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在现代提倡的中学素质教育中,田径短跑是中学体育教育中的重要训练内容,其中200米短跑更是部分地区的中考体育项目。200米短跑是一项速度力量型运动项目。中学生要想获得较好的运动成绩,不仅需要掌握基本的技术动作要领,而且还要具备良好的心理素质,才能在中考体育考试中获得较好的运动成绩。因此,对提高中学生200米跑成绩训练方法的研究,具有重要的现实意义,有利于创新中学生200米跑训练方法、增强中学生的身体素质、提高中学生的考试成绩、培养中学生的良好体育锻炼习惯。通过对中学生200米跑成绩提高训练方法的探究,也有利于促进中学素质教育的具体落实,使200米跑训练方法更加符合素质教育的具体要求,促进中学生的全面发展。  相似文献   

在当前体育全球化发展背景下,现如今我国中学体育教学的发展方向,在很多方面也都开始以西方国家的体育发展模式为标准,我们中华民族的传统体育项目反而被冷落,这是一个值得我们中学体育教育者去深思的问题。中学体育教学作为培养青少年体育文化主要阵地,是培养学生终身体育意识养成的最佳时期,因此,我们要从中学生开始抓起,才能有效地避免我国优秀的传统体育文化遗失,我们特别要注重培养中学生们树立起坚实的民族体育意识、体育精神,并不断对中学体育教学的方式、方法进行深化与改革,才能让我国的优秀体育文化得到更好的、长足的传承与发展。  相似文献   

王猛  许飞 《现代交际》2012,(12):172-173
研究旨在系统地了解部分中学生的体育兴趣现状及存在的主要问题,为进一步深化学校体育改革提供依据.调查对象:随机抽取福州市某中学初中学生200名.方法:采用文献检索法、分析比较法、问卷调查法进行研究,对初中学生的体育学习兴趣进行调查.结论与建议:调节心理与娱乐是中学生参加体育活动的主要价值取向;场地器材短缺,体育课不能使学生的生理、心理得到良好的体验,这些是影响中学生体育兴趣的主要因素.建议学校体育正确处理好学习与体育锻炼的关系,激发学生的体育兴趣.  相似文献   

通过采用问卷调查法、访谈法、数理统计法等研究方法,对黄淮学院大学生体育运动项目的选择、认知、态度和参与状况进行调查,并研究大学生健身路径和器械使用的效果以及健身需求等情况,从中发现问题,并提出建议和对策,为促进学生身心健康和丰富体育活动内容和手段提供参考依据。本选题将从理论上论证大学生体育健身方式调查与研究的价值,帮助学生选择合适的健身的方式和手段,使学生在自主体育锻炼形式下能合理的控制运动负荷,增强体质促进身心健康。通过体育运动中学生之间的人际交流的作用和体验运动中的乐趣,培养学生养成自主健身的运动习惯及良好的社会适应能力,最终形成终身体育锻炼的意识。  相似文献   

随着整个社会对青少年一代艺术素养的重视,近年来国家逐渐将体育、音乐、美术等艺术课程加入到中学考试中,体育考核在中考、高考中的权重凸显,教学和考核的改革已趋于成熟。2016年以来,部分省市已将音乐科目纳入中考,这更体现了中学音乐课改革的一个大趋势。本文以中考为大背景,探讨建立中学优质课教学的新方法,以期能够为中学音乐课堂教学改革提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

高职院校体育教育是学校体育与社会体育的衔接点,也是学生能够在学校系统地学习体育知识与技能的一个重要阶段.高职院校体育教育的目的在于培养学生主动参加体育锻炼的积极性和养成进行终身体育锻炼的习惯,以更好的身体素质投入学习、生活,并能达到身心健康、积极生活的目标.因而,在高职院校体育中融入激发学生积极性的因素很重要,这关系到提起学生锻炼的兴趣并促成习惯的养成,故而,探讨一条适合高职院校学生体育教育的管理系统尤为重要.本文试图从高职院校提倡阳光教育运动的角度,探析对高职院校体育教育的促进是否有效,还对如何提升高职院校体育教育的成效做出思考.  相似文献   

体育教学作为学校教育的重要组成部分,是中学生心理健康教育的最佳平台,本文就中学生心理健康现状、中学体育教学对学生心理健康教育的影响、如何加强中学体育教学中的心理健康教育这几个方面展开论述,以期能为当下的体育教学提供借鉴与参考。  相似文献   

