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Data from two studies are used to examine the proposition that excessive gambling, unlike excessive substance use, is not generally viewed as a form of dependence. In the first study, the attitudes of 100 members of the general population towards the causes of excess and towards appropriate treatments, indicated that excessive gambling was seen in more moral terms than were other addictive behaviours. In the second study, of 54 people receiving treatment for one of four forms of excessive behaviour, gamblers were just as likely to use terms such as addiction or compulsion to describe their behaviour but were also more likely than others to describe it in terms of moral weakness or vice. Concern is expressed at the way in which gambling may be marginalized as a form of dependence.We would like to acknowledge the help and support of the members of the clinical and general population samples who generously gave their time to take part in this research, and of those who kindly gave us permission to approach people in the clinical sample with whom they were in touch. We are grateful also to the Social Science Research Council (now the Economic and Social Research Council) who supported J.M. during the period of the research.  相似文献   

Volunteer labor is generally modeled as an individualistic pursuit, akin to leisure or to human capital accumulation. Some activities labeled as volunteering, however, may be more usefully thought of as quid pro quo time commitments that are part of securing services for family members. Parents are frequently expected to volunteer, for example, when their children participate in youth sports leagues or school marching bands. In such cases, volunteering is essentially an instance of household production undertaken outside the home. Using data from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics, we divide volunteering into three categories—youth-related, religious, and non-youth-related secular—according to the likelihood that an instance of volunteering in the category represents household production. We find evidence that husbands and wives respond to one another’s time pressures such that youth-related volunteering looks like a task for which husbands’ and wives’ time inputs substitute for one another. Further, we find this pattern for housework, and not for other forms of volunteering. An increase in either spouse’s hours of market work will significantly reduce that spouse’s likelihood of volunteering for youth-related activities while raising the partner’s likelihood of volunteering. A similar pattern holds for hours volunteered to youth-related activities, with the wife’s responses achieving statistical significance.  相似文献   

Conclusions Comparisons of the NLRB to dinosaurs and other extinct species, fallen empires, and other relics are overdone. Nevertheless, the Board must confront some worrisome signs of institutional decay. On very separate fronts federal courts and state legislatures- the Board's ULP jurisdiction is eroding. Even more troubling for the Board, these incursions are coming from different sources. Unions seem to be winning the battle to legislate protective labor standards when the collective bargaining process that is administered by the NLRB fails them. Individual employees, and by extension certain employers, are circumventing the Board's ability to define fundamental issues of union membership.  相似文献   

The paper examines the macroeconomic effects of social diversity in the United States. Employing a cross-sectional dataset for 48 states, we find mixed empirical evidence for the impact of diversity on Gross State Product (GSP) per capita growth: racial diversity reduces GSP growth, while linguistic diversity raises GSP growth. Our findings suggest that because English is used frequently by non-native speakers barriers to communications based on race are more pronounced and enduring than those based on linguistic differences. The results provide a justification for establishing ‘weak ties’ across diverse racial groups as a means to enhance economic performance.  相似文献   

Since the start of economic reforms in 1991, India's trade unions have found themselves increasingly excluded from the political process and marginalized in collective bargaining. Using survey and interview data from the Maharashtra affiliates of two national union federations, this article examines whether social partnership with employers is a viable option for Indian unions to regain influence and protect workers' interests, as some analysts have advocated. Its findings indicate that despite Maharashtra's supportive regulatory framework, which in theory should facilitate cooperative industrial relations, the realities of workplace employment relations – coupled with state indifference and adverse judicial interventions – weaken labour's prospects for meaningful social partnership.  相似文献   

