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现代社会是法制社会。每个人都应该按照法律准则规范自己的行为。也就是说。生活离不开法律。缺乏法制意识的人。不懂法律常识的人。私欲恶性膨胀的人,一味好胜逞强的人。难免会跌跟斗。吃苦头。现实生活中。一些触犯法律的人。有不少就因为缺乏法律常识或因为一念之差而一失足成千古恨的。科学生活的含意中。也包括遵纪守法。为此我们特邀请全国审讯能手、公安部一等功臣、上海市公安局闸北分局季宗棠副局长主持本栏目,剖析各种典型案例来普及法律常识。  相似文献   

现代社会是法制社会。每个人都应该按照法律准则规范自己的行为。也就是说。生活离不开法律。缺乏法制意识的人。不懂法律常识的人。私欲恶性膨胀的人。一味好胜逞强的人。难免会跌跟斗。吃苦头。  相似文献   

中午十二点多,我从首都机场起飞,下午六点,就到夏威夷的檀香山机场了。仅用形容"陌生的地方",还不足以表达我对这陌生的感受,我像掉进了深渊。周围的人,都有自己的方向。我没有方向。我跟我的男朋友约好我不出机场,我在候机大厅等他。如果说他是按约定的从美国东部飞行十七小时之后,当天下午七点到机场,我只须等一个小时,那是最好不过的。问题是,我在机场等了两个小时,也没有等到他。没有办法,再等。开始的等待还不怎么焦虑。我带有书。包里也有饼干。口渴也有矿泉水卖。再等下去我就有些慌神。我肯定我显得极为不安。看不进书。左顾右盼。听不懂广播里的  相似文献   

加入WTO后。全球化将更为深刻地影响中国城市。21世纪是城市世纪(确切地说是城市竞争世纪。也是城市管理者竞争的世纪)。知识经济时代是城市的时代。自从办奥运赢利并取得品牌效应以后。“奥运”争办台前幕后的惨烈是空前的。北京也经历过一次了。城市的发展是现代社会一切发展的中心与摇篮。但是。正像科学技术的发展是一把“双刃剑”一样。城市的发展也是把“双刃剑”。在她给人类带来多多福利的同时。也带来了种种棘手的甚至令人迷惘的问题。  相似文献   

他一定知道你已经原谅他了,但是他一辈子没有原谅他自己……读高中的时候他们相爱了。高三那年的清明节,在他们第一次接吻的槐树下。他说,他永远不会欺骗她,永远不会对她说谎。他说,无论两个人是否能考入同一所学校他们的心都不分开。高考结束了。他们分别考进不同的学校,走入不同的城市。鸿雁往来的过程是迷人的。她每周会收到他写来的两封情书。他每周也会收到她写的两封情书。写信的时  相似文献   

正人是一个或浅或深的谜。我从来没有面对过一个如此谜一样的男人。L的人生之河流得跌宕起伏,几曲几回。我一头栽进他的河里,心绪起落至今。我首先结识了那个1990年的穷光蛋。那时,他是个毛头小伙子,穷得心安理得理直气壮。他有着青春的本钱昂扬的志气。严格  相似文献   

有这样一个地方:地处北疆,亚欧大陆腹地。深藏于上阿勒泰山的褶皱里。是民族英雄纵马驰骋的战场,是雪莲花盛开的地方,它遥远而神秘,这地方叫青河。有这样一个家庭:祖孙三代,6个民族。183口人。如此庞大的家族堪称"中国之最",如此和睦的家庭世上稀有。有这样一位母亲:她生育了9个儿女,收养了10个孤儿。漫漫人生路。她用博大的母爱把1 9个孩子拉扯成人,成家立业。半个多世纪了。这无疆的大爱超越亲情。跨越民族,滋润着儿女们的心田。谱写了一支爱的金曲。在天山南北传唱。这位平凡而伟大的母亲名叫阿尼帕·阿里马洪,今年69岁,2009年2月获"新疆首届十大杰出母亲"荣誉称号。这个家是由维吾尔族老人阿比包和妻子阿尼帕用爱心支撑的大家庭。  相似文献   

