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The role of metaphor in the construction of social problems has often been neglected. Yet we believe that the use of metaphorical linkage can help explain how social problems become defined. To explore the role of metaphorical linkage, we examine a controversy that shook the American ornithological world of the late 19th century: The Great English Sparrow War. English sparrows were originally imported to the major American cities of the East, in the early 1850s, to control the infestation of trees by dropworms. These birds adapted successfully, and by the mid-1870s they began to be perceived as a menace to the American ecosystem. As a consequence, a vigorous debate began as to their usefulness or harmfulness, which often exceeded the bounds of scientific discourse. We argue that this controversy over the English sparrow was linked to the controversy over “the new immigration.” A post-bellum America faced the task of rebuilding its moral boundaries after the disruption of the Civil War and in the face of millions of immigrants from Southern and Eastern Europe and the Orient. The opponents of the English sparrow drew their imagery from the nativism (anti-foreignism) of the day. They defined the bird as: (1) a foreigner, (2) that competes unfairly with native birds, (3) that has an immoral character, and (4) that needs to be eliminated from the American community of birds. Examining the metaphorical linkages among public concerns of the same period, we suggest, is a fruitful way of examining social problems.  相似文献   

张薇 《现代妇女》2014,(9):262-262
Compliments and their responses are special speech actions which are broadly used in interpersonal communications. And how to give compliments and respond to them constitute a significant part of the communicative competence of every member in a speech community. Complimenting is a particularly suitable speech action to investigate in comparative studies, for it acts as a window through which we can view what is valued by a particular culture. This essay mainly analyzes and researches the differences between Chinese and English compliments, attempting to reveal the contrast between Chinese and English compliments in the aspects of expression, topics and lexical formulas. The comparative study may contribute to understand more about Chinese and English compliment cultures, and furthermore, promote the study of pragmatics and the development of intercultural communication effectively.  相似文献   

This thesis firstly introduces Contrastive study. Then it explores some examples among word order、paragraph structure and culture background between Chinese and English. Contrastive study can help us fully understand their language features.  相似文献   

口译工作作为连接中国与世界的桥梁,在中国全面推行改革开放的今天显得尤为重要。然而,由于数字高信息量、低相关性的特点,以及中英文数字之间的差异,数字口译长期以来都是制约现场口译质量的瓶颈。本文着眼于中英文数字口译的特点,建议译员熟练掌握英汉两种语言数字读法规则,以提高数字口译质量。  相似文献   

Politeness is one of the important language behaviors used to maintain social order.As a universal phenomenon,politeness plays a crucial role in helping maintain social harmony and friendly interpersonal relationships.In different languages,pragmatic difference clearly exits.Not only the politeness principles are different in English and Chinese,but also the practical use.For example,compliments,responses,addresses,euphemisms and greetings.This paper aims to make a contrastively pragmatic study of politeness between the American English and Chinese to discuss their pragmatic differences and analyze the different politeness principles in both languages.The main courtesy language in some situations and a contrastive analysis concerning cultural values between the two languages are included.The paper aims to discover the distinctions between the two different cultures and point out the significance of politeness in the cross-cultural communication and English teaching.  相似文献   

By analyzing the similarities and differences of metaphors of Chinese and English animal and human body-part words from different aspects, including the cultural characters, literal meanings and metaphor meanings and quantities of animal kind evolved, this paper provides a clue to understand the metaphorical cognition of animal and human body part words in English and Chinese.  相似文献   

