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韩文 《青海统计》2007,(1):14-18
为了解我国城市农民工生活质量状况,为党和政府制定有关政策提供参考依据,今年8月,国家统计局决定在全国范围内开展城市农民工生活质量状况一次性专项调查。国家统计局青海调查总队根据国家统计局的统一部署,于8月14日—28日,在西宁市和格尔木市范围内开展了城市农民工生活质量状况调查工作。此次问卷调查严格按照国家调查方案的要求进行,深入到厂矿企业、建筑工地和街道社区对抽中的农民工进行了认真细致询问调查,较客观、真实地取得了我省城市农民工生活质量状况的第一手资料。调查结果表明当前,城市农民工工作和生活条件普遍较差。他们劳动强度大,生活开销大;文化程度低,社会保障低;工作环境差,生活条件差;文化娱乐少,技能培训少。尽管如此,但多数农民工仍认可目前生存的现状,对未来生活充满希望。青海省城市农民工生活质量状况调查报告共分四部分,第一部分为城市农民工劳动就业和社会保障状况,第二部分为城市农民工生活与教育状况,第三部分为农民工对城市生活的评价和希望,第四部分为农民工外出务工经商存在的问题及建议。第一、二部分编在2007年第一期,第三、四部分编在2007年第二期。  相似文献   

中国农民工生活质量影响因素研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
摘  要:本课题对农民工生活质量的影响因素进行回归分析;同时引入农民工的主观评价来拓展研究的深度,在此基础上提出提高农民工生活质量的政策建议。  相似文献   

生活质量一词来源于经济学家加尔布雷斯1958年在《丰裕社会》一书,他定义生活质量是人们对生活水平的全面评价。随着人们生活水平和文化意识的提高,人们对生活环境、生活条件和生活质量等提出了更高的要求,最终形成了“一个国家和地区人们生活条件的优劣程度”的共识。  相似文献   

韩文 《青海统计》2007,(2):5-10
农民工对城市生活的评价和希望农村人口大规模地向城市转移,是我国由传统农业社会向现代工业社会转变的必然结果,农民工已成为我国产业工人的重要组成部分,是我国推进工业化和城市化进程不可缺少的力量。当前,农民工问题已经成为关系到全国以及我省经济社会发展全局的重要问题之一,他们对城市生活适应程度如何,对工作环境、生活条件满意程度如何,对有关部门进一步解决农民工问题有着极大的重要性。一、农民工对城市生活的评价(一)近七成的农民工对城市生活感觉比较适应被调查的403名农民工中,对城市生活已经适应的占48.14%,比较适应的占24.5…  相似文献   

PQLI是The Physical Quality of Life Index的英文缩写,汉语译为生活质量指数法或生活的物质质量指数法,它是由美国海外发展委员会(ODC)的莫瑞斯(M.D,Morris)等于1975年提出的一种旨在衡量一个国家或地区居民物质生活质量,亦即该国家或地区发展水平的方法。该方法自1977年公布后,为学术界和国家或地区等分析研究机构广为使用,在国家或地区生活质量的评价、比较中发挥了重要作用。它是目前国内外公认的一种用来评价居民物质生活质量的方法。尽管该方法在过去研究中所发挥的作用和目前已有的权威性,但笔者仍以为它是一种不很完善的方法。  相似文献   

农民工是支撑我国经济发展的一支 重要力量,但也会出现许多社会问题。 随着构建和谐社会理念的提出,农民工 的生活质量已受到社会各界的广泛关 注。《中国农民工生活质量研究》一 文从收入和消费、住房、健康和就医、工 作时间、社会保障、权益保护六大方面 构  相似文献   

