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ERP是一个庞大的信息管理系统,在ERP实施的各个阶段中,后期运维重要,它是整个ERP系统长期有效运行的有力保障。本文从ERP项目后期运维的地位、运维的不同阶段、运维的支持体系、运维过程中的知识体现以及运维所起的作用等方面对ERP项目后期运维进行全面研究。  相似文献   

虚企业与ERP 软件关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
简述国内外ERP 的发展过程, 提出虚企业的概念, 指出它与ERP 软件系统的关系, 揭示 ERP 软件中的模型与BPR 之间的内在联系, 探讨其结构的演变过程, 分析引入该概念的意义 和对信息系统研究的影响, 如独立于现有企业实体的企业理论模型的研究, 优化的企业流程、 企业构架的建立; 传统信息系统开发方式的改变, 不应仿照原企业的构架建立企业管理信息系 统; 企业管理信息系统实施方式的改变, 强调理论模型对信息化的企业管理及其实体结构的影 响; 最后指出虚企业发展的过程为软科学的研究提供了一条思路.  相似文献   

随着企业资源计划(ERP)的逐步普及,ERP系统已经从为公司经营服务的单一功能发展到支持公司的各项活动。针对目前公司治理手段相对落后的问题,本文分析了ERP与公司治理的关系,对ERP实施与公司治理的过程模型和作用模型进行了讨论。  相似文献   

基于ERP单件小批环境下的生产计划研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了单件小批生产的特点,针对该类型的产品特点和组织结构管理模式,提出基于产品结构网络图的网络计划、MRP和JIT相结合的分级计划,并对实现分级计划的基础数据和实现流程进行分析.  相似文献   

苟群 《经营管理者》2011,(7):123-124
ERP系统是当今世界上最先进的企业管理理论,它对企业的物流、资金流和信息流统一进行管理,对企业所拥有的人力、资金、材料、设备、方法(生产技术)、信息和时间等各项资源进行综合平衡和充分考虑,最大限度地利用企业的现有资源取得更大的经济效益。本文总结了ERP系统在中国石油天然气股份公司乌鲁木齐石化公司(简称乌石化)设安公司物资管理实施前后情况,以及在推广过程中物资管理遇到的一系列问题以及对问题的解决,以及解决这些问题提出建设意见。  相似文献   

基于ERP的相关概念、理论和基本原理,分析制造业实施ERP的有关问题,阐述一些重要模块的事务流程及模块划分,并给出相关代码实现.以Java、ASP、Oracle 9i为开发语言和开发工具,采用双层架构B/S的模式,构建一个针对制造企业的ERP体系完整框架并建立人力资源系统和制造系统的部分数据库,实现了人事管理和制造系统管理的基本功能.通过实例运行,达到了预期目标,并实现界面友好及网上交互操作,从而为制造企业对企业资源实现最优控制做出了有效的探索.  相似文献   

企业资源计划作为全面提高企业管理水平的一种有效工具,它不仅从实践上适应了新形势对管理的要求,而且从理论上实现了管理思想的变革,自提出以来一直受到企业的追捧.然而,大量统计资料显示,ERP在中国的实施效果并不尽如人意,很多公司都没有达到预期的目标.非线性系统中存在的一种重要现象--分岔,本文从分岔发生的两个必要条件出发,运用系统的观点对ERP的实施进行研究指出导致ERP系统实施出现分岔的内部机制和外部约束,同时结合二者时ERP实施成功的影响程度提出相应的应对策略,以期切实提高企业实施ERP系统的成功率.  相似文献   

ERP实施的问题和实施效果评价指标研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文通过对我国企业ERP系统的实施状况进行分析,找出其中问题所在,提出了ERP系统实施效果的评价指标.  相似文献   

本文结合ERP系统故障实例,讲述了ERP支持体系、应急预案、变更流程、预防性维护等具体运维措施对ERP系统平稳运行的重要保障作用。  相似文献   

在系统分析的基础上,通过应用.NET平台及数据库技术,设计出了ERP系统下能力需求计划(Capacity Requirements Planning,CRP)子系统的系统模块结构图、各功能模块的逻辑流程图,在设计时考虑了系统的通用性,符合中小企业的特点,实现了系统的基础数据录入、能力需求计划过程及信息查询功能.  相似文献   

森林防火辅助决策支持系统的设计与实现   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
森林防火辅助决策系统采用ArcObjects技术,成功地实现了GIS与林火损失评估模型、林火预测模型的无缝集成,该系统在吸取国内外森林火灾管理信息系统开发经验的基础上,结合黑龙江省的实际情况开发而成,为森林防火管理提供及时、可靠的信息支持.  相似文献   

Drawing on both organizational behaviour and employee relations perspectives,the paper defines participation as `opportunity to influence decisions,' andconsiders the impact of the micro-political behaviour of organization membersin pursuit of their interests on the development of genuine participation.Three types of micro-political strategy are identified and their implicationsdiscussed: information control, flexibility, and stage-craft. The discussionis illustrated with findings from an international study of decision making,and brief comment is made on international cultural differences as acomplicating factor. It is suggested that the role of participation in enhancing the knowledge baseof the organization has been neglected. If genuine participation is to beinstituted, decision making will become more complex, requiring negotiation,not only of competing interests but also of what is to be accepted as`knowledge' in the organization. This in turn will place greater demands onthe intellectual skills and personal behaviour of participants.  相似文献   

物流配送车辆的干扰管理序贯决策方法研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对物流配送系统中车辆由于干扰事件而产生的时间延迟,运用干扰管理的思想,首先对干扰事件演进过程进行分析,提出了时间延迟的干扰管理问题的多阶段划分方法,然后通过对偏离成本的探讨,建立了兼顾物流供应商和客户两个主体的时间延迟度量模型,进而形成了处理时间延迟干扰问题的序贯决策方法.最后采用一个具体实例,验证了上述方法的可行性.  相似文献   

