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周榕 《安家》2006,(9):245-246
在北京,堵车似乎是一个令所有人头疼又绕不开的难题.北京的交通主管部门已经声明:北京的堵车问题不再是交通部门所可以解决的,因为北京的堵车问题源于北京城市规划结构性失衡所导致,也就是说,北京城的堵车难以避免.  相似文献   

Telomeres are highly conserved structures that cap and protect the ends of linear chromosomes. The telomerase enzyme is present in germline cells as well as in many rapidly dividing tissues and serves to maintain chromosome length and integrity during cell division. Telomerase activity is typically reduced as an organism ages, and this phenomenon has been implicated in the aging process. In this Perspective, we focus on the effects of both gene knockout and gene replacement of telomerase in the heart and discuss the implications of these findings for potential cardiovascular therapeutics.  相似文献   


Social work policy and practice all over the world continue to face the impact of the neoliberal agenda. Similarly, social work education has been subject to the economic and political changes, with an increasing emphasis on a discourse of ‘evidence-based practice’. However, it is the core of social work programs in higher education to initiate students in the fundamental values of social work, as they are recognized in the global definition of social work. In order to prepare future social workers for their assignment, human rights should be given an explicit place in the social work curricula at Universities and Universities of Applied Sciences.

For human rights to gain more attention in social work programs in higher education, a Manifesto was written by lecturers’ social work in the Netherlands and Flanders, with a 5-point program to include human rights in the social work curricula. In this article, we elaborate on the five objectives that are presented in the Manifesto. Throughout the paper, we introduce small ‘case examples’ of how human rights can be integrated in education. These experiences show the importance of developing a particular social work perspective on human rights that is found in the idea of ‘human rights from below.’  相似文献   

For the evaluator who is part of the management of a human service organization, future expectations will be more demanding than at present. Operating staff, managers, and funders will already be familiar with the methods and the usefulness of capable program evaluation. Improved information tools will help the evaluator meet this challenge, by keeping the organization visible and manageable. A more fundamental change will be an improved “language of accountability”. Program standards, accreditation, and review now focus on structure and process characteristics. What is emerging is a growing consensus on definitions of client problems and program objectives in relation to these problems. This consensus spurs psychometric research on measures of problems and of the attainment of program objectives. Dependable, standard measures and meaningful comparative data will make the evaluation of program effectiveness possible.  相似文献   

刘刚 《城市》2007,(10):19-21
一、引言 无论是从近百年的经济发展历史还是从现实看,东部沿海一直是中国经济最发达的地区和中国经济长期增长的重要支撑之一.改革开放以来,东部沿海地区由南到北已经形成了支撑中国经济快速发展的珠三角、长三角和环渤海三大经济圈.  相似文献   


With increasing managerialism and bureaucratisation in the caring professions, where the focus of attention is directed primarily to the techno-rational, the instrumental and the impersonal, care becomes labour in the service of economy, efficiency and effectiveness. Relying on the work of psychodynamic theorists, the first part of this paper offers a critical analysis of selected 'snapshots of practice' demonstrating the costs of abdicating emotion and nurture in the care process. The second part of the paper describes an 18-month co-operative inquiry involving women practitioner/students in health, social care and education. The study highlights the quest for meaning and significance in learning and work and the process of re-balancing the mind and heart in the context of the bureaucratic organisation as one of heroic dimensions. Establishing a sustained community of care yielded a renewed sense of direction and creative action among participants.  相似文献   


As new stories from asylum seekers and refugees permeate the reality of European societies today, a whole new set of challenges and opportunities arise for building a common sense of belonging. Spaces for intercultural dialogue become crucial in connecting us all in a way that allows us to discover ‘the other’ through our own process of self-reflection and self-discovery. This paper presents our experience in working with a method of digital storytelling with a group of young asylum seekers and refugees living in Belgium and Sweden. It explores the need for adopting an intercultural perspective to our diverse societies by offering opportunities to get to know each other through our personal stories, going beyond the surface, and thus puts the focus on the potential of ‘the other’ in being an active part of the development of our common society.  相似文献   

