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构建高不确定环境下中国企业外部取向管理创新模式选择机理的组织创新氛围-企业家精神维度的研究框架,通过质性数据分析方法,辅以ATLAS.ti质性数据分析软件,使用16家企业的数据对两个影响维度的测量指标进行细化和量化,在此基础上采用案例研究小组评分法,基于对组织创新氛围和企业家精神维度指标的测量,选取淘宝的商业模式创新以及绿盛、天翼咨询和正泰电器的营销模式创新的多案例分析对研究框架进行探索性分析.研究结果表明,高不确定环境下外部取向管理创新模式主要包括激进式、元素式、结构式和渐进式4类,外部取向管理创新模式的选择是在组织创新氛围和企业家精神的主导作用下进行的,而当两者均较弱时外部环境成为渐进式外部取向管理创新模式的主要推动因素.  相似文献   

为揭示作为组织创新与变革直接负责人和承担者的企业核心管理者在引进新管理实践或方法的决策过程中的具体作用机制,揭开管理决策黑箱,尝试从核心管理者个人层面的企业家导向视角出发,在回顾相关文献的基础上,构建企业家导向的3个维度(技术创新性、先动性、风险倾向性)通过创新意愿的中介作用影响管理创新引进水平的研究框架,并对浙江、四川、广东和辽宁等地的237份有效问卷进行四阶段多元回归分析,验证相关假设。研究结果表明,管理者个人层面企业家导向的3个维度均显著影响管理创新引进水平;企业家导向通过创新意愿影响管理创新决策,3个维度之间符合行为理论从态度到意愿到行为的实现过程;创新意愿部分中介企业家导向与管理创新引进水平之间的关系。  相似文献   

基于适配理论的中国特色管理理论的研究框架:创新视角   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
苏敬勤  崔淼 《管理学报》2009,6(7):853-860
针对目前中国特色管理理论研究视角单一的问题,提出采用自上而下的研究视角,构建了以中国企业近几年的管理创新为切入点的研究框架和基于适配理论的中国企业管理创新的形成机理框架;并设计了以比较案例研究方法为主的研究方法框架;以大连三洋冷链有限公司、海尔和美国哈斯曼服务创新模式的比较案例研究,辅以ATLAS/ ti 5.0对质性数据的分析结果,对研究框架和思路进行了初验.  相似文献   

近30年来,中国企业雇佣关系模式从传统的单一模式转变为工作导向和组织导向等多种模式并存。西方雇佣关系领域的研究和实践证实组织导向型雇佣关系模式是最优模式,然而中国情景下的众多企业倾向采取工作导向型。由于中国企业雇佣关系模式的形成过程与西方企业存在很大差异,西方学者的研究结论不能解释中国企业的现象,探讨中国情景下企业雇佣关系模式的关键影响因素具有必要性。 已有理论研究和管理实践侧重关注企业雇佣关系模式的结果变量,但对其形成的关键影响因素分析未给予足够重视。运用最佳实践、高阶理论等观点,从多角度搭建企业雇佣关系模式关键影响因素及作用机制的分析框架;使用多案例研究方法,通过规范的质性分析技术,探讨广东省通信设备行业12家典型民营企业雇佣关系模式的关键影响因素及作用机制。 研究结果表明,①企业雇佣关系模式受到承诺型人力资源管理实践、控制型人力资源管理实践、企业家风险偏好、企业家成就需要、企业工会实践和制度环境6个关键因素的影响;②各关键因素对不同类型雇佣关系模式的影响存在差异性;③阐明4种类型雇佣关系模式关键影响因素的作用机制,并发现各关键影响因素的作用机制存在差异性。 在理论上,研究结果为探讨企业雇佣关系模式搭建了理论分析框架,丰富了雇佣关系模式前因变量方面的成果,拓展了研究空间,基于雇佣关系模式不同类型的划分描绘了企业雇佣关系模式关键影响因素路径图,将搭建的理论分析框架进行具体化。在实践上,研究结果从企业和政府两个角度,为企业选择和调整适合中国企业发展的雇佣关系模式提供了对策建议。  相似文献   

采用纵向单案例研究,对伊利集团董事长潘刚突破企业资源和整合能力的限制,带领伊利通过战略转型应对环境变化,构建持续竞争优势的全过程进行分析,并对在此过程中发挥重要作用的潘刚的适应性管理思想进行总结凝练。研究结果表明:企业家认知与时间领导力视野的交互匹配推动企业适时转换阶段性成长逻辑以有效应对外部情境变化;空间领导力视野有利于增强企业的资源识取及资源整合能力从而提升创新活动的实施效果;战略实施通过产品创新及互补性资产创新两类活动的开展将外部资源进行吸收转化,补齐企业的资源和整合能力缺陷并培育核心能力,而企业家“顺势”“拓荒”和“借力”的适应性管理思想是指导企业战略更新、实施,最终构建持续竞争优势的关键。  相似文献   

