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车号在膨胀,人员在膨胀,办公室在膨胀,住房在膨胀,城市在膨胀,只有资源不膨胀,那么吃光占尽,子孙后代怎么办?  相似文献   

戴海 《老年人》2009,(8):29-29
在公园,在街市,在林荫道上,在旅游途中,到处能见到一对对老夫妻,或相扶,或相随,或在前头耐心地等候。他们有个质朴而亲切的称呼:老伴。  相似文献   

陈树庆 《老年世界》2014,(15):33-33
进入仲夏,骄阳似火。午饭过后,斜倚在卧室床背看书养睡,一声嘹亮的蝉鸣,划破小区的宁静,传进耳膜,让人感受到田野般的纯然和清凉。我静静倾听着这蝉声,心中涌起涟漪阵阵,曾经的蝉鸣又在耳畔回响,在那声声悠扬的呜叫声中,童年重临于我的心头。童年夏日午后,乡民手摇蒲扇在树荫下或蹲或坐,唠家常话桑麻,或扯一竹席在树下躺着静听蝉鸣,一只只蝉在绿荫里引吭高歌,大展才情,蝉声掠过树梢,似乎在向人们炫耀自己转瞬即逝的青春和生命。  相似文献   

今年是9·11事件的7周年,以美国为代表的反恐阵营也已向恐怖分子高调开战7年了。然而,来自全球不同地区的报道似乎显示,恐怖活动并未放慢脚步。就近期来说,在巴基斯坦,8月21日,旁遮普省军事重镇瓦赫连续发生两起自杀式爆炸袭击事件,造成562人死亡,数十人受伤。,在苏丹,8月26日,一架民航客机在苏丹西部达尔富尔地区被不明身份的恐怖分子劫持。在印度,9月13日,令人恐怖的连环爆炸案在新德里此起彼伏,已造成过百人死伤;在伊拉克,9月15日,迪亚拉省一名女子在宴会上引爆炸药,造成至少20人死亡,30人受伤,就在当天早些时候,两部汽车炸弹在巴格达的中心地带爆炸,导致12人死亡,32人受伤。这些恐怖分子视生命为儿戏,如此丧心病狂,到底为了什么?面对严酷的事实,人们在寻找和求解恐怖分子的作案动机。  相似文献   

2008年5月12日14时28分,一场天灾突降汶川,顷刻之间,美丽的家园化为瓦砾!面对灾难,我们的人民在党的领导下,肝胆相照,众志成城,用爱心、用热血、用行动,投入到抗震救灾之中。当灾难不可避免,我们的心中澎湃着同一个声音:“爱在一起,心在一起,天灾让我们靠的更加紧密,不用问我,不用问你,为了同一个目标我们创造奇迹;爱在一起,心在一起,只要还有希望就永不放弃,你鼓励我,我鼓励你,风雨过后的山河会更加壮丽。”  相似文献   

在这场地震面前,举国上下行动起来,在危难中众志成城,在困难中守望相助。近千成都市民聚集在春熙路献血点为灾区群众献血,队伍蜿蜒近两百米;成千上万的人民子弟兵闻令而动,如天兵神将,汇聚灾区,抢救生命……电视上,报纸上,网络上,一幕幕感人场景震撼心灵,给人兴奋。  相似文献   

一天之中,我偏爱黄昏。喜欢这样的感觉,在黄昏时分,夕阳透过半卷的窗帘,洒在幽暗的房间里,挪一把椅子,在角落里,闲适地蜷在里面,放一段轻音乐,静静地任思绪沉淀。或者在一个夕阳好的黄昏,静静地站在朝西的阳台上,看西部那缤纷的天空——作一幅“立尽斜阳图”。  相似文献   

张鸣跃 《职业》2013,(7):67-67
“连环创业客”王兴,15年创业,几起几落,在许多人看来也不过是年轻人创业的老情形:屡战屡败,败了再战,近乎骑虎之势。但奇妙的是,他的起落都是显形于潮头浪尖,而且是在一个定向区域,起时在上,落也在前,这就有趣可寻了。他自己说,他是在冲浪,的确,将他的创业的每一个“浪尖”连接起来,人们发现:他的成功其实是一条直线,而且是定向超越的一条直线。  相似文献   

杨生文  强音  劳木子  邓琴琴 《职业》2012,(14):10-13
“对不起,我们没在办公室,在外面开会。”“不好意思,今天我们在学校调研。”“对不住,对不住,今天到苏州学习了。”在一个星期之内,记者三次拨打广州市职业技术教研室办公室的电话,都未能找到他们,只能与他们用手机通话。给记者的感觉是:似乎,他们永远在路上。  相似文献   

