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本文从四个方面、用教学中的实例探讨从哪些角度对初中学生进行换位思考教育更有效。一、引导学生站在老师的角度考虑问题;二、老师把自己放在弱者的位置;三、找准时机;四、身教重于言传,教师也应该随时随地做到换位思考,用行动来影响学生。换位思考,让我们的学生变得越来越宽容、越来越坚强,越来越成熟。  相似文献   

根据党的十七大精神,深入贯彻和落实科学的发展观,坚持以人为本,促进人的全面发展。以人为本,必须依靠人,通过不断地提高人的思想道德,科学文化素质和健康素质。但是在现实生活中真正做到以人为本必须要换位思考,因此换位思考与以人为本在实践中存在着密切联系,本文以客观公正的态度进行了论述,在应用与实践中,并具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

在党的群众路线教育实践活动中,领导干部应自觉换位思考,充分发挥群众路线教育的功能。究其原因,领导干部换位思考,能增强与群众的感情;领导干部换位思考,能关注群众合理的利益诉求;领导干部换位思考,能真心实意为群众办实事。  相似文献   

文章结合学校妇女工作的实际,得出只有换位思考,将心比心真正站在妇女同志的立场走进妇女,做生活的知心者;爱护妇女,做合法权益的维护者;帮助妇女,做工作的领航者;融入妇女,做欢乐的传播者,才能真正调动她们的工作积极性。  相似文献   

谢礼珊  龚金红  梁艳 《管理学报》2011,8(5):720-726
对2家高星级酒店的一线服务人员进行了调研,探讨员工感知的顾客不公平对其情感性劳动行为的影响。数据分析结果表明,员工感知的顾客不公平对其表面表演行为有显著的正向影响,而对深层表演行为有显著的负向影响;负面情感会对顾客不公平与员工深层表演行为的关系有部分中介作用,而员工的换位思考能力则会调节员工感知的顾客不公平对负面情感的影响强度;员工的换位思考能力越强,顾客不公平行为对员工负面情感的影响力度越小。  相似文献   

作为信访工作者,实现“案结事了”工作目标要做到:热情接待;立场公正;政策统一;用心协调。  相似文献   

胡锋  高扬  赵红  刘超 《管理科学》2018,31(3):100-111
 随着互联网的蓬勃发展,创新竞赛日益受到学术界和实业界的关注,如何提升竞赛绩效是开放式创新领域一个经久不衰的议题。由于互联网能够联接不同地域的用户,在线创新竞赛能够招募、吸引诸如文化差异性较大的参与者,已有研究揭示了酬金、参与者数量、参与者技能水平等对于竞赛绩效的影响,却忽略了参与者文化因素。        分析创新竞赛的结构,着重分析参与者的群组化导致参与者之间相互影响和组织者偏好的主观化导致其受到参与者或候选解决方案的风格的影响。基于上述两类影响,提出以Hofstede的6个文化维度概念化的参与者文化特征影响竞赛绩效,以及个体解决方案的风格偏离组平均水平的程度也影响组织者对该方案的主观评价进而影响竞赛绩效的假设。收集7 355个设计类创新竞赛的数据,以高质量解决方案的数量测量竞赛绩效,针对竞赛绩效变量存在的零膨胀和过度离散现象,建立带有交叉随机效应的零膨胀负二项回归模型,对研究假设进行实证检验。        研究结果表明,参与者的文化因素能够影响竞赛绩效,组织者需要有意识地选择或吸引特定文化特征的参与者加入竞赛,以提升竞赛绩效。组织者对于高质量方案的标准不是一成不变的,受参与者或候选方案的风格影响。Hofstede的6个文化维度中,低权力距离、高个人主义、高男性化、低长期导向或高放任导向文化特征的参与者群组其个体会开发较多的高质量解决方案;候选解决方案风格偏离组平均意义上的风格越大,越不容易被评为高质量解决方案。因此,组织者或网络创新平台管理者需要意识到上述锚定效应并规避其副作用。        研究结果揭示了双重路径创新模型能够用于个体层面的创新过程的建模。因此,影响发散性思维和收敛性思维的因素均能够被作为提升竞赛绩效的有效抓手。  相似文献   

