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Lack of access to funding is the main obstacle to women in rural China who want to start their own businesses.
To counter that problem, Liaoning Women's Federation has made unremitting efforts to implement the Small Secured-Loan Discount-lnterest Policy in recent years. For example, the federation has monitored the policy's implementation in villages, and it has conducted research in the villages to determine what women need and how it can meet those needs.  相似文献   

Ding Zhongping, President of Chongqing Women's Federation, conducted an inspection tour of Xiushan County, in Southwest China's Chongqing Municipality, and she held a meeting on urban and rural women's work on June 26.
During the meeting, Ding said the development of the weaving industry would help women find work and/or start a business, and that it would help develop the local economy and foster harmony within families.  相似文献   

The Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security of Shanghe County (in Ji'nan, capital of East China's Shandong Province) in 2013 put a lot of effort into fulfilling the targets of women's development, as prescribed in China's 12th Five- Year (2011-2015) Plan. To promote women's development, the bureau did the following to help women find work and/or start a business:  相似文献   

'Showing a Beautiful World' Exhibition Held To commemorate the 100th anniversary of International Women's Day (IWD), the women's federation in Baoshan District, Shanghai, held the "Showing a Beautiful World" Exhibition to display works by Baoshan women. Although IWD was on March 8, the exhibit was held in Shanghai on March 1. In December 2009, the Baoshan Women's Federation announced its plan to collect original works by Baoshan women. The response was positive. Women contributed more than 120 calligraphies, paintings, photographs and embroideries, among other works. The items reflected the wisdom of the women, displayed Baoshan women's pursuit of beauty, and extended the women's best wishes to the World Expo 2010 Shanghai. The expo will open on May 1.  相似文献   

The All-China Women's Federation (ACWF) and China's Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security held, in Chengdu (capital of Southwest China's Sichuan Province) on May 8, a conference to demonstrate and promote achievements in developing the weaving industry to help women find work and/or start a business. Shen Yueyue, Vice- Chairperson of the NPC (National People's Congress) Standing Committee and ACWF President, spoke during the conference. Song Xiuyan, Vice- President and First Member of the Secretariat of ACWF, hosted the event.  相似文献   

Dear Women of China, I am currently directing The World Made by Women (BBC/CCTV), a landmark BBC documentary series on the global history of women, One of the fihns in the series will locus on the roles and fates of women under Confucianism and Buddhism -- to be filmed in Vietnanl, China and Japan. 1 am keen to explore gender ideology during the Ham Tang and Song dynasties in China. 1 am very keen to interview and talk to female Chinese historians,  相似文献   

On August 12 more than 20 representatives of women model workers of Beijing, the "March 8 Red Banner Pacesetters," comprised of women scientists, women authorities and women entrepreneurs, along with women workers from the Beijing Textile Industry Corporation, sewed a banner on which they meant to collect 10,000 signatures. This event marked the  相似文献   

"Everything is so new!" said, Hon. Zippora J. Kittony, National Chairman of MYWO, on this, her third visit to China. She was amazed at the number of new developments in China-particularly those concerning Chinese women. At the invitation of the ACWF, Madam Kittony led the KenyanWomen's Delegation to China this autumn, to observe Chinese women's participation in political affairs and economic activities. During the 11-day tour of Jiangxi, Shanghai and Beijing, the six-person delegation personally visited rural farming projects run by women, as well as inspecting community services and the development of cities. The Kenyan visitors expressed their support and mentioned how touched they were by the warmth of the Chinese people.  相似文献   

Dear readers, Women of China was first issued in 1956, a full 40 years ago. In that time, the magzine's format has changed from a quarterly, to a bi-monthly, to a monthly. Our magazine is distributed in more than 130 countries and regions and is well-received by our readers. Women of China is a comprehensive English monthly concerned with the conditions of Chinese women. It aims to enhance contacts and exchanges between Chinese women and women from all over the world, and to increase their understanding and friendship. In the 40 years, forerunners in Chinese women's movement and women state leaders, Soong Ching Ling, Cai Chang, Deng Yingchao, Kang Keqing and  相似文献   

Becently a survey was conducted among 2,055 urban women from 18 to 40 years old in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Chengdu and Shenyang. According to them, independence and equality between men and women are the striking features of women in the new century. 63.2 percent were willing to compete with men in the workplace. In terms of the best family mode, 42.2 percent of them partially agree that a perfect woman needs to  相似文献   