金颖 《现代妇女》2010,(10):106-108
本文以苏州市中学生为研究对象,采用文献资料法、调查法、数理统计法、逻辑归纳法和比较研究法等研究方法,对苏州市中学生课外体育锻炼的现状和影响因素进行调查分析,并对其培养策略进行系统构建。调查发现:苏州市中学生,在日常课外活动中,体育锻炼的参与性较好,锻炼的频率较高,但时间稍显不足。日常体育锻炼的项目以传统项目为主,同时新兴项目开展良好;体育锻炼的身心体验发展良好、人际交往能力仍需提高,且锻炼的持续性主要受到沉重的学习负担的干扰。  相似文献   

体育不仅可以起到强身健体的作用,还可以锻炼学生的学习习惯,促进学生的全面发展,在体育教学过程中,教师与学生之间应该积极配合,相互协调,运用科学的教学方法促进学生的体育锻炼。本文主要对体育教学方法的教学要点进行研究,以提高初中体育教学的质量。  相似文献   

生命在于运动,运动是保证一个人一生健壮,保持一个健康向上的心态的秘诀!尤其是对于中学生来说,他们正处在身心全面发展的关键时期,良好的体育锻炼可以增强他们的体魄,增强免疫力,增强大脑记忆力,有利于促进骨骼生长,改善体质,舒缓压力,能够有效的调节情绪,提高神经系统的反映能力,对于青少年的心理和身体的健康发育具有重要的作用。中学生在每天都面对着繁重的课业压力,肩负着升学的重担,能够让中学生在繁忙的学习知识课程之余,进行有效的体育锻炼的唯一途径就是体育课。体育课的体育训练不仅仅可以使中学生放松学习的紧张情绪,还可以通过体育锻炼强健身体,减少疾病,在整个中学课程上是一个非常重要的存在,具有重要的意义。我们不可否认的是,体育训练虽然益处多多,但是也是需要有一个合适的训练程度的标准的,运动量不足或者是过量都会给中学生带来一系列的不良影响,这就给体育课的体育训练强度提出了更加严格的要求。本文通过浅析当前中学生体育课堂训练运动量发展现状,并对其今后的发展提出了自己的思考,以期对中学生的身心发展有所助益。  相似文献   

吕伟 《职业时空》2013,(10):131-133
中职学校体育课采用“模块教学”是由学生根据自己的兴趣来选学某个体育项目,从而提高学生学习的主动性,吸引广大青少年学生走向操场,走到阳光下,积极主动参与体育锻炼,培养运动爱好和专长,树立终身体育的意识,实现国家“阳光体育”号召.采用文献资料法、专家访谈法和数理统计法对广西玉林农业学校体育模块教学现状进行了分析与研究,对当前体育模块教学实施中,在教学目标、课程内容设置、教师专项结构、教学物质保障以及教学考核评价等方面存在的问题提出了合理的建议和对策,以期使中职体育模块教学更加完善.  相似文献   

Using in‐depth interviewing, participant observations, and the review of historical and curricular documents, this paper describes and analyzes two Latino community‐based small high schools—the Dr Pedro Albizu Campos High School (PACHS) and El Puente Academy for Peace and Justice (El Puente). The findings suggest that these schools are successful because they foment a culture of high academic expectations for their students, value high‐quality interpersonal relationships between students and teachers, and privilege the funds of knowledge that students and their respective communities bring to school. Based on these findings, a theory of critical care emerges that embodies these necessary conditions if small high schools created for and by communities of color are to succeed. Finally, the implications of this theory of critical care and its impact are discussed within the framework of small urban high school reform in the US.  相似文献   

The most pertinent question concerning teaching and learning in the twenty-first century is not what knowledge and skills students need--that laundry list was identified over a decade ago--but rather how to foster twenty-first century learning. What curricula, experiences, assessments, environments, and technology best support twenty-first century learning? New Technology High School (NTHS) in Napa, California, is one example of a successful twenty-first century school. In this chapter, the author describes the components of this exemplary high school, illustrating an environment that will cultivate twenty-first century student learning. New Technology High School began by defining eight learning outcomes, aligned with the standards of the Partnership for 21st Century Skills; to graduate, students demonstrate mastery of these outcomes through an online portfolio. To help students achieve the outcomes, NTHS employs project- and problem-based learning. Whereas in traditional classrooms students work alone on short-term assignments that do not lend themselves to deep understanding, the project-based learning approach has students working in teams on long-term, in-depth, rigorous projects. Students' work is supported by the school's workplace-like environment and effectiv use of technology. Meaningful assessment is essential to project-based learning; students receive continuous feedback, helping them become self-directed learners. In fact, NTHS uses outcome-based grading through which students constantly know how they are performing on the twenty-first century outcomes. Research has shown that NTHS graduates are better prepared for postsecondary education, careers, and citizenship than their peers from other schools. To facilitate twenty-first century learning, all schools need to rethink their approach to teaching and learning. New Technology High School is one way to do so.  相似文献   

