health departmentlaunched a comprehensive prevention and treatment actionagainst this disease. According to the EpidemiologicalAnalysis on Leprosy in China (1949—1996), from theMinistry of Public Health, the spread of leprosy has beeneffectively controlled. Based on statistics collected withprovince as the smallest unit, China has reached the goal setby the WHO that "leprosy should be abolished as a public  相似文献   

"LAW" has been drawing closer to the lives ofordinary Chinese people since the 1980s. Overthe past 10 years or so China has issued manylaws in rapid succession. "Governing the statebased on law" was put into the Constitution of thePRC in March 1999, laying a solid foundation forthe realization of the nation's four modernizations. I became a lawyer in 1985. Since becoming astaff member of the All-China Women'sFederation (ACWF), I have consulted on theMarriage Law and other regulations and clausesrelated to it.  相似文献   

After years of preparation and months of tense anticipation, China has realized the dream to hold an Olympic game! On the night of the announcement, Beijing exploded into a celebration of pride and joy—fireworks burst in the air, and people poured out of their apartments and into the plazas to share their happiness. The next day, work continued on the renewing of Beijing, because making the 2008 Olympic Games successful is not only important to the Beijingers but to all Chinese people. Representing all of China as  相似文献   

JUNE 5, 1994 has been mandated World Environment Day. On this day the first meeting on Women and the Environment in China was held in Beijing and the Declaration of Chinese Women on Environment was established. According to the declaration, environmental pollution and the destruction of the ecology have posed a serious threat to the survival of the human race. It has become a great issue of common concern. The functions of women in procreation and social development are directly affected by the deterioration of the environment. It is the common interest of the populations of the world to protect the environment. The declaration notes that Chinese women are greatly concerned about the environmental conditions of their  相似文献   

This issue u'e uould like to inlroduce our readers to the Criminal Lau' of the People's Republic of China. The law was adopted at the Second Session of the Fifth National People's Congress on July 1, 1979, promulgated by Order No.5 of the Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress on July' 6, 1979 and effectire as of January 1, 1980.The Criminal Lau' consists of tu'o parts. The first has 5 chapters and 89 articles and the second has 8 chapters and 192 articles. We hare only extracted a feu' articles concerning u'omen and children and some general prorisions.  相似文献   

Xie Qihua, chairwoman and president of Shanghai Baogang Steel Group, China's largestiron and steel maker, has made a dramatic leap on Fortune magazine's list of the top 50businesswomen outside the United States. An alternate member to the 16th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China,Xie Qihua jumped to second place on the influential list, up from 16th the previous year.  相似文献   

Confucianism Becomes Major Brand of China's Cultural Exports孔子成中国文化出口大品牌China has the reputation of being the world's factory, due to all of the goods that it produces and exports. Now, a new brand has emerged on the list of exports:  相似文献   

The Shandong Provincial Party (Communist Party of China) Committee has included work related to the protection of women and children's legal rights and interests in the standards for the evaluation of government organs' work. Officials of the Qingdao (a city in East China's Shandong Province) Working Committee on Children and Women recently monitored the city's work related to women and children, and they concluded the city had done the following during the first half of this year:  相似文献   

Cao Aiwen曹爱文Twenty-three-year-old Cao Aiwen, a journalist with the metropolitan channel of Henan TV, which is based in Central China, has been praised as the "most beautiful female reporter in China," by netizens, because she put a story on hold to try to save a girl's life. At 5 pm on July 10, Cao was at work and she received a call that a girl had fallen into the Yellow River. Initially, she thought it was a great story. She rushed to the scene and watched as some people  相似文献   

In observing the UN-sponsored, "International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking," the Information Office of the State Council released the White Paper entitled Narcotics Control in China. It comprehensively states China's manifesto on tackling the problem of illegal drugs and the efforts it has made to prevent drug abuse and trafficking.  相似文献   

Dear Women of China,I suggest the A ll-C hina Women's Federation(ACWF)do more work and publish more articles on the social issues women face,including domestic violence and financial control,as well as highlight the legislative actions the Chinese Government has taken to protect women from such actions.The federation needs to do more to combat violence against women,through its advocacy and policy work.  相似文献   

From the Mailbag     
My name s Ioana.Iwork as an Eniglish teacher in Wuhan,in Central China's Hubei Province.I am fond of reading your magazine.1 wish to congratulate you on the amazing work Women of China has done so far.Personally,I am grateful for the stories you bring with every issue,and for the new and exciting information and inspiration you bring.  相似文献   

THE story of Wang Zhaojun's marriage is a true story in Chinese history that has become a common household legend. Zhaojun was a beautiful young Han woman who lived long ago. In order for central China to be on good terms with the minority nationalities in remote, northern China, and to bring the war between these two powers to an end, Wang sacrificed herself, agreeing to marry the chief of the Xiongnu  相似文献   

During the past 30 years, China's urban population has expanded by 500 million people. It is on track to swell by a further 300 million by 2030. Hundreds of millions of the new urban residents are rural migrants, and they are living with little access to urban benefits. The rapid expansion of urban China is astonishing, but new policies are urgently needed to create healthier cities.  相似文献   

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