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In this paper we consider the issue of constructing retrospective T 2 control chart limits so as to control the overall probability of a false alarm at a specified value. We describe an exact method for constructing the control limits for retrospective examination. We then consider Bonferroni-adjustments to Alt's control limit and to the standard x 2 control limit as alternatives to the exact limit since it is computationally cumbersome to find the exact limit. We present the results of some simulation experiments that are carried out to compare the performance of these control limits. The results indicate that the Bonferroni-adjusted Alt's control limit performs better that the Bonferroni-adjusted x 2 control limit. Furthermore, it appears that the Bonferroni-adjusted Alt's control limit is more than adequate for controlling the overall false alarm probability at a specified value.  相似文献   

We consider automatic data-driven density, regression and autoregression estimates, based on any random bandwidth selector h/T. We show that in a first-order asymptotic approximation they behave as well as the related estimates obtained with the “optimal” bandwidth hT as long as hT/hT → 1 in probability. The results are obtained for dependent observations; some of them are also new for independent observations.  相似文献   

A new test is proposed for the hypothesis of uniformity on bi‐dimensional supports. The procedure is an adaptation of the “distance to boundary test” (DB test) proposed in Berrendero, Cuevas, & Vázquez‐Grande (2006). This new version of the DB test, called DBU test, allows us (as a novel, interesting feature) to deal with the case where the support S of the underlying distribution is unknown. This means that S is not specified in the null hypothesis so that, in fact, we test the null hypothesis that the underlying distribution is uniform on some support S belonging to a given class ${\cal C}$ . We pay special attention to the case that ${\cal C}$ is either the class of compact convex supports or the (broader) class of compact λ‐convex supports (also called r‐convex or α‐convex in the literature). The basic idea is to apply the DB test in a sort of plug‐in version, where the support S is approximated by using methods of set estimation. The DBU method is analysed from both the theoretical and practical point of view, via some asymptotic results and a simulation study, respectively. The Canadian Journal of Statistics 40: 378–395; 2012 © 2012 Statistical Society of Canada  相似文献   

The performance of clinical tests for disease screening is often evaluated using the area under the receiver‐operating characteristic (ROC) curve (AUC). Recent developments have extended the traditional setting to the AUC with binary time‐varying failure status. Without considering covariates, our first theme is to propose a simple and easily computed nonparametric estimator for the time‐dependent AUC. Moreover, we use generalized linear models with time‐varying coefficients to characterize the time‐dependent AUC as a function of covariate values. The corresponding estimation procedures are proposed to estimate the parameter functions of interest. The derived limiting Gaussian processes and the estimated asymptotic variances enable us to construct the approximated confidence regions for the AUCs. The finite sample properties of our proposed estimators and inference procedures are examined through extensive simulations. An analysis of the AIDS Clinical Trials Group (ACTG) 175 data is further presented to show the applicability of the proposed methods. The Canadian Journal of Statistics 38:8–26; 2010 © 2009 Statistical Society of Canada  相似文献   

Testing goodness‐of‐fit of commonly used genetic models is of critical importance in many applications including association studies and testing for departure from Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium. Case–control design has become widely used in population genetics and genetic epidemiology, thus it is of interest to develop powerful goodness‐of‐fit tests for genetic models using case–control data. This paper develops a likelihood ratio test (LRT) for testing recessive and dominant models for case–control studies. The LRT statistic has a closed‐form formula with a simple $\chi^{2}(1)$ null asymptotic distribution, thus its implementation is easy even for genome‐wide association studies. Moreover, it has the same power and optimality as when the disease prevalence is known in the population. The Canadian Journal of Statistics 41: 341–352; 2013 © 2013 Statistical Society of Canada  相似文献   

Recurrent event data arise commonly in medical and public health studies. The analysis of such data has received extensive research attention and various methods have been developed in the literature. Depending on the focus of scientific interest, the methods may be broadly classified as intensity‐based counting process methods, mean function‐based estimating equation methods, and the analysis of times to events or times between events. These methods and models cover a wide variety of practical applications. However, there is a critical assumption underlying those methods–variables need to be correctly measured. Unfortunately, this assumption is frequently violated in practice. It is quite common that some covariates are subject to measurement error. It is well known that covariate measurement error can substantially distort inference results if it is not properly taken into account. In the literature, there has been extensive research concerning measurement error problems in various settings. However, with recurrent events, there is little discussion on this topic. It is the objective of this paper to address this important issue. In this paper, we develop inferential methods which account for measurement error in covariates for models with multiplicative intensity functions or rate functions. Both likelihood‐based inference and robust inference based on estimating equations are discussed. The Canadian Journal of Statistics 40: 530–549; 2012 © 2012 Statistical Society of Canada  相似文献   

In this article, we introduce three new distribution-free Shewhart-type control charts that exploit run and Wilcoxon-type rank-sum statistics to detect possible shifts of a monitored process. Exact formulae for the alarm rate, the run length distribution, and the average run length (ARL) are all derived. A key advantage of these charts is that, due to their nonparametric nature, the false alarm rate (FAR) and in-control run length distribution is the same for all continuous process distributions. Tables are provided for the implementation of the charts for some typical FAR values. Furthermore, a numerical study carried out reveals that the new charts are quite flexible and efficient in detecting shifts to Lehmann-type out-of-control situations.  相似文献   

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