本文采用案例研究方法对中国路明集团自主创新战略形成及演化的复杂过程作了深入考察和分析,并构建了一个企业实现自主创新战略的具有启发意义的整合框架。研究表明,企业自主创新战略的形成是一个复杂的动态累积过程,具有战略层次的累积跃升特征,创新只有增强企业能力并实现共同演进才能称之为创新战略的形成;吸收能力的投资作为背景基础推动了创新的成功转型;在中国特定环境下,企业家远见与创新精神、历史压力与随机事件作为影响企业创新战略演化的两类最活跃的外部影响因子也不容忽视,企业家远见与创新精神对于企业创新战略起了“提纲挈领”的作用,历史压力与随机事件在偶然性意义上会导致企业创新出现“锁定”和“突破”现象。最后,本文结合路明案例对中国企业的自主创新动力及其内涵理解作了相关剖析,深化了对中国企业创新实践的思考。  相似文献   

基于不同战略导向的创新选择与控制方式研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本文从战略导向的角度出发,研究了企业的创新选择和管理控制方式选择问题.从战略思维和组织学习两个方面对企业家导向和市场导向在创新程度和管理控制方式上的不同进行了分析,提出概念模型和理论假设.利用从10个省市不同行业得到的585家企业有效样本数据的分析,验证了本文的理论模型.分析结果表明,企业家导向更加注重突破式创新并通过战略控制对其进行管理,而市场导向更加注重渐进创新并通过财务控制对其进行管理.分析结果还表明虽然企业家导向与渐进创新没有直接关系,但却可以通过财务控制方式鼓励企业中渐进创新的出现.  相似文献   

管理创新效力机制研究:基于动态能力观视角的研究框架   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
管理创新逐渐成为企业竞争优势最重要和持续的来源,但其复杂性及其对组织绩效影响的滞后性使得学者和实业家对管理创新效力提升问题倍感困惑。为此,以普遍存在的引进型管理创新为研究对象,尝试从企业动态能力观视角提出提升管理创新效力的思路或研究框架,并进一步从管理者个人和组织双层面阐释动态能力的提升路径,旨在为管理创新研究提供一个新的研究视角。  相似文献   

<正>一、引言近年来,许多研究都意识到外部知识源对企业创新过程的重要性,企业可能更趋向于与外部组织合作。Laursen和Salte进行了相关研究,提出了开放度的概念,认为开放度分为开放广度和开放深度。其中,开放广度是指企业在创新过程中利用外部知识源的类型和数量,而开放深度是指企业在创新过程中依赖、利用外部知识源的程度。另外,Lazzarotti和Manzini在结合前人理论和实证研究相关文献的基础上提出了衡量企业开放度  相似文献   

基于国内外主流期刊上的299篇管理创新研究文献的回顾和梳理,对国内外研究中管理创新的影响因素及其作用途径进行比较分析.然后,在中国情境视角下分析并解释了中国企业管理创新的特有影响因素,并在此基础上得出对中国情境下管理创新研究的启示.研究结果表明,管理创新的影响因素分布在企业家个体、管理团队和组织3个层面、6个维度上.此外,在国内外研究中,影响因素及作用机理既存在一致性,也存在差异性,即国外研究更关注高层管理团队的作用,国内研究则更加关注企业家个人因素的作用;同时,国内研究比国外研究更关注社会资本和技术创新对管理创新的影响.在未来的研究中,要重视这些特有影响因素及相应的情境因素的作用,为构建中国情境下的管理理论奠定基础.  相似文献   

杨建君  刘刃 《管理工程学报》2009,23(1):35-40,46
本文以内地上市公司为研究对象,运用事件分析法研究了不同公司采用不同创新策略时,股票市场对其预期收益将做出何种调整与变化.研究姥.果表明:托宾Q值大于1的企业采取外部创新以及托宾Q值小于1的企业采取内部创新时,股价将上升;托宾Q值大于1的企业采取内部创新以及托宾Q值小于1的企业采取外部创新时,股价将下跌.  相似文献   