正你不顾妻子的劝慰,喝了很多酒。我开车把你送回去的时候,你在车里跟我说,黄白蓝是你的第二颗智齿。那毫无防备的疼,像忽然钻进心脏的子弹,差点要了你的命。都是凉鞋惹的祸你又问我,关于黄白蓝的消息。那么多年过去,你还是执意将她放在心底。她很好,独自趴在阳台上看小说。比起当年,她真的安静了很多很多。你又在电话里跟我描述你们第一次认识的场景。虽然你已说过很多遍,但你从不觉得烦。你仍然讲得绘声绘色,细腻传神。那是2003年的夏天。你刚从广州过来,异常时髦,成天穿着新买的皮凉鞋在学  相似文献   

雾淡。花盛。风轻。你拈起第一粒鸟鸣,用目光染亮。取一只青花瓷瓶,注满清水,你端坐在晨曦之中,插花。你有一双修长的手。干燥、干净、坚定。你就用这样的手,插花。你神情专注,似在做一门功课。这门功课你每日必修。因为,你需要一双稳定的手。你是一名刽子手,如同烙饼  相似文献   

女人最担心的事莫过于自己的男人与别的女人有一腿。于是,聪明的女人在一起"探讨":究竟是什么"鬼"使男人出轨。当官的太太说,有权就招鬼。男人有了权,女人身边缠。有的男人被女人缠得五迷三道,得意忘形。其实,女人看好的只是男人的官位。当官的下了台,哪有女人睬。老板的婆娘说,金钱是个鬼。有钱能使鬼推磨,还愁  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to examine submaximal and maximal physiological responses and perceived exertion during deep-water running with a vest compared with the responses during treadmill running in healthy elderly women. Eleven healthy women 70 +/- 2 years old participated. On two different occasions they performed a graded maximal exercise test on a treadmill on land and a graded maximal exercise test in water wearing a vest. At maximal work the oxygen uptake was 29% lower (p < .05), the heart rate was 8% lower (p < .05), and the ventilation was 16% lower (p < .05) during deep-water running than during treadmill running. During submaximal absolute work the heart rate was higher during deep-water running than during treadmill running for the elderly women. The participants had lower maximal oxygen uptake, heart rate, ventilation, respiratory-exchange ratio, and rate of perceived exertion during maximal deep-water running with a vest than during maximal treadmill running. These responses were, however, higher during submaximal deep-water running than during treadmill running.  相似文献   

This study examined (a) the association between relationship functioning prior to and during deployment, and the frequency of communication during deployment; and (b) the association between relationship functioning and depression during deployment and their influence on service members’ ratings of duty performance. Participants were 144 partnered Airmen assessed immediately before and during a one‐year high‐risk deployment to Iraq. Results showed an overall high frequency of partner communication during deployment. High relationship distress at predeployment predicted lower frequency of communication during deployment. Changes in relationship distress from before deployment to during deployment independently predicted frequency of communication, above and beyond predeployment distress levels. Level of relationship distress and depression during deployment independently predicted service members’ ratings of impact on duty performance.  相似文献   

Our aim was to study the effects of maternal perinatal mood and maternal emotional availability on child emotional availability and negative affect during the still-face procedure (SFP). The sample included 214 women who participated in a prospective study. We assessed maternal mood problems using the Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview and PRAQ questionnaire during pregnancy and using STAI and EPDS questionnaires during pregnancy and at 6 months after delivery. Maternal and child emotional availability were studied using the Emotional Availability Scales during the SFP at 6 months. We observed and quantified child's negative affect during SFP episodes. We found that mothers with maternal mood problems (anxiety and/or depression) during pregnancy, but not postnatally, showed less optimal maternal structuring during the SFP, and the children showed lower involvement and responsiveness during interactions with their mothers. Furthermore, lower maternal emotional availability was related to the child's higher negative affect during the SFP. Our findings underline the independent roles of both prenatal stress exposure and maternal caregiving behavior in a child's socioemotional development.  相似文献   

