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乳腺癌筛检联盟成立,“成长伙伴”中国贫困儿童关爱计划在京启动  相似文献   

为孩子圆一个梦--记“Music Radio音乐之声 我要上学”公益活动;“酷熊猫”慈善义卖活动举行;履行承诺 遏制艾滋;李娜情系孤儿 捐奖金献爱心;  相似文献   

To support flood-relief work in central and southern China, a charity sale was held at the Beijing New Talents School on June 25. The auctioned items included reading lamps, tables, chairs and other daily necessities made by the students from discarded materials.  相似文献   

郑乐平 《社会学》2010,(1):71-72
由上海社会科学院社会学研究所和上海慈善事业发展研究中心主办的“上海公益慈善论坛”于2009年11月27日举行。上海市慈善基金会领导和本市120多位慈善公益界的实务工作者和研究人员出席了这次论坛。  相似文献   

刚到英国时,我一度被闹市里背着小红桶向过往行人乞讨的人搞糊涂了。难道发达国家连乞丐都穿得这么体面?后来才注意到,这些小红桶上印有例如“癌症基金会”等组织的名字,这些奔走在闹市乞讨的人是为慈善机构募捐的义工。后来,我逐渐对英国的慈善有了更多的了解。街上林林总总的慈善商店陈列着各种各样的二手商品,都是民众无偿捐赠的旧货,价格相当便宜,卖得的款项作为慈善基金由相应的基金会管理,并发给需要救助的人。  相似文献   

Project Benefits Girl with Cerebral Palsy
Zhang Zhuo, 7, a girl from Changchun, capital of northeastern China's Jilin Province, in December 2013 became the first beneficiary of a program to help impoverished children who suffer from cerebral palsy.  相似文献   

2012年7月12日~14日,首届中国公益慈善项目交流展示会在深圳举行。此次展示会汇聚国内544家公益慈善组织(项目)、基金会、企业、教研机构及省、直辖市、自治区参展团,展示国内优秀的公益慈善组织(项目)和公益创意。这是我国首次举办国家级、综合性公益慈善项目交流展示会,也是迄今为止全国最大规模的公益项目集中展示会。会上,民办社工机构也作为其中一个单独的类别参展。此前的7月1日,首届中国公益慈善项目创意大赛总决赛在深圳举行。  相似文献   

Celebrity Promotes Energy-saving, Emission-reducing Lifestyle Chinese actress Zhou Xun is urging people to save energy and reduce emissions by making some changes in their lifestyles. Zhou made the appeal recently while promoting the nationwide environmental awareness campaign OUR PART, which she initiated with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). "Please promise to save energy, by using energy- saving lamps,  相似文献   


慈善机构不仅要接受审计部门和会计师事务所的审计,还要建立起公开透明的机制。随时随地接受公众的监督。  相似文献   

In this study, we explore nonprofit website development by applying two different types of website assessment tools to US charity websites. One instrument is theoretically based in nonprofit tendencies; the other is a commercial automated service. The results of these evaluation tools are further analyzed to determine whether the instruments are sufficiently independent for evaluation of nonprofit websites. The results illuminate differences in the assessment tools, finding them to be complementary. Each method offers different insights into website development deficiencies and avenues for improvement.  相似文献   

A quasi-experimental design (N = 517) was used to investigate the effect on audience response to a supported charity if corporate support is featured in an advertisement. The results indicate that corporate support of a charity appears not to influence audience attitudes and donation intentions for the charity. A small portion of the audience may be motivated to donate when learning of a large corporate donation to the charity. The level of individuals’ favorability for the charity was the strongest predictor of their attitudes and intentions. Gender was also a predictor of more positive charity attitudes, with females reporting more positive attitudes than males for three of four charities. Managerial implications and areas for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

This research demonstrates how sustained charity fraud is supported when organisations do not develop strong accountability links to salient stakeholders. Whilst increased regulation is one response to reduce charity fraud and to increase organisational accountability, regulators seldom recognise the myriad heterogeneous needs of stakeholders. This research explores the tactics employed by beneficiaries and the donating public to escalate their accountability demands on such charities. By preferring the most powerful stakeholders, charities miss the opportunity to design effective processes to discharge accountability to meet their moral obligations to legitimate stakeholders. This article calls for increased ??stakeholder understanding?? by charity governors as a policy to recognise the moral rights of these stakeholders and to reduce charity transgressions.  相似文献   

Banknote Action
http://gongyi.weibo.com/r/213030 Nine-year-old Luo Cheng has a younger brother,Luo Ting.  相似文献   

We show how international charity leads to reduced self-help, exacerbated internal income inequality, and less charity for needy countries when international funds transfer is costly and there are information asymmetries. Mechanism design techniques are used to analyze international income transfer programs in the context of moral hazard, principal-agent, and adverse selection problems. We show that the burden of information asymmetry is borne by the most needy even when charities design incentive contracts which limit informational rents.  相似文献   

现代慈善素养是现代社会发展对青少年综合素质提出的新要求,其培养教育的主渠道是学校现代慈善文化教育。在校园内进行的培养青少年现代慈善意识和行为的教育就是学校慈善文化教育。学校慈善文化教育的主要内容是爱心、感恩、利他和参与。  相似文献   

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