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book reviewed in this article:
Chicago:Growth of a Metropolis. By H arlod M. M ayer and R ichard C. W ade , with the assitance of G len E. H olt .
Theodor Geiger: On Social Order and Mass Society. Edited and with an introduction by R enate M ayntz .
Power, Participation, and Ideology: Readings In The Sociology Of American Political Life. Edited by C alvin J. L arson and P hilo C. W ashburn .
The Spanish-American of New Mexico: A Heritage of Pride. By N ancie L. G onzalez .
Forgotten People: A Study of New Mexicans. By G eorge I. S anchez .
To Comfort and To Challenge. By C harles Y. G lock , B enjamin R. R inger and E arl R. B abbie .
A Rumor of Angels: Modern Society and the Rediscovery of the Supernatural. By P eter L. B erger .  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Family Structure in Jamaica: The Social Context of Reproduction. By J udith B lake .
The Politics of Urban Renewal. The Chicago Findings. By P eter H. R ossi and R obert A. D entler .
Anatomy of a Metropolis: The Changing Distribution of People and Jobs within the New York Metropolitan Region. By E dgar M. H oover and R aymond V ernon .
Who Governs? Democracy and Power in an American City. By R obert A. D ahl .
Criminal Law: Problems for Decision in the Promulgation, Invocation, and Administration of a Law of Crimes. Edited by R ichard C. D onnelly , J oseph G oldstein , and R ichard D. S chwartz .
Collective Dynamics. By K urt L ang and G ladys E ngel L ang .
Occupations and Social Status. By A lbert J. R eiss , J r . With the collaboration of O tis D udley D uncan , P aul K. H att , and C ecil C. N orth .
Religion in Chinese Society: A Study of Contemporary Social Functions of Religion and Some of Their Historical Factors. By C. K. Y ang .
German Catholics and Hitler's Wars. By G ordon Z ahn .
Aging and Personality: A Study of Eighty-Seven Older Men. By S uzanne R eichard , F lorine , L ivson , and P aul G. P etersen .
The American Funeral: A Study in Guilt, Extravagance, and Sublimity. By L e R oy B owman , with an Introduction by H arry A. O verstreet .
The Church and the Older Person. By R obert M. G ray and D avid O. M oberg , with a Foreword by E rnest W. B urgess .
Handbook of Small Group Research. By A. P aul H are .
The Effects of Federal Programs on Higher Education: A Study of Thirty-six Universities and Colleges. By H arold O rlans .
Field Studies in the Mental Disorders. Edited by J oseph Z ubin .  相似文献   

PROFESSIONAL BOOKS: Dreunlin, D., Schwartz, R., & MacKune-Karrer, B. (1992). Metaframeworkds: Transcending the models of family therapy.
PROFESSIONAL BOOKS: Ammerman, R. T., & Hersen, M. (Eds.). (1992). Assessment of family violence: A clinical and legal sourcebook.
PROFESSIONAL BOOKS: Potter-Efron, R., & Potter-Efron, P. (1991). Anger, alcoholism, and addiction: Treating individuals, couples, and families.
PROFESSIONAL BOOKS: Duncan, B., L., & Rock, J. W. (1991). Overcoming relationship impasses: Ways to initiate change when when your partner won't help.
PROFESSIONAL BOOKS: Hoorwitz, A. N. (1992) The clinical detective: Techniques in the evaluation of sexual abuse.
PROFESSIONAL BOOKS: Snider, M. (1992). Process family therapy. Needham Heights
PROFESSIONAL BOOKS: Campell, D., Draper, R., & Huffington, C. J. (1991). A systemic approach to consultation.
GENERAL INTEREST BOOKS: Colby, A., & Damon, W. (1992). Some do care: Contemporary lives of moral commitment.
GENERAL INTEREST BOOKS: Pasick, R. (1992). Awakening from the deep sleep: A powerful guide for courageous men.
SELF-HELP BOOKS: Couples: The Relationship Game. (1992). (A series of weekly contents designed to be played by partners in a relationshp over a period of one year).
SELF-HELP BOOKS: Ziegler, R. G. (1992). Homemade books to help kids cope.
SELF-HELP BOOKS: Margulies, S. (1992). Getting divorced without ruining your life.
SELF-HELP BOOKS: Packer, A. J. (1992). Bringing up parents: The teenager's handbook.  相似文献   

