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社会化居家养老模式将是我国未来城市养老服务保障的最佳发展方向,在推行社会化居家养老模式中,政府必须拥有一个准确的定位。具体而言,政府在社会化居家养老在应当承担起制度保障、财政扶助、规范管理的职责。  相似文献   

大数据理念下的"互联网+"城市社区居家养老服务体系建设将有助于解决传统城市社区居家养老服务由于信息不通畅导致的养老服务供需矛盾、养老服务资源整合程度低的问题。构建"互联网+"社区居家养老服务体系的路径,一是建设社区居家养老服务横向及纵向的基础数据库系统;二是建设社区居家养老服务的服务信息系统;三是建设社区居家养老服务的功能操作系统和软件开发系统。  相似文献   

吴春 《城市观察》2014,(4):120-126
基于济南市历下区购买居家养老服务的实践,探讨了社区居家养老服务的时代背景,重点分析了历下区政府购买居家养老服务的运作模式,研究结果表明,在我国养老压力日益严峻的情况下,要完善政府购买居家养老服务模式,必须积极推进社区居家养老服务产业的发展;加大政策扶持力度,加强资金引导;培育社会组织,提高养老服务品质;实现政府购买居家养老服务的标准化运作,只有这样才能缓解养老压力,提高老年人生活质量,推动养老服务事业的发展。  相似文献   

正合肥打造15分钟居家养老服务圈根据《合肥市“十三五”养老服务业发展规划》,到2020年,合肥将全面实现“9064”养老服务格局,即90%的老人居家养老、6%的老人社区养老、4%的老人在机构养老。为了实现这一目标,合肥考虑以社区为基础,打造15分钟居家养老服务圈。利用互联网、物联网等技术手段创新居家养老服务和产业发  相似文献   

南京市采取公共财政购买服务的形式为困难独居老人提供社会化服务工作在全市所属13个区县已全面展开,实现了城乡居家养老社会化服务工作全覆盖。11月19日,中央电视台《焦点访谈》以《居家养老,幸福晚年》为题,专题介绍了南京推出的“以公共服务为前提、民间组织为载体、公共财政为后盾”的居家养老模式。  相似文献   

本文分析了居家养老服务体系建立的背景,概括了养老服务体系基本理论的概念,以长春市二道区为例,对其城市养老服务体系建设中居家养老的基本模式、服务内容、运营方式等进行了深入研究,进一步探讨了居家养老服务体系建设的思路。  相似文献   

将机构养老的便利、家庭养老的温馨、居家养老的环境整合于一体,建立“居家养老或日间照料服务中心”等崭新的居家养老模式,提升居家养老的科学化水平,用科学发展理念来推进社区离退休干部“四就近”服务工作,促进居家养老服务的快速发展。  相似文献   

王江 《老年世界》2011,(23):15-15
当前,应着力探索如何将机构养老的便利、家庭养老的温馨、居家养老的环境整合于一体,建立“居家养老或日间照料服务中心”等崭新的居家养老模式;努力提升居家养老的科学化水平,用科学发展理念来推进社区离退休干部“四就近”服务工作,铸造居家养老服务的快速发展。  相似文献   

居家养老服务工作已在我国很多地方推开,但居家养老服务工作绩效如何评估的研究目前仍属全新的探索领域。笔者结合宁波市在城市社区开展居家养老服务工作绩效评估的实践,对居家养老服务工作绩效评估进行了深入的思考和分析。  相似文献   

文章着眼于我国人口老龄化和经济新常态的新形势,指出当前城市居家养老体系的建构具有重要意义。在探讨了居家养老体系的概念内涵和服务体系之后,分析了目前城市居家养老体系建构的主要进展以及面临的主要问题。最后,从优化顶层设计、建立健全养老需求评估体系和行业监督体系、推进智能化和信息化以及打造专业人才队伍等若干路径出发,提出相应政策框架。  相似文献   

This paper attempts to understand the current state of the Philippine public relations industry by investigating how it obtained its current reputation and image. It traces the evolution of public relations’ image and identifies factors and entities which may have contributed to the further development of Philippine public relations’ current reputation. The study begins with the popular assumption among Philippine pubic relations industry practitioners that the nature, function, and role of public relations in corporations and business in the Philippines has often been questioned.  相似文献   

This study examined a two-year period in which natural gas development in the Marcellus Shale region of Pennsylvania expanded rapidly, as did public policy proposals meant to deal with the myriad legal, economic, and environmental issues that accompanied this growth. Focusing on the use of legitimacy strategies during the critical phase of the issue of hydraulic fracturing, the study examined how activists and energy industry advocates argued that different levels of government policy making – local, state, and federal – should be the locus of policy decisions. Both the “fractivists” and the energy industry sought to legitimize state-level legislators and regulators. Activists viewed federal-level intervention as legitimate leverage for their work in the state, while the energy industry saw federal regulators as redundant and restrictive. Finally, while both sides viewed local authorities as legitimate actors, the energy industry sought to limit their ability to act against the development of new wells.  相似文献   

The public relations industry as one of the key industries in Hong Kong has metamorphosed into a new phase after the resumption of sovereignty to China. Based on in-depth interviews with eight experienced corporate communication practitioners from multi-national and sizeable local corporations in Hong Kong and China, the study traces the recent development of public relations and/or corporate communication (hereafter PR/CC) highlighting issues of role and function, language and communication strategy, and ethics and professionalism.  相似文献   

