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This paper develops a theory of interpersonal status hierarchies that builds on and challenges traditional models of cumulative advantage. Cumulative advantage models predict stability in interpersonal status hierarchies, where status is defined by asymmetries in social relationships. According to strict cumulative advantage, initial status differences are exaggerated over time, making upward or downward mobility unlikely. We argue that interpersonal status hierarchies are instead quite fluid, with individuals regularly moving up or down the hierarchy. Individual status gains do not, however, disrupt the status order as the upwardly mobile are often pulled back to their original positions. This drag of the past generates the same long run status outcomes as cumulative advantage models, but through very different means: sustained upward mobility is rare because the upwardly mobile fail to maintain their status gains, and not because initial gains are impossible. More generally, the effect of the past limits sustained mobility in most, but not all, status hierarchies, and we expect sustained mobility where ties are stable and the expectations for reciprocity are low. We test our model using longitudinal data on adolescents, finding strong support for the theory. We end the paper with a reflexive discussion about measurement error, hypothesis testing, and “messy” longitudinal network data.  相似文献   

This article questions how successful neo-traditional law has been in providing access to justice to Kei Islanders of Maluku, Eastern Indonesia during recent political transitions. It describes the prevailing model of justice in which traditional law draws some of its authority from the state but provides its own normative framework for addressing community disputes. After the fall of Suharto's New Order regime, people began to apply neo-traditional law to ethnic and resource conflicts, arguing that it took precedence over state law in these emerging domains. Although the neo-traditionalist revival affirmed the autonomy of traditional legal institutions, actual legal procedures and outcomes depended on the response of state authorities and national publics to newly activated traditional normative frameworks. The politics of legality in post-Suharto Indonesia have produced increasingly state-oriented models of justice, but legal outcomes still determine the choice between different normative frameworks.  相似文献   

Organizational institutionalism has shown how institutional entrepreneurs can introduce new logics into fields and push for their broader acceptance. In academic science in the United States, however, market logic gained strength without such an entrepreneurial project. This article proposes an alternative “practice selection” model to explain how a new institutional logic can gain strength when local innovations interact with changes outside the field. Actors within a field are always experimenting with practices grounded in a variety of logics. When one logic is dominant, innovations based on alternative logics may have trouble gaining the resources they need to become more broadly institutionalized. But if a changing environment starts systematically to favor practices based on an alternative logic, that logic can become stronger even in the absence of a coherent project to promote it. This is what happened in US academic science, as growing political concern with the economic impact of innovation changed the field’s environment in ways that encouraged the spread of local market-logic practices.  相似文献   

This paper presents an argument for further engagement between educational scholars and school-based social justice activists. An analysis of one segment of the broad field of social justice education focuses on multicultural and antiracist education, particularly as they are understood in the Canadian socio-political context. A brief overview of the literature from UK and US sources highlights their complex and often overlapping concerns, and the need for more dialogue across national boundaries toward progressive social change. Excerpts from in-depth interviews with four Canadian teacher-activists reveal the potential for educators to take up various debates and findings from the academic literature in their daily struggles to work for social justice.  相似文献   

Matthew Desmond’s “Relational ethnography,” is a manifesto for a relational turn in ethnography, liberating it from the “substantialism” of bounded places, processed people and group culture. Substantialism, however, proves to be a largely mythical category that obscures two types of relational ethnography: Desmond’s empiricist transactional ethnography and an alternative, theoretically driven structural ethnography. Drawing on Desmond’s own ethnographies, On the Fireline and Evicted, I explore the limitations of his transactional ethnography—a “spontaneous sociology” that rejects the theoretical engagement and comparative logic. I elaborate and illustrate structural ethnography, drawing out the implications for public and policy sociology.  相似文献   

In this article, I argue that disabled people and immigrants are subjected to similar forms of representation. I draw on examples from theology in the Christian Middle Ages, the influence of eugenics on late nineteenth and twentieth-century US immigration policy and welfare reform in contemporary neoliberal Britain. These vignettes are invoked as case studies to illustrate how ableism follows impairment on the move and to point to the ways in which the confluence of ethnocentric and ableist fantasies about strangers brings the history of disability and migration onto the same terrain of disrepute.  相似文献   

This paper makes the case that justice scholarship cannot adequately account for the rural grievances that helped launch Trump to the presidency. This relative blind spot in the literature offers an opportunity for rural sociologists and rural studies scholars more generally to elevate their relevance in the academy and beyond. From late-2012 to late-2017, I traversed the state of Colorado interviewing and participating alongside non metro residents from its 24 “rural” and 23 “frontier” counties—the latter designation refers to those counties with a population density of six or fewer persons per square mile (the state has 64 counties in total). The argument is informed by 129 face-to-face interviews with residents from across these 47 counties. An additional 144 participant observation-related conversations help further inform the argument. After explaining why rural grievances driving much of today's populism remains a problem for justice scholarship, I document injustices experienced among those interviewed, categorizing them along the three axes of distribution, recognition, and representation. I then offer tentative suggestions for building recognition and empathy between metro and non metro Coloradans. The paper concludes discussing its limitations and the next steps for future scholarship.  相似文献   

