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邓玉羽 《现代交际》2011,(10):51+50-51,50
《红楼梦》是我国四大古典文学名著之一,是一部有关中国文化的百科全书,《红楼梦》的翻译对任何译者来说都是一个不小的挑战。本文借鉴前人对两个译本(大卫霍克斯和杨宪益、戴乃迭译本)翻译策略、翻译效果的研究,通过分析两个译本对《红楼梦》文化内容的翻译,进一步对比分析和探讨了两个译本中对文化内容翻译,意在发掘更多影响译者对文化内容翻译的因素。  相似文献   

中国古典文学作品的语言往往含蓄隐晦,含有丰富的言外之意。而对言外之意的译介正是传统文化译介的重要组成部分。结合霍克斯译本《红楼梦》第二十八回中以替换、增补、解释三种方式英译的具体实例,阐述分析反复出现的言外之意的英译现象,探讨得出,霍克斯对言外之意多采取显性英译处理,据此进一步从目的论的视角探讨该现象背后的深层原因。  相似文献   

本文从翻译目的论的角度对许地山的经典散文《落花生》的三个英译本(杨宪益/戴乃迭译本、张培基译本、刘示聪译本)进行了赏析比较,旨在说明翻译目的论在翻译过程中产生的作用和影响。翻译目的论认为,翻译目的是一切翻译行为所应遵循的最高准则。所以,在翻译过程中译者基于各自不同的翻译目的,使得三个英译本体现出不同的语言处理方法及翻译策略的选取,进而呈现出不同的翻译效果。  相似文献   

《红楼梦》是一部涉及领域极广的百科全书式的奇书,如园林、服饰、饮食、礼仪典制、岁时习俗、音乐美术、戏曲游艺。本文对《红楼梦》中部分诗词进行了浅析。《红楼梦》诗词的艺术成就极高,应读懂并欣赏其特点,才不致辜负伟大文学家曹雪芹的一番苦心。  相似文献   

《红楼梦》一书中所涉及的饮食文化丰富多彩,如何将这些形形色色的饮食名称翻译成英语对于英语读者了解中国文化、欣赏小说内容非常重要。本文以杨宪益、戴乃迭和霍克斯的两个译本为例,分析并比较了两个译本的译者对《红楼梦》中各类饮食名的翻译策略。  相似文献   

通过对《宪法》(2018年修正版)司法部官方译本中有关中国特色法律词汇进行分类——实体性词汇、程序性词汇及混合型词汇,探讨三类词汇英译,发现《宪法》译本充分体现了目的论三原则,在跨文化、跨语种的法律语言交际中为世界法律发展贡献了中国智慧。  相似文献   

Cartford以系统功能语法理论为基础,提出翻译转换理论。本文试以翻译的转换理论为基础,结合Splendors of a Golden Era in China:The Culture and Arts of the Tang Dynasty译本实例,分析层次转换和范畴转换在英汉翻译实践中的应用。  相似文献   

Office Helps,Cares for Disadvantaged Residents国办印发《关于进一步做好困难群众基本生活保障有关工作的通知》The General Office of the State Council of the People's Republic of China recently promulgated a notice on strengthening work related to guaranteeing the basic living of disadvantaged residents in various regions of the country.The notice stresses the regions should help and care for the residents,so they can enjoy the Spring Festival(on February 12).  相似文献   

Governmental Rules Forbid the Infringement of Women's Labor Rights《劳动保障监察条例》禁止侵犯女职工劳动权益The Chinese Government recently issued supervisory rules to protect the rights and interests of laborers.The rules forbid assigning women to hazardous posts, such as working in mine shafts and working in high places during their menstrual period, as well as forbidding the assignment of the night shift to women who are more than  相似文献   

The Bridegroom《新郎》Author: Ha Jin Publisher: Vintage "The Bridegroom reaches beyond modern China to share in the larger story of the modern struggle ... [It] showcases [Ha Jin's] mastery of craft, the consummate restraint and nearly telegraphic objectivity with which he paints difficult truths."-The Boston Globe Through turns that are comical and deeply moving, the stories in  相似文献   

在中国,有很多的思想家、作家,而孔子是受到评论最多的,也是受到西方思想家和作家所研究最多的。在孔子的著作里,《论语》是最能体现和集中孔子思想的。这样,《论语》就成为了国内外翻译与诠释最多的典籍之一。对于《论语》的各种英语译本就达到了二十种以上。我们所能够看到的资料基本上是海外译本和国内译本的比较。本文是对三个译本在翻译上的具体的差异的比较,并探讨对于译本所产生的误译和误读。  相似文献   

