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Using the contagion model of spillover and crossover, this study examines gender differences in the effects of workplace characteristics (e.g., hours worked in the paid-labor force, job satisfaction, work flexibility, perception of partner's work–family spillover) on family cohesion among a random sample of dual-earner couples. Important gender differences were found among respondents: the crossover effect is stronger among men, while women's perceptions of family cohesion are more strongly influenced by work and job characteristics. Work–family policy implications are examined.  相似文献   

Finding sufficient time to meet work and family commitments poses immense challenges for employed mothers in 21st century contemporary life. Understanding how employed women with children manage their finite time resources requires deeper investigation of how time pressures accrue across work and home contexts. This study draws on data from in‐depth interviews with 18 working mothers from diverse occupations (professional, sales, service, clerical, technical and trades) and across a range of employment hours (full and part‐time). The findings from this study show that employed mothers endure high levels of time pressure related to time poverty (insufficient time for necessary or discretionary activities), time intensity (multitasking and merging work and home boundaries) and time density (familial emotion and organisation work). When women use strategies to increase time efficiency, it does not necessarily reduce their perceptions of time pressure. Juggling multiple tasks simultaneously distorts women's temporal experiences and diminishes the quality of time. Workplaces and policymakers need to find better ways to encourage employed fathers to share the responsibility for home‐ and family‐related care and organisational work. Such measures may reduce the time stress and time inequity women endure, particularly in the time management control centre of the home.  相似文献   

吴愈晓 《社会》2010,30(6):136-155
20世纪90年代中期以来,中国城镇劳动力市场结构发生了巨大的变化,女性的劳动参与率大幅下降。本研究利用1995和2002年“中国城镇居民收入调查”数据,检验了教育获得、家庭责任(婚姻和子女)和家庭经济状况三项个人或家庭因素对女性就业决策的影响以及它们效应的变化情况。研究发现,在1995年至2002年间,教育的正面效应变小,即教育对女性就业的影响力下降,但婚姻和家庭经济状况对女性就业的影响力上升。对照1995年, 2002年时家庭收入高的已婚妇女更有可能不工作,表明这是城镇女性就业决策走向理性化的一个过程。另外,作者并不认同“沮丧的工人”观点,认为失去正式工作的低收入家庭女性因生活所迫更可能进入非正式劳动力市场继续就业,而不是对再就业失去信心而永久退出劳动。  相似文献   

本文从角色视角,利用调查数据,分析性别失衡背景下农民工心理失范的性别差异及其机制。研究发现,性别、婚姻状况和与“养家糊口”相关的社会角色及特征对农民工的心理失范具有显著影响,其中,男性的心理失范程度要比女性严重,婚姻状态对农民工的心理失范影响没有性别差异,与“养家糊口”相关的社会角色及特征对农民工心理失范的影响存在性别差异。研究进一步发展了暴露差异理论与脆弱性差异理论,认为社会角色与性别角色变迁的不一致导致了角色紧张的出现,从而导致心理失范及其影响因素的性别差异。  相似文献   

於嘉 《社会》2014,34(2):166-192
通过分析2010年中国家庭追踪调查数据,本文考察了中国城乡已婚女性家务劳动时间的影响因素。研究发现,已婚女性的工作时间与绝对收入的增加可以显著地帮助她们减少家务劳动时间。此外,本文检验了女性的相对收入对家务劳动时间的影响在城乡与地区间的差异。结果表明,城镇地区女性相对收入的增加可以帮助她们持续地减少家务劳动,而农村地区的女性受到传统性别观念的影响,无法持续地利用相对收入的增加来减少其家务劳动。通过将调查数据与市级统计数据匹配,本文进一步发现,在农村地区,现代化水平的不同会造成女性相对收入对家务劳动影响的地区差异。在现代化程度较高的地区,女性相对收入对家务劳动的议价能力较强,而在现代化程度较低的地区,这种议价能力更容易受到限制。  相似文献   