Grounded theory methodology (GTM) is a popular methodology used in social work dissertation research. GTM entails the development of theory ‘grounded in’ and generated from data systematically gathered and analyzed through qualitative methods. But little is known of its theory development and relationship to social work education at the doctoral level. In this article, we reflect on contemporary usage of GTM with respect to the state of theory development in social work education by reviewing a sample of Canadian social work doctoral dissertations that utilize GTM, identifying if and how theory was developed. Our analysis draws from a broader review of GTM research published as social work doctoral dissertations in Canada using the Qualitative Research Quality Checklist (QRQC). The findings indicate that almost half of the dissertations in the sample did not contribute to theory development, and for many, theory development was not the intention. This raises a question about whether theory development when utilizing GTM is essential in social work dissertation research, and perhaps, whether the focus should be on exploring a social work issue rather than generating theory. The paper concludes with considerations for social work educators in regards to research methodology, epistemology, and theory.  相似文献   

This paper discusses three alternative assumptions concerning household preferences (altruism, self-interest, and a desire for dynasty building) and shows that these assumptions have very different implications for bequest motives and bequest division. After reviewing some of the literature on actual bequests, bequest motives, and bequest division, the paper presents data on the strength of bequest motives, stated bequest motives, and bequest division plans from a new international survey conducted in China, India, Japan, and the United States. It finds striking inter-country differences in bequest plans, with the bequest plans of Americans and Indians appearing to be much more consistent with altruistic preferences than those of the Japanese and Chinese and the bequest plans of the Japanese and Chinese appearing to be much more consistent with selfish preferences than those of Americans and Indians. These findings have important implications for the efficacy and desirability of stimulative fiscal policies, public pensions, and inheritance taxes.  相似文献   

The conventional wisdom is that crises are largely due to swings in short‐term capital. Economies that finance their current account deficits mainly via foreign direct investment (FDI) are therefore seen as being less susceptible to a crisis. The analysis in this article, backed up by some empirical evidence drawn from Malaysia, challenges the casual presumption that the switch towards FDI alone will automatically imply that extreme capital instability will become a thing of the past.  相似文献   


Does more income mean more leisure? This paper investigates the impact of wages and income on leisure time using merged data from two nationally representative samples in Thailand: (1) the Time Use Survey, and (2) the Labor Force Survey. Results will depend on our definition of income or wages. The data indicate that Thai people tend to reduce their leisure time in response to monthly income changes. The reason for such a negative relationship is that monthly income is composed of extra income other than wages, for example, overtime and bonus pay, which are found to be inversely related to leisure time. However, when the relationship between leisure time and hourly wage is estimated, we find that an increase in hourly wage substantially and significantly induces people to engage in more leisure and that a percentage change in hourly wage also provides a positive percentage change in leisure time.  相似文献   

During World War II, the first media outlets to publish photographs of the Nazi mass murder of Jews and others were Soviet newspapers and magazines. The problem with Soviet photographs was that the Soviet media were considered unreliable from a Western standpoint, because unlike in the West, which perceived a clear ideological differentiation of art from photojournalism, Soviet photography blurred that distinction. According to Western standards of evidence, Soviet photography could never be taken seriously as photojournalism, precisely because the photographer was always metaphorically present. Since Soviet photojournalism failed the test of the documentary imperative, it rarely convinced people of the truth of its subject matter. In this epistemological context when photographs might fail to convince, the act of physically bearing witness, of seeing with one's own eyes, became the most important way of proving to a disbelieving public the veracity of Nazi atrocities.  相似文献   

This article studies the extent to which educational services and schooling outcomes of local children are influenced by the presence of a refugee camp in or near their community. Investigating Congolese refugees in Rwanda and relying on a mixed‐method approach, we examine schooling rates and access to school‐based feeding programmes in communities closer to and further away from three refugee camps. We conduct cohort analyses to compare the schooling outcomes of Rwandans residing at different distances from each of these camps. Our results highlight that children residing closer to the camps have better schooling outcomes and that locals residing closer to the camps have mostly positive views regarding the effects of refugees on local education. These results contribute to the literature on the effects of refugees on host communities and inform policy debates on how refugees need not be a “burden” if a long‐term vision shapes educational investments.  相似文献   