Books reviewed in this articles:
Class and Stratification: An introduction to current debates R. Crompton
Class S. Edgell
Changing Classes: Stratification and Mobility in Post-Industrial Societies G. Esping-Anderson, (ed.)
Class and Inequality: Comparative Perspectives M. Hamilton and M. Hirszowicz
Class R. Scase  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Social Research to Test Ideas. Selected Writings of S amuel A. S touffer , with an Introduction by P aul F. L azarsfeld .
The Birth of the Gods. The Origin of Primitive Beliefs. By G uy E. S wanson .
Variations in Value Orientation. By F lorence R ockwood K luckhohn and F red L. S trodtbeck , with the assistance of J ohn M. R oberts , A. K imball R omney , C lyde K luckhohn , and H arry A. S carr .
Fights, Games, and Debates. By A natol R apoport .
Persuasion and Healing: A Comparative Study of Psychotherapy. By J erome D. F rank , with a Foreword by J ohn C. W hithorn .
Formal Organizations: A Comparative Approach. By P eter M. B lau and W. R ichard S ott .
Organizational Measurement and Its Bearing on the Study of College Environments. By A llen H. B arton , with an Introduction by P aul F. L azarsfeld .
Urban Research Methods. Edited by J ack P. G ibbs .
A General Pattern for American Public Higher Education. By T. R. McC onnell .
Social Disorganization in America. By R eece M c G ee .
The Planning of Change: Readings in the Applied Behavioral Sciences. Edited by W arren G. B ennis , K enneth D. B enne , and R obert C hin .
Reconstruction in Religion: A Symposium. Edited by A lfred E. K uenzli .
The Churches and Rapid Social Change. By P aul A brecht .
U.S. Senators and Their World. By D onald R. M atthews .  相似文献   

book reviewed in this article:
Poverty Warriors. By L ouis A. Z urcher , J r .
Pathways to Data. Edited by R obert W. H abenstein
Many Wives, Many Powers: Authority and Power in Polygynous Families. By R emi C lignet .
Deviance and Respectability: The Social Construction of Moral Meanings. Edited by J ack D. D ouglas .
Social Change and the Individual: Japan Before and After Defeat in World War II. By K azuko T surumi .
Polish Society. By J an S zczepanski
A Sociology of Sociology. By R obert W. F riedrichs .  相似文献   

Gurman, A. S. & Knudson, R. M. Behavioral marriage therapy: I. A psychodynamic systems analysis and critique.
Gurman, A. S. & Kniskern, D. P. Behavioral marriage therapy: II. Empirical perspective.
Jacobson, N. & Weiss, R. L. Behavioral marriage therapy: III. The contents of Gurman, et al ., may be hazardous to our health.
Gurman, A. S., Knudson, R. M. & Kniskern, D. P. Behavioral marriage therapy: IV. Take two aspirin and call us in the morning.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Olkin, R. (1999). What phychotherapists should know about disablity.
Almeda. R. V.(Ed.). (1998). Transformation of gender and race: Family and developmental perspectives.
Raser, J. (1999).Raising childeren you can live with: A guide for frustrated parents.  相似文献   

