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Organizational memory is not just the stock of knowledge about how to do things, but also of expectations of organizational members vis‐à‐vis each other and the organization as a whole. The central argument of this paper is that this second type of organizational memory –organizational expectations memory– is a necessary precondition for successfully creating and maintaining organizational procedural memory, which is at the basis of organizational performance. If members of organizations have fewer expectations of being rewarded beyond what is stipulated in formal contracts, these individuals are less likely to risk investing in collective tacit and firm‐specific knowledge resources and more likely to focus on building individual and mobile knowledge resources that have value outside the boundaries of the organization. A case study of latent organizations in the Dutch film industry is presented to support the central argument and suggests further avenues of research, in particular concerning the effects of labour mobility on organizational expectations memory.  相似文献   

从制度理论和高层梯队理论的基本观点出发,探讨组织高层与组织合法性之间的关系.在一定的制度背景之下,组织高层利用信号行为来获取合法性,这是信号管理相关理论所描述的一个基本现象,也是基于战略视角合法性研究的一个基本思路.遵循此思路,回顾了国内外相关的理论与实证研究,尝试给出一个综合性的概念模型.  相似文献   

盛昭瀚 《管理科学》2019,22(3):2-14
人们对管理从“简单的”向“复杂的”认知, 开始于感性直觉上的体验, 并逐渐向揭示本质属性的理性思维深化.本文基于现代科学技术体系的层次框架, 构建了系统科学与管理科学各自标识性概念之间的相互映射.在系统科学思维下, 系统性是一切管理活动的属性, 任何管理活动既是系统的实践, 也是实践的系统.随着人类社会的发展, 管理实践与本质属性在整体上均呈现出从系统性到复杂性的演变趋势.复杂整体性已是各种复杂管理形态的重要起因和深刻内涵, 这是在当今管理领域实现多学科融合, 破解复杂性难题重要的实践逻辑与理论逻辑.  相似文献   

Researchers studying individual and organizational value congruence are concerned with the degree to which the values of the employee and the organization for which he or she works agree and the affective outcomes that more or less agreement might predict. While a robust area of research, the applications following from it are somewhat limited. This paper reviews the concepts and research findings concerning value congruence, discusses various behavioral interpretations of the values construct, applies those interpretations to the organizational level, and offers recommendations for how these interpretations might point to more successful organizational change initiatives.  相似文献   

Drawing on the organizational capabilities literature, the authors developed and tested a model of how supportive human resource management (HRM) improved firms’ financial performance perceived by marketing managers through fostering the implementation of a customer‐oriented strategy. Customer‐linking capability, which is the capability in managing close customer relationships, indicated the implementation of the customer‐oriented strategy. Data collected from two emerging economies – China and Hungary – established that supportive HRM partially mediated the relationship between customer‐oriented strategy and customer‐linking capability. Customer‐linking capability further explained how supportive HRM contributed to perceived financial performance. This study explicates the implication of customer‐oriented strategy for HRM and reveals the importance of HRM in strategy implementation. It also sheds some light on the ‘black box’ between HRM and performance. While making important contributions to the field of strategy, HRM and marketing, this study also offers useful practical implications.  相似文献   

蒋建武  赵曙明 《管理学报》2007,4(6):779-782,814
人力资本理论、行为理论和资源理论是研究者们研究战略人力资源管理和组织绩效之间关系的常用理论基础,但单一的理论基础不能完全揭示战略人力资源管理对组织绩效的作用机制。为此,首先分析比较了3种理论基础各自的研究框架及研究现状;然后,基于理论整合的视角构建了战略人力资源管理与组织绩效关系研究的新框架;最后,对该领域研究的未来发展趋势进行了展望。  相似文献   

人力资源管理视角的情绪工作研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
付华  关培兰 《管理学报》2008,5(6):928-933
在服务经济时代,组织更加依赖员工个人的即时表现来影响顾客对服务质量的感知,员工负担的情绪工作要求员工运用情绪能量、承担情绪负荷,本质上是组织对员工个人情绪资源的管理。通过从人力资源管理的视角对情绪工作的相关研究文献进行了回顾,探讨了从人力资源管理视角对情绪工作进行深入研究的机会。  相似文献   

