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庐山位于中国江西省的北部,面积302平方公里。北濒一泻千里的长江,南襟烟波浩渺的鄱阳湖,大江、大湖、大山浑然一体,险峻与秀丽刚柔相济,素以雄、奇、险、秀闻名于世。1996年12月,联合国教科文组织世界遗产委员会批准庐山以世界文化景观,列入《世界遗产名录》。2004年2月,庐山又被列入全球首批世界地质公园。庐山旅游交通便捷,庐山机场、长江水道、京九铁路、高速公路已形成了立体交通网络。旅游服务设施齐全配套,已形成了吃、住、行、游、购、娱齐全,供水供电、交通、邮政、通讯配套的综合性多功能旅游服务体系。  相似文献   

保养胃、肠的原则就是胃、肠喜欢什么,你就给它什么,胃、肠怕什么,你就不要做什么.胃、肠最喜欢你的细嚼慢咽.这样能减轻它的负担,所以易消化、温度适宜、可口的食物最受胃肠的欢迎,而那些过硬、过烫、过冷、过辣、过黏、油炸、腌制的食物应该离我们的嘴巴远远的.  相似文献   

非洲的民间舞蹈源于生活,又深深地渗透在生活中。每逢结婚、举丧、添丁、成年、迎宾、送客、战斗、劳作、礼神、祭祖、节庆、休闲、非洲人都通过舞蹈表达悲欢爱恨和各种情感欲望。可以说,没有舞蹈,就没有非洲人的生活。没有舞蹈,非洲文化就会黯然失色。 每个非洲部族都有自己独特的传统舞蹈。但它们又具有共同的特点,这就是:风格质朴粗犷,节奏明快强烈,感情炽热奔放。非洲舞蹈的动作多为腰、腹、臀部的扭动摇摆,速度快、幅度大的肢体动作,如屈伸、旋转,腾跃等,较少以眉眼、指腕、足尖表达细腻的感情。  相似文献   

老年人要摆脱“蜗居症”,可以通过培养各种爱好和兴趣,给自己的晚年生活带来乐趣,从而消除心中的寂寞感。老年人一方面应该拾起平时生活中的各种爱好和兴趣,诸如钓鱼、散步、画画、扭秧歌、书法、棋牌、唱歌、剪纸、养花、养鱼、打太极拳等;另一方面还要根据个人的兴趣和爱好,开发一些新的爱好,如旅游、爬山、游泳、打保龄球等。每天忙于自己的爱好,沉醉于兴趣之中,就可使晚年生活变得更加充实而富有情趣,尤其是一些户外活动,更能锻炼体能,活跃心绪,开阔心胸。  相似文献   

由华中科技大学、香港城市大学与台湾世新大学联合主办,新西兰梅西大学承办的第八届公关与广告国际学术论坛于2016年1月28日在新西兰惠灵顿圆满完成各项议程,胜利闭幕。此次会议的主题为“数字化时代的战略传播”,吸引了近120位来自世界各地的参会代表,涵盖了亚洲、大洋洲、欧洲和北美四大洲,包括中国大陆、香港、台湾、澳门、马来西亚、泰国、英国、法国、德国、美国、澳大利亚和新西兰等国家和地区。  相似文献   

今年,新乐市公路路政管理站以解放思想、更新观念、振奋精神、锤炼作风、强化执行、创新突破为根本要求,以跨越赶超为重点,在学好业务,懂法、执法的基础上,树立“管理争第一、服务创品牌”的思想,把新乐市公路路政管理站执法队伍打造成政治强、业务精、作风正,勇于开拓进取、能征善战的“铁军”。具体方面如下:  相似文献   

宋志英  宋慧颖 《城市》2012,(6):46-49
一、西部地区概况 西部地区包括陕西省、甘肃省、青海省、宁夏回族自治区、新疆维吾尔自治区、四川省、重庆市、云南省、贵州省、西藏自治区、内蒙古自治区和广西壮族自治区.西部地区地广人稀,自然资源丰富,市场发展潜力大,战略地位极为重要,土地面积为685万平方公里,占全国的71.4%.  相似文献   

