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城市化进程的加快,极大地改变了城乡居民的生活环境和物质条件,同时也面对着垃圾围城、环境脏乱差等问题,相悖于社会文明建设的发展需求。所以,生活垃圾处理的分析研究具有重要的现实意义。本文主要分析了生活垃圾处理现状、垃圾处理技术发展趋势、解决垃圾围城的对策,希望能够为后期工作提供借鉴。  相似文献   

近几年来,高校青年志愿服务事业取得了较大发展。除了每年的志愿者服务日,日常志愿服务活动外,奥运会、世博会、女足世界杯、亚运会、国际动漫节等大型活动,都有大量大学生志愿者积极参与其中,以其较高的文化素质为活动提供宣传介绍、会场布置、秩序维护、礼仪服务等服务工作,有效地解决了主办方人手不足的苦恼,也切实解决了社会的需要,并起到了弘扬奉献与服务的文明新风、发扬助人为乐的传统美德和促进城市文明建设的作用。尽管如此,针对高校青年志愿者群体存在的共同问题,我们也要认真思考、仔细分析,从满足其共性需求人手。多角度探索合适的路径。  相似文献   

公益是经济全球化时代国家发展的新动力,公益事业是人类社会文明与进步的标志之一。大学生是社会公益行为的主要群体,增强大学生公益观教育是公益活动发展普及创新的前提和保障。当代大学生认可公益活动,热心参与公益活动,愿意奉献爱心,但对公益的认识比较肤浅,对公益活动的参与比较被动,公益的路径有待拓宽,能力和效益急需提高,增强公益观教育很有必要。增强大学生公益观教育,既是创设公正平等、和谐文明、诚信友善社会的需要,也是推动社会发展的第三种力量。  相似文献   

越来越多的博物馆将志愿者服务引入到工作中,取得了较好的社会教育效果,但也存在一些问题。本文通过对我国博物馆志愿者的构成情况、工作内容、稳定性及社会服务效果等进行分析,总结了博物馆志愿者服务管理中存在的问题,以期指导博物馆在实际工作中能够更好地发挥志愿者的作用,促进博物馆的社会化服务。  相似文献   

近日,北京首家“城市志愿者公益银行”在朝阳区正式成立。北京朝阳区社会办负责人介绍说,“有时间做志愿者,有困难找志愿者”一直是志愿事业发展的目标,可现实生活中却存在“志愿项目缺乏连续性,帮扶求助不知找谁说”的尴尬现象。“城市志愿者公益银行”帮助朝阳区志愿者解决了这个问题,  相似文献   

随着我国市场经济开放程度的逐渐提高,我国的对外直接投资发展迅速。在全球经济一体化的趋势下,对外直接投资是我国积极应对其趋势带来的挑战的一种方式。本文主要对我国对外直接投资的现状进行了详细的分析,同时结合国内国际的经济形势对我国对外直接投资将面临的新形势、潜力与趋势以及发展对策进行了分析。  相似文献   

现今大学生志愿者参加志愿服务活动依然成为一种社会活动的主流,各种赛事、展会到处可见大学生志愿者的身影。我校高举公益性办学的旗帜,在全校青年学生中积极倡导奉献、友爱、互助、进步的青年志愿者精神,使广大学生在志愿服务的社会实践中得到锻炼,促进大学生的成长成才;在学生参加志愿服务过程中,完成道德品质与社会技能的双重提升。通过大力弘扬志愿者精神、广开志愿服务渠道,磨砺学生道德品质、锤炼学生专业技能。实现志愿服务与大学精神塑造相结合、志愿服务与应用型人才培养相结合、志愿服务与参与地方社会建设相结合。  相似文献   

在确定了高职院校注册入学生源质量评价指标的基础上开展了问卷调查。调研结果显示,注册入学学生的生源质量总体偏低,存在着文化素质不高、职业素养欠缺、综合能力一般等特点。为此,应从完善注册入学招生制度、规范中职教育的办学行为、树立高职教育良好形象和完善学生家庭教育环境等方面采取对策。  相似文献   

