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目的开展高等级生物安全实验室(BSL)的废水风险控制以及废水的环境风险评估研究,为高等级BSL废水的环境风险控制与管理服务。方法通过检索国内外相关研究成果,系统分析了高等级BSL产生的废水种类、感染性及其处置流程,分析了可能产生环境风险事故的节点及污染传播途径,研究了病原微生物的感染性、风险严重程度、可控性、影响范围和感染人群等因素。结果制定了高等级BSL废水风险控制的方法,提出了环境风险评估分级的方法以及高等级BSL风险防范措施。结论通过本研究提出的高等级BSL废水风险控制的方法以及环境风险评估分级和管理的方法,可有效预防和处理高等级BSL废水引起的环境风险事故。  相似文献   

雷鸣  吴晨阳 《城市》2017,(9):14-17
京津冀协同发展中制定并实施的诸多重大决策带来的社会稳定风险是京、津、冀三地必须要面对的一项挑战.京、津、冀三地重大决策社会稳定风险评估工作面临的政策缝隙现象更加突出、重大决策社会稳定风险评估专业人才队伍不成熟、网络谣言提高风险的社会温度等问题,会给京、津、冀三地社会稳定带来极大的挑战.为此,在协同发展的过程中,京、津、冀三地要通过树立大局意识、建立优势互补的平台、加强信息公开与监管等方式,把风险化解在萌芽阶段,最终为京津冀协同发展营造良好的社会稳定环境.  相似文献   

“环强险”需要在预防原则的指引下发挥事前救济功能,确定其适用范围并有效应对道德风险。在“环强险”保险合同成立之前,保险机构的定价应建立在对投保企业进行专业风险评估的基础之上。投保企业的环境管理水平、环境风险水平甚至经营状况都会影响保费定价。实施“环强险”实质上促进生产企业选择较为清洁的能源技术,提高资源利用率,从而达到降低环境污染事故发生的效果。  相似文献   

我国社会稳定风险评估工作发展迅速,在保证我国各地经济社会稳定健康发展方面起到重要作用,而社会稳定风险评估中指标体系适应性不足的问题值得关注.笔者从风险和指标体系的发展历程开始探讨,浅谈指标体系适应性不足的表现,提出相应的解决对策,以期能够提高指标体系的适应性,发挥其应有的价值.  相似文献   

随着伊拉克马利基政府向全球企业开放国内石油领域的投资,中国三大国有石油企业积极推进对伊拉克的石油投资,并取得了实质性进展。与此同时,中国对伊拉克的石油投资仍面临中美在伊拉克的利益冲突、伊拉克国内安全局势恶化、当地投资与经营环境不佳与国际油气市场动荡等一系列潜在风险。为切实保障中资油企在伊拉克的投资利益,中方需通过加强中美战略对话、夯实双方战略共识,恪守不干涉内政原则、保证对外投资中立性,提升政府公共外交能力、塑造良好企业形象,建立投资风险评估与应急机制等手段来应对和管控中国对伊拉克石油投资的风险。  相似文献   

近年来,随着我国改革的不断深入和建设的不断发展,部分项目建设过程中,由于种种原因导致了群众的不满情绪,甚至有的还导致了社会不稳定事件的发生。2005年,四川省遂宁市率先探索并建立重大事项社会稳定风险评估制度,得到了党中央的充分肯定,随后其经验在全国推广。自2006年开始,江苏、上海等地陆续开展社会稳定风险评估"实验"和"试点"。2007年,我国颁布了应对突发事件的法律《突发事件应对法》。该项法律确认了对突发事件影响社会稳定的各种风险进行评估的必要性。  相似文献   

重大决策社会稳定风险评估,在识别和预防由重大决策带来的社会风险方面起到越来越重要的作用.笔者根据全国重大决策社会稳定风险评估中普遍存在的问题,结合实际经验,浅谈天津市重大决策社会稳定风险评估中存在的不足,作出相应思考,以期天津市重大决策社会稳定风险评估工作能够更好地发挥本质作用,确保天津市经济社会繁荣稳定发展.  相似文献   

新媒体背景下,公众积极主动地参与到风险传播、风险决策当中。本文以风险社会理论为基础,从传播学角度分析新媒体背景下由政府机构、社会组织、大众媒体、受众四方合力形成的风险决策民主机制,并尝试分析其面临的问题并提出建议,为营造良好的风险传播与风险决策环境提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

公共空间安全是城市可持续发展的基础和重要前提。人群聚集下拥挤踩踏事故的频发,凸显了公共空间安全危机的时代背景。风险评估是预测人群聚集风险点和空间盲区的有效手段,也是指导公共空间安全设计的重要理论基础。文章基于空间句法理论,以整合度、连接度和可理解度等句法参量为评估因子,建立公共空间人群聚集风险的可视化定量评估模型,并运用于重庆动物园案例中,实现对人群聚集风险点和空间盲区的预测。结果表明:第一,整合度高、连接度高的空间是人群聚集的风险区域;第二,空间可理解度低将增加人群聚集风险。在此基础上,提出优化路网结构、规划展区布局、完善设施系统的空间干预策略,为构建安全的城市公共空间提供方法借鉴。  相似文献   

