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In this article, we consider experimental situations in which m 2-level factors are to be studied using a main effects plan where n runs are to be partitioned into b blocks having both even and odd sizes. For these cases, we give some simple methods for constructing E-optimal designs.  相似文献   

In this article, we take up the experimental situation of a heteroscedastic one-way layout model in the presence of a set of controllable covariates. For the joint estimation of the elementary contrasts of a set of test treatments with a control and the effects of covariates, sufficient conditions for the existence of an A-optimal design are identified. When these sufficient conditions are not met, we propose highly A-efficient designs. The methods of construction of A-optimal and highly A-efficient designs are discussed. For different values of the parameters of the design, A-efficiency of the proposed designs are tabulated for a comparative study.  相似文献   

D. Schütze 《Statistics》2013,47(3):367-373
The paper deals with the asymptotic equivalence of the maximum-likelihood-estimator with sums of independent and identically distributed random variables for a family of distribution functions, the density of which may vanish depending on the parameter. Further the asymptotic equivalence of the maximum-likelihood-estimator with BAYES estimators is shown.  相似文献   

The use of covariates in block designs is necessary when the experimental errors cannot be controlled using only the qualitative factors. The choice of values of the covariates for a given set-up attaining minimum variance for estimation of the regression parameters has attracted attention in recent times. In this paper, optimum covariate designs (OCD) have been considered for the set-up of the balanced treatment incomplete block (BTIB) designs, which form an important class of test-control designs. It is seen that the OCDs depend much on the methods of construction of the basic BTIB designs. The series of BTIB designs considered in this paper are mainly those as described by Bechhofer and Tamhane (1981) and Das et al. (2005). Different combinatorial arrangements and tools such as Hadamard matrices and different kinds of products of matrices viz Khatri-Rao product and Kronecker product have been conveniently used to construct OCDs with as many covariates as possible.  相似文献   

Some matrix representations of diverse diagonal arrays are studied in this work; the results allow new definitions of classes of elliptical distributions indexed by kernels mixing Hadamard and usual products. A number of applications are derived in the setting of prior densities from the Bayesian multivariate regression model and families of non-elliptical distributions, such as the matrix multivariate generalized Birnbaum–Saunders density. The philosophy of the research about matrix representations of quadratic and inverse quadratic forms can be extended as a methodology for exploring possible new applications in non-standard distributions, matrix transformations and inference.  相似文献   

Five nonisomorphic classes of Hadamard matrices of order 16 were given by Hall (1961). Three of these Hadamard classes have a 4 ×4 row and column structure; they generate three nonisomorphic complete sets of nine orthogonal F(4;2,2)-squares, one of which shows a previously unreported pattern. The remaining two Hadamard classes do not produce complete sets of F-squares, Each of the five Hadamard classes corresponds to a distinct set of single-degree-of-freedom contrasts in an analysis of variance.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the issue of choosing optimal designs when both blocking and foldover techniques are simultaneously employed to nonregular two-level fractional factorial designs. By using the indicator function, the treatment and block generalized wordlength patterns of the combined blocked design under a general foldover plan are defined. Some general properties of combined block designs are also obtained. Our results extend the findings of Ai et al. (2010) from regular designs to nonregular designs. Based on these theoretical results, a catalog of optimal blocking and foldover plans in terms of the generalized aberration criterion for nonregular initial design with 12, 16 and 20 runs is tabulated, respectively.  相似文献   

In this article the problem of the optimal selection and allocation of time points in repeated measures experiments is considered. D‐ optimal designs for linear regression models with a random intercept and first order auto‐regressive serial correlations are computed numerically and compared with designs having equally spaced time points. When the order of the polynomial is known and the serial correlations are not too small, the comparison shows that for any fixed number of repeated measures, a design with equally spaced time points is almost as efficient as the D‐ optimal design. When, however, there is no prior knowledge about the order of the underlying polynomial, the best choice in terms of efficiency is a D‐ optimal design for the highest possible relevant order of the polynomial. A design with equally‐spaced time points is the second best choice  相似文献   

Recently, many supersaturated designs have been proposed. A supersaturated design is a fractional factorial design in which the number of factors is greater than the number of experimental runs. The main thrust of the previous studies has been to generate more columns while avoiding large values of squared inner products among all design columns. These designs would be appropriate if the probability for each factor being active is uniformly distributed. When factors can be partitioned into two groups, namely, with high and low probabilities of each factor being active, it is desirable to maintain orthogonality among columns to be assigned to the factors in the high-probability group. We discuss a supersaturated design including an orthogonal base which is suitable for this common situation. Mathematical results on the existence of the supersaturated designs are shown, and the construction of supersaturated designs is presented. We next discuss some properties of the proposed supersaturated designs based on the squared inner products.  相似文献   

A special class of supersaturated design, called marginally over saturated design (MOSD), in which the number of variables under investigation (k) is only slightly larger than the number of experimental runs (n), is presented. Several optimality criteria for supersaturated designs are discussed. It is shown that the resolution rank criterion is most appropriate for screening situations. The construction method builds on two major theorems which provide an efficient way to evaluate resolution rank. Examples are given for the cases n=8, 12, 16, and 20. Potential extensions for future work are discussed.  相似文献   