李海丰  于天红 《现代交际》2011,(11):220+219-220,219
当代大学生由于缺乏科学的、正确的生命观,导致他们不能正确理解生命存在的价值和意义,不知道怎样去实现生命的价值。要需要明确生命观的内容,在大学生中开展生命观教育,同时大力营造良好的社会和校园环境,促使他们通过社会实践去实现生命的价值。  相似文献   

近十年来,作为民间公益不可或缺的一部分,大学生公益组织更是在全国各地蓬勃发展。文章以吉林省内具有代表性的大学生公益组织为调研对象,深入分析大学生公益组织目前的困境,并提出能帮助大学生公益组织更好发展的建议。  相似文献   

The discourses surrounding the abolition of the federal welfare system provide an excellent opportunity to investigate instances in which people cling to erroneous beliefs in the face of clear proof of error. Gendered and racialized stereotypes abound in public discourse about welfare, and it is tempting to assume that those stereotypes remain in play because alternative information is not available. This article shows that in a survey of editorial coverage just before and after the 1996 federal welfare law change, ample corrective information was available, but certain features of the discourse remained consistent despite such correctives, for example, sympathy for children at the expense of blaming their mothers and the belief that the welfare system then existing was too generous. What, then, could help to explain the attachment to error and to unsupported beliefs? One productive approach is to apply Taussig's (1999) concept of the “public secret”: that is, something generally known but not explicitly acknowledged, which gains in force each time it is revealed. In the welfare context, two such public secrets can be found: (1) that the welfare system is harsh and punitive; and (2) that race and gender bias pervades that system as well as the wider social terrain. This article traces the revelation and reestablishment of those two public secrets, thereby offering an explanation, at the social level, for subjects' attachment to certain forms of error.  相似文献   

In the United States, neoliberal strategies for social, economic, and state organization have been accompanied by frequent calls for volunteers to solve serious social problems. A case study of a community mobilization of middle-class volunteers to provide one-on-one support to families in poverty shows both possibilities and limitations. Volunteers provide social support to families in poverty, thus alleviating social isolation. Volunteers learn about systemic forces that cause poverty, its effects on families and communities, and about themselves and their capacities to engage in poverty work. However, social isolation is but one of many problems associated with poverty, and even a more knowledgeable amateur volunteer corps cannot take the place of substantial social, economic, and political change.  相似文献   


The implementation of welfare reform at the local level is critical to assessing the effects of structural reforms initiated since the passage of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunities Reconciliation Act of 1996. Wide variations in the activities undertaken in response to national welfare reform have hindered efforts to understand the factors that have contributed to the success of welfare reform apparent in caseload reductions. This paper reviews Community Human Service Plans in four Ohio counties and examines their trends in caseloads. Two strategies emerge: “job attachment” and “human capital development.” These differences in local implementation can be related to caseload trends.  相似文献   

党的十七大报告指出,又好又快实现发展目标,"关键要在加快转变经济发展方式、完善社会主义市场经济体制方面取得重大进展",这是"经济发展方式"的表述首次见诸党代会的政治报告,在此以后,党和国家领导人又在多个场合屡次强调转变经济发展方式,并将之提到了关系我国长远发展的重要战略高度。对于上海来说,转变经济发展方式并不是一个新名词。从上个世纪80年代中期提出的"从单一功能向多功能转变"的战略思路,到"八五"时期"三、二、一"的发展方针,"九五"时期"两个根本转变"的发展主线,再到"十五"时期"增强国际竞争力"的发展主线,这些发展方针实质上是上海在不同的发展阶段、基于当时的发展背景所提出的转变经济发展方式的政策导向。当前,上海正处于一个十分重要的转型时期,机遇与挑战并存。而未来三年,又是上海从"十一五"后期迈向"十二五"前期的关键阶段,要求上海立足于新的历史起点,在转变经济发展方式上取得新的突破。基于此,本课题主要针对2010~2012年这一时间跨度,分析该阶段上海转变经济发展方式的背景、目标、任务和对策措施。  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to determine how middle school children assess the effects of welfare reform on their daily lives. The study consisted of thirty interviews with children and their mothers recruited from a middle school in a large, metropolitan area. From the children's perspective, multiple jobs and evening/night hours interfered with the child-parent relationship. Other consequences included grades going down and not getting to school on time. All the children stated that mothers should work, but most children felt mothers should only work when their children are in school. Welfare and poverty were issues about which children were teased at school.  相似文献   