迟红梅 《现代妇女》2014,(4):280-280
随着审计环境日趋复杂化,经济责任审计风险愈加突出,对其进行控制显得尤为重要。本文通过对经济责任审计风险成因的分析,力求探讨行之有效的防范措施,以期降低经济责任审计风险。  相似文献   

The topic of risk has received extensive coverage in recent years. Hundreds of articles and numerous books have dealt with risk in occupations, safety, medicine, public health, and environmental pollution. However, in qualitative studies the subjective assessment of risk in everyday life have been badly neglected. Some of the reasons for this neglect, and its consequences for risk research, have been outlined in this paper.  相似文献   

Risk assessment in context   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article provides an overview of the context in which decisions about risk are made in child welfare including personal, task, and environmental factors that may contribute to uncertainty and less-than-optimal decision making, as well as some of the methodological challenges posed by the use of current risk assessment instruments. Actuarial, consensus-based, and clinical instruments are discussed and the more successful track record of actuarial decision-making in child welfare and related fields is highlighted. Methodological challenges to assessing risk are also presented including lack of reliability and validity of measures, definitional dilemmas, temporal issues such as changes in risk over time, absence of base rate data, predicting for individuals and sensitivity and specificity of measures. Implications for the design and implementation of risk assessment tools are considered in light of contextual influences and methodological limitations. Lastly, an overview of the contents of Part One of this special issue on risk assessment is provided.  相似文献   

Given the prevalence of domestic violence and the likelihood that many victims will not receive services from specialized domestic violence providers, this article provides a framework for contextualized assessment that can be used by generalist practitioners. Drawing from stress and coping theory, the authors discuss the relevance of assessing appraisals and emotional responses within the context of environmental and individual risk and protective factors. Through an illustrative case assessment, the authors describe the contextualized assessment process and its ramifications for strategic safety planning.  相似文献   

Given the prevalence of domestic violence and the likelihood that many victims will not receive services from specialized domestic violence providers, this article provides a framework for contextualized assessment that can be used by generalist practitioners. Drawing from stress and coping theory, the authors discuss the relevance of assessing appraisals and emotional responses within the context of environmental and individual risk and protective factors. Through an illustrative case assessment, the authors describe the contextualized assessment process and its ramifications for strategic safety planning.  相似文献   

Houston Environmental Foresight, an urban region comparative risk assessment, demonstrated the importance of process as well as analytic methodology. These features are best illustrated in the work of its Socioeconomic Subpanel, which assessed environmental risks to economic well-being and quality of life. Several issues are raised by the process and methods used by the subpanel. Some of these issues could be addressed through national research on comparative risk methods; other issues are most likely to be addressed through the incremental improvements of future projects.  相似文献   

This study analyses the effectiveness of the European Community's Environmental Assessment Directive of 1985 in its application in the U.K. forestry sector. It assesses the applicability of the regulations in the provision of the public and private outputs of forestry. The environmental assessment regulation may contribute to the provision of the optimal amount of these public and private goods in theory, but it is concluded that, in common with initial results of the environmental assessment process in other sectors, the regulations do not make this contribution in practice in the forestry sector. The main deficiencies of the environmental statements examined were the failure to identify the significant potential impacts; to present alternative project sites and design features; and the erroneous measure of particular externalities. The environmental assessment process was also found to be unsatisfactory in the lack of public accessibility and consultation. The need for revision of the process in the forestry sector is highlighted.  相似文献   

The importance of risk assessment is juxtaposed with the lack of empirical support regarding the validity of risk inventories. This study compared risk ratings of one risk assessment tool to decisions made by case managers. The researchers sampled 450 children and compared predictive utility of risk assessment to child protection decisions. Risk assessment was consistent with clinical judgment in 74% to 81% of cases, more than previously reported in studies of risk assessment validity. Further analyses identified discriminate functions at the instrument's category and individual-item levels. The results have implications for the validity of the instrument and its utility in child welfare.  相似文献   

The evaluation and assessment of sexual offenders is different than any other type of evaluation, and most clinicians are not properly trained to interview this population. This article addresses the clinical and ethical issues particular to the interview, assessment, and evaluation of these types of offenders. It offers both practical information regarding the interview itself, along with an overview of classification systems, paraphilias, and assessment techniques used with this population. In addition, issues related to risk assessment and risk management are also addressed, and an introduction to the use of actuarial risk assessment instruments is provided.  相似文献   

Risk assessment: the emperor's new clothes?   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
This article reviews the risk assessment procedures and instruments that are being used by child protection agencies. Although supportive of the concept of risk assessment, the authors argue that all current instruments have major methodological deficiencies that limit the utility of such instruments as a means of predicting future abusive or neglectful behavior. The authors suggest how risk assessment decisions should be made at each stage of a child protection investigation.  相似文献   

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