This article empirically examines how an individual's economic, social and political capital affects their propensity to make bribe payments in exchange for public services. Using an individual‐level survey on bribes, the econometric results suggest that the burden of bribery is borne by the poor, but substantially decreases when institutions that constrain bureaucratic corruption are strong and effective. The results also show that the incidence of bribery decreases when social capital is high but increases when political networks are prevalent. These findings support the need to combine anti‐corruption reforms with poverty reduction strategies and social policies in order to foster equity in public services provision in Kenya.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present sibling and neighbor correlations in school grades and cognitive skills, as well as indicators of physical and mental health, for a sample of German adolescents. In a first step, we estimate sibling correlations and find a substantial influence of shared family and community background on all outcomes. To further disentangle the influence of family background and neighborhood, we estimate neighbor correlations. Our results show that for all outcomes, the estimated neighbor correlations are clearly lower than the estimated sibling correlations. However, especially for cognitive skills and mental health, neighbor correlations are still substantial in relation to sibling correlations. Thus, compared to existing results from other countries, the influence of the neighborhood on these outcomes is not negligible in Germany.  相似文献   

Is there a need for a theory of urban ecology?   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Although urban ecosystems are governed by the same ecological laws as rural ecosystems, the relative importance of certain ecological patterns and processes differs between the two types of ecosystems. For instance, as compared to rural areas, urban habitats are usually more islandlike, more often represent early successional stages, and more easily invaded by alien species. All these features are results of the intense human influence on urban landscapes. The question then arises whether a distinct theory of urban ecology is needed for understanding ecological patterns and processes in the urban setting. The answer is no, because urban ecosystems can be successfully studied using existing ecological theories, such as the metapopulation theory. However, due to the intense human presence approaches that include the human aspect are useful in studying urban systems. For instance, the human ecosystem model, which emphasizes human impact by identifying social components with connections to ecology, is a useful approach in urban studies. This model, combined with the urban–rural gradient approach, forms an effective tool for studying key ecological features of urban ecosystems. Better understanding of these features would increase our ability to predict changes that land use causes in urban ecosystems, and would help to integrate ecology better into urban planning.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the welfare effects of labor market institutions, placing an emphasis on how the institutions’ effects are differentiated by socio-demographic subgroups. We study how life satisfaction is affected by employment protection and the level and duration of unemployment benefit payments. Using data for almost 370,000 individuals in ten European countries, 1975-2002, we find that more employment protection and a higher benefit replacement rate increase the life satisfaction of the average citizen. At the subgroup level, different segments of the population are affected differently by the two categories of labor market institutions. While employment protection is valued especially by employed persons of intermediate age, it is less beneficial for women/housewives and for older persons. More generous unemployment insurance is valued especially by these latter subgroups and by the unemployed.  相似文献   

This paper investigates mean reversion in the deviation of Tunisian real effective exchange rate (REER) from its fundamental value. This paper uses the smooth transition auto-regression (STAR) methodology advocated by Granger and Teräsvirta (1993) in order to test whether the Tunisian REER is mean reverting over the period 1990:01 to 2010:01. The empirical results show that data support the hypothesis that deviations can be characterized by asymmetric responses towards appreciation and depreciation with the speed of transition between the expansion and contraction regimes being relatively high. The research results have both methodological and practical originality. On the practical side, the main policy implications the paper puts forward are that foreign exchange market participants should adopt the LSTAR model rather than ESTAR model in their attempt to effectively comprehend the behavior of the exchange rates. On the methodological side, this study makes use of robust test for STAR type nonlinearity. This procedure has been deemed immune against outliers and does not need a priori knowledge regarding their presence and/or timing.  相似文献   

Review of Economics of the Household - This article examines the exchange motive in intergenerational monetary transfers. The exchange motive is in operation if parents make transfers to their...  相似文献   

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