Based on a large‐scale survey conducted with parents from Japanese language schools in Sydney in 2015, this paper aims to review multiple dimensions of social cohesion in the Japanese ethnic community in Australia. Looking at several indices such as economic, political, and cultural integration, the paper describes the social profile of the Japanese ethnic community, questioning the generic perception of the community as a coherent body of middle‐class migrants in Australia. This was achieved through a comparative analysis with outcomes of a national survey of the Australian population on social cohesion and draws attention to the ways in which a particular sense of social cohesion with Australian society is constructed by Japanese migrants. The study found a differentiated sense of belonging to the local community, country of residence (Australia), and nation of origin (Japan). It found communal diversity in the Japanese community resulting from there being a majority of women migrants who were part of cross‐border marriages and their children living in multicultural family circumstances. It was concluded that this configuration within the community leads to advocacy related to a re‐identification as a possible ethnic group of migrants that should be recognized in an inclusive migration settlement policy in Australia.  相似文献   

李亮  杨雪燕 《社会》2009,29(2):199-214
本文利用西安交通大学人口与发展研究所2005年对安徽居巢农村居民调查获得的数据,分析了外出务工背景下的夫妻资源对女性家务分工期望的影响机制。研究结果表明,外出妇女比未外出妇女对丈夫分担家务的家务分工期望更高,且女性本人的收入和教育程度对家务分工期望有显著影响。外出务工经历与夫妻资源的交互作用表明,随着传统社会性别规范的约束作用减弱,外出务工经历增强外出妇女的夫妻教育资源对家务分工期望的影响效应,外出务工经历没有增强外出妇女的收入资源对家务分工期望的影响效应。  相似文献   

Olsen KM, Dahl S‐Å. Working time: implications for sickness absence and the work–family balance
Int J Soc Welfare 2010: 19: 45–53 © 2008 The Author(s), Journal compilation © 2008 Blackwell Publishing Ltd and the International Journal of Social Welfare. The article analyses the impact of working time on two outcomes: sickness absence and the work–family balance. Working time is distinguished along two dimensions: irregular versus regular working hours and control versus no control over working time. There are three main findings. First, working irregular working hours with no control over time increased sickness absence, for men. Second, irregular hours, particularly with no flexibility, caused distress to the work–family balance, for both women and men. Third, flexibility in the work schedule when working regular hours had no effect on sickness absence nor on the work–family balance. This last finding may be explained by the institutional setting: employees in Norway already have substantial flexibility in, for instance, access to leave of absence. The findings suggest that increasing flexibility may benefit employees who work irregular hours.  相似文献   

Weckström S. Self‐assessed consequences of unemployment on individual wellbeing and family relationships: a study of unemployed women and men in Finland The present study investigated how family situation and gender affect the experience of unemployment. The sample consisted of 494 Finnish women and 387 Finnish men who had been registered as unemployed for at least 3 months. The main method used in the study was analysis of covariance. Women assessed the consequences of unemployment on their individual wellbeing and on the parent–child relationship less negatively than men, but there was no corresponding gender difference concerning spousal relationship. Lone mothers experienced the change in individual wellbeing slightly more negatively than women in other family situations; this difference was in part related to financial strain. Financial strain and non‐financial work motivation predicted negative changes in individual wellbeing and in spousal relationship for both genders. Parent–child relationships were, however, independent from these variables. The way family relationships were affected was connected to changes in individual wellbeing.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to explore women’s strategic responses to physical violence perpetrated by an intimate partner. Twenty women from a rural area of the Narshingdi district in the Dhaka division of Bangladesh who experienced physical violence at home participated in the study. Development of the interview protocol and data analysis were carried out by applying the consensual qualitative research (CQR) method. The results showed that several themes, such as women’s responses to intimate partner violence, arose from the data. First, coping strategies to pre‐violent events included three themes: (i) leaving the scene; (ii) trying to divert attention; and (iii) preparing to protest. Women’s strategic responses to violent events consisted of four themes: (i) leaving the scene; (ii) remaining silent or no giving response; (iii) seeking help from others; and (iv) protesting against the violence. Lastly, women’s strategic responses to post‐violent events consisted of three themes: (i) temporary abstinence; (ii) verbally abusive behavior to family members; and (iii) going to the parental home. Given the findings of this study, we conclude by suggesting that more work is needed to better understand effective strategies and to draw women to institutional services to prevent violence to a greater extent.  相似文献   

Associations between perceived qualities of parents' work and children's sense of competence were examined in four dual-earner family contexts differentiated by social class, ethnicity, and language background. Measures of perceived general academic and mathematical competence, knowledge of parents' work situations, and family background were group administered to 226 fourth, fifth, and sixth graders. In three dual-earner family contexts, as spillover models would predict, children who felt more academically competent described their mothers' and fathers' jobs as having more positive and fewer negative qualities. However, in the fourth (dual-earner laboring-class Spanish-speaking) context, children who felt more academically competent described mothers' jobs in the least favorable terms. Findings underscore the need to consider whether developmental processes operate differently in different socio-cultural contexts and to consider both the problems and positive possibilities that may arise from specific conditions of parents' work.  相似文献   

