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大公无私是圣人,公而忘私是贤人,先公后私是好人,有公有私是常人,先私后公是小人,损公肥私是罪人。—凡人格言 权力是一时的,财产是后人的,健康是自己的,知识是重要的,情谊是珍贵的,声誉是永恒的。—凡人格言  相似文献   

建筑是凝固的音乐,中国古建筑主要是木石结构,我称之为木石的史书,综合的艺术,历史的见证。 历史,一个是文字的历史,还有一个是实物的历史。中国历代的各种建筑,宫殿,园林,寺庙,民居等,都是实物的历史,历史凝聚在了这些实物身上,它们也骓了历史。  相似文献   

养生,指的是保养人体的生理机能,而养性,则指的是调理人的性情。其实,养生与养性是统一的,。生理健康如何,很大程度上是由性情的修养水准来决定的。养性应该是手段,养生才是目的,手段是为目的服务的。从某种意义上说,要活出质量——健康的活着,就得以养性先行。从这个层面来说,养性较养生更重要。  相似文献   

我并不认为自己是很好的企业家,但我认为我是一个很好的老师,在公司里面也是这样的。有时候自己一个人喝茶的时候想,自己当企业家不是一流的,当老师是一流的。这五年我挺感动的,一个梦想到现在已经变成了一个现实。今天还有人问我,阿里巴巴到底是什么企业,是中小型企业吗?我认为阿里巴巴是一个中型企业甚至是小型企业。它还是个孩子,才五年。我们公司员工平均年龄只有26岁,但是我们发展很快。全世界都有我们的会员。客户越来越多,影响越来越大。在海外很多人并不知道阿里巴巴是中国的企业。很多人认为是美国的公司,是印度的公司。在土耳其我们去演讲的时候,打出的横幅是欢迎阿里巴巴回家,然而阿里巴巴只是去探亲而已。到今天为止,阿里巴巴是中国人创办的公司,但是阿里巴巴不是中国人的公司,他是属于阿里巴巴人的。企业越来越多的人,我们要走向全世界,阿里巴巴是由阿里巴巴人创办的,我们有德国人、美国人、法国人,日本人。全世界的人参与进来。  相似文献   

言词低调,行为谦恭,是邢颖给笔者的瞬象。 与笔者谈及做人,邢颖数度言明:“低调做人”。世界之大,人际之繁,唯小可以立身,唯低可以立命。在这个云谲波诡的世界里,邢颖的低调做人,是智、是明、是善、是和、是贤、是器、是理、是道。  相似文献   

我是江苏如皋人,今年77岁,老伴陈南余,85岁了,是新疆生产建设兵团原农十师离休干部,老家也在如皋。我俩一生平平淡淡,普普通通,唯一的自豪和荣光,是当年我俩结为夫妻,是由王震将军做的大媒。  相似文献   

粒砂 《老人世界》2010,(4):32-32
女人要势利起来,丝毫不让须眉,能把男人拽个跟头!战国时期,苏秦这个小伙子很不安分,是个很有才华,也很有志气的青年,曾师从鬼谷子,与张仪、孙膑、庞涓是同窗。遗憾的是,当时还不兴科举。那时,要想出人头地,一是推荐,二靠游说。彼时的穷小子苏秦是没有任何背景的,即没什么所谓的“门路与关系”。所以说,他采取的是后者——游说诸侯权贵而博取功名富贵和权力。在  相似文献   

张鸣跃 《职业》2013,(7):67-67
“连环创业客”王兴,15年创业,几起几落,在许多人看来也不过是年轻人创业的老情形:屡战屡败,败了再战,近乎骑虎之势。但奇妙的是,他的起落都是显形于潮头浪尖,而且是在一个定向区域,起时在上,落也在前,这就有趣可寻了。他自己说,他是在冲浪,的确,将他的创业的每一个“浪尖”连接起来,人们发现:他的成功其实是一条直线,而且是定向超越的一条直线。  相似文献   

