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青少年偏差行为产生于其与学校、同辈群体、社会工作机构及工读学校等要素在日常社会互动过程中的反抗与适应。学校的"推力"导致青少年"脱嵌"于正式的社会规范;同辈群体的"拉力"帮助偏差青少年获得自我认同,并对偏差行为起到"整合"的作用;社会工作机构、工读学校对青少年偏差行为具有巩固作用。因此,青少年偏差行为的形成经历了"脱嵌—整合—再造"的过程。  相似文献   

公益组织框架下的各项公益活动对社会发展起到不可替代的作用。公益活动组织可以让青少年发展得更好,这凸显了公益组织在青少年社会教育方面的重要性。美国青少年公益慈善组织具有重要的不可替代的育人功能。探索美国青少年公益组织的运营活动模式,理解青少年公益组织在青少年社会教育方面所承担的职责,借鉴美国在培育青少年公益慈善意识的理念与做法,构建学校、家庭和社会有机结合的青少年公益组织,培育具有公益慈善意识的、全面发展的高素质现代公民,对我国构建和谐社会具有重要意义。  相似文献   

当下,微公益是大学生思想政治教育活动的新载体,微公益在大学生思想政治教育中的运用具有一定的应然价值和实然价值。本文在相应的理论透视基础之上,探讨微公益在大学生思想政治教育中运用的功能意义,客观分析微公益在大学生思想政治教育运用中存在的问题,进而从大学生自身、高校、社会三个层面提出推进微公益在大学生思想政治教育中运用深度和广度的对策。  相似文献   

公益旅游发端于二十世纪七十年代的欧美,随后蔓延至全球。随着公益旅游的流行,很多研究开始关注公益旅游者的体验。研究发现,海外志愿者的公益旅游体验集中表现在"公益活动项目""社会交往中的亲密关系"和"审美与地方依恋"等三个方面的体验;公益旅游有助于个体发现自我,甚至建构新的自我,能够增强活动参与者的国际视野和全球意识,让人感受到有意义、信任、热情和人情味的情感交流,并能带来诸多内省的收获,如改变对社会的看法、树立新的价值观和生活态度。因此,海外志愿者公益活动对大学生的自我发展能够产生积极的影响。  相似文献   

在青少年的法制教育和道德教育过程中开展心理疏导和矫治工作,既是对青少年罪错行为分析研究的基本需要,也是实现矫治对策的客观需要。应合理分析青少年罪错行为以致最大限度地对他们进行教育、感化,挽救罪错青少年。在这个法制教育过程中矫治工作至关重要,不仅要注重理论知识的灌输,也要更加注重实践部分演练,让罪错青少年从家庭、学校、社会多维的角度改善自我,实现自我,从而降低青少年罪错行为发生率。所以重点从对罪错青少年等概念的阐释,青少年罪错行为的心理诱因,矫治过程中存在的问题以及矫治的对策几个方面着手进行重点研究青少年罪错行为与矫治,从而服务于青少年的道德教育工作中来。  相似文献   

不同的理论视角,对于青少年问题的解读是不同的。社会建构论关于“社会问题是一种界定的社会过程”的观点,福柯的权力论关于“权力一自我一知识”的关系框架,为偏差青少年过程研究提供了新的理论视角。据此得出的结论是,在与社会环境的互动过程中,偏差青少年逐步发展形成的罪错行为和边缘性活动,是青少年“群体表达不满和要求尊重某些一致认定的条件的活动”。偏差青少年在其边缘化过程形成的“共认符号”和“协同行动”产生于其与社会环境互动的人生经验.构成为他们的生活日常知识,并完成了“身份形成”和“身份认同”,实现了青少年群体内的自我肯定。权力一自我一知识的互动关系不断推动着偏差青少年边缘性的社会化过程的发展。  相似文献   

为深入了解婴幼儿食品用品消费市场现状,探寻问题的症结所在,帮助消费者提高产品鉴别和自我保护能力,增强对婴幼儿食品用品质量的监督,推动婴幼儿食品用品监管正规化、制度化、法律化的进程,重塑消费者对"中国制造"的信心,上海社科院举办"关注婴幼儿健康成长公益宣传活动——华东行巡展"暨大型社会调查活动(南  相似文献   