在夹边沟(作者1957年至1959年以右派分子身份,在甘肃酒泉夹边沟劳教农场改造——编者注),有过两次难忘的邂逅。 一次是在领取邮包的时候。农场里每个月有一天,在场部分发邮包。谁有邮包,名字写在小黑板上,收件人收工回来看到,可以在晚饭后、“学习”前的那段时间,去排队领取。人多,邮包要检查,所以等的时间长,学习会往往迟到,但不算犯规。  相似文献   

A fundamental problem that confronts the European Union today is how it can maintain its commitment to the institution of asylum while checking irregular migration and the abuse of its asylum system. In order to explore a response to this dilemma the paper addresses the following questions: what role can relief and aid policies play in influencing migration patterns? What should be the appropriate approach to the granting of relief and aid to developing countries of first asylum? Should it be viewed as a part of the larger problem of development or be treated as a distinct issue? What kind of a relief/aid model will help refugees return to post–conflict societies and stop the conflict from reproducing itself? The paper examines two different approaches to address these questions: the alliance–containment approach and the distributive–developmental approach. It also looks at some empirical evidence, which reveals that at present it is a conservative alliance–containment approach that informs EU relief and aid practices. This approach, however, does not help achieve the stated objective of checking abuse of asylum and migration procedures while sustaining a commitment to a liberal asylum regime. The paper goes on to identify the gaps in EU policy and the lessons that can be drawn. It concludes by looking at different policy alternatives and suggesting the adoption of a reformist distributive–developmental model. The implementation of this model holds out the hope of reverting to a more liberal asylum regime while controlling irregular migration and “bogus” asylum seekers, for the reformist distributive developmental model takes a more long–term view of migration trends and also seeks to address the growing North–South divide.  相似文献   

Drawing on a review of the academic literature on return migration and return migration policies, as well as on reports and project documentation, this article provides a general assessment of return schemes from European countries, with a focus on those targeting failed asylum‐seekers and irregular migrants. The article first highlights the contrasted understanding of return and reintegration by migration policy‐makers and migration scholars respectively. It then provides an overview of the main challenges, focusing on seven key issues: preparedness to return, the imbalance of represented interests, legal mobility, conditions in the countries of origin, the reintegration package, integration in Europe, and the specific obstacles to return faced by failed asylum‐seekers. The article highlights the need to reassess return policies and frame more realistic schemes.  相似文献   

The discourse on psychosocial reintegration of combat veterans in the United States has largely been confined to discussions of the best treatment for those diagnosed with psychiatric disorders. Yet analysis of the data indicates that all combat veterans are changed by their experience. It also indicates that the current medical model of treatment is insufficient. The author suggests that another model is called for; one that benefits from psychoanalytic insights on war and violence. A model that supports veterans’ experience of changed consciousness might best help them form a coherent narrative that connects their past lives and combat experience to their lives going forward. She argues that this approach may not have been taken because the same mental processes that cause combat veterans to split off their experiences also cause society as a whole to distance itself from them. Clinicians can be most effective when they create a link to the veteran by acknowledging the veteran as part of society, not a split off aberration, and recognizing the universal role of aggression within and without in creating the war that the veterans fought, and shaping the social response to their return. Literature drawn from psychoanalysis, cognitive neuroscience, and clinicians from the global south is combined with that of military psychiatry and global relief and development to support these positions.  相似文献   

A number of very serious natural disasters have put an enormous pressure on relief organizations in the last few years. The present study exposes underlying social cognitive factors for donation to relief campaigns. A causal model was constructed, based on social cognitive theory, research on attitudes, and the impact of media exposure. The aim was to expand and improve an already existing model by Cheung and Chan [Cheung, C. K., & Chan, C. M. (2000). Social-cognitive factors of donating money to charity, with special attention to an international relief organisation. Evaluation and Program Planning, 23, 241–253]. The expanded model showed a better fit. Furthermore, the expanded model explained two-thirds of the variance of the intention to donate to a disaster relief campaign. The greatest predictor of the intention to donate proved to be “Past donation to disaster relief campaigns.” The factor “News exposure” was indicated to be a valuable additional factor, as it had a significant direct effect on “Awareness of a disaster relief campaign” and was the only factor that had a total effect on all other factors, including “Intention to donate to a disaster relief campaign.”  相似文献   