近期,国家统计局上海调查总队采取抽样调查方法,对上海14个区1500名50周岁及以上的市民,就收入水平、家庭组成、生活内容、生活质量等方面开展了一次问卷调查,以了解目前上海老年人和即将步入老年的群体的生活状态。调查显示,独生子女父母进入老年,60—70岁空巢老人比重近四成,郊区家庭空巢中年化趋势明显;为家庭操劳、为兴趣投入、为社区服务是目前老年群体较为普遍的生活状态;老年群体对交通出行、晚辈陪伴等方面较为满意,同时对提高收入水平、改善居住条件仍有期待。  相似文献   

通过对荷兰居民生活质量调查方法的研究,旨在分析总结其值得借鉴之处,并在此基础上针对中国正在探索中的居民生活质量调查,提出构建中国居民生活质量调查体系应拓宽其调查信息来源、实现数据共享、积极提高回应率、培养高素质调查队伍以及定期发布调查报告。  相似文献   

正确衡量人民生活福利和生活质量要考虑其各种影响因素 ,本文对其进行了讨论  相似文献   

我们把近 10年以来,大庆市城镇居民生活水平作一纵向比较,以反映出我市城镇居民的消费水平、生活质量和饮食特点。   一、城镇居民饮食质量的基本情况   随着居民收入水平的逐步提高,恩格尔系数总体上呈现出稳中趋降的态势, 10年间,恩格尔系数由 1990年的 46.13%下降到 1999年的 29.85%,下降 16.3个百分点,扣除一些因素影响下降约 12个百分点。从恩格尔系数单项指标来看,我市已经达到了小康乃至富裕的生活水平。   1999年我市城镇居民,食品支出人均为 1690.1元,比 1990年增长 2.8倍,平均每年以 12.2%的速度增长,剔除物…  相似文献   

Beta regression is a suitable choice for modelling continuous response variables taking values on the unit interval. Data structures such as hierarchical, repeated measures and longitudinal typically induce extra variability and/or dependence and can be accounted for by the inclusion of random effects. In this sense, Statistical inference typically requires numerical methods, possibly combined with sampling algorithms. A class of Beta mixed models is adopted for the analysis of two real problems with grouped data structures. We focus on likelihood inference and describe the implemented algorithms. The first is a study on the life quality index of industry workers with data collected according to an hierarchical sampling scheme. The second is a study assessing the impact of hydroelectric power plants upon measures of water quality indexes up, downstream and at the reservoirs of the dammed rivers, with a nested and longitudinal data structure. Results from different algorithms are reported for comparison including from data-cloning, an alternative to numerical approximations which also allows assessing identifiability. Confidence intervals based on profiled likelihoods are compared with those obtained by asymptotic quadratic approximations, showing relevant differences for parameters related to the random effects. In both cases, the scientific hypothesis of interest was investigated by comparing alternative models, leading to relevant interpretations of the results within each context.  相似文献   

关于生活质量评价的若干问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生活质量可以从多维度、多视角、多层面进行测度与评价。经济学理论、社会学理论指导人们全面地审视人的生活质量的现状与提高。科学技术的发展进步与人的生活质量的提高密切相关。测度与评价生活质量应用多种统计方法与评价结论相互印证和补充,以免因评价者的主观认识失误和使用方法的缺陷造成对社会和政府的误导。  相似文献   

长期以来,癌症一直以其高死亡率使患者产生强烈的心理反应,鉴于癌症较难治愈,很难用治愈率来评价治疗效果,生存率的评价作用也有限,因此对癌症患者的生命质量研究更具有现实意义。而研究探讨癌症患者生命质量与应对方式、社会支持、心境状况等相关因素的关系,并构建出生命质量与各相关变量关系的结构模型,为进一步改善癌症患者的生命质量提供了统计学依据。  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a multiple deferred state repetitive group sampling plan which is a new sampling plan developed by incorporating the features of both multiple deferred state sampling plan and repetitive group sampling plan, for assuring Weibull or gamma distributed mean life of the products. The quality of the product is represented by the ratio of true mean life and specified mean life of the products. Two points on the operating characteristic curve approach is used to determine the optimal parameters of the proposed plan. The plan parameters are determined by formulating an optimization problem for various combinations of producer's risk and consumer's risk for both distributions. The sensitivity analysis of the proposed plan is discussed. The implementation of the proposed plan is explained using real-life data and simulated data. The proposed plan under Weibull distribution is compared with the existing sampling plans. The average sample number (ASN) of the proposed plan and failure probability of the product are obtained under Weibull, gamma and Birnbaum–Saunders distributions for a specified value of shape parameter and compared with each other. In addition, a comparative study is made between the ASN of the proposed plan under Weibull and gamma distributions.  相似文献   