The public relations (PR) industry in Singapore is presently in a state of transition. A recent survey reveals that while many of the industry practices are still limited within the scope of media relations, print production, event organization and promotions, there is a growing realization among practitioners for the need to provide higher profile activities related to issues development, strategic planning and image management. The latter activities reflect the trend that the PR industry in Singapore is maturing towards at the agency, private, and public sectors.Findings in the survey indicated that both the agencies and end-users emphasised the need for more training in, and greater usage of services ranging from investor relations to community relations to research (survey). A notable development which lends support to the emerging trend in the PR industry is the Singapore government's push towards the regionalisation of local companies in building the country's external economy.Yeap Soon Beng is a lecturer at the School of Communication Studies, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. He is also a council member of the executive committee of the Institute of Public Relations in Singapore, which has given him permission to use data from a survey which was conducted by a local research firm.  相似文献   

In this article, I report a study on the extent and nature of research in the public relations industry. I begin with a document analysis of all campaigns submitted to a national industry awards in 1991 and 1992 and then investigate the research experience of public relations practitioners by using interviews with a sample of award-winning practitioners. The discussion provides insights into attitudes toward research. The implications of the study are useful for assessing the development of the profession, the issues facing practitioners in competing for resources, and the usefulness of initial and continuing public relations education. Critical theory is used to examine the way individuals conceptualize their research activity and focus on the importance of the language used by practitioners to describe their data-gathering processes, its significance for understanding and rewarding public relations contributions to organizational effectiveness, and its relevance for communicating across disciplines.  相似文献   

The impact of increasing religious diversity in U.S. society has taken on added significance in recent years. This study, the first broad-based examination of religion and public relations, explores the nature of religion in the United States, its role in local community relations, and its public relations dimensions. Phone and e-mail interviews, textual analysis of institutional media, and field observations were used to obtain data on religious diversity, place-of-worship activities, and public relations practices. The nature of the communication between select religious institutions and their publics, through different media channels, is also explored. Two case studies that are representative and illustrative are included. From a communication perspective, it is suggested that a key to fostering interreligious dialogue and civil discourse on religion may lie in expanding traditional definitions of diversity to include religion and moving beyond expertise and contractual models of public relations toward a model that is covenantal in nature.  相似文献   

城镇化过程中投融资问题研究——基于公共服务的视角   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
由于现有的公共服务存在着种种不足,我国城镇化发展速度受到一定的制约。通过投融资体制机制的创新来促进公共服务的有效供给,一方面能够显著加快我国新型城镇化的进程,另一方面也能有效提高城镇化的质量。构建与新型城镇化相适应的投融资机制,应满足可持续性和多样性的原则,从多渠道为公共服务的供给筹集资金;增强地方财政在城镇化进程中的自我发展能力,建立稳定的筹资机制;建立政府、企业和个人共同投资的多元化投融资机制,通过市场机制为城镇化建设融资拓宽渠道;引导和支持民间资本进入基础产业、基础设施建设、市政公用事业、社会事业、金融服务等领域,创造良好的投资环境,推进公共服务和公共产品提供方式的社会化和市场化。  相似文献   

This paper arises out of continuing debates on the class position of managers and professionals in the context of public sector restructuring. Recently, attention has been focused on the self-sustaining and autonomous character of ‘professionalism’ in organisational dynamics. Such an approach underplays the cultural significance of managerial discourse as this is active in the reconstitution of professional work. In a case study of a district authority it is possible to highlight the complex nature of managerial discourse in its relations to both central and local government. This relation is above all mediated by shifting conceptions of public service on the part of managers and those in non-managerial positions. The paper concludes that due to the structural constraints under which local authorities operate directly managerial discourse is becoming increasingly significant in the reconstitution of professional and semi-professional identities.  相似文献   

城市既是本地居民的生活空间,也是外来游客的旅游目的地。长期以来,我国城市建设以工业生产为主,服务业落后。在城市规划和开发中对于公共服务设施大都是以常住居民人口作为基础,很少考虑外来游客的规模数量,致使旅游城市功能残缺,对外来游客环境不友好。尤其是在城市改造过程中的大拆大建和推陈出新,割裂了城市文脉和历史传统的有机联系,成为国外设计师的试验场。在新型城镇化建设中,应该重新思考旅游城市建设方向。  相似文献   

In response to the explosive growth and the changing demographic composition of public welfare recipients, this program has undergone four major reforms over the last three decades: the 1962 'Service' amendments, the 1967 Work Incentive program (WIN), the Family Support Act of 1988, and the 1996 program of Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF). These reforms have had a profound impact not only on the scope and purpose of public assistance to needy families, but also on the nature of professional social work practice in this area of public social service. An analysis of the major welfare reforms over the last 35 years reveals how the national entitlement to income maintenance and social services has receded, local responsibility and private delivery of service have increased, and emphases on service functions have shifted from rehabilitative social casework/counselling to work-oriented training, job search activities, and local employment. The provision of public assistance has been transformed from a federal entitlement based on needs to a budget-driven-time-limited benefit enveloped by incentives and sanctions, with welfare clients increasingly subject to mandatory participation in work-related activities. This movement from welfare to workfare has infused the professional role of social workers with a steadily expanding function of social control, which is unlikely to encourage professional participation in the public social services.  相似文献   

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