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随着我国人口数量的增长和人口老龄化问题的加剧,养老问题变得更加突出。我国的社区居家养老服务经过了十几年的发展,在一定程度上缓解了养老难题,但仍然存在养老服务方面的问题。在新时代背景下,老年人是社会工作的重要服务对象,社会工作面临着新的挑战。社会工作介入城市社区养老服务具有一定优势,能够提高服务质量和水平。  相似文献   

社区居家养老服务是指老年人居住在家中,以社区为中心,养老服务由以社区为依托的各种社会力量来提供的一种养老模式。它是介于老人家庭照顾和老人社会机构照顾之间的一种运用社区资源开展的老人照顾方式,由正规服务、社区志愿者及社会支持网络,为有需要的老人提供帮助和支援,使他们能在其熟悉的社区环境下维持自己的生活,避免不必要的住院或隔离。社区居家养老服务的对象主要是那些日常生活能够自理或部分能够自理的老年人。  相似文献   

人口老龄化的加剧使得养老问题更加突出。我国老年人口数量的剧增,也向原有的居家养老、社区养老、机构养老提出了更高的要求。在科学化、专业化发展的背景下,养老服务被要求以更高质量、更高水平来提供。老年人作为社会工作的一大服务群体,在新时代下,对于社会工作的开展提出了新的要求。本文将从社会工作专业角度,探索社会工作对城市社区养老服务的介入研究。  相似文献   

曾琴 《科学发展》2022,(5):96-103
嵌入式养老服务模式是机构养老和社区养老两种模式的补充和整合,即以社区为载体,以资源嵌入、功能嵌入和多元运作方式嵌入为理念,通过竞争机制在社区嵌入市场化运营的养老服务方式。社区嵌入式养老服务整合周边养老服务资源,为老年人就近养老提供专业化、个性化、便利化的养老服务,能有效缓解社会养老服务短缺的矛盾。  相似文献   

我国已经进入老龄化社会,老人的赡养问题受到了整个社会的关注,虽然我国的社区养老服务事业已经得到了快速发展,不过依然存在着很多的问题,直接影响到了老年人的生活质量。本文从我国社区养老助老服务现状出发,就我国社区养老助老服务过程中存在的问题进行了分析,最后根据存在的问题制定相应的完善措施。  相似文献   

江丽丽 《现代交际》2011,(9):116-116
西方国家行政改革始于20世纪90年代,持续至今,其中有很多可贵的经验是我们中国今天行政改革可以借鉴的。纵观西方国家的改革,无论从其内容还是改革的形式都立足于本国实际,这也给我国行政改革提出新的课题,既要借鉴其他国家先进的经验,同时必须有自己的特色,符合中国的国情。  相似文献   

家住北京市顺义区胜利街道建北一社区的宋大爷今年80多岁了虽然身体还算硬朗,但整天买菜、做饭、洗刷忙活一日三餐,却让宋大爷有些吃不消。尤其每年夏天,忙忙碌碌一身汗,做了也吃不了多少,剩了又是浪费,着实令人苦恼。但从今年开始,宋大爷再也不用受这个罪、发这个愁了,  相似文献   

郝勇  骆潇蔓 《城市观察》2021,74(4):125-135
为积极应对我国人口老龄化、打造高质量的为老服务和产品供给体系,上海地区近年来大力发展社区嵌入式养老服务模式,取得了有效进展.研究通过对上海市政府、上海市民政局、上海市养老服务平台发布的政策进行梳理与阶段划分,对上海市典型试点嵌入式养老服务站开展实地调研,管窥上海市社区嵌入式养老服务模式现状,为社区嵌入式养老服务模式发展与推广提供参考建议.  相似文献   

日本早在1970年就进入了老龄化社会,目前是世界上老龄化和高龄化程度最高的国家,在应对老龄化方面,经验丰富,有很多值得我们借鉴的地方,比如:完善的老年保障体系、社区老年服务的健全、居家养老方式的推广、充分发挥老年人潜能等等。本文主要结合日本的社区养老体系模式,探寻符合我国实际情况的养老体系的创建模式,为相关部门的决策提供借鉴。  相似文献   

