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幼儿园教师是女性占绝对比例的职业群体,对其社会地位影响因素的分析,社会性别理论提供了全新的视角。进而发现,幼儿园教师性别结构的女性化是一种社会建制的结果。制约幼儿园教师社会地位提升的因素包括:职业性别隔离制约幼儿园教师的经济待遇,社会角色期待影响幼儿园教师的职业声望.成就动机不足限制幼儿园教师的社会权益。应通过打破幼儿园教师职业的性别分工、加强幼儿园教师自身专业发展等途径提高幼儿园教师的社会地位。  相似文献   

农村女性的职业流动与中国的城市化进程是一致的,农村女性获得了职业流动的机会,但在她们的职业流动过程中,存在着职业的性别隔离、收入低于男性、就业风险大等不和谐因素。劳动力市场对农村劳动力,尤其是文化水平不高的劳动力以及对农村女性的排斥是农村女性劳动力流动中不和谐现象形成的主要原因。这种不和谐因素的存在,需要政府、社会以及农村女性等多种合力的共同作用来解决。  相似文献   

Using data from 1,120 residents of Athens, Greece, we used structural equation modeling to confirm the existence of three types of gender attitudes: (1) egalitarian housework attitudes, (2) acceptance of females in traditionally male occupations, and (3) acceptance of males in traditionally female occupations. There was more acceptance of females in traditionally male occupations than of males in traditionally female occupations. Consistent with previous research, there was a relatively strong relationship between gender and egalitarian attitudes. Compared to men, women were more accepting of females being employed in traditionally male occupations, of males being employed in traditionally female occupations, and of equality between husband and wife in performing household chores. Education and marital status had significant impacts on egalitarian housework attitudes but not on occupational gender attitudes. His primary areas of teaching and research include criminology, deviance, juvenile delinquency, gender roles, and adolescent drug use. His research and teaching areas are criminology and marriage and family. In recent years his research has focused on adolescent drug use and marital dissolution.  相似文献   

中国就业市场中的性别歧视——对公众认知率的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
调查结果表明:女性更关注工作过程中的性别歧视和职业隔离的性别歧视现象,女性仅对应聘过程中的性别歧视现象如女性的相貌、身高等要求、外来打工妹的应聘两个问题的认知率高于男性;女性对性骚扰性别歧视认知率与男性没有显著差异;公众对各种性别歧视现象的总体认知水平不高.  相似文献   

劳动力市场中的性别歧视是较普遍的现象,其中职业隔离是性别歧视的主要形式之一.为了分析我国城市就业人口中的职业性别隔离问题,我们使用差异指数法对当前职业隔离的程度进行了测量,并且通过CES生产函数和C-D生产函数对假定消除职业隔离后,各种职业的劳动力性别构成比例、工资水平及经济总产出变化情况做出估计,以期对打破职业隔离提供一些理论依据和政策建议.  相似文献   

在我国市场经济迅速发展、社会快速转型和社会性别规范重构的背景下,职业压力的性别差异以及从社会性别视角缓解女性职业压力的介入机制研究日益成为一个重要议题。文章通过对912名公务员和企业雇员的问卷调查,探索男女两性在职业发展中的处境与面临的主要压力,在此基础上,构建职业压力指数,以男性为参照,从压力源、压力反应、压力应对三个层次来研究女性职业压力,分析受到传统社会性别文化影响的职业压力在男女两个群体中的表征及其差异。同时,研究从社会工作的视角,构建基于社会性别差异的社会工作“五级程序”介入机制,以期达到缓解女性职业压力、实现有效的压力管理。   相似文献   

当前高校图书馆中女性馆员所占比例较高是由社会因素、图书馆职业特点和女性自身特点等多方面的原因造成的.女性馆员在高校图书馆工作中已呈现出男性馆员所无法替代的优势.但是,用宏观的或整体的眼光来审视,女性馆员的才能还没有得到充分发挥,这其中有社会因素也有女性自身的原因.高校图书馆中的女性只有具备强烈的危机意识,不断学习,才能适应时代的发展,才能在高校不断变革的大潮中立于不败之地.  相似文献   

