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基于包容性发展观、广义福利观和全面幸福观内涵,以"发展目标应体现地方民众主观愿望"为设计理念,借鉴幸福广东指标体系,测度民众幸福指数。通过幸福指数与GDP的对比,考察民众在广东"双转移"战略实施过程中对幸福的真实感受。研究结果显示,城市间和区域间的民众幸福感差别较大,反映了心理层面区域不平衡的现实;许多事实都说明幸福感并不必然与经济发展成正比,这一认识具有现实意义。未来广东"双转移"战略应在追求全面幸福目标、推动包容性发展和构建新型政绩观等方面进行完善。  相似文献   

朱晓红 《城市观察》2012,(4):150-156
建设幸福城市目标的提出为社会管理创新提供了努力的方向。东莞社会管理创新以提升民众幸福指数为目标,引导公民有序参与,构建公共服务多元供给模式,探索城乡社保一体化制度,培育社会组织,为确保公民社会权利提升民众幸福感提供了可能的路径,彰显了其具有的普遍的社会价值。  相似文献   

将包容性发展和新型城镇化结合起来,提出“包容性城镇化战略”是一项重大理念创新.包容性城镇化战略是实现城乡协调发展的重要路径和手段,也是加快落实协调发展新理念的重要实现形式.包容性发展与城乡一体化具有内在关系,包容性城镇化战略具有十分深刻的理论和实践内涵,即以协调发展理念为主线,为推动包容性城镇和城乡一体化发展提出可行的理论支撑和实践支持.  相似文献   

与“幸福广东”一脉相承,为使人民群众的幸福花儿快开放,广东省委书记汪洋再度丰富“幸福广东”的内涵,为“幸福广东”找到一个“孪生姐妹”,即“社会建设”,并在前不久结束的广东省委十届九次全会上,将“社会建设”上升为发展大计,与“幸福广东”平起平坐,携手向前。  相似文献   

据报道,《小康》杂志和清华大学联合发布“2011-2012中国幸福小康指数”,调查显示,收入依然是最影响公众幸福感的因素,“提高工资水平成为提升公众幸福感最有效的方式”。这里所说的“公众”当然是被称为“小老百姓”的普通人,然而,对他们来说,涨工资提升的又是怎样一种“幸福感”呢?  相似文献   

前不久,北京市统计局首次对外公布北京和谐社会指数和市民幸福指数,在全国公布类似的官方调查数据这还是第一次.数据显示,"十五"期间北京和谐社会指数平稳上升;仅6%的北京市民认为自己过得不幸福,其余都认为自己过得幸福;值得注意的是,10个郊区县市民的幸福感超过城八区市民,前者幸福感均值为80.5分,高出城市中心区4.5分.报道一经披露,自然又一次在社会上引起轩然大波,关注最多的问题还是"幸福指数"是否有存在的价值和必要.  相似文献   

陈晖  黄高贵 《职业》2011,(32):124-125
幸福是人类努力与奋斗的目标,既是现实、具体的,又是多变且难以准确把握的。心理测验的发展实现了幸福感的评估,发展了许多测量幸福的"工具",为研究幸福及其相关因素提供了有效途径。主观幸福感(subjective well-being,SWB)是反映个人对自身生活质量及情感状态的总体评价。国内一些心理科学工作者开始进入幸福感研究领域,  相似文献   

邓寿丽 《职业》2011,(30):81-81
常言道:“功夫不负有心人”“没有爱就没有教育”,回顾多年来点点滴滴、琐琐碎碎的班主任工作,笔者最深的体会就是班级像家,班主任的幸福感来源于全体同学的“目标一致、团结一心,不懈努力、大胆超越”,需“用心经营,用爱呵护,才能快乐着学生的快乐,幸福着学生的幸福!”  相似文献   

随着经济社会的快速发展,人们对幸福的关注逐渐升温,许多省市更将提高居民的幸福指数作为“十二五”期间的重要发展目标.为此,百村调研五团四组以幸福为主题,对四川省阿坝州汶川县草坪村进行了为期一周的深入调研,通过问卷调查和幸福访谈,了解和评估村民们的幸福程度,剖析、解读幸福背后的真实原因,并希望将这份幸福密码传递给中国其他的乡村.  相似文献   