伴随着中国的改革开放取得了举世瞩目的成就,中国与英语国家在经济文化等方面的交流日益增多,增强。近年来,随着越来越多的英语电影涌入中国电影市场。英语电影不断地被译成汉语,其中以英语电影片名的汉译尤为突出。本篇论文首先介绍了英文电影片名翻译的历史、现状以及本篇论文的研究目的。第一部分对英汉电影片名进行了总体的调查概述。第二部分主要以奈达的功能对等理论和纽·马克的交际翻译理论为依据,秉承着充分发挥电影片名的功能的目的,对英语和汉语电影片名进行了较为深入的对比,从而进一步阐明了发挥汉语优势的重要性。第三部分浅析总结了英语电影片名汉译中的主要翻译方法,提出了一些如何处理在实际翻译中存在的语言学方面以及文化方面差异的建议。最后,论文再次重申了优秀的英文电影片名翻译应建立在对英汉电影片名中所反映的语言与文化方面的差异所进行的深入了解和对具体翻译方法的合理运用之上。除此之外,作者根据对本篇论文的相关研究,还对英语电影片名汉译的未来趋势作出了初步讨论并分析总结了对未来的译者的相关要求,希望能够对将来在此领域的相关有所帮助。  相似文献   

Human communication comprises verbal communication and nonverbal communication.Teaching is an interaction between teachers and students.My thesis focuses on the application of nonverbal communication in teaching,making a comparative analysis of nonverbal communication between Chinese teachers of English and native English teachers in terms of kinesics,proxemics,paralanguage and chronemics.  相似文献   

Human communication comprises verbal communication and nonverbal communication.Teaching is an interaction between teachers and students.My thesis focuses on the application of nonverbal communication in teaching,making a comparative analysis of nonverbal communication between Chinese teachers of English and native English teachers in terms of kinesics,proxemics,paralanguage and chronemics.  相似文献   

李游 《现代交际》2010,(7):113-114
不同的民族有不同的文化。在相同的场合,同一种交际功能可以用不同的语言表达方式来实现,同一句话实施的言外之意可能不尽相同。本文从语用学角度对比中英日常用语,分析了造成差异的深层原因,阐释了语言规则与文化背景的密切关系。  相似文献   

文章提出了云南省交通运输统计分析监测和投资计划管理信息系统的总体设计思路,并提出了系统功能架构,同时,开展基于多种主题的交通运输经济运行情况分析,可有效提升云南省交通运输行业统计和投资计划工作效率,并为行业辅助决策提供有力支持。  相似文献   

姓名是指确定的一人与其他人相区别的符号.作为一种载体,姓名与文化和历史有着紧密的联系,具有丰富多彩的文化内涵.在此,作者从英汉姓名的共同点和不同点进行对比分析,从而揭示其不同的文化内涵和社会背景.  相似文献   

Advertising language has its own distinguished features. The comparison between characteristics of Chinese and English advertising languages in this thesis will help researchers distinguish differences between Chinese and Western advertising language and have a knowledge of the fearures of adverting languages.  相似文献   

euphemism is an important phenomenon in our life. Through some research, we can learn the functions of euphemism and the differences between English and Chinese euphemisms, thus we can achieve a successful communication.  相似文献   

Over half the world's population speaks a tone language, yet infant speech perception research has typically focused on consonants and vowels. Very young infants can discriminate a wide range of native and nonnative consonants and vowels, and then in a process of perceptual reorganization over the 1st year, discrimination of most nonnative speech sounds deteriorates. We investigated perceptual reorganization for tones by testing 6‐ and 9‐month‐old infants from tone (Chinese) and nontone (English) language environments for speech (lexical tone) and nonspeech (violin sound) tone discrimination in both cross‐sectional and longitudinal studies. Overall, Chinese infants performed equally well at 6 and 9 months for both speech and nonspeech tone discrimination. Conversely, English infants' discrimination of lexical tone declined between 6 and 9 months of age, whereas their nonspeech tone discrimination remained constant. These results indicate that the reorganization of tone perception is a function of the native language environment, and that this reorganization is linguistically based. Supplementary materials to this article are available on the World Wide Web at http:www.infancyarchives.com  相似文献   

程慧 《现代交际》2010,(4):150-150,149
颜色词是语言中的一个分支,是反映语言文化的一面镜子,不同语言的颜色词体现不同的文化含义。本文将探讨及比较颜色词在中文和英文中不同的文化内涵。  相似文献   

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