In this paper we examine the failure-censored sampling plans for the two–parameter exponential distri- bution based on m random samples, each of size n. The suggested procedure is based on exact results and only the first failure time of each sample is needed. The values of the acceptability constant are also tabulated for selected values of p α 1 p β 1, α and β. Further, a comparison of the proposed sampling plans with ordinary sampling plans using a sample of size mn is made. When compared to ordinary sampling plans, the proposed plan has an advantage in terms of shorter test-time and a saving of resources.  相似文献   

Longitudinal health-related quality of life data arise naturally from studies of progressive and neurodegenerative diseases. In such studies, patients’ mental and physical conditions are measured over their follow-up periods and the resulting data are often complicated by subject-specific measurement times and possible terminal events associated with outcome variables. Motivated by the “Predictor’s Cohort” study on patients with advanced Alzheimer disease, we propose in this paper a semiparametric modeling approach to longitudinal health-related quality of life data. It builds upon and extends some recent developments for longitudinal data with irregular observation times. The new approach handles possibly dependent terminal events. It allows one to examine time-dependent covariate effects on the evolution of outcome variable and to assess nonparametrically change of outcome measurement that is due to factors not incorporated in the covariates. The usual large-sample properties for parameter estimation are established. In particular, it is shown that relevant parameter estimators are asymptotically normal and the asymptotic variances can be estimated consistently by the simple plug-in method. A general procedure for testing a specific parametric form in the nonparametric component is also developed. Simulation studies show that the proposed approach performs well for practical settings. The method is applied to the motivating example.  相似文献   

In this paper, some extended Rasch models are analyzed in the presence of longitudinal measurements of a latent variable. Two main approaches, multidimensional and multilevel, are compared: we investigate the different information that can be obtained from the latent variable, and we give advice on the use of the different kinds of models. The multidimensional and multilevel approaches are illustrated with a simulation study and with a longitudinal study on the health-related quality of life in terminal cancer patients.  相似文献   

生活质量的综合评价:基于数据函数性特征的方法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
生活质量的评价与分析是生活质量研究中的核心问题,现有的对生活质量进行综合评价的方法,共同具有的缺憾是方法所处理的数据要么是横截面数据,要么是时间序列数据。然而,实际中可获得的样本资料往往是横截面数据与时间序列数据融合在一起的函数性数据。为弥补现有方法的缺陷,基于数据的函数性特征,引入一种对生活质量进行综合评价和分析的全新方法。从数据信息利用的程度来看,其方法明显优于现有的方法。  相似文献   

The statistical analysis of patient-reported outcomes (PROs) as endpoints has shown to be of great practical relevance. The resulting scores or indexes from the questionnaires used to measure PROs could be treated as continuous or ordinal. The goal of this study is to propose and evaluate a recoding process of the scores, so that they can be treated as binomial outcomes and, therefore, analyzed using logistic regression with random effects. The general methodology of recoding is based on the observable values of the scores. In order to obtain an optimal recoding, the evaluation of the recoding method is tested for different values of the parameters of the binomial distribution and different probability distributions of the random effects. We illustrate, evaluate and validate the proposed method of recoding with the Short Form-36 (SF-36) Survey and real data. The optimal recoding approach is very useful and flexible. Moreover, it has a natural interpretation, not only for ordinal scores, but also for questionnaires with many dimensions and different profiles, where a common method of analysis is desired, such as the SF-36.  相似文献   

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