In a two-level factorial experiment, we consider orthogonal designs that allow joint estimation of the grand mean, all main effects, and certain classes of two-level interactions, assuming that the remaining effects are all negligible. Based on a judicious allocation of the factorial effects of interest to the columns of a Hadamard matrix, we propose some general classes of orthogonal and saturated designs which include some existing orthogonal main-effect plans of asymmetric factorials as special cases.  相似文献   

Non-symmetric correspondence analysis (NSCA) is a useful technique for analysing a two-way contingency table. Frequently, the predictor variables are more than one; in this paper, we consider two categorical variables as predictor variables and one response variable. Interaction represents the joint effects of predictor variables on the response variable. When interaction is present, the interpretation of the main effects is incomplete or misleading. To separate the main effects and the interaction term, we introduce a method that, starting from the coordinates of multiple NSCA and using a two-way analysis of variance without interaction, allows a better interpretation of the impact of the predictor variable on the response variable. The proposed method has been applied on a well-known three-way contingency table proposed by Bockenholt and Bockenholt in which they cross-classify subjects by person's attitude towards abortion, number of years of education and religion. We analyse the case where the variables education and religion influence a person's attitude towards abortion.  相似文献   

This deals with chemical balance weighing designs which attain a lower bound for the variance of the estimated total weight, The results extend those of Chacko Dey (1978).  相似文献   

The existence of difference matrices over small cyclic groups is investigated in this computer-aided work. The maximum values of the parameters for which difference matrices exist as well as the number of inequivalent difference matrices in each case is determined up to the computational limit. Several new difference matrices have been found in this manner. The maximum number of rows is 9 for an r ×15 difference matrix over Z3, 8 for an r ×15 difference matrix over Z5, and 6 for an r ×12 difference matrix over Z6; the number of inequivalent matrices with these parameters is 5, 2, and 7, respectively.  相似文献   

In psychology, marketing research and sensory analysis paired comparisons which demand judges to evaluate the trade-off between two alternatives constitute a popular method of data collection. For this situation we present optimal designs in a discrete setting when the alternatives are specified by an analysis of variance model with main effects only. We employ combinatorial tools to achieve optimal designs which have sufficiently small sample sizes. Moreover, optimal designs are constructed when the number of factors presented is restricted for each pair of alternatives.  相似文献   


In this article, we consider experimental situations in which m two-lever factors are to be studied using a two-level main effects plan involving n runs which are partitioned into b blocks of size k =?n/b. For the casen ≡ 1(mod?4) and b???k, we derive some new methods of constructing E-optimal designs which tend to be highly efficient under other optimality criteria as well.  相似文献   

The problem considered is that of finding D-optimal design for the estimation of covariate parameters and the treatment and block contrasts in a block design set up in the presence of non stochastic controllable covariates, when N = 2(mod 4), N being the total number of observations. It is clear that when N ≠ 0 (mod 4), it is not possible to find designs attaining minimum variance for the estimated covariate parameters. Conditions for D-optimum designs for the estimation of covariate parameters were established when each of the covariates belongs to the interval [?1, 1]. Some constructions of D-optimal design have been provided for symmetric balanced incomplete block design (SBIBD) with parameters b = v, r = k = v ? 1, λ =v ? 2 when k = 2 (mod 4) and b is an odd integer.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of constructing good two-level nonregular fractional factorial designs. The criteria of minimum G and G2 aberration are used to rank designs. A general design structure is utilized to provide a solution to this practical, yet challenging, problem. With the help of this design structure, we develop an efficient algorithm for obtaining a collection of good designs based on the aforementioned two criteria. Finally, we present some results for designs of 32 and 40 runs obtained from applying this algorithmic approach.  相似文献   

A linear model with one treatment at V levels and first order regression on K continuous covariates with values on a K-cube is considered. The D-criterion is used to judge the ‘goodness’ of any design for estimating the parameters of this model. Since this criterion is based on the determinant of the information matrix M(d) of a design d, upper bounds for |M(d)| yield lower bounds for the D-efficiency of any design d in estimating the vector of parameters in the model. We consider here only classes of designs d for which the number N of observations to be taken is a multiple of V, that is, there exists R≥2 such that N=V×R.Under these conditions, we determine the maximum of |M(d)|, and conditions under which the maximum is attained. These conditions include R being even, each treatment level being observed the same number of times, that is, R times, and N being a multiple of four. For the other cases of congruence of N (modulo 4) we further determine upper bounds on |M (d)| for equireplicated designs, i.e. for designs with equal number of observations per treatment level. These upper bounds are shown to depend also on the congruence of V (modulo 4). For some triples (N,V,K), the upper bounds determined are shown to be attained.Construction methods yielding families of designs which attain the upper bounds of |M(d)| are presented, for each of the sixteen cases of congruence of N and V.We also determine the upper bound for D-optimal designs for estimating only the treatment parameters, when first order regression on one continuous covariate is present.  相似文献   

Some methods for constructing balanced design for 3-factor symmetrical factorial experiments in which all the main effects are completely unconfounded by using balanced arrays and BIB designs are proposed. The method is flexible in terms of selecting block size.  相似文献   

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