The advent of public-sector managerialism has brought with it a new principle of police accountability in Western democracies such as Australia and Britain. The new accountability gives emphasis to managerial rather than legal or public-interest standards, favours external oversight combined with self-regulation rather than centralized control, and promotes risk management rather than rule enforcement. This article makes use of the experience of an Australian police force to show that the new accountability has not been successful in holding police accountable, while elements of the old accountability have re-emerged to dominate public debates. It is argued that in the area of police governance, the neo-liberal state does not necessarily pursue a coherent strategy of 'acting at a distance' (cf. Miller and Rose 1990), partly because of the inability of accountability technologies to deliver substantially the promised policy outcomes and partly because of the sensitivity of its political arm to the public's moral outrage against corruption (cf. Garland 1996).  相似文献   

La théorie sociale classique et contemporaine s'est beaucoup preoccupee de la question de la mobilité occupationnelle. Selon les sociologues fonctionnalistes, la modernisation de la société a entraîné la professionnalisation, laquelle a permis à diverses occupations déjàétablies ou emergentes au sein du secteur des services d'acquérir plus d'autonomie dans l'organisation de leur travail. La tradition critique, par ailleurs, soutient qu'une déprofessionnalisation est en cours, caractérisée par une perte d'autonomie et resultant du plus grand nombre d'emplois tributaires de l'État et des corporations. Cette seconde interprétation caractérise aussi la théorie féministe, qui met l'accent sur la domination masculine d'occupations traditionnellement artisanales et féminines. Ma recherche sur les sage-femmes de Terre-Neuve et du Labrador me permet d'établir un portrait plus précis du degré d'autonomie dont jouissaient les sage-femmes dans des conditions pré-modernes. A ce titre, la thése de la déprofessionnalisation peut aider à comprendre la situation actuelle des sage-femmes, mais elle donne une vue déformée de la situation des sage-femmes du passe-dont les pratiques indépendantes tendent àêtre idéalisées par cette littérature. En effet, bien que libres de tout controle bureaucratique, les sage-femmes traditionnelles etaient bien peu autonomes dans la plupart des aspects de leur travail. The issue of occupational autonomy has been widely debated among classical and modern social theorists. Functionalist sociologists have maintained that professzonatization, a n outcome of modernization, has allowed established and emerging service occupations increasing freedom to organize their work activities. Critical sociologists, by contrast, have argued that employment by state and corporate organizations has involved a loss of autonomy, a deprofessionalization, for service workers, and this perspective has been shared by feminists, who stress the male dominance of traditionally autonomous female craft work. Research on Newfoundland and Labrador midwifery makes it possible to form a better picture of the degree of autonomy midwives actually enjoyed under premodern conditions of practice. While the deprofessionalization thesis may help to illuminate the situation of contemporary midwives in large complex organizations, it gives a misleading view of the lay midwives of the past, whose independent practice this literature tends to glorify. Although free of contemporary forms of bureaucratic control, traditional lay midwives lacked autonomy in most areas of their work.  相似文献   

Recent financial turmoil has put emphasis once again on the very meaning and reach of ‘finance’. In doing so, recent financial crises have also provoked questions about the very ‘ends’ of finance: Where are the borders of finance? Given the expansive reach of financial innovation over the past two decades, are there any serious limits to the kinds of practices that can be converted into financial objects? Does the culture of finance (expansive and all encompassing) encounter meaningful interruptions? This paper explores these questions by reviewing a cluster of public-art responses to the 2008 financial crisis mounted by artists critical of the expansive logic of financial abstraction. This paper pays particular attention to the work of Fergal McCarthy and Fred Forest, two public artists who have confronted finance and its rational culture with practices of gameplay, whimsy, and carnival. In doing so, these artists invoke a strategy designed to lay the all-encompassing claims of financial abstraction alongside its own impossibility; alongside performances which undermine the expansive claims of financial abstraction. These are strategies, I conclude, which can interrupt the technocratic discourses which dominate the contemporary cultures of finance; strategies which, in the words of one artist, evoke ‘plausible states of uncertainty’ about our faith in financial abstraction.  相似文献   

物流产业是支撑社会经济运行的重要产业,但物流活动同时对所在社区产生显著的环境影响,随着物流产业在区域与城市空间的扩张,这种影响的范围和程度不断扩展。文章选取环境正义的视角,着重阐释物流活动的空间分布在不同族裔和不同阶层社区的差异性,以及这种差异性是如何来自各种社会经济活动的相互影响。文章以文献综述的形式,将物流设施纳入传统环境正义的理论框架中,通过分析物流活动所产生的环境影响和社会成本,探讨其对物流设施-社区二者空间关系的影响。  相似文献   

In this article, we extend the analysis of Gersbach (2009) and explore the limits of democratic constitutions to achieve first-best outcomes. We establish the most general possibility result and we illustrate the efficiency gains of flexible majority rules by examples. We show that no first-best constitution exists if there is uncertainty regarding the size of losses and benefits from public projects.  相似文献   

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