钱勇 《决策与信息》2008,(11):12-12
随着现代网络技术的快速发展,产生了21世纪最大的金融创新——网络银行。本文通过对我国网络银行发展的现状思考,提出了网络银行的发展对策,旨在促进我国网络银行的发展。  相似文献   

对职工培训教育的几点思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对于一个成功的企业而言,拥有一支稳定的、高素质的、上进心强的职工队伍,是必不可少的关键性因素之一,而要想打造一支优良的职工队伍,就必须加强后进职工转化工作。首先必须营造良好的环境氛围,完善职工管理机制,强化逐级管理职责;其次,企业教育与家庭教育要紧密结合,采取多种教育法,耐心施教,还要充分发挥周围职工的帮助作用;最后,要坚持经常抓、反复抓,保证工作的连续性。另外,在工作中要注意随时摸清后进职工心理状态,正确处理好内因和外因、表扬与批评、短期效应与长期效应等关系,把握教育的最佳时机,争取最佳的转化成果。  相似文献   

商业谈判是商业活动中一个必不可少的组成部分。为了了解影响中国商业谈判的因素,笔者在北京、温州和邯郸三个城市的几十家企业里组织了102组商业模拟谈判,并对相关数据进行了分析。数据结果揭示了中国商业谈判者的个人特征、谈判策略及谈判气氛等因素对谈判结果所产生的影响,以及这些因素之间的相互作用。文章最后针对这些分析结果提供了相应的现实商业谈判操作启示。  相似文献   

Decision aids (DA) used in online shopping contexts have been shown to improve users' product choices. Given that previous research (e.g., Byrne & Griffitt, 1973 ) has demonstrated the positive effects of perceived similarity on an individual's evaluation of others, this study investigates the effects of users' perceived similarity with a DA on their evaluations of that DA. More specifically, we investigate the effect of users' perceptions of the similarity between their own decision process and that followed by the DA to arrive at a recommendation (decision process similarity), as well as the similarity between the recommendations made by the DA and users' initial choices (outcome similarity), on their evaluations of the DA's usefulness and trustworthiness. The results of this study show that perceived process similarity exerts positive and significant effects on users' perceptions of the DA's usefulness and trustworthiness. However, the effects of perceived outcome similarity on trust are completely mediated by perceived process similarity. It is also observed that the level of the user's domain knowledge moderates the effects of perceived decision process similarity on both perceived usefulness and trustworthiness. These results have implications for DA design. It is important that designers consider the process by which users make decisions for themselves and align the DA's decision process with those of the user's, especially for the novice user. The full mediation of the effect of outcome similarity on trust by process similarity highlights how a similar decision process can mitigate some of the negative effects of outcome dissimilarity.  相似文献   

随着经济交往的日益频繁,商务谈判的作用越来越突出。尤其在中小企业里,企业领导常常需要亲自参与企业的各项经营活动,处理各种事务,因而参与业务洽谈、出入谈判场合也是非常平常的事情。要想取得谈判的成功,企业的决策层不仅要掌握与谈判相关的专业知识,而且还必须具备扎实的语言功底和良好的语言表达能力。具体地说,在商务谈判中,除了在语言上要注意文明礼貌、口齿清楚、语句通顺和流畅大方等一般要求外,还应掌握下述语言技巧。实事求是,客观准确。谈判的质的准则要求不说自知是虚假的话,也不要说缺乏足够证据的话。遵循质的准则,商务谈判…  相似文献   