The B.R.A.D. Birthday Card initiative was started on the campus of Michigan State University (MSU) in April 1999. MSU administrators send the safe-drinking 21st birthday card (B.R.A.D.) and laminated wallet card to students shortly before their 21st birthday. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effectiveness of the 21st birthday card, MSU and B.R.A.D., Inc, applied for and were awarded a 2-year US Department of Education grant in 2001. PARTICIPANTS: The authors surveyed 1,731 students within 2 weeks of their 21st birthday. METHODS: Of all students turning 21 years old during the study, the authors randomly selected students for each group. A control group received no card. All others received the standard B.R.A.D. card or a gender-tailored message card. RESULTS: Key findings include: 74% of students saved part of the card, 65% shared the card with family or friends, 22% reported thinking about the card during their celebration, 12% reported drinking less because of the card, 15% reported learning something new about alcohol poisoning, and 98% believed that MSU and B.R.A.D. should continue sending cards to students. CONCLUSIONS: Receiving, reading, and recalling the content of the B.R.A.D. card appears to reduce the total number of drinks a celebrant consumes.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Philosophical Aspects of Culture. By B ertram M orris .
Science and the New Nations. Edited by R uth G ruber .
Complex Organizations: A Sociological Reader. Edited by A mitai E tzioni .
Parents without Partners. A Guide for Divorced, Widowed, or Separated Parents. By J im E gleson and J anet F rank E gleson .
Unmarried Mothers. By C lark E. V incent .
Man Takes Control: Cultural Development and American Aid. By C harles J. E rasmus .
Norway's Families: Trends, Problems, Programs. By T homas D. E liot , A rthur H illman , and Others.
Public Opinion and American Democracy. By V. O. K ey , J r .
Public Opinion and Foreign Policy. By J ames N. R osenan .
Newer Dimensions of Patient Care: The Use of the Physical and Social Environment of the General Hospital for Therapeutic Purposes. By E sther L ucille B rown .
Public Leadership. By W endell B ell , R ichard J. H ill , and C harles R. W right .
The Effects of Leadership, By H anan C. S elvin .
Leadership and Organization. By R obert T annenbaum , I rving R. W eschler , and F red M assarik .
Social Structure and Personality: A Case Book. By Y ehudi A. C ohen .
Love and Conflict: New Patterns in Family Life. By G ibson W inter .
Race Relations in Virginia, 1870–1902. By C harles E. W ynes .
Race Prejudice and Education. By C yril B ibby .
The Precarious Vision: A Sociologist Looks at Social Fictions and Christian Faith. By P eter L. B erger .  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
ROGER BASTIDE. The African Religions of Brazil. Translated by H. Sebba.
STANLEY R. BARRETT. The Rise and Fall of an African Utopia: A Wealthy Theocracy in Comparative Perspective.
ELIZABETH M. EDDY and WILLIAM L. PARTRIDGE (eds.). Applied Anthropology in America.
HAROLD W. SCHEFFLER. Australian Kin Classification.
EVA HUNT. The Transformation of the Hummingbird: Cultural Roots of a Zinacantecan Mythical Poem.
HAROLD CARDINAL. The Rebirth of Canada's Indians
ROBERT PAINE (ed.). The White Arctic: Anthropological Essays on Tutelage and Ethnicity.
S.D. CLARK. The New Urban Poor.
DORIS R. ENTWISLE and LESLIE ALEC HAYDUCK. Too Great Expectations: The Academic Outlook of Young Children.  相似文献   

The B.R.A.D. Birthday Card initiative was started on the campus of Michigan State University (MSU) in April 1999. MSU administrators send the safe-drinking 21st birthday card (B.R.A.D.) and laminated wallet card to students shortly before their 21st birthday. Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of the 21st birthday card, MSU and B.R.A.D., Inc, applied for and were awarded a 2-year US Department of Education grant in 2001. Participants: The authors surveyed 1,731 students within 2 weeks of their 21st birthday. Methods: Of all students turning 21 years old during the study, the authors randomly selected students for each group. A control group received no card. All others received the standard B.R.A.D. card or a gender-tailored message card. Results: Key findings include: 74% of students saved part of the card, 65% shared the card with family or friends, 22% reported thinking about the card during their celebration, 12% reported drinking less because of the card, 15% reported learning something new about alcohol poisoning, and 98% believed that MSU and B.R.A.D. should continue sending cards to students. Conclusions: Receiving, reading, and recalling the content of the B.R.A.D. card appears to reduce the total number of drinks a celebrant consumes.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Rugel, R. P. (1977). Husband-ocused marital therapy: An approach to dealing with marital distress .
Selekman, Mathew D. (1997). Solution-focused therapy with children: Harnessing family strengths for systemic Change .
Taibbi, R. (1996). Doing amily therapy: Crat and creativity in clinical practice .
Bagarozzi, D. A. (1996). The couple and family in managed care: Assessment, evaluation, and treatment .
Friedman, S. (Ed.). (1995). The reflecting team in action: Collaborative practice in amily therapy .  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: JOLY, D. and R. COHEN (Eds.). Reluctant Hosts: Europe and its Refugees. KORKIASAARI, J. Suomalaiset maailmalla. WILLIAMS, R. B. Religions of Immigrant from India and Pakistan.  相似文献   