城市镜片 对于某些女人来说,爱情很少是具体的某个人。它是瞬间,是片段,是场景,如罗兰巴赫所说,是流亡的想象。  相似文献   

有人说,城市是凝固的音乐,立体的图画,流动的风景线,一点不错。从来的建筑物,既是物质产品,也是文化产品,是物质文明和精神文明的载体和结晶。古代罗马式建筑反映的是罗马时代的生产水平和社会意识,哥特式的建筑反映的是中世纪的生产力水平和人们与自然抗争的意志,以及当时兴起的宗教意识。巴黎的埃菲尔铁塔反映的是近现代工业文明,而凯旋门则是法兰西民族自豪感的象征。因此,经营城市建筑物有把它作为物质产品提高其质量的任务,也有把它作为文化产品提高其质量的任务,二者是相辅相成,相得益彰的。  相似文献   

Political reform after the departure of President Soeharto’s New Order (1966–1998) provided opportunities for previously oppressed social groups to express their concerns and to demand fair recognition. The results of this newly found freedom have been quite immediately visible in Jakarta, where social and political institutions spearheaded by Chinese originally sprouted. In the regions, political participation of ethnic Chinese has also grown; significantly in those regions with a large Chinese population. In West Kalimantan, the number of Chinese being elected to local parliaments in some regions has doubled. They have also contested numerous direct local executive elections since 2003 and have been successful in winning four posts: a mayor, a district head, a deputy district head, and a deputy governor. By looking at the case of West Kalimantan, this article will examine the factors behind the growth in Chinese political activism, the factors contributing to the success of Chinese candidates in elections, how the Chinese have influenced local and provincial politics, and the challenges they are facing.  相似文献   

如今.象征着和平、友谊和希望的奥林匹克圣火已经点燃。以"和谐之旅"为主题的北京奥运会火炬接力也拉开了帷幕,从而奏响北京2008年奥运会精彩的序曲。圣火将在"祥云"火炬的承载下传遍世界各地和整个中国.有史以来.这是奥林匹亚圣火和中国人民最近距离的亲密接触。  相似文献   

Given that young people in China are faced with increased sex-related risks, it is important to understand from a communication perspective, the role of parents as a prominent sexual socialization agent for Chinese adolescents. Semistructured, one-to-one interviews were conducted with Chinese adolescents (= 37) about their parents’ communication about sex and sexuality. Using a constant comparative method, four categories were identified with respect to Chinese parents’ direct/explicit communication about sexuality and in addition, four categories of indirect/implication communication (RQ1). Further, four categories regarding Chinese adolescents’ attitudes towards such communication were apparent (RQ2). Overall, Chinese parents attempted to transmit values and expectations about dating and sexual activities indirectly, implicitly, and/or nonverbally. Adolescents in the present study also expressed tendencies to avoid sex-related communication with parents. Some even explicitly stated that avoiding such communication was beneficial. The findings’ implications for the role of culture in parent-adolescent communication about sexuality and communication openness are discussed.  相似文献   

Participants were 109 American college students studying Chinese in a study-abroad programme in Beijing. Following Kelley and Meyer, intercultural competence was defined as cross-cultural adaptability involving four dimensions (emotional resilience, flexibility/openness, perceptual acuity and personal autonomy) and was measured with a survey. A language contact questionnaire was used to document the amount of time spent on social activities. Language proficiency was measured with a standardised Chinese test. Results revealed that intercultural competence and language contact combined explained 37.7% of the proficiency gains. Language contact had direct effects on proficiency, but intercultural competence had indirect effects, mediated by language contact.  相似文献   