本文主要对解释职业性别隔离成因的理论,包括经济模式的偏好歧视理论、人力资本理论、统计性歧视理论和双元劳动市场理论,和社会制度模式的社会歧视论和社会性别理论进行了简单地介绍和分析,并提出自己的观点:将它们结合起来将更全面和更系统地解释隔离问题。  相似文献   

在进行国企改革前,诸如职业性别隔离、“玻璃天花板”现象、收入性别差异等越南就业结构的性别差异就已存在。越南国企改革不仅未有效消除这一差异,反而使其呈现强化的趋势,其表层原因是单位制的功能泛化与市场经济体制下的效率优先之间存在矛盾,其深层原因则是由私人领域传导到公共领域的社会性别分层机制的巨大影响。  相似文献   

Globally changing economic conditions have made it necessary for men and women to cross gender based occupational lines. While some research has been conducted on the men crossing occupational barriers in Ghana, not much is known about the women venturing into male dominated occupational sectors in the informal sector. Using the concepts of ‘tokenism and ‘heightened visibility’, this research investigated the experiences of women in male dominated informal sector occupations in Ghana. The research revealed that being numerically disadvantaged and being a woman does not necessarily lead to some of the challenges highlighted as facing other females in more formal occupational settings. On the contrary, this study has revealed how the numerical disadvantage combined with socio-cultural feminine attributes, contributes to the occupational development of women. This research recommends that future programmes aimed at female empowerment should not only focus on the academic (science; technology and mathematics) opportunities, but should also highlight the opportunities for female economic empowerment within male dominated sectors of the informal economy.  相似文献   

Using matched employer–employee data from the Spanish labour market in 2010, we analyse the effects of industrial, establishment and occupational segregation on the gender wage differential, disaggregating the latter contribution by different groups of workers belonging to different occupational areas and responsibility levels. These workers are employed in 61 occupations within 26,492 establishments in 51 different industries. Since the matched employer–employee data exhibit a particular type of grouped structure, which contrasts the statistical properties of such data with the random sample case, we estimate the effects of each type of gender segregation on the wage gap using a robust specification. We find that the major part of the contribution of gender segregation is not explained by differences in the observable characteristics. Furthermore, the estimations show that the educational female advantage has helped to narrow the gender wage gap caused by occupational segregation within each establishment only for those groups of workers with the lowest educational requirements.  相似文献   

殖民地时期印度社会世俗化进程研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
印度教种姓制度是印度传统社会的主体构架形式,是集宗教、政治、经济和社会等级为一体的、全世界独一无二的压迫性社会隔离制度。在这一制度下,贱民阶层和妇女备受歧视和压迫。印度社会世俗化的主要目标是要解决贱民问题和妇女问题。英国殖民者所进行的经济和社会改革启动了印度的社会世俗化进程。印度的民族运动将这一进程推向深入。殖民地时期,贱民和妇女在社会世俗化的进程中逐渐获得了一定程度的解放。  相似文献   

Accounts of law schools often report that women find law school a hostile atmosphere, although most studies do not compare male and female reactions. In this study of thirtyseven students at an elite law school, the author finds that the impact of a “women's” voice on professional knowledge is more complicated than a strict dichotomy between male and female reasoning proposes. While the process of “learning to think like a lawyer” retains traditionally male attributes, women students clearly learn this cognitive style competently. Many women do find the law school experience distancing and problematic, and are more likely to point out the inadequacies of legal thinking. Men, though far from universally positive about law school experiences, are more likely to describe the process as a game or a puzzle. Men and women's reactions are not essentialized, however; a few women thrive on the masculine style, while some men clearly do not like it. Debra Schleef is an Assistant Professor of Sociology at Mary Washington College, Fredericksburg, Virginia. She has published articles on socialist law and feminist jurisprudence, and the social responsibilities of business and law students. She is currently writing a book on law and business student socialization, “Elites in Training: Accommodation and Resistance to Professional Socialization in Law and Business School.” She has recently published in the Sociology of Education.  相似文献   

经济转型时期越南力图在激发经济活力的同时继续保证社会的公平,因而在促进男女性别平等上做出了不懈努力。但男女收入的行业差距、部门差距和地域差距始终存在的事实表明,越南促进性别平等的目标还远未实现。其表层原因在于职业的性别隔离仍未完全消除,深层原因则是父权主义构建的性别分层结构。  相似文献   