Hein  Jeremy 《Sociological Forum》1997,12(2):279-295
The expansion of the welfare state during the 20th century has altered the conditions shaping the formation of ethnic organizations. Drawing upon research in the divergent fields of social policy, immigrant communities, and social movements, this article argues that social welfare programs promote or suppress ethnic organizations depending on how they affect an ethnic community's institutional completeness. This welfare state channeling theory is contrasted with ethnic competition and resource mobilization explanations for the formation of ethnic organizations. An analysis of 800 Indochinese refugee associations finds that public assistance has no effect on the prevalence of these organizations, but that privatization of federal social service expenditures does, thus partially supporting the welfare state channeling theory.  相似文献   

易卫华  邓强 《城市观察》2013,26(4):169-177
通过对技术引进消化吸收再创新实践活动进行深入研究,分析了技术引进消化吸收再创新的现状与问题,并对广州如何增强自主创新能力、提高技术引进消化吸收再创新效率、加快产业转型升级等问题给出对策建议。  相似文献   


It is argued that the question of social welfare is a key, if often overlooked, component in the construction of power relations and identities in later life that can take its place next to debates on bioethics and consumer lifestyle. Foucault's (1977) claim, that identities are kept in place through the deployment of integrated systems of power and knowledge and a routine operation of surveillance and assessment, is critically examined in this context. Trends in social welfare in the United Kingdom are used as a case example that sheds light on wider contemporary issues associated with old age. Finally, implications for the creation of particular narratives about later life are discussed and grounded through Foucault's (1988) notion of “technologies of self.”  相似文献   


Forty-eight of 52 (92%) agencies contracted with the New York City Administration for Children's Services (ACS) responded to a survey about problematic sexualized behaviors (PSB) of children in different levels of care within the child welfare system. Results revealed that almost all agencies reported PSB within their foster boarding home and residential treatment centers. A majority of agencies perceived PSB to be a significant problem for which staff and families were not sufficiently trained. These findings highlight many avenues for advocacy, clinical intervention, and staff development.  相似文献   

我国城镇化与公共服务均等化实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着我国城镇化速度峰值的到来,我国经历由快速城镇化发展模式逐渐向内涵式城镇化发展道路的转变。其中,公共服务非均等化是我国城镇化过程中的突出问题。本文在我国城镇化时空发展特征的分析基础上,采用单因素方差分析的方法检验不同城镇化阶段公共服务的投入差异,研究发现:①不同城镇化阶段公共服务投入的种类侧重存在显著差异;②不同城镇化阶段公共服务投入的增长幅度不同;③随着城镇化水平的提升,公共服务的提升与城镇化率的提高不同步特征愈发突出。进而,基于分位回归模型在对地级市尺度的城镇化发展水平与公共服务的关系研究中发现,在城镇化水平达到51%前后呈现出公共服务投入的拐点,与城镇化速度峰值点相吻合。加快向现代公共服务型政府转型,推动公共事务治理的民主性、治理主体的多元化和治理方式的多样性,形成公共服务主体间相互合作、多元互动的社会治理结构是未来我国实现公共服务均等化的发展方向。  相似文献   

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