ERP在我国企业会计应用中存在的问题及对策   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
ERP作为崭新的现代管理手段,它的核心理念就是实现对企业经营管理各方面的信息资源进行有效的整合与管理。本文从ERP的管理理念出发。以用友EkP-U861为例阐述了ERP在我国企业会计中的应用模块,重点研究ERP在我国企业会计应用中存在的问题及相关对策。  相似文献   

Won J. Lee  DaeSoo Kim 《决策科学》1993,24(6):1203-1214
In this study we examine the effects of integrating production and marketing decisions for a short- to medium-range planning horizon in a profit maximizing firm. We formulate two models for determining price, marketing expenditure, demand or production volume, and lot size for a single product with stable demand when economies of scale are present. The full integration (FI) model simultaneously determines all the decisions involved, while the partial integration (PI) model separates the lot sizing decision from the others, as happens frequently in practice. Geometric programming (GP) techniques and marginal analysis are used to compare FI and PI, and obtain important managerial implications regarding the two models.  相似文献   

Decision Analysis and Risk Management Decision Making: Issues and Methods   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper provides an overview of decision analysis and its use in risk management decision making. The paper discusses the distinctive characteristics of decision analysis and compares these characteristics with those of its principal alternative—cost–benefit analysis. The paper also discusses each of the steps in a decision analysis and the strengths and limitations of the method.  相似文献   

通过分析ERP项目的特点,将学习曲线引入到ERP实施的研究中,基于学习曲线理论刻画企业的工作效率随项目时间变化的规律.在此基础上,将ERP项目抽象为前期的培训和后期的具体实施两个阶段,以项目实施周期和咨询成本最小为目标,建立ERP实施培训时间决策模型,通过培训时间控制并预测ERP项目的整体周期,进一步利用遗传算法对模型进行优化求解.为区分信息化基础不同的企业在项目初期工作效率的差异,在模型中加入初始工作效率这一变量,通过企业的信息化基础水平间接地测算企业的初始工作效率;结合行为导向的实证研究结果,在模型中限定培训时间的取值范围,解决多个近似解之间的取舍问题.案例研究表明,模型在实际应用中可以起到较好的优化和预测效果,能够为企业制定ERP项目计划和投资预算提供决策支持.  相似文献   

建立了以客户识别为基础进行客户保持决策的理论框架和决策模型,提出了客户识别的三维框架模型,认为客户识别需要在包含客户生命周期价值、客户感知价值和竞争可得性3个维度的框架下进行;随后通过建立客户识别模型,定量分析了客户识别对于客户保持的重要意义;接着阐述了以客户识别为基础进行客户保持决策的过程和方法,并综合考虑客户忠诚度因素,通过建立客户保持的决策模型,分析了统一定价和差别定价2种模式下客户保持的企业产品定价策略。  相似文献   

In this article, we present strategies to help combat the U.S. nursing shortage. Key considerations include providing an attractive work schedule and work environment—critical issues for retaining existing nurses and attracting new nurses to the profession—while at the same time using the set of available nurses as effectively as possible. Based on these ideas, we develop a model that takes advantage of coordinated decision making when managing a flexible workforce. The model coordinates scheduling, schedule adjustment, and agency nurse decisions across various nurse labor pools, each of differing flexibility levels, capabilities, and costs, allowing a much more desirable schedule to be constructed. Our primary findings regarding coordinated decision making and how it can be used to help address the nursing shortage include (i) labor costs can be reduced substantially because, without coordination, labor costs on average are 16.3% higher based on an actual hospital setting, leading to the availability of additional funds for retaining and attracting nurses, (ii) simultaneous to this reduction in costs, more attractive schedules can be provided to the nurses in terms of less overtime and fewer undesirable shifts, and (iii) the use of agency nurses can help avoid overtime for permanent staff with only a 0.7% increase in staffing costs. In addition, we estimate the cost of the shortage for a typical U.S. hospital from a labor cost perspective and show how that cost can be reduced when managers coordinate.  相似文献   

Joost R. Santos 《Risk analysis》2012,32(10):1673-1692
Disruptions in the production of commodities and services resulting from disasters influence the vital functions of infrastructure and economic sectors within a region. The interdependencies inherent among these sectors trigger the faster propagation of disaster consequences that are often associated with a wider range of inoperability and amplified losses. This article evaluates the impact of inventory‐enhanced policies for disrupted interdependent sectors to improve the disaster preparedness capability of dynamic inoperability input‐output models (DIIM). In this article, we develop the dynamic cross‐prioritization plot (DCPP)—a prioritization methodology capable of identifying and dynamically updating the critical sectors based on preference assignments to different objectives. The DCPP integrates the risk assessment metrics (e.g., economic loss and inoperability), which are independently analyzed in the DIIM. We develop a computer‐based DCPP tool to determine the priority for inventory enhancement with user preference and resource availability as new dimensions. A baseline inventory case for the state of Virginia revealed a high concentration of (i) manufacturing sectors under the inoperability objective and (ii) service sectors under the economic loss objective. Simulation of enhanced inventory policies for selected critical manufacturing sectors has reduced the recovery period by approximately four days and the expected total economic loss by $33 million. Although the article focuses on enhancing inventory levels in manufacturing sectors, complementary analysis is recommended to manage the resilience of the service sectors. The flexibility of the proposed DCPP as a decision support tool can also be extended to accommodate analysis in other regions and disaster scenarios.  相似文献   

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