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Dear Women of China,
I'm interested in your magazine, but there's no way for me to get copies of it where I live. I see that your website has an electronic version of the magazine, but it's only one issue, it's a few months old, it's difficult to read (because you have to wait for the pages to enlarge), and you have to click on the pages to flip them back to the table of contents or reload the whole page. It's extremely aggravating and not at all easy for readers to use.  相似文献   

In general, I really admire your magazine. I've become addicted and I read your magazine every month. I think it is an essential read for anyone interested in gender equality and (anyone who) supports win-win progress for both men and women. I would like to see more debate on family and cultural issues, though, and read more about the secret to China's economic growth. Many thanks to the Embassy of China, in Eritrea, for distributing the magazine.  相似文献   

I'm delighted to write a column in Women of China English Monthly. Here, 1'11 share interesting findings, key insightsand real stories from the work I've been doing with thousands of competent professional women in China -- and around Asia. Given that it's the start of the calendar year, I want to shave a powerful exercise -- on reflection, to set you up for success in the coming year, and beyond. To start, grab a journal, and answer the following questions: What do you think your colleagues would say about you? What have been your key successes during the past year? What are the best practices you used to achieve those successes'?  相似文献   

Dear Women of China Thank you for a wonderful September issue. The cover photo was both sad and uplifting. I was drawn by the little boy's determined face and the title mentioning Zhouqu. I knew it had to be some kind,of disaster, and reading about the relief efforts and the people affected was touching. In the past two years, China has seen quite a few natural disasters. I wonder what may have caused these problems to begin with. I hope that the people in China will have safer futures.  相似文献   

Dear Women of China, I enjoyed reading about James Chau in your April issue. I used to live in Beijing and I watched CCTV for my daily news fix. I've always wondered why Chau liked to lean towards the side like that. I'm glad that was mentioned in your article, and that be answered the question so thoroughly and honestly. Thank you for clearing up that question for  相似文献   

Dear Women of China,
What a great list of Chinese proverbs in the Chinese language learning section of the December issue. I have been studying Chinese for a few years now, but I can never get enough of Chinese proverbs. After all, there are so many, and learning them can be really useful. Being able to find information like this in a magazine is a great added value. I look forward to seeing more in the future.  相似文献   

Dear Women of China, I'm traveling throughout China for a month, and I want to know what's the best way to travel between cities, Arc airplanes and trains good choices?  相似文献   

Dear Women of China,
I'll be studying Chinese in Guilin, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, in the summer, but my school is rather small and doesn't have its own cafeteria or dining plan. Students have to purchase their meals or cook for themselves in their apartments. I know there will be restaurants nearby, but I want to save money instead of spending extra for meals.  相似文献   

Dear Women of China
I've been reading your magazine for some time; overall I think it has a good start, but it needs more if it is going to compete with other magazines for readers' attention. The articles and content of the magazine are easy and simple to read, but they don't get much deeper than that. For example,  相似文献   

Bao Du is traditional Beijing local food made of ox and sheep stomach. Jin Sheng Long is a special private restaurant, famous for Bao Du, with a 100-year history. The seasoning is the key to Bao Du, which flavors the meat and gives the dish its distinctive taste. This restaurant offers 13 types of Bao Du, so there should be something to suit everyone. The restaurant can be found on Dons Zhi Men Nei Street. After tryng Jin Sheng Long's Bao Du, Mr Li Delun, one of their old customers and famous conductor said:"I have not had such good Bao Du for years! It tastes just like it did when I was a child."  相似文献   

On the Noodle Road: From Beijing to Rome with Love and Pasta is a delicious travelogue and memoir chronicling author Jen Lin-Liu's journey from China to Italy in search of an answer to the age-old question: Who invented noodles? Conventional wisdom has it that Marco Polo (1254-1324) took the noodle from China to Europe, across the Silk Road, dtucing the late 13th century. Lin-Liu, however, believes the noodle's origin, much like its preparation, is not so cut and dried.  相似文献   

Dear Women of China I was glad to see your March issue focus on International Women's Day. It's an important event and I hope it will last 100 years more. As a man who supports women's rights and the chance at equal opportunities for all, I think the first step toward a gender-equal society is caring about the hardships women face. It's sad when I sometimes see friends of mine know about these issues, but are more interested in checking out sports. I hope International Women's Day continues to remind us, and urge us, to care about the female half of the human population.  相似文献   

ONE winter, my mother told me that the old house had to be sold. Among us children I was the one who most bitterly opposed the scheme to sell because of reasons that were hard to explain. But my mother's words seemed to be irrefutable: "Nobody has been living in the house for years and we should sell it before it collapses. You have always cherished your feelings for the house, so go there and stay for one last time." Our family's old house was a two-  相似文献   

Your female friends might be surprised -- even shocked -- if you ask: "Would you like to be a 'virtuous wife?'" Some might answer with a question, such as, "Why do you ask this?" or "Is this important?" Others might say, "Well, I think I'd like to be." Still others might put you on the spot, by asking, "Why should I be a 'virtuous wife?'" or "Am I not virtuous?"  相似文献   

August 15, 2010, started out like any other day, but it quickly became the focus of millions of people. As flags were lowered to half-mast throughout China, the nation felt deep grief for the victims of the devastating mudslide in Zhouqu County, in northwestern China's Gansu Province. Just days earlier (midnight on August 7 to be exact), the mudslide ravaged the beautiful county; in a twinkling of an eye, homes were damaged and family members were forever affected. By August 26, more than 1,400 people had been confirmed dead.  相似文献   

I am writing my thesis on microfinance, and how it contributes to the empowerment of women in society. More specifically, it is focused on female entrepreneurs. I would like to focus on China, and I have noticed that you have some articles about the effects of microfinance on women (in China). Could you please offer me more details about the issue?  相似文献   

Wu Zhiyi, born August 1956, is a senior photojournalist with China Daily. Using his camera to take aim at world leaders for the Englishlanguage daily newspaper, he is responsible for covering major news and important foreign events. "I am like a sharpshooter," Wu writes in his recently published book, Leaders Who Matter. "I observe world leaders through the lens and press the shutter at the perfect second," The book highlights two decades of Wu's photos, all of which were taken in halls of power as presidents, prime ministers and top diplomats visited China for summits, security conferences and cultural exchanges.  相似文献   

After having survived a full year as a mother, I dare say mothering must be one of the dullest things I have ever experienced. Of course, it has its moments, like the sweetness of a baby's first smile, but most of it is about just as interesting aslistening to a cross-country orienteering broadcast on the radio.  相似文献   

Dear Women of China,
I'm a Hindu and, as part of my religion, I'm a vegetarian. I want to study abroad in China next fall, but nay family and trouble finding vegetarian food to eat while I'm in China. Are they telling me the truth or are they just exaggcrating?  相似文献   

It is my pleasure to be here in Hong Kong at the Beijing + 15 Forum of Status of Women amid the elegance and charm of China's Pearl of the Orient, and to have the opportunity to meet and discuss with the women of Hong Kong their good works. As this year marks the 15th anniversary of the Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing, it is an apt date indeed for the Hong Kong Federation of Women to hold this forum. One hundred years ago, the Second International Socialist Women's Conference designated March 8 International Women's Day. Since then, March 8 has been a festival for women around the world.  相似文献   

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