Although there are compelling examples of stress put upon refugee families, there is little systematic attention placed upon how the refugee women themselves view child‐rearing. In this exploratory research, refugee women's narratives concerning their understanding and perceptions of child‐rearing in the United States are studied. Seventeen refugee women raising children living in the Greater Portland region in Maine were interviewed. While resettling in the United States, the participants shared being overburdened by the loss of social structures that supported their parenting beliefs and strategies back home. They perpetually encounter cultural conflicts in the United States that result in a continuous process of contradictory interpretations and negotiations while rearing and disciplining children. Recommendations are provided for service providers working with this population. Professionals have to be cognizant of the hierarchical decision‐making and retributive strategies used by refugee families when disciplining children. Tools, that is, explaining, teaching, and rewarding children for coping with parenting challenges without resorting to punitive discipline methods can be introduced to refugee families. Professionals need to focus on providing refugee families with basic needs and addressing social and emotional challenges so that they can better integrate with the new communities as they rebuild their lives.  相似文献   

Although healthy marital and co‐parenting relationships are important characteristics of a high‐quality, two‐parent foster home, little attention has been given to foster caregiver couples' perceptions of their marital and co‐parenting relationships and the contextual factors that influence these perceptions. Guided by the contextual model of family stress and social cognitive theory, the current study explores patterns of foster caregivers' relationship efficacy, covariates associated with efficacy, and how efficacy is associated with marital and co‐parenting relationship quality. On the basis of data collected from a random sample of 93 foster caregivers, latent profile analysis identified 49.5% as reporting moderate levels of relationship efficacy and 50.5% as reporting high relationship efficacy. Additionally, findings suggested that those who had been married previously, did not have a current placement, had been married longer, had fewer children, and received support from family reported higher levels of relationship efficacy, which was positively associated with positive marital and co‐parenting relationship quality. Implications for how the child welfare system can support foster caregiver marital and co‐parenting relationships are shared.  相似文献   

Objectives. Work life and home life appear to be in increasing competition for scarce time and attention. Does the workplace offer a social haven for people? And if so, for whom is it most attractive? Or does the increasing affiliation with work life result from heightened job insecurity, which demands that employees focus on work in order to keep their jobs? Methods. In this article we analyze a unique data set incorporating all book‐length workplace ethnographies (N=149) to address these questions. This data set provides rich measures of social life at work and related correlates. Results. We find that rich social lives are common at work and that these correlate strongly with fulfillment, pride, and meaning in work. Well‐paid employees are much more likely to experience a rich social life at work than are lower‐level employees. Job security appears to be a relative constant, unrelated to the richness of social life on the job. Men are more socially involved at work than women, reflecting their greater average involvement in work life relative to family life. This relationship, however, does not hold net of controls, suggesting that it reflects underlying differences in the jobs men and women hold. Conclusions. These findings suggest a bifurcated labor force in which upper‐status employees reap both greater material and greater social rewards from their jobs and, as a result, are more drawn to work, and to workaholism, than lower‐status workers.  相似文献   

This cross‐sectional study was conducted to examine the predictors of parents’ positive perceptions of using corporal punishment on their children. We investigated whether there is a gender difference in the use of corporal punishment according to parents’ gender and socioeconomic variables and what factors predict Cambodian parents’ positive perceptions of the use of corporal punishment toward sons and daughters. Cambodian parents hold different views on raising boys versus girls. Younger parents with more children, limited education, low socioeconomic status, unemployed, living in rural areas, and parents who hold positive perceptions of spousal abuse of women were more likely to approve of the use of corporal punishment. Our results present implications for social work practice and policy, particularly in child welfare in Cambodia. Most importantly, in order to prevent the use of corporal punishment on children in the home, the government of Cambodia as well as domestic and international organizations need to make more active efforts to promote parenting education.  相似文献   