Emotion regulation strategies and variation in their presentation were explored toward understanding infants' responses during reunion with mother (Re) following baseline mother–infant interaction (Bl) and differential treatment (DT) episodes. Correlation analyses revealed cohesion among distress and mother‐directed touch and proximity‐seeking during DT and Re, mother‐directed gaze during DT, and resistance during Re. The association between mother‐directed gaze during DT and distress during Re suggests that visual inattention during DT serves as a regulatory strategy. Overall, these linkages yield expanded understanding of jealousy protest as a constellation of responses that endures beyond the eliciting condition and includes regulatory behaviors. Cross‐context comparisons revealed that distress was lower during Re than during DT, but not as low as Bl, suggesting that DT poses challenge to interactive repair. Inquiry into individual variation revealed that distress during Re was augmented in laterborn males and with risk influences of dysregulated fear, and maternal insensitivity and hostility. Conversely, maternal depression was associated with less distress; later judgment as insecure, especially insecure‐avoidance, was associated with less mother‐directed behaviors. These findings suggest that dysregulation following DT is indicated by both resistance and passivity. In sum, the results highlight emotion regulation as a powerful framework for addressing recovery following DT.  相似文献   

Factors related to the Islamic holy month of Ramadan are discussed in this article. A content analysis of 508 Egyptian television commercials is described. Comparisons of ads run during Ramadan and those run during a non-Ramadan period are made. Findings show fewer ads during Ramadan, more emphasis on charity messages during Ramadan, and more conservatively dressed characters in ads during Ramadan. Results concerning family orientation are mixed. The content analysis is supplemented with details elaborating on individual advertisements and a call for continued and expanded investigation of the topic.  相似文献   

The effects of maternal cigarette smoking during pregnancy on behavioral and physiological measures of arousal were examined in a sample of 50 neonates. After the effects of alcohol, caffeine, and maternal demographic variables were statistically controlled, regression analyses showed that maternal smoking during pregnancy was predictive of higher heart rates overall and during quiet and active sleep. Maternal smoking during pregnancy was also predictive of lower heart rate variability and an increased number of tremors and changes in behavioral state. These findings suggest that maternal cigarette smoking during pregnancy affects the regulation of spontaneous autonomic activity in neonates.  相似文献   

Differential response effectiveness is examined for patients during multiple episodes of methadone maintenance (MM) treatment. Subjects were 251 narcotics addicts who were divided into three groups based on their daily narcotics use pattern during their first two MM treatment periods: (1) a "stabilizing group"--showing no daily use for both periods, (2) a "cumulative group"--showing a lower level of daily use during the second period compared to the first, and (3) a "deteriorating group"--showing higher daily use during the second period. Behavioral measures for various narcotics-related variables were plotted over 4 time periods (pre-MM, during first MM, between first and second episodes, and during second MM) were compared. Results indicated several individual differences related to patients' response to multiple episodes of MM. Clinical, research, and policy implications are discussed.  相似文献   

The extent to which 4‐month attentional regulation during an infant‐mother still‐face situation and 12‐month attachment security during the Strange Situation predicted rates of compliance and noncompliance during a cleanup task at 36 months was examined longitudinally in 70 infant‐mother dyads. Hierarchical multiple regression analyses indicated that infants who showed more attentional regulation during the still‐face situation with mothers later showed a higher rate of committed compliance and a lower rate of situational compliance during cleanup with mothers. Furthermore, lower levels of attentional regulation were later associated with higher rates of assertive behavior, but only for infants in an insecure attachment relationship.  相似文献   

This study examined the association between maternal smoking during pregnancy and maternal behavior during mother‐infant interactions during the neonatal period. Participants included 84 mother‐infant dyads (43 cigarette‐exposed and 41 nonexposed) who were recruited after birth and assessed at 2 to 4 weeks of infant age. Results indicated that mothers who smoked during pregnancy had higher levels of maternal insensitivity (MI) and lower levels of maternal warmth (MW) during interactions with their infant even after controlling for demographics and pregnancy alcohol use. Maternal anxiety and hostility mediated the association between smoking and MI and maternal anger mediated the association between smoking and reduced MW. In addition, there was an interaction between infant gender and maternal smoking for MW with smokers displaying less warmth to boys during interactions.  相似文献   

The nationwide increase in obesity affects all population sectors, but the impact on children is of special concern because overweight children are prone to becoming overweight adults. Contrary to the opinion of experts, research suggests that schools may be more part of the solution than the problem. Recent seasonal comparison research (comparing children's outcomes during the summer and during school year) reports that children gain body mass index (BMI) nearly twice as fast during the summer as during the school year. Whereas most children experience healthier BMI gain during the school year than the summer, this is especially the case for black and Hispanic children and for children already overweight.  相似文献   

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