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The star-studded movie, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon. directed by famous Hollywood director. Ang Lee. made quite a stir at this May's Cannes Film Festival. Despite commendable performances by stars,Chow Yun-fat and Michelle Yeoh. a young actress from Beijing, Zhang Ziyi. stole the show. Crouching Tiger was Zhang's s second movie. Zhang Ziyi. the latest hot talent to arrive on the Chinese film scene. has always been good at making moves. A student of Beijing Dance School(studying Chinese traditional dance). she won best performer at the National Young Dancer competition. but turned down dancing for the movies When asked her reasons she said she had become frustrated with dancing. feeling there was not much future in  相似文献   

LOCATED by the Yellow River in the west of Henan Province. the city of Sanmenxia sits at the juncture of Henan. Shanxi and Shaanxi provinces. The name of Sanmenxia (Three-Gate Gorge, in Chinese) derives from a beautiful ancient story about a magic axe that could carve out rivers and watercourses. In remote antiquity, a legendary hero named Da Yu was supposed to have tunneled the Dragon Gate, set up a whetstone and cut across  相似文献   

LONG long ago, Heavenly King Mu who ruled the Lijiang River intended to extend his kingdom. In order to occupy Yongning, a fertile land, he wrote to the king of the North (the North was inhabited by the Primmi and Naxi nationalities in Yongning) to propose a marriage between the two families. On the 50th birthday of Heavenly King Mu, his daughter, Princess Longnu (Dragon Daughter), fell in love with the Prince of the North, a kind and handsome young man. The Prince of the North and the Dragon Daughter were deeply attached to each other after their marriage. Before long the King of the North died and the prince became the new King. Heavenly King Mu wanted to  相似文献   

Zhang Xu, who has travelled to the remote city of Lijiang in Yunnan Province a dozen times or more, has been adopted by the Naxi people. Her passionate interest in Naxi culture drives her efforts to introduce it to the world. The house of Zhang Xu's Naxi parents in Mingyintuli Village is surrounded by Jade Dragon Mountain.  相似文献   

“美丽中国爱心行”走进玉树 Led by Chen Xiaoxia, Secretary-General of the China Children and Teenagers' Foundation (CCTF), a group from the foundation's "Love Travel in China" project began a two-day visit to Yushu Tibetan Prefecture, in northwestern China's Qinghai Province, on September 24, 2013. The prefecture was rocked by a 7.1-magnitude earthquake on April 14, 2010.  相似文献   

OPERA troupes of various kinds usually play an important role during traditional Chinese holidays, adding color to the festivities. I am with such a troupe and give performances either in parks or at temple fairs during Spring Festivals and the Double Ninth Festivals, or sometimes, even in the street if there is a celebration. I am a retired worker. I do not give performances for money, but for fun and love—love for Hebei local opera, an art that I started to learn during my early teens.  相似文献   

The movie, a period drama adapted from the novel, The Criminal Lu Yanshi, by Yan Geling, tells the story of a man's reunion with his wife and daughter after years of separation due to the Cultural Revolution (1966-1976). The film, directed by Zhang Yimou, features powerful performances by veteran actors Gong Li and Chen Daoming.  相似文献   

Ten Chinese women were named "Models of the Year" during an annual awards ceremony on December 9, 2013, in Beijing. The Women Media Awards ceremony was sponsored by lady. 163.com and the UN Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN- Women). It was the first event of its kind in China, which has made a commitment to the promotion of gender equality and women's progress in various sectors.  相似文献   

October in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, is a gloriously golden autumn, the most beautiful season in the year. Artists from both China and various other parts of the world gather in Nanjing at this pleasant time, bringing their own unique artistry and high quality performances along with their wishes for peace and friendship.  相似文献   

To coincide with China Children's Charity Day, organized annually by the China Children and Teenagers' Fund (CCTF), CCTF held a ceremony, in Beijing on July 28, to launch the nationwide "Safeguarding Childhood" project.  相似文献   