在诗词翻译的新范式标准"三美原则"的指导下,对林语堂与许渊冲《声声慢》译本进行对比分析,展示在"三美原则"指导下,译者找到开古诗词英译的新视角。在更好地把握诗词英译准确性的同时,体现其更高的美学意义,进一步推动中国古典诗词文化在世界范围内的传播。  相似文献   

1 Oracle Bones:A Journey between China and the West《甲骨:一次穿赿中西方的旅行》Author:Peter Hessler Publisher:John Murray Oracle Bones tells an engaging and compelling story through the lives of a handful of ordinary people.The author is a Westerner,and a journalist,living in Beijing.The narrative tracks his story along with that of Polat,a trader and member of a forgotten ethnic minority,who moves to the West;William Jefferson Foster,who  相似文献   

1 The River at the Center of the World: A Journey Up the Yangtze and Back in Chinese Time《长江万里行:一条时间之河的故事》Author: Simon Winchester Publisher: Penguin "It's history in the round, political and economic, liberally laced with archaeology, anthropology, sociology and geology ... (What) held my attention (were) the stories of China's past and present-told with the flair of a natural narrator..." -Mark Tully, Observer The mighty Yangtze splits China in two, between the wheat-growing North and the rice-  相似文献   

由十位学者(其中有两位是汉族,八人是回族)执笔的十二种《古兰经》汉文通译本,已流传海内外,供兴趣不同、口胃互异的广大读者选择或参照阅读.这些译本,笔者已陆续作了介绍.值得注意的是,在国内还有若干穆斯林民族并不普遍通用汉语,他们各有自己的语言或  相似文献   

《论语》是儒家经典的重要组成部分,它的翻译也一直是中西文化交流的重要内容。《论语》的内容涵盖中国传统哲学、文学艺术和道德修养等多个领域。两千多年《论语》中传达的儒家精神对中华民族的民族特性产生了深刻的影响。因此,《论语》一度被西方的学者称为中国的圣经。本文选取辜鸿铭和安乐哲及亨利·罗思文的合译本这两个具有代表性的《论语》英译本为主要研究对象进行对比,尝试从功能翻译理论中的目的论角度对论语的翻译进行进一步的研究。  相似文献   

Your Chinese Horoscope 2006: What the Year of the Dog Holds in Store for You 《2006狗年运势》 Author. Neil Somerville Publisher: Harper Element The year 2006 is the Year of the Dog on the Chinese zodiac. What does this mean for you? The ancient art of Chinese Astrology, which predates the Western zodiac, is a detailed system of divination that has been used in the Orient for thousands of years. The depths of its wisdom and the accuracy of its character analysis and predictions have caught the imagination of the West in recent years, and have resulted in the rapid rise of its popularity. Your Chinese Horoscope 2006 is a popular and enlightening guide, which contains all the predictions you will need to take you into the year ahead-a year that offers great hope, advancement and opportunity. This complete astrological guide, now in its 19th year, includes an introduction to the 12 signs of the Chinese zodiac; an explanation of the Five Elements, including which one governs your sign; and what the Year of the Dog has in store for you, your family, your loved ones and friends.  相似文献   

本文以功能对等理论为基奠,通过实例简要分析The Cop and the Anthem两个中译本(分别为王永年译本和李文俊译本)中修辞效果、文化负载词以及句式结构的翻译,从而得出这两个译本在读者中广泛受到欢迎的原因。  相似文献   

《黄昏》是茅盾先生一篇重要的写景散文。散文近似诗歌,情景并茂,以对大海的描写传递作者深厚而复杂的情感。本文以功能翻译派的重要理论—目的论为理论框架,选取郝启成和凯瑟琳.博勒的译本作为语料,试探讨译者是如何选择翻译策略来服务于翻译目的,从而影响译文的风格。  相似文献   

欧·亨利的经典作品之一《麦琪的礼物》有数个中文译本,其中就有王永年先生的经典译本。王永年先生的译本历来以"信"的风格备受业内和读者称赞与喜爱。本文尝试从字义、修辞手段、声音节奏等方面分析王永年先生在《麦琪的礼物》中所呈现的翻译风格,总结我们在文学翻译实践中所受到的启发。  相似文献   

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