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作为生产要素与空间地理因素相结合的经济现象,产业集聚可以有效地促进区域经济发展。欧盟成员国及其他国家或地区产业集聚的成功经验具有启示意义。振兴东北老工业基地,要立足于区域优势和特色产业,改善金融环境和调整公共政策,坚持自主创新、深化国企改革与发展中小企业并重,确定合理的产业集聚发展策略。  相似文献   

老工业基地通过发展产业集群,有助于促进企业制度创新、产业组织创新和产品技术创新,形成网络化、专业化、集聚化的产业组织形式,从而有力地推动老工业基地的转型与振兴。  相似文献   

产业集群对区域经济发展和提升区域经济竞争力起着重要的促进作用.发展较好的工业园区都普遍形成了产业集群,新型工业因区发展的优选目标也应该是培育产业集群.因此从工业园区发展的优选目标是培育产业集群,资源型区域经济可持续发展和资源型工业园区产业集群持续发展的角度解释了资源型工业园区产业集群升级的必要性.本文分析了资源型工业园区特色产业集群培育、升级的形式、集群升级的途径,最后得出资源型区域经济可持续发展的结论.  相似文献   

东莞是我国重要的家具生产基地和出口基地,家具产业是东莞的支柱产业。然而,金融危机充分暴露出东莞家具产业自主创新能力不强、品牌缺失等问题,并由此导致市场的赢利空间日益缩小,整体实力亟待提高。本文从技术创新角度谈提升东莞家具产业竞争力。  相似文献   

方松 《科学咨询》2007,(15):5-6
通过产学研结合,共建产业研发中心,提升企业自主创新能力,促进区域产业集群发展.  相似文献   

振兴“武”字头企业,盘活了湖北工业的“存量”。新“武”字头重现活力和生机.意味着湖北新老工业体系更迭完成,一个总产值2300亿元,9大产业集群发展的装备制造业,正在湖北这个昔日的老工业基地蓬勃复苏。从“大而全”到“精而强”,不少企业正通过自主创新打造核心竞争力。武汉重型机床集团的数控机床进入英国市场;武汉锅炉集团与阿尔斯通公司合资组建的新厂,一跃成为全球最大的锅炉制造基地之一。  相似文献   

本文对东北地区产业结构的演变特点、发展优势及面临的问题进行了比较分析。在此基础上,提出东北地区战略性产业的选择思路:实施产业群、高技术先导、集约化发展等策略;重点培育六大产业基地,提倡内涵式发展模式,走适度多元化、特色化的新型工业化道路;推进体制改革,加大政策扶持力度,进而促进产业结构调整,全面实现东北老工业基地的振兴。  相似文献   

通过产学研结合,共建产业研发中心,提升企业自主创新能力,促进区域产业集群发展。  相似文献   

肖德云  胡树华  戴勇 《管理学报》2010,7(7):1008-1014
在对产业自主创新能力理论回顾和总结的基础上,探讨了我国制造业自主创新能力的维度和指标体系.通过对我国制造业自主创新能力数据的维度特征评价、维度结构评价和综合决策评价,发现我国制造业整体上自主创新能力弱、产业创新转化的产出贡献度低、制造业各行业间创新能力不均、外资企业研发和产学研合作没有培育产业的创新转化能力4个方面的不足.  相似文献   

2007年1月26日吉林要紧紧抓住国家深入实施东北地区等老工业基地振兴战略的宝贵机遇,锐意进取、迎难而上,努力推动经济社会又好又快发展,使老工业基地焕发出新的生机和活力。  相似文献   

华尔街的债券评级机构蒙骗了全世界的投资者用途广泛的三聚氰胺却坑害了全中国消费者百度的竞价排名广告愚弄了全体中文网民无数潜规则大行其道……  相似文献   

The present period of slack investment is likely to give way to a fresh investment cycle in the next 5–10 years. Internationally the savings necessary for the provision of capital will be more abundant than ever. However, the structure of savings is changing in favour of risk-averting forms. This is true of savings of private house-holds which benefitting from rising incomes, are increasing in significance. The same applies to the provision of savings, if any, through official insurance schemes, which at least in Europe are found to invest virtually exclusively in fixed-interest securities. The agglomeration of capital in the oil-rich nations, which is also invested with a view to risk aversion, operate in the same direction. By contrast, the capability of firms to generate savings and hence risk-bearing funds is declining. This lack of risk capital threatens to create serious financial obstacles to growth. For risk-bearing corporate capital funds form the yardstick by which the banks, as intermediaries between savers and investors, assess their possibilities to assist enterprises through loans or bond issues. This situation gives rise to political and social problems which must be considered seriously in all long-term policy planning and forecasts.  相似文献   

Intangible resources are the source of competitive advantage in theknowledge economy. Knowledge and intellectual capital within firms havegathered worldwide attention; theories and methods for knowledgecreation management have been developed for organizations and alliances.Economic reality shows the importance of industrial districts becausesocial systems in districts provide dynamic contexts of multifacetedrelationships. These dynamic contexts or district ba (Japanesefor place) enable firms to create and harness knowledge that resides innetwork relationships.The paper develops a theoretical frame of four kinds of district ba thatsupport four knowledge processes. Organizational networks within andbetween different district ba are conceptualized. The creationof knowledge within district ba is used to analyze differentlevels of interaction between firms in the same or different districtsand in the same or different industries. The case study of the JETROlocal-to-local program between Ishikawa prefecture in Japan and Como andVarese in Italy is used to illustrate the theoretical concepts. Districtba are used to analyze the knowledge creation dynamics withinand between districts and to identify possible strategies for districtgovernance.  相似文献   