张裕民 《老年人》2014,(12):51-51
正金丝燕在春季开始做窝。它的口腔里能分泌出一种胶质唾液,吐出后经海风吹干就变成半透明而略带浅黄色的物质,这是燕窝的主要成分。金丝燕用这种唾液和着纤细的海藻、身上的绒羽和柔软的植物纤维等做成巢穴,这就是我们所说的燕窝。燕窝味甘,性平,能养阴润燥、益气补中,治虚损、咳痰喘、咯血、久痢,适宜于体质虚弱、营养不良、久痢久疟、痰多咳嗽、老年慢性支气管炎、支气管扩张、肺气肿、  相似文献   

敖夏 《职业》2016,(27):9-11
"你留心看嵊州的传统民居,从梁架、梁托,到斗拱、雀替,到栏杆、栏板,再到隔扇、门窗,随处都可以看到工匠们运用浅浮雕、深浮雕、透雕、圆雕、线刻这些我们如今在课堂上讲授的雕刻技法,以刀代笔,以木为纸,写意的表现山水、花鸟、人物和历史故事,把一方简简单单的木头雕刻得玲珑剔透、精美绝伦."执教于嵊州市职业教育中心的木雕工艺美术大师张瑜说.  相似文献   

近年来,太多太多的人出现了颈椎、腰椎方面的问题,这些人当中有教师、医生、护士、公务员、司机、企业家、会计、甚至连学生也出现了颈、腰椎问题。社会发展人们的压力在增加,长时间的工作学习。缺乏一定的锻炼是导致出现颈、腰椎痛的关键,而一旦出  相似文献   

While communication researchers have developed a solid body of knowledge in the health field, we know little about the activities of public relations practitioners in public health bodies. This is unfortunate, because public health bodies at the federal, state, and local level have faced considerable criticism for what amounts to poor public relations. Public relations scholarship and practice have much to offer the field of public health in helping public health bodies meet their challenges. In order for public relations scholars to assist public health bodies, however, scholars first must fill a void in the research by investigating the public relations functions of public health bodies. The author suggests six avenues of public relations research in the field of public health.  相似文献   

We argue that the existing public relations and communication models do not adequately account for the unique environmental characteristics of the public sector. By reviewing the public sector environment literature, we identify 8 attributes that affect government public relations: politics, focus on serving the public, legal constraints, extreme media and public scrutiny, lack of managerial support for public relations practitioners, poor public perception of government communication, lagging professional development, and federalism. We then review 5 existing public relations models, arguing that none of these models fully incorporates the unique environmental characteristics of the public sector. We conclude by proposing a new model: the government communication decision wheel.  相似文献   

《Public Relations Review》1998,24(4):509-520
How is public relations viewed when it is considered a sub-field of another discipline? In the profession of public administration, from its first textbook in 1924 through the end of the 1950's, public administration training—as mirrored in the most widely cited texts of the era—included teaching about the uses, importance and benefits of public relations to the public administrator-in-training. However, as measured by the most widely cited textbooks of the 1980's and 1990's, the subject of communications in general, and public relations in particular, largely disappeared from the agenda of public administration education.This article documents the rise and fall of public relations in public administration education, notes some early signs of renewed attention and suggests re-establishing public relations as a valuable part of contemporary public administration education.  相似文献   