Michelle Bachelet, former President of Chile (2006-2010), on September 14, was named Under- Secretary-General for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women) of the United Nations. UN Women, a newly created United Nations office to promote gender equality and the empowerment of women, was established on July 2 by the UN's General Assembly, which merged four gender entities into one. UN Women will promote the interests of women and girls across the globe. "Ms Bachelet brings to this critical position a history of dynamic global leadership, highly honed political skills and uncommon ability to create consensus and focus among UN agencies and many partners, in both the public and private sector," UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said when he announced the appointment. "  相似文献   

THE plane flew for about an hour,transporting me from Beijing to adeserted land,the Gobi desert,where sits the China Arms Testing &Training Target Field.For about 40 years,thousands of scientists and technicianshave made hundreds of greatachievements in the history of Chinesearms testing;among them are a lot ofunusual women making their own quietcontributions.  相似文献   

SINCE more and more rural women have become involved in commercial production, they have become more and more eager to learn about scientific technology. The Women's Federation of Beijing had long been looking for a direct and effective way to help them. Luo Xiaolu, vicedirector of the Federation, found in her investigation of the present conditions of intellectual women in Beijing that women students were also eager to get in touch with society. Then she had an idea that women students in universities and colleges should go to the countryside. Thus, an activity developed called "women college students and rural women, hand in hand."  相似文献   

MODERN science was developed from religious theology but theology excluded women. So only men populated the world of science in ancient times. Perhaps there lived some women inventors in history. But in the Dark Ages they might have been sentenced to death. Even great scientists such as Galileo and Copernicus didn't escape the  相似文献   

Meixian County, in Meizhou, in South China's Guangdong Province, in recent years has encouraged women to participate in villages' democratic autonomous management, in part to promote rural economic and social development. Tile county has strived to improve the percentage of women members and directors of villages' committees.  相似文献   

It is my pleasure to be here in Hong Kong at the Beijing + 15 Forum of Status of Women amid the elegance and charm of China's Pearl of the Orient, and to have the opportunity to meet and discuss with the women of Hong Kong their good works. As this year marks the 15th anniversary of the Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing, it is an apt date indeed for the Hong Kong Federation of Women to hold this forum. One hundred years ago, the Second International Socialist Women's Conference designated March 8 International Women's Day. Since then, March 8 has been a festival for women around the world.  相似文献   

AS a doctor in the management of maternity and children's hygiene in the Tibet Autonomous Region for nearly 20 years, I would like to present a brief introduction of the situation of Tibetan women and children's health, as well as the related services. Prior the Liberation in Tibet, this region coveting over 1.2 million square kilometers, had few health care facilities for women and children. Such activities were carried out by three Tibetan medical institutions, a small number of folk doctors of Tibetan medicine, and a few private clinics. Under the feudal serf system in Tibet, women who gave birth were discriminated against because it was considered an obscene act. Women could not give birth in their tent homes, but were instead forced to seek shelter in cow stalls or sheepfolds no matter how severe the weather. Women and children at the time had no rights to health care. Countless women and children died of birthing complications or  相似文献   

THE Xinhongzhuang Beauty and Health Club located near the foreign embassy area in Beijing is the first of its kind in China to provide services to women only. Though this club is a novelty in China, clubs catering to women's concern for beauty and fitness are popular in many cities in the world. The founder of the club said that the purpose of opening is to remake the image of the women of Beijing. "It should be an entirely new and perfect image," she said. Miss Ye, 32, is a general manager of a real estate company. It was not easy for her  相似文献   

With a view to severely punishing criminals who abduct and traffic in or kidnap women or children so as to protect the personal safety of women and children and maintain the public security order, the relevant provisions of the Criminal Law are supplemented or amended as follows: 1. Whoever abducts and traffics in a woman or a child shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than five years and not more than ten years, and shall concurrently be punished with a fine  相似文献   

THE employment of women living in towns is a substantial problem in China. Introduction to Town Women's Employment Issues Today, the Chinese workforce is undergoing tremendous changes. When rural residents poured into the cities or shifted to the local manufacturing and service industries, the number of unemployed people and town-dwellers without a state-run unit increased. The employment of women also has become a serious issue. According to  相似文献   

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