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《大众天文学》是一部载誉世界的科普名蓍。它于1879年在法国出版,不久便风行全球,被翻译成英、德、意、西、俄等许多文字流传世界,受到广泛赞扬。早在20世纪20年代就有人有把它译成中文的愿望,但一直没有实现。1955年,《大众天文学》又增订出版了新编本。当时正值中国第一座天文馆——北京天文馆动工兴建,一向热心科普事业的我国著名天文学家、上海天文台台长李珩教授愿意把这部科普巨著译成中文出版,以庆贺与纪念北京天文馆的建立。这一设想立刻得到不少同行学者的赞同。李珩教授早年留学法国,研读天文学获得博士学位,他不但精通天文数理,同时也酷爱文学,夫人罗玉君教授亦曾在法国获文学博士学位,他们在法国时就阅读过《大众天文学》以及该书作者c.弗拉马利翁的其他极富文学韵味的科普著作。因此,由李珩教授译述此书是最为理想的人选。那时,李元研究员正忙于北京天文馆的建设工作以及在天文馆落成之后的各种新型的天文科普工作,任务十分繁忙,但他向恩师李珩教授表示一定尽力配合他的工作,作为他的助手来实现《大众天文学》中文版的诞生。20世纪60年代初,这项工作正式启动,到1966年共分三册出齐。但当时正赶上“文化大革命”横扫之际,这部书的命运可想而知,颇有“出师未捷身先死,常使英雄泪满襟”之感,更有“同是天涯沦落人,相逢何必曾相识”之慨。一时间,名著变为毒草,译者惨遭批斗,纸型被毁,再生无望。文革结束,劫后余生的李珩教授又重振旗鼓,准备对原书加以修订增补,重新出版。然而当时环境和条件有限,难有作为。时来运转是在2003年1月,李珩教授逝世16年后,汉译《大众天文学》又以新的面貌问世。这部科普名著在中国出全,前后经历了约40个春秋才画上了一个句号。如果从该书在法国诞生时算起,这次中文版新版问世已前后历时120多年。应本刊之邀,李元研究员专门撰文,介绍这部世界科普名著在法国诞生到中国新生所历经的艰辛、曲折的故事。  相似文献   

2011年7月1日,对于中国社会而言,是个值得纪念的日子。因为在这一天,中国历史上第一部《社会保险法》开始实施。  相似文献   

笑汀 《老年人》2008,(1):27-28
今日名满天下的旅游胜地—湘西凤凰,在改革开放以前,一直只是一个鲜为人知的荒僻边城。近百年来,这个小小的边城,至少走出了三个中国历史和文化舞台上第一流人物。对于沈从文和黄永玉,人们可能已经知之甚多,但对于熊希龄,则恐怕仍在“素昧平生”之列。读人如读书,熊希龄绝对是一个不可不读的人物。  相似文献   

1936年9月下旬,暑热刚过,已到中秋,鲁迅先生大病初愈,又开始写作。后半夜,他读着9月20日上海《大公报》上关于辱华影片《上海快车》的评论,又看到21日报上所载北平丰台中日两军摩擦的电报,不禁百感交集,爱国之心炽热烧,执笔写下了《“立此存照”(三)》,结尾语重心长地说道:  相似文献   

任炜华 《现代妇女》2013,(11):32-32
在男权礼会,历史由男子书写,女子成为历史中一个个模糊的背影.为女子立史、尤其是为女子立教育史.似乎成了奇特之举。女子教育虽然不是教育史上浓墨重彩的一笔,却也是不可或缺的一笔。拜读熊教授此书.发现有如下特点:  相似文献   

周明 《炎黄世界》2011,(1):48-51
为了纪念改革开放33周年,也为了纪念新时期文学早期为推动思想解放和文学新生而战斗的前辈们,本刊特邀请原《人民文学》副主编、曾组织和参加采访《哥德巴赫猜想》这篇典范报告文学的周明先生,撰写《徐迟与(哥德巴赫猜想)》一文,详述了这篇文章问世的经过。希望广大读者关注。  相似文献   