改革开放以来,中国城市基层治理结构经历了以“单位制”为主转向以“街居制”为主的制度变迁。由于“街居制”在运作中面临一些深层矛盾,街道办事处改革的呼声一直很高。推进城市治理结构扁平化,有必要撤销街道办事处,由区政府直接指导社区建设,实行“二级政府、二级管理”体制。撤销街道办事处是一项系统工程,它有待于推进大部门体制、调整行政区划、培育非营利组织、发展公私合作关系等配套改革相支持。  相似文献   

Using a multimethod strategy, we identify and analyze mobilization processes associated with the rapid emergence of the 1989 Chinese Democracy Movement. We propose that the confluence of macro-, meso-, and micromobilization processes and linkages among them provide a more robust model for understanding social movement dynamics. While the Chinese Democracy Movement was facilitated by economic reforms, regime crises, delayed repression, and the presence of foreign journalists, institutional forces were not sufficient in explaining the rapid and extensive mobilization. Students were able to overcome deficits in organizational and media resources by co-opting extant networks and by developing resonant collective action frames. Their frame alignment strategies and nonviolent direct action tactics tended to resonate with ordinary people's observations and experiences as well as with traditional Chinese narratives of Confucianism, nationalism, and communism. State reactions and counterframings, on the other hand, failed to sway the masses. Instead, participation spread from a few hundred college students to millions of citizens and ended, tragically and ironically, with the "People's Army" slaughtering its own people around Tiananmen Square.  相似文献   

Infrastructure in China is a key service provider, and the current priority accorded to it by the Chinese leaders reflects both the nation’s role as a global player and the commitments of accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 2001. To date the creation of a Chinese nationwide market has been impeded by poor transportation infrastructure and provincial particularism. Accordingly, this paper will examine the development and shares of different transport modes since the beginning of economic reform in the 1980s as well as projections and forecasts for the period ending in 2050. In view of China’s domestic consumption aims and continuing, through changing, foreign trade priorities, there must be better coordination between different transport modes in passenger or freight movement. Finally, the potential for foreign direct investment participation reflects WTO commitments and the globalization of Chinese business. In summary, the institution of a coordinated comprehensive transportation system is crucial for China’s sustainable economic growth.  相似文献   

This study examines and extends former theoretical argument of nonprofit rationalization in the Chinese context. Based on a survey study of 179 nonprofit organizations across Zhejiang province of Eastern China, we find that nonprofits led by individuals with prior business experience and with more extensive business networking are more likely to adopt rationalized rules and practices. Moreover, the results indicate support for the mediation effect of business networking on the relationship between prior experience and rationalization. We also find the moderation effects of management training on the direct effect of prior business experience and on business networking, as well as the indirect effect of prior business experience on rationalization via business networking. Our findings contribute to explaining the formation of rationalization in the Chinese nonprofit sector and provide implications for future research, practice, and policy.  相似文献   

盛夏 《职业时空》2012,(4):143-145
随着全球化的深入和中国经济的发展,中国的对外旅游业也快速发展,为进一步推动旅游业并吸引更多外宾入境旅游,旅游外宣资料发挥了越来越大的作用,其用语的准确性和文化传递的贴切性也受到了更多关注。但因为中英语言和文化的不同,许多旅游宣传资料还存在一些问题,文章主要分析了中英语言的差异,提出了一些翻译旅游外宣资料的改进方法。  相似文献   

The statement that Xinjiang is an integral province of the People's Republic of China (PRC) is not as banal as it would first appear. The primary question that arises from this statement is how—by what processes and strategies—was Xinjiang brought to its contemporary situation as a province of the PRC? This paper seeks to highlight that, although Xinjiang's history since the eighteenth century has been one of great turbulence and dynamism, underlying continuities in both the practice of Chinese power and perceptions of Xinjiang impact profoundly on contemporary China's rule of Xinjiang. Therefore, this study attempts to chart the transition of the Qing goal of territorial incorporation of the region based upon a system of indirect rule c.1760 to the post-imperial Chinese state's goal of territorial incorporation based on the extension of direct, modern strategies of government and control.  相似文献   

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