大数据时代,网络政治参与正成为青少年的主要参政议政方式。在政治领域,越来越多元化的新媒体及其运作模式,为青少年提供了更多、更便利的发声渠道。对湖南省5所高中的416位学生的调查显示:青少年网络政治参与是符号互动下的政治参与,更多从自我出发;"潜网"效应减弱,网络拟态环境与现实环境有接近的趋势;自媒体环境下,青少年更倾向于自我呈现。此外,青少年网络政治参与活动从线上到线下,偏差行为的破坏力也呈增大趋势,应当从法律、道德、技术以及主体这四个角度出发,建立有序机制,促进我国青少年有序的网络政治参与。  相似文献   

网络社会道德控制机制弱化导致青少年网络主体出现严重的"我向幻觉行为"倾向,符号意义体系异化又使网络主体长时间处于一种社会关系缺场的"脱域"状态,而"脱域"状态的加剧又导致青少年网络行为异化和道德人格缺失。借鉴传统"慎独"思想教育青少年,可强化其网络道德责任意识,促其形成理性自觉的网络道德意志系统,使其网络行为自律,并持之以恒地进行重塑自我的网络道德修养实践,坚持不懈地根据网络道德提出的新要求、新标准来严格自律,形成网络主体意识,具有自制性、自觉性和自主性等特性的网络道德人格特质,以及须臾不离、慎乎隐微的网络道德人格。  相似文献   

为深入了解婴幼儿食品用品消费市场现状,探寻问题的症结所在,帮助消费者提高产品鉴别和自我保护能力,增强对婴幼儿食品用品质量的监督,推动婴幼儿食品用品监管正规化、制度化、法律化的进程,重塑消费者对"中国制造"的信心,上海社科院举办"关注婴幼儿健康成长公益宣传活动——华东行巡展"暨大型社会调查活动(南京、合肥、杭州三城)。出席此次活动的包括当地质检部门、计生部门、消费  相似文献   

Prior corporate reputation, one responsibility of a public relations department, affects public perceptions toward corporate philanthropic messages and ultimately affects public attitudes toward the company. Using an experiment that emulates the sort of news consumption individuals normally undertake, participants inferred corporate charitable giving as a mutually beneficial activity when a company had a good reputation (H1a). Participants inferred corporate charitable giving as a self-interested activity when the company had a bad reputation (H1b). Also, public inference (suspicion) successfully mediated corporate prior reputation on public attitude toward the company (H2). Participants showed positive attitude toward the company when they inferred the company had an altruistic motive for charitable giving (H3a). However, participants showed negative attitude toward the company when they inferred the company had a self-interested motive for charitable giving (H3b).  相似文献   

Impure public goods combine a private good with a public good. Often, impure public goods have a charitable or ethical dimension, giving ethically motivated consumers a convenient option to contribute to public goods through the marketplace (in addition to direct donations). Impure public goods could potentially promote ethical giving or alternatively hinder charitable behaviour. We implement an economics experiment with a between-subject design to test the behavioural relevance of impure public goods with only a token (i.e. small) contribution to a public good. Contributions to the public good are negatively affected by the presence of impure public goods with token contributions. We explore one mechanism to offset this negative impact by making the token impure public good mandatory. We observe higher average contributions and several positive impacts on charitable behaviour, which supports the claim that this mechanism can potentially offset the negative impact of impure public goods.  相似文献   

R Croson  M Marks 《Economic inquiry》2001,39(2):238-249
Recommended contributions are often observed in fundraising campaigns for charitable and other public goods. We present an experiment investigating the impact of recommended contributions in a voluntary threshold public goods process. We find that when valuations for the public good are heterogeneous, recommended contributions significantly increase the likelihood of efficient provision, although when valuations are homogeneous, the effect of recommendations is less compelling. This article represents a first step in understanding recommended contributions and other nonbinding, cheap-talk announcements in public goods provision and charitable contributions.  相似文献   

The availability of public funding for charitable church activity has increased dramatically in recent years. A key dispute over this increase is whether congregations’ propensity to provide charitable services depends upon the local community’s racial composition. Using three congregation‐level data sets, this article investigates how race affects charitable church activity. Each data set indicates that all‐white congregations become less charitably active as the share of black residents in the community grows. This response is found only for charitable activities and not for other activities. Additionally, all‐white congregations favorably disposed toward receiving government funding respond no differently to black residents than do not‐all‐white congregations. (JEL H41, J15, Z12)  相似文献   