元金 《当代老年》2007,(11):31-31
中国历史上唯一可考的驸马状元——郑颢 自古以来,民间就经常把驸马与状元这两个词联系起来,好像中了状元就可以做驸马。实际上中国历代可考的驸马状元只有郑颢一位。郑颢是唐会昌三年的状元。本来他早有婚约在身,中状元后打算迎娶卢家的千金。可是这位年轻英俊的状元被皇上看中了,非要将自己心爱的女儿万寿公主许配给他,郑颢偏偏不爱公主,非娶与自己青梅竹马的卢家小姐。唐宣宗便让宰相白敏中说服他,白敏中费尽口舌,又多方威逼利诱,终于迫使他娶了万寿公主,婚后两人生活得并不幸福,后来郑颢多次弹劾白敏中,幸好唐宣宗自知理亏,替白敏中压下了弹劾的奏章。  相似文献   

许倬云教授著的《万古江河》(上海文艺出版社2006年版。下引该书,只注页码),副题是“中国历史文化的转折与开展”,全书谈论的是自远古至20世纪中叶的中国社会的历史、文化。以“江河”指代历史,是有悠远传统的比喻。所谓“子在川上日:逝者如斯夫”,有人从积极的方面分析,认为“孔子的观水”,正是“以它‘逝者如斯夫’的前进,来说明虽是不断的过去,却具有永恒的‘不舍昼夜’的勇迈古今的精神”(南怀瑾,《老子他说》,国际文化出版公司1991年版,第122页)。其实,社会史的进程正是这样。千百年来,不同社会力量的聚合与分流,运动与滓潴,冲蚀与激荡,一如江河。梁启超在表扬司马迁的史学成就时,说到当时之“中国社会,譬之于水,其犹经百川竞流波澜壮阔以后,乃汇为湖泊,恬波不扬”(《中国历史研究法》)。而成功的史学论著,可以看做这种种现象的水文记录。  相似文献   

Bodyguards and Assassins is a fictional story about the attempted assassination of historical figure Sun Yat-sem who overthrew the corrupted Chinese Qing Dynasty (1644-1911) government during the early 20th century and who is known as the "father of modern China."  相似文献   

Millennials are struggling to meet current financial challenges. As we strive to improve financial capability in future generations, it is important that we look to the primary source of financial education: parents. This qualitative, multigenerational study explored what Millennials and their parents and grandparents (N?=?153) wish they had been taught about finances by their parents, as well as what parents and grandparents wish they had taught their children. Thematic content coding of the interviews revealed three core “I Wish” themes: “Practical Knowledge,” “Financial Stewardship,” and “Open Communication.” These findings can assist researchers, family life educators, financial educators, parents, and future parents to enhance the financial education provided by parents in the home.  相似文献   

Recent high profile cases of child sexual abuse have increased interest in the grooming behaviors of child molesters and why these offenders are not identified sooner. This study examined one possible explanation—the hindsight bias. Five hundred and twenty-six undergraduates were randomly assigned to read one of six vignettes and asked to rate the likelihood the person in the story is a child molester. Results supported the presence of the hindsight bias, with participants who were given outcome information overestimating the likelihood they would have predicted that the person was a child molester. Also, participants were able to recognize sexual grooming behaviors when the potential child molester was a relative and nonrelative. Findings indicated that sexual grooming behaviors may be more easily identified than previously proposed, but individuals greatly overestimate the likelihood they would have predicted a person was a child molester once they are given outcome information.  相似文献   