This study explored the practices of professional school counselors in their delivery of career counseling. School counselors were found to spend significantly less time on career development than on personal–social and academic development. In addition, new professionals placed more priority on career counseling compared with their more experienced counterparts. Continuing education opportunities, future research directions, and implications for school counselors are presented.  相似文献   

Though often conflated, informal physical exercise and organized athletic participation have very different implications for adolescent sexual risk outcomes. The purpose of this research is to disaggregate strenuous exercise from sports, examine how each is associated with sexual risk, and explain the observed differences using the conceptual lens of cultural resource theory. Using a nationally representative sample of over 16,000 public and private high school students, we employ logistic regression to test hypotheses about the gender-specific and race-specific effects of strenuous exercise and athletic participation on adolescent sexual risk behavior. The results show that both forms of physical activity buffer sexual risk for girls. Strenuous exercise is associated with increased odds of sexual risk for boys. Sports and race interact to influence boys' sexual risk outcomes: Athletic participation is associated with lowered odds of sexual risk for white male adolescents, but heightened odds of sexual risk for black male adolescents.  相似文献   

目前已经出台的"异地高考"政策呈现出较大的区域差异性。各省在制定这一公共政策时,受到多种因素的影响。高考利益制约政策的公平性,人口压力导致政策选择的保守性,基础教育发展水平影响政策的开放性,制度缺位影响政策执行的有效性,城市本位观影响政策制定的导向性。应当从生态政策学的视角厘清制约异地高考政策的多重因素,从发展主义视角改善流动人口的福利,以跨界治理的模式推动政策落实。  相似文献   


This article provides an overview of the purposes, development, and implementation of the School Success Profile Online (SSP)–a computerized, self-report survey for middle and high school students. The SSP takes advantage of World Wide Web technology and the increasing access of public schools to computers and the Internet to assess students' perceptions of their neighborhoods, schools, peers, and families, as well as their own psychological and physical health and school performance. The individual and group profiles generated by the SSP can help school social workers identify areas of concern, plan their interventions with students, and evaluate the impact of their efforts at the end of interventions.  相似文献   

Although the latest education policy for disabled students is one of inclusion, some students are moving out of mainstream schools into specialist colleges for their further education. This research uses a combination of group and individual interviews to explore why this move away from mainstream education is made. Results show that these students' moved into specialist education because of the inadequate physical accessibility of their mainstream colleges, the quality of disability services available to them and their previous experiences whilst in mainstream school. These students were able to identify both strengths and weaknesses within mainstream and special education for disabled students, and believed that educational placement should therefore be a matter of choice depending on the physical, academic and emotional needs of the individual. It would appear, however, that for the students participating in this research, their local mainstream colleges were unable to cater for their needs, indicating that their decision to move into a special needs college was not based on a real choice. Mainstream colleges are challenged to create a truly inclusive environment so that disabled students are offered a real choice.  相似文献   

School counselors play a critical role in preparing adolescent immigrant students to be college and career ready by attending to the complex variables that promote and inhibit career development. This article provides an illustrative case study of a Somali immigrant student's educational journey to highlight the academic and familial challenges that she encountered while attending U.S. schools. Through this case study, the authors discuss the issues immigrant high school students experience and present culturally responsive practices that school counselors can use to address career development. These culturally responsive practices include developing a strong knowledge of students’ backgrounds and cultures, designing small group interventions that are timely and sensitive to immigrant students’ needs, and strengthening school–family partnerships.  相似文献   

The author discusses how high school social studies teachers can have their students investigate local history topics and share their findings by producing Web pages, using a cooperative learning structure. The author discusses his firsthand experiences using this approach with high school students at Warrensburg High School. He emphasizes the need to rethink how technology is being used in the social studies classroom—in particular, by having students share their local history findings with others beyond the walls of the classroom rather than being passive learners with the Internet. In addition, he emphasizes the benefits of having students work together to collaboratively construct knowledge using technology—specifically, by using the PIES cooperative learning structure to ensure there is positive interdependence, individual accountability, equal participation, and simultaneous interaction among group members. Examples of Web pages, produced by his students using the PIES cooperative learning structure, are discussed in the article.  相似文献   

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