This study examined how charitable giving by entertainment celebrities influences celebrity personal public relations. Survey participants showed positive attitudes toward charitable giving. Attitudes toward charitable giving positively influenced celebrity credibility perception. Credibility also influenced attitudes toward the celebrities, which in turn positively influenced the purchase intention of their performance. Also, attitudes toward charitable donations were positively associated with attitudes toward the celebrities. Scholars and practitioners need to note charitable giving as an efficient and strategic personal public relations factor and method.  相似文献   

众多视角和方法的教育研究都可以从不同程度上解释学校教育中学生身心发展的困境及其形成,唯有教育哲学特别是教育价值论视角的考察当被视为最透彻的视角和方法,它帮助我们超越事实层面思考问题的症结,超越存在去探究意识中的根源。当今时代教育价值观剧变且呈现多元化、复杂化、极端功利化等错乱局面,隐蔽在"一切为了学生"、"办人民满意的教育"等口号背后的狭隘而又残酷的教育利益博弈严重损害着学生的身心发展,使学生深陷于成长困境。教育价值观最终决定着教育实践行为、学生的身心发展生态和最终的发展程度。我们迫切需要从教育价值论视角展开考察、透视和反思,以利于逐步澄清和辨析教育价值的各种错乱与扭曲,促进学生身心健康和谐发展。  相似文献   

Research generally indicates that public employees "talk thetalk," but do they also "walk the walk" of the public servicemotive (PSM)? Are public service employees more likely thanothers to engage in public service activities? The behavioralimplications of PSM are addressed by studying the involvementin charitable activities of public, nonprofit, and private workers.Using data from the 2002 General Social Survey, multivariatelogistic regression models are estimated to examine self-reportedgifts of time, blood, and money to charitable organizations.It is found that government employees are more likely to volunteerfor charity and to donate blood than for-profit employees are.Additionally, nonprofit workers are also more likely than theirfor-profit counterparts to volunteer. However, no differenceis found among public service and private employees in termsof individual philanthropy. These findings generally lend supportfor the hypothesis that PSM is more prominent in public servicethan in private organizations, especially as it pertains togovernment personnel.  相似文献   

Whether in looking for resources or doing their work, voluntary and charitable organisations have always needed to publicise their existence. However, major changes in the role and funding of the sector in Britain have meant that the issue of publicity has gained particular salience. This article discusses these changes and provides preliminary findings from a large-scale investigation into media and public attitudes towards voluntary and charitable activity. It explores how voluntary activity is reported by mainstream news media, and how these presentations are framed by media professinal's perceptions of, and value judgements about, different types of voluntary action. This article is based on research funded by the ESRC (Grant Reference R000 23 3193) and the Home Office. The analysis draws on collaborative work with Peter Golding and Alan Radley. An earlier version of this paper was presented at the inaugural conference for the International Society for Third Sector Research, in Pécs, Hungary, July 1994.  相似文献   

When fundraising encroachment occurs, strategic publics who can affect a charitable organization's success and survival are rarely brought to the attention of trustees because public relations practitioners are denied access to these leaders, and the manager who does have access—the fundraiser—is trained and rewarded to concentrate on donor publics. A national survey documents fundraising encroachment in five of the six major types of charitable organizations. Although only 23 percent of the respondents (N = 175) reported structural encroachment, 40 percent agreed that the senior fundraisers in their organizations had more say in policy decisions than the senior public relations officers. Small but significant correlations were found between encroachment and the extent to which the public relations department has the knowledge and expertise to practice two-way models of public relations and communications support.  相似文献   

In this exploratory study into the relationship between participation in charitable activity and self-reported measures of personal wellness, social exchange theory was used to model factors that operationalize socioeconomic variables as costs, religious orientation and charitable orientation as rewards, and wellness as profit. Structural equation modeling was applied to data from the 2004 General Social Survey, including the Module on Altruism, to measure the effects, both direct and indirect, and infer knowledge from the results. Results suggest the indication of a relationship between charitable behavior and personal wellness is valid. Specifically, those who are more charitable and those with an enhanced religious orientation exhibit greater wellness. Results also indicate that charitable orientation acts as a mediating variable between income, education, religiosity, and wellness.  相似文献   

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