The risk of death or brain damage to anesthesia patients is relatively low, particularly for healthy patients in modern hospitals. When an accident does occur, its cause is usually an error made by the anesthesiologist, either in triggering the accident sequence, or failing to take timely corrective measures. This paper presents a pilot study which explores the feasibility of extending probabilistic risk analysis (PRA) of anesthesia accidents to assess the effects of human and management components on the patient risk. We develop first a classic PRA model for the patient risk per operation. We then link the probabilities of the different accident types to their root causes using a probabilistic analysis of the performance shaping factors. These factors are described here as the "state of the anesthesiologist" characterized both in terms of alertness and competence. We then analyze the effects of different management factors that affect the state of the anesthesiologist and we compute the risk reduction benefits of several risk management policies. Our data sources include the published version of the Australian Incident Monitoring Study as well as expert opinions. We conclude that patient risk could be reduced substantially by closer supervision of residents, the use of anesthesia simulators both in training and for periodic recertification, and regular medical examinations for all anesthesiologists.  相似文献   

Recent diagnoses of a debilitating crisis within management accounting have quickly given way to the development and dissemination of many new techniques intended to restore the lost relevance of the discipline. Some of these techniques promise to have significant consequences for the future nature not only of management accounting but accounting in general. This paper identifies three generic approaches to relevant management accounting which are collectively termed accounting for strategic positioning, discusses the range of techniques which presently exist within these approaches and considers some of the difficulties involved in ensuring their widespread adoption. The paper concludes with some brief thoughts on how best to realize the full potential of accounting for strategic positioning.  相似文献   

Following the organizational learning theory and the knowledge‐based view approach, this contribution aims to study the influence of entrepreneurial orientation and learning orientation on organizational learning, considering the latter as a mediating variable in the relationships between both antecedent cultural values and business performance. We also analyse the moderating role of organizational size on these previous relationships. The hypotheses proposed in our research model are tested on a sample of 140 Spanish industrial companies, applying variance‐based structural equation modelling: partial least squares. In order to assess the moderating effects of organizational size, we adopt a multi‐group approach using two subsamples with large firms and small and medium‐sized enterprises (SMEs). Our findings indicate that organizational learning partially mediates the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and performance and fully mediates the link between learning orientation and performance. Likewise, the results reveal that the relationship established between entrepreneurial orientation and organizational learning is more intense for the group of large firms than for the group of SMEs. Moreover, the influence of learning orientation on organizational learning is greater in SMEs than in large firms.  相似文献   

Solidarity behaviour (SB) among employees is important in building a sense of community in organizations, particularly within a crisis context where adverse working conditions prevail. However, we have limited knowledge concerning how SB develops. Using the lens of social exchange theory, this study examines how top-down communication and employee voice relate to horizontal (employee to emplCoyee) SB. We conducted two comprehensive studies during the Greek economic crisis and found that the relationship between top-down employee communication and horizontal SB is mediated by employee voice. The paper extends our existing knowledge in the fields of management and human resource management by advancing our understanding of horizontal SB, highlighting the role of top-down employee communication as an effective human resource practice and delineating the role of employee voice in fostering workplace camaraderie in small and medium-sized enterprises under crisis.  相似文献   

陈剑  黄朔  刘运辉 《管理世界》2020,(2):117-128
随着信息技术的迅猛发展,人类社会已经进入了一个以数字化为表征的新时代。围绕数字化带来的变革,本文就商务活动的经营环境、主体行为、产品以及产品创造过程等方面展开深入分析和探究,归纳、总结数字化环境下企业运营的一些典型特征。在此基础上,试图构建数字化环境下企业运营管理的理论框架和体系,并指出随着数字化程度的提高,变革呈现出从赋能向使能演进。进一步,就需求预测、产品设计、定价与库存管理、供应链管理等关键环节探讨数字化赋能提升企业运营效率的路径和方法;针对需求创造、业务设计、价值共创、供应链重构、生态圈构建等分析数字化使能如何更好地服务于消费者需求,创造更高的商业价值。  相似文献   

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