Sociologist Mabel Agnes Elliott was elected the fourth president of the Society for the Study of Social Problems in 1956–1957 and was the first woman to hold this position. She was an anti-war activist, a feminist and a creative and diligent writer. Yet she experienced many challenges. The Federal Bureau of Investigation kept an active file on Elliott for approximately 30 years, she was the victim of discrimination by her male colleagues at the University of Kansas where she spent much of her career and Professor Robert E. L. Faris used many of the ideas from her Social Disorganization textbook without attribution. In spite of her research productivity her salary was frozen for 18 years. Once she began teaching women at Chatham College she found an institution that appreciated her many talents and rewarded her appropriately. Even so, in a male-dominated discipline, her contributions to criminology and social disorganization have been nearly forgotten.  相似文献   


This article explores the developmental experience of curiosity and how it relates to the primal scene. Bion’s concepts of K and –K, alpha function, and containment are used to think about the wish to know and the wish not to know (or to “titrate” knowing). Clinical vignettes trace the experience of curiosity as it plays out in the analytic relationship, and they illustrate instances when thinking becomes confused and boundaries collapse in response to “too much” information. Curiosity, when worked through, may become an analytic object, a vehicle for intimacy, and a possible third position between K and –K, one that leads the way toward creativity and play.  相似文献   

This is a discussion of how a fictional child, as portrayed in a novel by Henry James, attempts to deal with the complex relationships that follow a bitter divorce. The various strategies used by the child are considered, both as they are described by James, and in the light of today's psychological theory. The article challenges us, as adults, to think more deeply about the nature of a child's experience of parental conflict and separation.  相似文献   

Today we recognize that storytelling plays an important role in helping survivors of traumatic episodes such as sexual abuse, military combat, or genocide refashion a sense of self and “work through” their traumatic experiences. But before the Holocaust was named and widely acknowledged and the diagnosis of post‐traumatic stress had emerged, survivors of Hitler's genocidal policies struggled to tell their stories in a world that did not particularly wish to hear them. While most accounts of Holocaust survivors’ postwar experiences focus on themes of redemption, adjustment, and integration, my analysis of interviews with Holocaust survivors suggests during their first two decades living in the United States they were often silenced by individuals they encountered. I use Goffman's analysis of stigma to document how and why this silencing occurred, and with what consequences, providing an account of the interactions survivors had with family members, neighbors and acquaintances, and the strategies of identity management that survivors devised.  相似文献   

高等教育的收费与农村高中生升学意愿   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
改革开放以来 ,尤其是20世纪90年代后期 ,我国高等教育事业发展迅速 ,人们接受高等教育的机会也明显增加。但有关研究表明 ,自1997年全国高校招生全面实行并轨收费制度以后 ,农民子女在我国高等教育迈向大众化的过程中受益较少。因此 ,高等教育发展过程中 ,我们不能忽视公平问题 ,必须关注作为弱势群体的农村高中生的受高等教育权利的问题。一、研究方法和资料来源本文利用的数据资料来自2001年华中科技大学“高校收费与农村高中生升学意愿”课题组的调查资料。调查以江西省所有在校农村高中生为总体 ,采用多阶段随机抽样方法选…  相似文献   

Schools are centers of collaboration in promoting the development and learning of children and adolescents. They seek to develop cultures of collaboration not only within their walls but also among constituencies with similar interests. These efforts, unfortunately, all too often prove frustrating and disappointing to all concerned. Yet, the need for interdisciplinary inquiry is greater today than ever before. This is particularly true considering the complex, diverse, and multifaceted nature of today's schools. No one professional can address all of the problems confronting education, particularly those of urban schools. For decades mental health and education professionals have joined together around their similar interest in promoting children and adolescent development. One such initiative is a program that fosters educators' development. This program, named the Teacher Education Program, began under the auspices of the Chicago Institute for Psychoanalysis and evolved into the Human Development and Learning Program when a partnership was formed with DePaul University's School of Education. From the program's 34-year history, the authors highlight specific tensions they experienced as directors of this collaborative initiative, and how these challenges either were or were not anticipated and/or addressed. The aims are to put a human face on the challenges and struggles encountered in the relationship between education and mental health professionals, and to identify common ground between educational and psychoanalytic theories and practices.  相似文献   

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