我国居民收入与幸福感关系的研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本研究在较为系统地考察以往收入与幸福感关系研究的基础上,采用已经公开的政府统计数据、6个省会城市的调查数据,以及来自山东省城市居民连续7年的调查数据,对我国城市居民收入与幸福感的关系进行较为深入的分析。研究发现:在现阶段的中国,收入与城市居民幸福感之间具有一定的正相关;地区富裕程度不同会对二者之间的关系产生影响;高收入群体幸福感水平明显高于低收入群体;从一段时期内考察,地区居民幸福指数并没有随国民收入的增长而同步增长;地区富裕程度与居民幸福感水平之间相关不明显。研究的主要政策主张有:中国在相当长的时期内还需以快速良性的经济发展来保证居民收入的稳定增长,为个体自由全面的发展提供必要的物质保障;保障民生,建立与完善促进个体自由全面发展的利益调整机制,加大公共产品,特别是社会保障的供给力度。  相似文献   

肖林 《科学发展》2016,(11):5-8
在我国全面实施供给侧结构性改革的过程中,我们更需正确理解产业政策内涵,厘清经济发展到底需要怎样的产业政策,适应科技创新规律,适应产业发展规律,创新产业政策的理念、机制和方法,充分发展市场的决定性作用和更好地发挥政府的作用,使经济在"有效的市场"和"有为的政府"共同作用下实现平稳高效和可持续发展.  相似文献   

This symposium celebrates the entire policy-making process in the context of labor relations. The four contributions to the symposium are reviewed and their contributions are assessed.  相似文献   

The international community has identified a positive link between good governance and economic development. There is an increasing appreciation of the effective role that local policy research organizations (PROs) in transition and developing countries can play in providing evidence-based policy recommendations as the basis for sound legislation and in assessing the efficacy of existing programs. Capacity building programs for PROs are seen as a key component of growth strategies. The donor community has responded with support for such efforts, which take many forms. On the other hand, the evaluation of the effectiveness of these capacity building and mentoring programs has been inadequate. This article presents the evaluation of one program, focusing on two important capacity building program outcomes: improved research capacity and greater effectiveness in the policy arena. A reflexive design is used. The results suggest the program??s approach is promising.  相似文献   

慕迪  张祎 《交通与港航》2021,8(2):26-32
随着城市汽车保有量的不断上升,拥堵现象在城市中的表现也逐渐加剧.交通拥堵是现代交通运输领域的核心痛点问题.为了挖掘拥堵现象背后的数据特征,本文基于交通指数,即量化城市道路交通运行状态的相对数值,建立了包含指数强度、拥堵指数强度等评价指标的指标体系,结合实际数据,多维度分析上海市在限行新规下,外环内快速路网的特征状况.  相似文献   

Interstate migration in developing countries is a key income generating strategy for low-income households. In India, despite the importance of migration between states, interstate migrants continue to face significant integration barriers in their destination states. The impact of state borders on migration within India is significant and large. This study presents one of the first attempts at creating a set of indicators to understand the role of state-level policies for the integration of interstate migrants in a developing country. After illustrating the process behind the creation of this tool and the tool in itself, we compare seven of the major migrant destination states of India, based on their policy frameworks relevant to the integration of interstate migrants. Out of these states, we found that Kerala state is the most inclusive of interstate migrants but that overall, policymakers in the considered Indian states have a long way to go to improve the integration of interstate migrants.  相似文献   

Systemic challenges within child welfare have prompted many states to explore new strategies aimed at protecting children while meeting the needs of families, but doing so within the confines of shrinking budgets. Differential Response has emerged as a promising practice for low or moderate risk cases of child maltreatment. This mixed methods evaluation explored various aspects of North Carolina's differential response system, known as the Multiple Response System (MRS), including: child safety, timeliness of response and case decision, frontloading of services, case distribution, implementation of Child and Family Teams, collaboration with community-based service providers and Shared Parenting. Utilizing Child Protective Services (CPS) administrative data, researchers found that compared to matched control counties, MRS: had a positive impact on child safety evidenced by a decline in the rates of substantiations and re-assessments; temporarily disrupted timeliness of response in pilot counties but had no effect on time to case decision; and increased the number of upfront services provided to families during assessment. Qualitative data collected through focus groups with providers and phone interviews with families provided important information on key MRS strategies, highlighting aspects that families and social workers like as well as identifying areas for improvement. This information is useful for continuous quality improvement efforts, particularly related to the development of training and technical assistance programs at the state and local level.  相似文献   

This paper briefly traces the evolution of the policy sciences. It views policy science as a technical policy development discipline. The impediments to successful integration of policy science content into social policy curriculum are analyzed and suggestions to improve utilization are made. The paper suggests that critical analysis and constructive utilization of the techniques of the policy sciences will evolve once social workers develop technical skills. It also recommends that schools of social work teach policy as a method. It goes on to articulate curriculum recommendations necessary for the effective teaching of social policy as a method.  相似文献   

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