A heart-transplant patient, historian, and minister, Robert Clouse tells the story of his illness, his decision to undergo surgery, and his recovery, reflecting on the larger meaning of that experience.  相似文献   

A new strategy for postqualifying training in social work was launched in 1990 by CCETSW with the publication of Paper 31. This paper reviews the subsequent implementation of the policy framework and identifies several core issues: level and parity; access and numbers; funding and resources; consortia formation and cohesion; quality and standards; and the role of CCETSW in relation to a UK wide system.

It is argued that the slow development of the new system stemmed from an excessively decentralised partnership approach in developing consortia and the low priority and funding devoted to postqualifying education and training. The quicker pace of development since 1995 has only been achieved through government pressure and CCETSW taking on a stronger lead role together with the continued ring-fenced funding for consortia and bursaries. Without substantial funding from the Department of Health/National Offices and CCETSW, it is questionable whether the objectives of a national widely accessible system of postqualifying education and training will be achieved. The rapid development since autumn 1995 has led to some compromise in standards and the new systems of quality assurance have yet to be tested. Whatever the general merits of partnership/collaboration, CCETSW needs to maintain its more positive development role and clarify the relationship to consortia and the legal status of consortia.

Published research and data on postqualifying education and training is extremely limited and the authors have drawn on their experiences and impressions of the evolving PQ systems during the 1990s. Now that the framework is operational, accrediting programmes/portfolio routes and recruiting and assessing candidates, it is essential to undertake independent research and evaluation into the system and its effectiveness.  相似文献   

This research note examines the views of election polls of asample of political activists: delegates elected to the 1980state conventions of the Oklahoma Democratic and Republicanparties. Findings show that although just l3 percent of thedelegates overall place high levels of trust in the resultsof major national polls, nearly a majority (45 percent) feelthat poll results affect voter behavior. Both trust in electionpolls and perception of their impact on voters are found toincrease with involvement or interest in electoral politics.  相似文献   


Despite mounting debate as to its accuracy, the term homophobia continues to serve as the primary label associated with anti-homosexual responses. Logan's (1996) study demonstrated that homoprejudice is a more valid way to characterize such responses in college students. The purpose of this study was to investigate the nature of anti-homosexual responses in a diverse adult population. Findings indicated support for Logan's hypothesis, demonstrating that anti-homosexual responses are better characterized as a form of prejudice than as a phobia. Further, results also indicated that individuals are less tolerant of gay men than lesbians, and that racial minorities are less tolerant than their white counterparts. The implications of these findings as well as those associated with a change in terminology from homophobia to homoprejudice are discussed. Areas of further research are also identified.  相似文献   

From the nation's first non-white President, to prevalent narratives of demographic change, a surging reactionary Right and emerging social awareness of white identity, the social context in which white Americans relate to whiteness and white privilege has changed since the early 1990s foundations of whiteness studies. In this article we review work on white Americans and whiteness generally to grapple with their (dis)positions within, and provide a roadmap for sense-making through, recent cultural and racial-political developments. We begin with an overview of now canonical critical-theoretical scholarship, set in the context of other (more limited) empirical work about specific white American subgroups. We highlight how these related, frequently overlapping, though certainly non-synonymous tracks of inquiry into whiteness and white Americans have since evolved, emphasizing that iterative exchange between them may best situate potentially different, cross-cutting orientations toward whiteness and privilege held by various contemporary American whites. We then focus our discussion on several socio-historical developments that will have significant, if somewhat uncertain implications for the reproduction, possible transformation, and study of white America in coming years. Specifically, we detail literatures surrounding recent questions upon the shapes of the white color line, contemporary white nationalisms, and prospects for white antiracism.  相似文献   


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