Arnold, J. E., Levine, A. G., & Patterson, G. R. Changes in sibling behavior following family interventon.
Bairel, E., & Redfering, D. Behavior modification in marriage counseling.
Bullough, V. L. Sex and the medical model.
Codner, R. R., & Gustafson, D. A. Sexual dysfunction—a four approach treatment utilizing peer pressure.
Feldman, L. B. Effect of anger and resentment on sexual expression.
Firestone, E., & Moschetta, P. Behavioral contracting in family therapy.
Meltzer, M. L. Insurance reimbursement: A mixed blessing.
Pavlin, S., & Rabkin, R. Family therapy: Some questions and answers.
Peck, B. B. Therapeutic handling of marital infidelity.
Renshaw, D. C. Sexual problems in stroke patients.
Stolz, S. B., Wienckowski, L. A., & B. S. Brown Behavior modification: A perspective on critical issues.
Sussman, M. B. (Special Guest Editor). The second experience: Variant family forms and life styles.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: People, Poverty and Shelter: Problems of Self-Help Housing in the Third World. Edited by R. J. Skinner and M. J. Rodell. Urban Land and Shelter for the Poor. By Patrick McAuslan. Women in the Cities of Asia. Edited by James T. Fawcett, Siew-Ean Khoo and Peter C. Smith. Spatial, Environmental and Resource Policy in the Developing Countries. Edited by Manas Chatterji, Peter Nijkamp, T. R. Lakshmanan, and C. R. Pathak.  相似文献   

Ethical Issues in Social Science Research, edited by Tom L. Beauchamp, Ruth R. Faden, R. Jay Wallace, Jr., and LeRoy Walters. Baltimore and London: The Johns Hopkins Press, 1982. 436 pp.
Social Research Ethics, An Examination of the Merits of Covert Participant Observation, edited by Martin Bulmer. New York: Holmes & Meier, 1982. 284 pp.  相似文献   

Benedek, E. P. & Benedek, R. S. Joint custody: Solution or illusion?American Journal of Psychiatry, Bennett, M. J. & Wisneski, M. J. Continuous psychotherapy within an HMO. American Journal of Psychiatry, DiBella, A. W. Family psychotherapy with the homosexual family: A community psychiatry approach to homosexuality. Community Mental Health Journal, Green R. J., Ferguson, L. R. Framo, J. L. Shapiro, R. J. & La Perriere, K. A symposium on family training for psychologists. Professional Psychology, Ferguson, L. R. The family life cycle: Orientation for interdisciplinary training. Professional Psychology, Framo, J. L. A personal viewpoint on training in marital and family therapy. Professional Psychology, Shapiro, R. J. The problematic position of family therapy in professional training. Professional Psychology, La Perriere, K. Toward the training of broad-range family therapists. Professional Psychology, Mirande, A. A reinterpretation of male dominance in the Chicano family. The Family Coordinator, Murray, M. E. Family character analysis. American Journal of Psychoanalysis,  相似文献   

PROFESSIONAL BOOKS: White, M. & Epston, D. (1990). Narrative means to therapeutic ends .
PROFESSIONAL BOOKS: Beach, S. R. H., Sandeen, E. E., & O'Leary, K. D. (1990). Depression in marriage .
PROFESSIONAL BOOKS: Goldenberg, H. & Goldenberg, I. Counseling today's families .
PROFESSIONAL BOOKS: Gelcer, E., McCabe, A., & Smith-Resnick, C. Milan family therapy: Variant and invariant methods .
PROFESSIONAL BOOKS: Plumb, G. B. & Lindley, M. E. Humanizing child custody disputes: The family's team .
GENERAL INTEREST BOOKS: Weiss, R. S. (1990). Staying the course: The emotional and social lives of men who do well at work .
SELF HELP BOOKS: Patterson, G. R. & Forgatch, M. (1987). Parents and adolescents living together: Part 1, the basics .
SELF HELP BOOKS: Forgathch, M. & Patterson, G. R. (1989). Parents and adolescents living together: Part 2, family problem solving .
SELF HELP BOOKS: Conway, J. (1990). Adult children of legal or emotional divorce: Healing your long-term hurt .
SELF HELP BOOKS: Greteman J. & Dunne, J. (1990) When divorce happens: A guide for family and friends .
SELF HELP BOOKS: Bepko, C. & Krestan, J. (1990) Too good for her own good: Breaking free from the burden of female responsibility .
SELF HELP BOOKS: Earle R. & Crow, G. (1989). Lonely all the time: Recognizing, understanding, and overcoming sex addiction, for addicts and co-dependents .
SELF HELP BOOKS: Vaughan, P. (1989). The monogamy myth: A new understanding of affairs and how to survive them .
VIDEOTAPE: School Problems . (1989). (Edited videotape of two sessions of Joel Bergman working with a single parent family.)
VIDEOTAPE: To Dethrone a Padrone . (1989) (Edited videotape of three sessions of Joel Bergman and Judith Morgan working with a youg man having difficulties moving into adulthood.)  相似文献   

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