This paper reports the modeling and solution of an industrial ocean-cargo shipping problem. The problem involves the delivery of bulk products from an overseas port to transshipment ports on the Atlantic Coast, and then over land to customers. The decisions made include the number and the size of ships to charter in each time period during the planning horizon, the number and location of transshipment ports to use, and transportation from ports to customers. The complexity of this problem is compounded by the cost structure, which includes fixed charges in both ship charters and port operations. Such a large scale, dynamic, and stochastic problem is reduced to a solvable stationary, deterministic, and cyclical model. The process of modeling the problem and the solution of the resultant mixed integer program are described in detail. Recommendations from this study have been implemented.  相似文献   

The implicit or explicit ceteris paribus assumption usually made in the planning of economic systems (e.g. industries) is acceptable and accepted during periods of regular economic development; in this context, sensitivity analysis around the central projection is often used in order to measure effective elasticities to unexpected small perturbations of the system.In periods of structural change, unpredictable major events greatly reduce the value of any trend projection, and the ceteris paribus assumption has to be replaced by ‘scenarios’ of the future environment.The causal structure which generates these events is unknown; in such a situation, it seems reasonable to rely upon ‘opinions’ in order to assess the a priori probabilities of these events. Cross-impact analysis is one of the methods developed in order to improve human probability judgments of single and pairs of events and in order to deal explicitly with higher order interactions; in particular, cross-impact allows for the computation of the most probable combination of the events considered, or ‘most probable scenario’. In the industrial planning process, this ‘most probable scenario’ can be used as the set of exogeneous conditions for the central projection.  相似文献   

In this paper we propose adopting a noncognitive perspective for the understanding of people's anxiety or, its opposite, feelings of security about living near hazardous industrial facilities. Results of our empirical investigations among residents of a heavily industrialized area indicate that at least four qualitatively different response patterns exist: the Secure, the Accepting, the Defensive, and the Vigilant response. In this order manifest anxiety increases, which increase is shown to be a function of the assessment of the threat, of the opportunities for personal control (specific), and of hope (generalized) to bring about a better environment by one's own action. As an application of the usefulness of this typology we discuss the various explanations for the often-observed male/female difference in anxiety regarding industrial threat.  相似文献   

本文研究了经济收敛在我国不同部门间的异质性特征,并研究了产业结构对我国省际间经济收敛的影响。之前研究普遍发现人均GDP在省际间不存在绝对收敛。本文指出,这一总体性的结论忽略了不同产业在收敛性方面的巨大差异。我们发现,与人均GDP不同,我国工业部门的劳动生产率在省际间表现出稳健的绝对收敛特性。工业部门的收敛没有导致整体经济的收敛,原因有两个方面:(1)非工业部门劳动生产率不存在收敛。(2)各省份工业化程度不平衡。落后省份工业占比较小,导致工业生产率增长对整体经济增长拉动作用小。通过反事实分析我们发现,若缩小各省份之间工业占比的差距,省际间人均GDP即会出现明显的收敛。本文结论说明产业结构在解释我国地区经济收敛问题中起到了重要作用,优化落后地区的产业结构,推进落后地区工业化进程有助于缩小我国地区之间经济发展的差距。  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to extend theconcept of identity and identification to thestudy of industrial districts. The theoreticalmodel presented explains how identity andidentification occur within localizedproduction networks and examines how theprocess of identification affects theindustrial districts' performance andcompetitiveness. The study adopts a multi-disciplinary approachwhich integrates the traditional frameworkrooted in the fields of regional studies,governance structures, and management theorywith some theoretical contributions developedin the field of social psychology.The concept of district identity is proposed asthe missing link between the traditionalmacro-perspective based on shared culture,history, and values and a micro-foundedapproach to the study of industrial districts.It is stated that, through the process ofidentification, district identity explains atthe actor level the adoption of distinctivebehaviors, such as commitment, trust, andcooperation, which represent the ultimatesource of competitive advantage of thedistrict model.  相似文献   

We have inherited past industrial pollution, but can business change the future and introduce sustainable solutions? This article focuses on how a small business can improve its internal barriers to environmental efficiency. Bovince Limited is working on a strategy of integrating ISO 9002, ISO 14001, EMAS, Kaizen, Investors in People systems to promote cyclic activity. We have been working on this strategy for improvement since the early 1990's, to ensure the continuous progression of our systems. The transparency of systems and strategies are seen as being of fundamental importance to business sustainability. Going beyond normal business activity and looking at how the impacts of people development and behaviorism affect strategic outcomes.Looking at these broader based concepts and their impact on day-to-day business is seen as the way forward. Bovine believe that quality of product or service cannot happen unless environmental considerations are linked into the process. Environmental systems and the reporting of them will not mean anything unless people are involved in their improvement. People will be unable to perform to their full potential unless developed.  相似文献   

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