After thirty years of development in mainland China, public relations is suffering from a stigma because of its negative connotations, misconception and paradoxical perception among the general public, and development constraints. To overcome this stigmatization, a positive public relations theory that posits the positive functions of public relations in contemporary China is proposed by integrating the three public relations dimensions (i.e., communication, organization-public relationships, and ecological networks), the dialogic theory of public relations and the Chinese philosophical thinking of Yin and Yang. To achieve this, the paper first explains the cause of stigmatization in public relations. Second, it introduces the three dimensions of public relations as a profession and discipline. It then articulates how the dialogic theory of public relations and the Yin Yang philosophy contribute to the development of positive public relations. Lastly, it proposes the Taiji model of public relations and the underpinnings of positive public relations. It is important to note that positive public relations serves as a complement to, rather than a substitute for, existing theories of public relations.  相似文献   

Impure public goods combine a private good with a public good. Often, impure public goods have a charitable or ethical dimension, giving ethically motivated consumers a convenient option to contribute to public goods through the marketplace (in addition to direct donations). Impure public goods could potentially promote ethical giving or alternatively hinder charitable behaviour. We implement an economics experiment with a between-subject design to test the behavioural relevance of impure public goods with only a token (i.e. small) contribution to a public good. Contributions to the public good are negatively affected by the presence of impure public goods with token contributions. We explore one mechanism to offset this negative impact by making the token impure public good mandatory. We observe higher average contributions and several positive impacts on charitable behaviour, which supports the claim that this mechanism can potentially offset the negative impact of impure public goods.  相似文献   

万国邦 《职业时空》2012,(5):47-48,51
网络危机公关是指对由网络虚拟世界里形成的网络危机事件所引发的、对现实世界产生实际影响的公关危机(网络公关危机)的预防、识别和处理。通过对网络危机事件、网络公关危机和网络危机公关的分析,探讨了网络公关危机管理之道。  相似文献   

Since ethnography is arguably the kind of sociology of most appeal to the lay public, public ethnography, particularly participant observation research, should be a major form of public sociology. Public ethnography differs from academic ethnography when its sites and subjects are relevant to what the lay public wants and needs to know, and when it is written in non technical English. This article spells out the requirements, conditions and processes involved in making relevant ethnography acceptable to the lay public and thus turning it into public ethnography.  相似文献   

A survey of 258 public relations educators and practitioners examined the state of public relations education across five dimensions: general perceptions of public relations, education, desired educational outcomes for both students and practitioners, assessment of student outcomes and learning, elements of public relations curricula, and teaching practices. Results indicate educators and practitioners agree that public relations education is on track and that systematic assessment is an important feature of public relations education. They also agreed on how public relations education should be structured and demonstrated a high degree of similarity in their preferences for teaching methods and techniques.  相似文献   

Scholars have analyzed public relations’ role in democracy via proxy concepts like the public sphere and civil society. However, some have critiqued the public sphere on grounds of equal access and portrayed civil society as a guise for first-world imperialism. These critiques have implications for the role of public relations in the public sphere and civil society. This article suggests the normative role of public relations in democracy is best perceived as creating the social capital that facilitates access to spheres of public discussion and in maintaining relationships among those organizations that check state power. To that end, the paper argues that social capital does much to advance public relations theory and prescribe the role of public relations in democracy. Several implications for public relations from a social capital perspective are offered, including the creation of generalized societal trust, the building of cross-cutting or “weak” ties, the engagement of media on behalf of subaltern counterpublics, and the (re)creation of community or a fully functioning society.  相似文献   

Encroachment occurs in public relations when professionals with expertise in such fields as marketing, law, human resources, or engineering occupy the senior public relations position in an organization. When encroachment occurs, public relations frequently becomes little more than a technical support function servicing other units of the organization—rather than a central management function in itself. I explored the idea that encroachment does not result so much from outsiders grabbing the turf of public relations as from weaknesses of public relations practitioners themselves. I used a systematic sample of 166 public relations practitioners in the United States to test the idea that public relations manager role aspirations and competencies and the schema held regarding the public relations function explains the extent to which encroachment takes place. Results suggest that managerial aspirations and competencies and the belief that public relations is a powerful organizational function decrease the likelihood of encroachment.  相似文献   

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