Estonians are obliged by law to provide maintenance for family members who are unable to cope by themselves. As a result, 80% of fragile older people receive informal care. Whether this is because the carers themselves feel solidarity and choose informal caring or because they lack alternatives is the question. We applied the cultural approach for explaining the construction of compulsory family solidarity in care provision to older people through the perceptions of informal carers and policy actors. Our interest is in how filial norms framed by individual responsibilities of care provision required by law can influence (i) informal carers’ perceptions concerning their choices between work and care and (ii) impact policy actors’ perceptions concerning eldercare service provision. Analysing the empirical data produced during focus groups with female carers and interviews with policy actors, we demonstrate the triple‐fold pressure to informal caregiving as an expression of compulsory family solidarity. Key Practitioner Message: ? The article demonstrates how the national Family Law Act constitutes a compulsory requirement of family solidarity in society; ? The compulsory family solidarity norm influences local‐level policymaking and inhibits the development of formal care services for older people; ? Informal carers’ choices between work and care are shaped by their personal filial norms, familialistic policymaking, and pressure exerted by older people.  相似文献   

For parents there can be negative aspects of how work ‘spills over’ to family. This analysis focuses on mothers of young children and considers how aspects of work–to–family strain differ for single and couple mothers. While there has been increased focus on the work–family strains of mothers, less is known about single mothers and their experience of work–family strain. We might expect that single mothers would have more difficulty in combining work and family, given that they do not have the support of a resident partner to assist with childrearing responsibilities. This paper explores the relationships between several demographic, employment and supports factors and work–family strain. It also examines whether these associations are different according to family form; that is, whether certain factors make the work–family balance significantly worse or better for single mothers than for otherwise similar couple‐parent mothers. The analysis is based on the 2004 Growing up in Australia: the Longitudinal Study of Australian Children (LSAC). This dataset contains detailed family and child data for around 10,000 families, all with at least one child aged 5 or under. With such a large sample size, the number of single mothers is sufficiently large to enable more analyses than is often possible from survey data.  相似文献   

The study described in this paper is part of a project assessing the impact of the HIV epidemic on 535 men who have sex with men. These men were surveyed about their knowledge of HIV, their sexual practices, other issues concerning the transmission of HIV, and AIDS. This paper focuses on these men's beliefs about HIV transmission, their perceptions of the safety of a number of sexual and social practices, and the factors influencing these perceptions. The findings indicate, in general, that the men surveyed were moderately well informed about HIV transmission. Some twenty percent of the men were well-informed about both ‘safe’ and ‘unsafe’ sexual practices, a small number were ill-informed and the remainder, the majority, were well-informed about some aspects and ill-informed about others. The data suggest that information from the mainstream and gay press is not only differentially available but that information is processed and interpreted by the men in different ways. Variables which influence the manner in which information is interpreted are place of residence (locale), awareness of gay community posters and pamphlets, and the men's sexual practice; these are associated with cautiousness or rashness in the men's judgments of safety and risk.  相似文献   

Most Asian countries are regarded as Confucian countries although each has its own historical and cultural background. Little is known about how people in different Asian countries perceive their family boundaries. This study is an attempt to compare the perception of the family in China, Japan, and Korea. We examined the family perception and found substantial differences among the three. Chinese people showed the widest and paternally extended perception of family. Data from people in Korea nearly matched data from China, but family perception developed bilaterally. People in Japan, however, perceived only blood-tied, intimate relations as family members. In addition, the perception of the family was not substantially different between the genders in Japan and China, but in South Korea, men perceived family boundaries more widely than women, implying that women have a greater family burden than men in Korea. Considering the heterogeneity in family perceptions in these countries, this paper tries to explain how social institutions interact with individuals and impact the perception of family. Finally, this paper concludes that it is inappropriate to tie the three East Asian countries as ‘Confucian civilizations’ in terms of family perception.  相似文献   

Nilsson K. The feeling of tiredness among Swedish parents: a longitudinal cohort comparison Int J Soc Welfare 2010: 19: 424–432 © 2009 The Author, Journal compilation © 2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd and the International Journal of Social Welfare. In Europe, there is an ongoing debate on how to combine work and family life, a problem many women face today. Implicit in this debate is that women are more affected by having children compared with women in earlier generations. This article presents a cohort study on how Swedish women and men's reported feelings of tiredness is affected by having children. Longitudinal results representing three cohorts show that both men and women in general report more feelings of tiredness in the early 2000s compared with the 1980s. Being a first‐time mother or father is connected with more feelings of tiredness among the latest cohort studied. However, when control variables are included, the effect of becoming a first‐time parent weakens, especially for men. Finally, the effect of becoming a first‐time mother is no longer significant when controlling for age.  相似文献   

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