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Lam D 《Demography》2011,48(4):1231-1262
The world population will reach 7 billion in late 2011, a demographic milestone that is causing renewed attention to the challenges caused by population growth. This article looks at the last 50 years of demographic change, one of the most extraordinary periods in demographic history. During this period, world population grew at rates that have never been seen before and will almost surely never be seen again. There were many concerns about the potential impact of rapid population growth in the 1960s, including mass starvation in countries such as India, depletion of nonrenewable resources, and increased poverty in low-income countries. The actual experience was very different. World food production increased faster than world population in every decade since the 1960s, resource prices fell during most of the period, and poverty declined significantly in much of the developing world. The article considers the economic and demographic explanations for the surprising successes of this important period in demographic history. It also looks at regions that have been less successful, especially Africa, and at the lessons for dealing with the important challenges that still remain.  相似文献   

ProjectionoftheWorldPopulationbyRegion*AsiaandthePacificRegionandWestAsiaProjection of the World Population by Region...  相似文献   

ProjectionofChangeintheAgeStructureoftheWorldPopulationBythemid-21stcentury,theworldpopulationisprojectedtotoptenbillion,ofwh...  相似文献   

WorldPopulationDaywasmarkedinBeijing,ShanghaiandothermajorcitiesofChina.ItwasjointlysponsoredbytheStateFamilyPlanningCommissi...  相似文献   

BeijingMarksWorldPopulationDayApublicitydrivewaslaunchedinJulyjointlybyseveraltopgovernmentagenciesandNGOsaspartoftheactiviti...  相似文献   

Projection on China’s Population by the United Nations,World Population Estimation,1998  相似文献   

WorldPopulationAged60andOverbyRegionPopulationagingmeansariseinthepercentageoftheelderly.TherewillbeasteepriseinAsiaandthePac...  相似文献   

This paper considers several policy responses to declining birth rates in Australia over the twentieth century, revealing key continuities in the ‘administration of population’. Early in the century pronatalist policies to enhance fertility predominated. In spite of evidence in the 1890s, 1920s and 1940s that economics shaped family sizes and that women’s lives included paid work, little acknowledgment of this occurred outside wartime. In the second half of the twentieth century, immigration largely replaced pronatalism as a desired means of building population numbers. Century’s end brought new concerns about fertility decline, an ageing population, immigration and increased asylum seeking. These concerns revitalized the call for a population policy and raised unresolved questions for women. This expression comes from Mr Ozanne, speaker in the Commonwealth House of Representatives debate on the Maternity Allowance Bill, 1912, Australia, Commonwealth Parliamentary Debates, 3412. He spoke of ‘women doing their duty to Australia by bringing the unclothed immigrant into the world’.  相似文献   

On July 11th, hundreds of Beijing residents from all walks of life participated in a series of activities to commemorate the 13th World Population Day, which was themed 揚overty, Population and Development? China carries 21% of the world抯 population. Since the 1970s when the family planning policy was first carried out, China has effectively brought its rapid population growth under control and achieved a low fertility level. Meanwhile, poverty-stricken population also dropped from 250 mi…  相似文献   

On July 6, 2010, the 21st World Population Day, "Shanghai Population Forum--World Expo Effects and Population Development Seminar " was held in Shanghai., co-hosted by the Shanghai Population and Family Planning Commission and Huangpu District Government.  相似文献   

ThePresentSituationofthePoverty-StrickenPopulation¥//(ThefollowingisanabstractofspeechdeliveredbyMr.ChenJunsheng,StateCouncil...  相似文献   

Basic Data in 2005 At the end of 2005, the whole province of Zhejiang had a total number of 11.22 million immigrants of childbearing age, of whom 4.32 million were women and 2.99 million were married women. The number of children born to the floating population totaled 17,315, of which 2,943 were out-of-plan births. The fertility rate of the married women of childbearing  相似文献   

Chinese women's fertility rate declined to belowthe replacement level in the early 1990s.However, a significant disparity in populationdevelopment exists between regions due to unevensocioeconomic development and different degrees towhich the family. planning program is implemented.China can be distinctly divided into three parts :eastern, central and western, based on different levelsof economic development, natural endowments,topographical conditions and access to transportation.Accordingly,…  相似文献   

The thematic publicity activity marking the 2013 World Population Day, jointly sponsoredby National Health and Family Planning Commission (NHFPC), Central Committee of the Communist Youth League and China Family Planning Association (CFPA), was held on July 11, 2013 at Renmin University of China. Mine. Li Bin, Minister of NHFPC,  相似文献   

Tibet’sPopulationandTibetanPopulationGuoDapingTheTibetannationality,oneofChina’smajorethnicgroups,hasinhabitedontheQinghaiTi...  相似文献   

In this paper we follow a lead provided by Basu and Basu [‘The Greying of Populations: Concepts and Measurement,’ Demography India 16, pp. 79–89], in order to advance a class of ‘agedness’ indices which, because they have been motivated by analogous considerations in the poverty measurement literature, can find application in that area of enquiry as well. The properties of the proposed indices are discussed, and illustrations of empirical application are provided. The note is intended as a contribution to the larger enquiry into the measurement of development indicators.  相似文献   

AIDS is a disease and much more than that. It is a social problem and a population problem of far-reaching impact and a severe challenge confronting all human beings. At present, AIDS epidemic in China is at the critical point of massive spreading from hi…  相似文献   

TheControlofPopulationGrowthIstheFunctionoftheCentralGovernmentChinesePresidentJiangsaidthatthecontrolofpopulationgrowthisthe...  相似文献   

AComparisonoftheSourcesofFinancialSupportfortheAgedPopulationA Comparison of the Sources of Financial Support for the Aged Population...  相似文献   

SituationofPopulationAginginChinaandtheStrategy¥HeChangmeiChina'spopulationisagingatanunprecedentedspeedwhichhasneverbeenexpe...  相似文献   

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