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FORTY years ago, Song Huai Kuei was a 17-year-old student enrolled in the Oil Painting Department of the Central Academy of Fine Arts in Beijing. It was there that she met Maryn Varbanov, a young Bulgarian painter. Their meeting marked the beginning of a legendary life. Today Song Huai Kuei is the Chinese chief representative of the French Pierre Cardin Fashion Company and chairwoman of Maxim's. She has gained celebrity status and often appears in the media. Her Asian countenance and her Pierre Cardin wardrobe display an excellent combination of Chinese and Western elements. She herself, however, says that she is essentially just an ordinary Chinese. Although others have had different opinions about her lifestyle, Song has  相似文献   

Ye Hua (Eva Siao) is one of the few Westerners who witnessed the Chinese revolution, and also one of the few of Western extraction who linked their fate with the revolutionary movement after the founding of New China. She married poet Siao San and China together. She not only shared a common fate with the Chinese people, but also recorded the Chinese revolution, construction and the years of reform with her pen and camera. Her experience and photographs have touched the cords of numerous overseas audiences. As the new century is coming, she has finally realized her life long wish and held an exhibition of her photographs at the China Art Gallery in Beijing.  相似文献   

WU QING has become a well-known figure among an increasing number of people in recent years. Those in the literary world know her as the daughter of Bing Xin, the most celebrated contemporary writer in the country. Wu has often participated in important events in literary circles on her mother's behalf. People in academia know her as an excellent English professor at the Beijing University of Foreign Languages Studies. Her educational philosophy of teaching and cultivating morals simultaneously makes many of her  相似文献   

Memories of Home     
COUPLES invited to participate in the '96 Beijing Golden Wedding Anniversary for the World's People's Tour stayed in the Shangri-La Hotel in western Beijing. The large contingent included Chen Dong and his wife Zhang Shujie. Shortly after arriving, one segment of a TV program featuring a Canadian woman recounting her experiences in China in the Chinese language aroused the attention of Zhang Shujie. That woman said she was born in Beijing at a time when her family lived at No.47 Waijiaobu Street. Zhang muttered to herself: "It's No.32 and not No.47." Zhang suddenly remembered  相似文献   

The East-meets-West Chinese comedy, When a Peking Family Meets Au Pair, is a story lull of happiness, and misunderstandings that occur when a Colombian female exchange student lives with her Chinese host family in Beijing.  相似文献   

In 1989 and 1995, Patricia Leuchtman visited China twice to work as a language editor for Women of China, and during her tenure established a profound friendship with Chinese colleagues. Before leaving off for home in America in May this year, Pat wrote a story for Women of China revealing her experiences while living in the Friendship Hotel in Beijing.  相似文献   

Wu Lizhu, 54, of Changli. Hebei Province, is a graduate of the department of traditional Chinese painting at the Central Institute of Fine Arts. Her teachers have included the famous traditional Chinese painters Li Keran, Ye Qianyu, Li Kuchan and Jiang Zhaohe. Since her graduation, she has been doing publishing work. Wu is an accomplished landscape painter. She has visited scenic spots in many parts of the country, and based on her observations and experiences, she expresses her own pure  相似文献   

THE Beijing West Railway Station has been completed and opened recently. As the biggest passenger station in China and the beginning of the BeijJng-Kowloon Line, it holds several firsts Jn the Chinese railway construction history. Beijing West Railway Station is the biggest, has the greatest amount of investment, the most advanced technical equipment and functions. The main hall is 102 meters high and is also one of the most magnificent buildings in Beijing, featuring the Chinese national style.  相似文献   

SANG Lan lies quietly in her bed, her pretty face composed and sweet. The 17-year-old Chinese gymnast looks more like a little girl than an experienced athlete, and yet she has displayed tremendous strength after a terrible accident on the vault on July 21st that left her paralyzed. Sang was sleeping when Chinese Vice Premier Qian Qichen arrived at her Nassau County Medical Center room for a visit. Since the most frightful tragedy of the Goodwill Games happened right before the eyes of thousands of audience members, the Chinese national vaulting champion has become the focus of people all over the  相似文献   

WANG Mei is the youngest associate professor in modern dance at the Beijing College of Dance. Her art is the most important part of her life. When inspiration comes, she can't help but move her hands and feet to the choreography going on in her head. And when people watch Wang perform, contradictory feelings of light-heartedness and melancholy simultaneously are felt. This charming dancer has a unique understanding about  相似文献   

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