据悉,2012年广东省广州市白云区居家养老服务将启动政府购买服务,扩大服务面。同时,在现有的助老员队伍基础上,将增加社工,形成多层次的居家养老服务。  相似文献   

柏萍  牛国利 《城市观察》2013,26(4):33-44
随着老龄化时代的到来,需要照料的失能、半失能、失独老人总量不断增加,在当前传统家庭的养老功能不断弱化、机构养老服务能力滞后的形势下,居家养老服务模式成为解决养老问题的重大战略抉择。但目前居家养老服务总体而言尚处于起步和试点示范阶段,在居家养老服务资源凝聚、开拓,居家养老服务运作和软硬环境营造等方面,面临不少问题和困境,建议从资金、人力、设施、运作环境等方面来解决居家养老服务的发展问题。  相似文献   

新中国成立后,中阿经贸得到稳步发展。我国新疆、甘肃、宁夏等西部地区在许多方面与阿拉伯地区有相似之处,经贸合作前景广阔,进入21世纪。中国应加强双边合作、采取以质取胜战略、实行灵活多变和有针对性的贸易方式、鼓励双向投资及充分发挥中阿经贸的互补性等措施,使中阿经贸更上一层楼。  相似文献   

在广州的外国人居住、就业总体有序,但"三非"现象时有发生。广州走新型城市化发展道路,率先转型升级、建设幸福广州,必须创新广州市外国人管理服务,提升广州市外国人管理服务水平。  相似文献   

本文在对未来中国区域经济和上海服务全国的发展趋势及国际环境加以判断的基础上,对上海服务全国的能力与水平予以分析,并借鉴日本东京发展知识性产业服务首都圈发展的经验,提出未来上海服务全国的战略思路。  相似文献   

China's current social preferential treatment system for disabled veterans began in the war years and has developed during periods of peace. However, there are multiple barriers, such as decentralized cooperation between central and local governments, which prevent the state from providing effective welfare services. The establishment of the Ministry of Veterans Affairs can be seen as an effective attempt to resolve the decentralization of management, similar to relevant legislative work and establishing provincial-level institutions in local governments. This article focuses on how central and local governments attempt to break though the barriers to providing effective welfare services for disabled veterans in China and integrate decentralized responsibility to cooperate in the management system of welfare services for disabled veterans. The integration of welfare services and the rational use of social security as a platform can build a new mechanism of preferential treatment.  相似文献   

This paper explores the elderly homeowner's need for maintenance/rehabilitation-of-dwelling loans and outlines potential mortgage instruments for which the elderly might qualify in order to obtain modest, modern homes. A delineation of lifestyle, income and psychological factors contributive to the housing-inadequacy of the nondestitute elderly, is presented. This is followed by a discussion of location change stimulated either by housing-dissatisfaction or a desire for family closeness and the resultant financial burden of mortgage payments, taxes, utilities, and assessments. The final section presents mortgage plans available through HUD to address the problems presented and recommendations concerning mortgage plan policy. Key concepts: -Mortgage -Elderly Homeowner -Reverse Annuity Mortgage -Housing-inadequacy -Housing-dissatisfaction -Adult Child Elderly Parent Interaction  相似文献   


This article discusses major issues and concerns regarding family support for parents and elderly people in industrialized and urbanized Korea. It summarizes new trends in family support for elderly members, continuing influences of the traditional value of family support (filial piety), growing needs for public services for elderly people and their families, urgent calls for the state to assume greater responsibilities for providing social security and services for the elderly, needs for cross-cultural studies of family support, and certain cultural similarities and differences to be considered. The article concludes with some suggestions for future research.  相似文献   

This article investigates the current housing reality and subjective appraisal of the elderly in China by presenting the latest empirical evidence. Based on a literature review, survey data of September 2009 were analyzed, which included 692 Chinese households with a focus on their elderly members. Major findings were the following: (1) affordability was an outstanding issue, with 56.6% of the elderly respondents feeling overburdened by housing costs; (2) facilities in the homes were less of an issue than their community facilities, which were inadequate especially for the handicapped; (3) the elderly respondents as a whole seemed to enjoy their housing property, though significant differences in homeownership and residential satisfaction were found among them; (4) differences were also found among the elderly in terms of access to healthcare (including emergency help), transportation, and housing environment; and (5) residential satisfaction of the elderly were related to their occupational status before retirement, income, health, distance to healthcare facilities, living arrangements, homeownership, housing conditions, social contacts/visits, and gender. Implications of the findings are discussed for research and policy considerations.  相似文献   

曹冬冬 《城市观察》2013,(6):116-123
基于天津市建昌道社区服务中心的实地调研,通过案例分析发现其存在的种种问题,并结合哈贝马斯的交往行动理论,提出相关政策建议。  相似文献   

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