FUYANG City in China's AnhuiProvince is a place of abundantproducts and simple people.Itsfolk performances are varied,have along history and contain a strong senseof entertainment.Due to its large area,the culture of Fuyang is dividedbetween different regions,each ofwhich has its own unique  相似文献   

"Jingle Ma's war epic is a touching portrait of love in the time of war. 'Mulan' is anchored by a strong performance by Vicki Zhao Wei, the wide-eyed expressive star vividly portraying her character's sorrow, anguish, fear and terror. One can't say the same about her physicality though, judging from the number of cutaway shots in the film during the battle scenes. This too is not director Jingle Ma's forte, and audiences who have seen Red Cliff will likely be unimpressed.  相似文献   

Touring Lijiang     
52An ancient waterwheel.Yesterday。s tooI is today’s touristattraction. Naxi women at a thriving market in Lijiang.A clear stream winding past the front ofeach home—a distinctive charactensticof Dayan,the ancient tOWN of LijiangCounty.Black Dragon Park sits in front of the beautiful snow-capped Jade Dragon MountainTouring Lijiang…  相似文献   

When the new semester started, 10,000 poverty- stricken, first-time pupils, from 128 schools in 14 provinces or municipalities, were given a meaningful present-- their first schoolbag. The program, entitled "My First Schoolbag," was launched on September 1 in Beijing Zhiquan School, a facility for the children of migrant workers. The program was sponsored by the China Children and Teenager Fund (CCTF) and CapitaMalls Asia (China). Some 10,000 schoolbags and stationery items were donated by CapitaMalls Asia (China), through CCTF, to Grade 1 students, most of whom were left-behind children, poverty- stricken children or children of migrant workers attending schools in Beijing, Chongqing, or one of 12 provinces. Fan Jiying, Member of the Secretariat of the All-China Women's Federation (ACWF) and Vice-Chairperson of CCTF, attended the opening ceremony and delivered a speech.  相似文献   

DRUM teams from along the Yellow River are known not only in China but by many foreign friends. Recently women have formed their own teams and their performances have further increased the popularity of this ancient Chinese folk art.  相似文献   

The lifting—rod from the centralShanxi is regarded as a play with-out fines and 0 dance fn the air.China’S folk dances have great variety and a long history.In recent years more newprograms,especially women’S programs,have appeared onstage.Every year duringSpring Festival dozens of peasant folk dance teams come to Beijing and participatein competitions.Their brilliant performances are well received by Beijingers andtourists and add much to the festivai.The awe.inspiring gong and drum.a …  相似文献   

Zhejiang's Chun'an County was first established in 208 A.D. In 1959, a large section of the region turned into Qiandao Lake when Xin'anjiang Reservoir was built. On the original Dragon Mountain (now Dragon Mountain Islet) stands a temple in memory of Hai Rui (1368-?), an upright official who worked as County  相似文献   

If you happen to visit Kaili(a city in Qiandongnan Miao and Dong Autonomous Prefecture,in Southwest China’s Guizhou Province),you will no doubt be impressed by the Miaos,splendid costumes and adornments-throughout the ages-on exhibit in the museum established by Ou Donghua.Ou,a resident of the prefecture,is a Guizhou provincial master of arts and crafts,and an inheritor of the Miaos’embroidery.  相似文献   

Reel Time     
Hong Kong director Peter Chan's latest film, Dearest, which is based on true stories of child abduction in China, is definitely a tearjerker. Set in Shenzhen, in southern China's Guangdong Province, Dearest follows a divorced couple, Tian Wenjun (played by Huang Bo) and Lu Xiaojuan (played by Hao Lei). Tian works at a small market stall while his ex-wife is married to a wealthy man. Pengpeng, Tian and Lu's son, is their only common concern. One day, Pengpeng plays with other children in the market. He is distracted by his mother's car, and he runs after her. Suddenly, he is taken away by a stranger, which leaves his parents feeling despair and desperation.  相似文献   

This is an official IYF emblem. The simple design, created by Catherine Littasy-Rollier, the Swiss-born artist who now resides in Vienna, consists of a heart sheltered by a roof and linked to another heart. The design symbolizes life and love in a home full of warmth,  相似文献   

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