城市营销过程中的广告效用模型研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
借鉴传统产品广告效果模型的研究成果,基于城市产品内涵以及宣传途径的特点,构建了两类比较重要的城市营销过程中的"真实"广告效果模型:第一,不区分所选用的广告媒介时的情况;第二,严格区分所选用的广告媒介时的情况。主要结论为:对单一广告媒介而言,城市广告效应模型同普通产品广告效应模型形式存在重大差异;对分散广告媒介而言,广告效应取决于媒体之间的交互影响。  相似文献   

With increasing frequency, firms are locating their operations in disparate countries with distinct national cultures and languages. This study develops and empirically tests hypotheses relating an operation's process compliance performance to (1) the presence of a language difference between the location of the operation and that of headquarters and (2) the national culture of the location of the operation and that of headquarters. Employing an international sample of pharmaceutical manufacturing plants located primarily in Western nations, the analysis reveals that a language difference between the location of a plant and the firm's headquarters is consistently related to decreased process compliance at the plant level. Regarding national culture, only limited evidence of a direct relationship between national cultural dimensions (at either the plant or headquarters location) and process compliance exists. However, the analysis does suggest that cultural congruence between the location of the plant and that of headquarters can relate to improved compliance performance. Such a relationship depends on the specific national cultural dimension studied. While these results are obtained in a specific manufacturing setting, they potentially have implications for process compliance in any global operation.  相似文献   

曹欢 《管理学报》2011,8(1):67-72
运用眼动测试技术,对持有不同内隐人格观的管理者的绩效评估过程进行了分析。研究表明,实体论管理者在面对员工初期低绩效水平表现时,会以特质判断为基础来进行选择、编码和组织信息,并将绩效差归因于员工本身所具有的特质。渐进论管理者则不存在归因的偏差。面对后期员工的绩效改进表现时,实体论管理者倾向于将绩效的提升归因于环境的改变,忽略员工自身的改变,从而造成对于绩效改进的认可度小于渐进论管理者。  相似文献   

产品伤害危机及其处理过程对消费者考虑集的影响   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
“考虑集”形成是消费者购买决策中的重要阶段,产品只有进入考虑集才有可能最终被消费者购买。本研究在上海通过现场实验获得311名消费者的考虑集信息,检验了企业营销中的产品伤害危机事件及其处理过程对消费者考虑集的影响。研究结果表明产品伤害危机事件及其处理过程对危机产品是否进入考虑集有显著影响;与没有危机事件比,有事件无响应会对危机产品进入考虑集产生负面影响,并且对危机产品在考虑集中偏好顺序也产生负面影响;与有事件无响应比,企业响应、专家响应,以及他们的双重响应会对危机产品进入消费者考虑集产生正向影响。  相似文献   

It has been suggested that public participation during decision making about risks can lead to more widely accepted risk policies. This article discusses an experiment to determine if this is true when people are made aware of the fact that a participatory decision-making process has taken place only through information disclosed during a subsequent risk communication effort. The results from this experiment showed that, after receiving information during risk communication that cast risk policies about space exploration as the product of a participatory decision process, participants in the study felt more supportive of the resulting decisions than did participants in a control group. This result coincided with the participants in the study group perceiving the risks associated with the decision to be lower and the benefits higher. Responses from these participants also showed that they were more satisfied with the decision-making process than they were with the outcome of the decision itself Therefore, it may be premature to view the objective of participatory decision-making approaches-and the risk communication efforts that discuss them-as a means of making risk policies more widely acceptable to the public at large. Rather, it may be better to view the benefits of these approaches in terms of their ability to help lead to higher quality decisions that are the product of more widely accepted decision processes.  相似文献   

石油企业作为我国的纳税第一大户,其税制问题一直备受关注,新企业所得税法及实施条例的出台,在一定程度上减轻了石油企业的负担,但对石油企业而言,依然存在一定的不合理性.本文指出了目前石油企业所得税存在的主要问题,并提出了完善石油企业所得税的政策建议.  相似文献   

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