This paper examines the determinants of return migration as foreign‐born men approach old age in Germany. Return migration in later life engages a different set of conditions from return migration earlier on, including the framing of return as a possible retirement strategy. Using 23 years of longitudinal data from the German Socioeconomic Panel, this paper investigates how social and economic resources of immigrant men influence decisions to return “home.” Results suggest that immigrants from former guest worker recruitment countries within the European Union are more likely to return than non‐EU immigrants. In addition, return migrants are “negatively selected” so that those with the least education and weakest attachments to the labor force are more likely to emigrate. However, findings vary greatly depending on the immigrant's age and country of origin. Results from this paper highlight the heterogeneity of older immigrants and the factors that motivate their return “home”.  相似文献   

流浪儿童问题是当今世界各国普遍关注的全球性社会问题。但是,与物质方面的救助相比,流浪儿童心理救助比较缺失。通过对未成年人救助保护中心流浪儿童的调查发现,流浪儿童在进站、住站、出站三个不同阶段的心理需求各不相同。需要结合流浪儿童救助站的现有条件,设计符合流浪儿童心理需求、对流浪儿童有切实有效作用的心理救助服务的方式和方法,预防和减少流浪儿童重复流浪心理的形成,更好地实现流浪儿童救助。  相似文献   

This article questions the conventional wisdom which claims forced migration is irreversible following massive ethnic cleansing campaigns, by investigating durable returns to pre‐conflict home communities in Bosnia‐Herzegovina. We formulate a set of novel hypotheses on the demographic determinants of return as well as on the role of social capital, nationalist ideology, integration, and war victimization. We use a 2013 Bosnian representative sample with 1,007 respondents to test our hypotheses. The findings support the expectation that gender and age have a major impact on return. Net of other factors, women and those experiencing wartime victimization are less likely to return. Older Bosnians with positive memories of pre‐conflict interethnic relations are more likely to return than younger persons or those with negative memories. Finally, ethnic Bosniacs are more likely to return than ethnic Croats or Serbs. More nationalistic internally displaced persons (IDPs) are less likely to return.  相似文献   

Split return is a common strategy of repatriation among refugees and migrants. Facing great uncertainty, both economically and security‐wise, households disperse in two or more locations in order to minimize risk. The phenomenon is well‐known in migration studies and in studies of return from the distant diaspora, but is studied less among the overwhelming majority residing in countries neighbouring their own. This article draws on experiences from Afghanistan, comparing split return to similar strategies in migration generally and in refugee situations specifically. It suggests that while splits are conceived as a temporary measure, they often become a lasting form of life. Opportunities for split return are often crucial for the willingness to start repatriation, as well as for the sustainability of the household's economy upon return. The article develops the concept of split return in relation to contextual factors, intensity of networks (at origin and in exile) and household composition.  相似文献   

The right to return has been affirmed as a fundamental human right in several international instruments. While being a fundamental human right, each state has the sovereign right to regulate the right to return in accordance with its own laws. The regulation of the right to return, however, is not only an attribute of sovereignty but an issue with important political, economic and security implications for the state. Given its significance, it is understandable and desirable that states regulate the right to return. The regulation must however take account of both the interests of the state and the human rights dimension of the right. A careful and well-coordinated returning strategy with a well-defined the right to return focus could enhance China's economic progress as well as its international human rights image.
China's current policies on the right to return still reflect a closed culture. Few among the 5 million Huaqiao lodge applications to return to China for permanent residence or employment. Eleven million illegal migrants have difficulty meeting the impracticable requirements of passport re-issue, replacement and extension. The Chinese government's behaviour in imposing limitations on citizens from returning to China is unacceptable. China may have some justifications for its restrictive approach, but on balance, has more to gain from adopting a more liberal approach. The issue of the right to return in China is crucial both for the future of China, and for development of the right to return in the world.  相似文献   

The comic relief of the theater has an everyday analog. It is seen in the momentary humorous respites from the seriousness or lengthy concentration on a collective task commonly found in certain spheres of daily life. These respites facilitate the completion of that task by refreshing the participants. Observations of social comic relief made during a series of rehearsals and performances of an amateur theater company are reported. The nature and function of this sort of humor is considered, first in theater, and then in other similar settings. A comparison of social comic relief as a function of humor with selected philosophical and psychological relief theories of humor follows. A concluding section considers the place of creativity and wit in social comic relief.  相似文献   

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