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Ruguo Art Jam Studio is a self-service painting studio. The concept of art jam is derived from the English word "jam." Some people like to jam (play music informally), and Ruguo is a place where customers can jam (create art). The customers do not need to have painting skills; they can simply use the paintbrush to create anything on the canvas. They do not need to be good at painting. Their creations will not be evaluated.  相似文献   

Dear Tom, Congratulations!Getting married in China is a relatively simple affair, though completing all of the necessary paperwork can be time-consuming. However, with the right papers, it shouldn't be too much hassle.  相似文献   

If you visit the Woman and Zhiqing's (Educated Urban Youth)* Family Farm, in Weijia, a village in Tongnan, a county in Southwest Cbina's Chongqing Municipality, you will no doubt be impressed by its beautiful scenery. On the farm, you can appreciate the various flowers and plants, and you can collect fruit -- all while you breathe in the fresh air. Zhang Tian, a former white-collared employee with a company in Beijing, established the farm in 2011.  相似文献   

The twentieth century can be characterized as a period that experienced a bloom in translation theories. Especially after the World War Two, al kinds of translation theories have emerged, and people be...  相似文献   

Dear Women of China,
What a great list of Chinese proverbs in the Chinese language learning section of the December issue. I have been studying Chinese for a few years now, but I can never get enough of Chinese proverbs. After all, there are so many, and learning them can be really useful. Being able to find information like this in a magazine is a great added value. I look forward to seeing more in the future.  相似文献   

I nside Painting is a unique,traditional Chinese art that dates back to the Qing Dynasty(1644-1911).It mainly uses transparent materials,such as crystal and glass.Everything—such as animals,people or poems—can be painted inside a small transparent container,in reverse,with a special hook. Inside Paintings are very decorative,and can be displayed on desks and tables.  相似文献   

Only a tender cry can be heard in the still and peaceful night.Nursing newborns is ordinary post. You much admired For always hearing the first cry the dawn of human life Sacred maternal love is your prideGuarding Newborns  相似文献   

As the source of life , water breeds and nurtures all living creatures. Water is soft and fluid, but it holds a tremendous force that can even destroy the hardest things in the world. Women are like water. Some people say that behind every successful man stand two women: His mother and his wife. The man's mother cultivates him, while his wife accompanies him. Nice women are like a school, where men go to become more outstanding. No man can choose his mother, but he can choose his wife. No doubt we have all heard the saying that, "It will be terrible if a woman marries the wrong man."  相似文献   

EVERY Sunday. childish voices can be heard coming from the Erlizhuang Residential Quarter in Haidian District, Beijing. It is the children of the Benzhen Children's Peking Opera Art School. Wang Jinsheng, dean of the school, is not only a descendant of a well-known family in which several generations performed in the Peking opera, but also a teacher with more than 20 years' teaching experience.  相似文献   

Gegefu Restaurant格格府Gegefu Resaurant was once a royal courtyard where a princess,during the Qing Dynasty(1644-1911),lived.When you enter the restaurant,you are welcomed by a group of staff wearing Qing Dynasty-styled clothes. The courtyard has Qing Dynasty touches,and it can be divided into two sections—the front yard and the back yard.The princess met and socialized with her friends and relatives in the  相似文献   

What steps can be taken to help children form a correct attitude towards labor? Xiawuqi Middle and Primary School operates a base where students receive labor education. The school is located in Wuqing District, in North China's Tianjin,a municipality directly under the Central Government.In 1999,the school established a nine-hectare base especially for labor education. Actually,part of the land was leased from a neighboring State-owned farm.The  相似文献   

Art Appreciation     
Painter Liu Mi said: "My important task as a woman is to contribute more love to the world." Perhaps her paintings themselves, through the truth. goodness and beauty they portray. can be seen as her contribution towards creating a better world. Here are two oil paintings by Liu Mi.  相似文献   

One should have lofty and noble aspirations. 志当存高远。Only with a pure heart and few worldly desires can one have a great ideal; only by getting rid of distracting thoughts can one be thoughtful and see the future clearly. 非淡泊无以明志,非宁静无以致远。  相似文献   

IN the high stakes world of criminalinvestigation it takes more than merecourage, agility, intelligence andperseverance to excel. Sometimes a littleglamour and a healthy dose of women'sintuition can be the deciding factors. Tall, poised, athletic and fashionable, HuaiJiping may not fit the usual stereotype of atough city cop but behind her big, beautiful eyesand stylish exterior lies the chrome-plated heartof a dedicated justice provider.  相似文献   

Preparation: Buy a ready cooked Zhangcha Duck—a kind of duck stewed in sugar, spiced with tea leaves and smoked, which can be bought at the takeout departments of many Chinese restaurants. Bring the duck home and fry in oil until the skin is crisp. Slice thickly and serve with steamed bread, sliced  相似文献   

Arank of young journalists is active in Qingdao, Shandong Province. In 1993, at a conference during the 11th Qingdao Municipal People's Congress, people saw children, carrying cameras easily and confidently and taking photos for provincial-and city-level leaders seated at the rostrum. They were young journalists from the Qingdao Young Reporter's School, so they can be said to be professionally trained.  相似文献   

The Donglaishun restaurant chain was established by a man named Ding Deshan, in 1903. The original Donglaishun restaurant was located in the old Dong An Market and fittingly, the main restaurant today can be found in the New Dong An Market in Wangfujing. The chain has developed into a big company with 88 branches and more than  相似文献   

Understanding the Points我们这样理解穴位Traditional Chinese medicine is based on the belief Jingluo is a net connecting the body's organs. If your stomach aches, other sites along the net connected with the stomach will also be affected. Therefore, massaging the points can enhance the organs' functions and treat them if they are not well. "If you have a disease, do it as a treatment. If you do not have an illness, do it to keep fit."  相似文献   

Tip 1: Body Language and Communication
Learning Mandarin can be a rewarding challenge, but knowing what the Chinese truly mean when they speak requires an ability to read body language.  相似文献   

It was a custom in the Liao Dynasty to decorate tombs with murals. The paintings in Zhao Dejun's tomb, excavated in Beijing, provide a well-known example. During the Five Dynasties period, Zhao Dejun was a warlord in Youzhou, which became the southern capital of Nanjing in the Liao Dynasty (and even later, was renamed Beijing). The Zhaos grew to become a very powerful family in the area, as can be seen from the size of Zhao's tomb and the value of the funerary objects buried with him. His tomb  相似文献   

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