Gender inequality does not begin with adulthood, yet scholarship has dealt most appreciably with indicators summarizing patterns for adults. Life course differences need to be recognized and incorporated into the study of gender inequality. I propose various societal practices (such as female infanticide, harsher punishment, social ceremonies, and inclusion) and beliefs (such as son preference, affection, and evaluation) as cross-cultural indicators of gender inequality in childhood. The analysis of preindustrial societies in the Standard Cross-Cultural Sample (Murdock and White, 1969) finds that childhood gender inequality is related to hunger, warfare, patrilocality, and the economic contribution and control of women. Childhood gender inequality shares some similarities with adulthood gender inequality but differs in theoretically relevant ways; for example, familial explanations, which are often relegated to secondary status in gender inequality theory, are high-lighted. The implications of focusing on childhood and the life course for gender inequality theory are discussed. Much of her recent work is on gender inequalities in the labor force, including labor force participation, occupational segregation, and affirmative action  相似文献   

改革开放以来中国女性就业规模与结构的变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用人口普查资料并结合已有研究成果,对改革开放以来中国女性就业状况的相对变化作纵向考察与分析,旨在透视中国社会的深刻变革对女性就业的影响,为促进女性平等就业寻求良策。研究发现,转型期,女性就业率下降的同时就业领域扩大,职业结构优化,这一变化形成了女性群体不同方向的社会流动,一部分城乡女性实现了向上的职业流动,而另一部分则因就业难等被边缘化。同时,转型期的就业困难对20~44岁城镇女性的影响更严重,农村女性的发展机会明显不足。据此,在促进公平就业中,社会不仅应关注女大学生就业,还应充分注意生育期女性和子女年幼女性的就业以及农村女性的平等就业机会问题。  相似文献   

女性职业发展的理论与实践述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以男性范式为主导的管理实践使女经理在管理领域中好像是“男性世界里的旅行者”。传统上成功经理人为男性范式,现在男性在管理上仍占据着统治地位。传统的教育方式、全职工作和退休机制是基于典型的男性的工作范式的,不存在适合现代女性的典型的工作范式。显然,由于男性职业范式的存在和为了承担家庭责任,女性在职业发展上仍处于竞争中的不利地位。文辛通过文献综述关注女性和职业,指出应理解在职业以及职业发展上女性是不同于男性的,强调在实践中应重视管理多样性的理念。  相似文献   

职业是个体经济地位的关键指标,也是群体社会分层的重要标志.作为中国的政治、文化、经济中心,北京有着比任何其他城市都多的高端职业,故而一直都是青年流动人口寻求职业发展的重要场域.通过使用多次普查和小普查数据,比较、分析了近三十年北京市青年流动人口职业地位的纵向变动趋势和影响因素.结果表明:本地市民和流动人口的职业地位均得到改善,且高于全国平均水平;但由于较低的职业技能和较少的社会资本,青年人口的职业地位都较低,在其他条件相同的情况下,青年乡—城流动人口的职业地位低于年长乡—城流动人口,显示出作为青年人、农村人和外来人的三重弱势.因为制度性和结构性歧视所造成的社会分层被顽固地再生产和维持着.  相似文献   

在南京市区采用问卷调查法对智障人口父母进行了调查。调查发现智障流行率特征有:男性多于女性,年龄呈学龄前人数比例低、学龄期高、青年期下降的特点,无论男女都存在严重婚姻障碍。智障等级上,轻度智障者比例最大、中度次之、重度和极重度最小。致病原因除先天、分娩、妊娠期等致病因素外,社会文化因素日益显著。智障人口在生活上绝大多数终身与家庭捆绑,智障者家庭养残不堪重负。据此提出四条相应对策。  相似文献   

Dunlap  Sarah T.  Barth  Joan M.  Chappetta  Kelsey 《Gender Issues》2019,36(2):113-135
Gender Issues - Based upon social structural accounts of mate preferences and career interest, it is often suggested that women avoid high status, traditionally masculine careers such as those in...  相似文献   

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