This study builds on recent research on the external workforce by examining the effects of (1) temporary work (2) independent contracting, and (3) consulting on firm performance, considering the client firms’ tasks, the qualification requirements for carrying out these tasks, and its strategic context. The findings are based on a survey of 261 firms in the German manufacturing industry. At the operational level, the results indicate that the difficulty of the tasks to be performed by external workers influences their performance. Whilst temporary work and consulting are better suited for simple tasks with low qualification requirements, independent contracting increases firm performance when appointing individuals to perform complex tasks. At the strategic level we research effects by two strategic orientations; one generally increasing the internal innovation performance (innovation orientation), the other generally increasing the performance of external relationships (alliance orientation). The innovation orientation here reduces the negative effect of temporary work, whereas a high alliance orientation precipitates a positive effect of consulting on firm performance. This paper demonstrates that clients’ task requirements and their alignment towards innovation and alliances have a significant influence on the benefits to the firm conveyed by highly qualified externals.  相似文献   

从企业边界理论和知识基础观出发,研究搜寻宽度和搜寻深度对组织探索式创新绩效和应用式创新绩效的影响;引入联结强度和吸收能力作为情景变量,探讨二者对主效应的调节作用;利用三项交互方法,探讨外部搜寻战略、联结强度和吸收能力三者的交互作用对创新绩效的影响;以281家本土制造业企业为样本,利用分层回归分析和三项交互分析方法进行实证研究。 研究结果表明,搜寻宽度与探索式创新绩效正相关,与应用式创新绩效呈倒U形关系,搜寻深度与应用式创新绩效正相关;联结强度负向调节搜寻宽度与探索式创新绩效之间的关系,正向调节搜寻深度与应用式创新绩效之间的关系;实际吸收能力正向调节搜寻宽度与探索式创新绩效之间的关系,潜在吸收能力正向调节搜寻深度与应用式创新绩效之间的关系;搜寻宽度、联结强度和实际吸收能力三者交互项与探索式创新绩效负相关,搜寻深度、联结强度和潜在吸收能力三者交互项与应用式创新绩效正相关。 通过探讨外部搜寻、联结强度和吸收能力的三项交互作用对创新绩效的影响,发现搜寻宽度和搜寻深度对创新绩效的显著差异化影响,有助于从一个新的视角解释外部搜寻与创新绩效之间的“关系争论”;已有外部搜寻研究往往忽略组织间的联结机制,通过引入联结强度,弥补了联结机制的缺失;区别于已有吸收能力的直接效应研究,将吸收能力作为调节变量分情景讨论,丰富了吸收能力的权变视角研究。研究结果有助于加强外部搜寻理论研究,并一定程度上有利于指导中国企业具体创新实践。  相似文献   

This study examines the importance of innovation leadership in cultivating the strategic fit of an organization with its environment, and enhancing various economic, relationship, and product performance outcomes. It thus explores how innovation leadership enables a firm to change and adapt to its external environment and by implication enhance its performance. The results of data collected from 117 firms show that innovation leadership, both directly and through increased strategic fit, significantly enhances firm performance. Implications for research on strategic and innovation leadership and adaptive organizational systems are discussed.  相似文献   

庞长伟  李垣  段光 《管理科学》2015,28(5):31-41
经济全球化的背景下,企业为了构建竞争优势,获取更好的绩效,开始利用整合能力和商业模式创新应对多变的外部环境。然而,当前研究对于两者之间存在何种联系的认识是模糊的。针对理论研究的缺陷,基于动态能力的理论视角,通过分析商业模式创新对整合能力与企业绩效的中介作用,揭示企业整合能力和商业模式创新促进企业绩效提高的内在机制,采用中国6省1市319个企业样本数据,运用线性回归的统计方法对理论假设进行实证检验。研究结果表明,整合能力和商业模式创新都对企业绩效具有正向的促进作用,同时整合能力与企业绩效之间存在着一定的中间机制。整合能力通过提高组织变革和价值创造效率两个方面促进商业模式创新,而商业模式创新作为中间纽带将整合能力与企业绩效联系起来。企业的整合能力越高,越有利于开展商业模式创新,进而促进企业绩效的提高。研究揭示了整合能力和商业模式创新共同促进企业绩效提高的内在理论机制,打开了能力与绩效间关系的“黑箱”,对于中国企业开展商业模式创新具有重要的实践指导意义。  相似文献   

Existing research does not provide a clear answer to the question of whether internal knowledge development and external knowledge sourcing are complementary or substitutive innovation activities. This paper adopts a contingent approach for addressing this issue by examining whether and how the interactive effect of internal R&D efforts and external knowledge sourcing on product innovation performance may be affected by the firm’s corporate reputation. In doing so, a three-way interaction model is applied to a sample of 251 Spanish high-technology manufacturing firms. Interestingly, initial results support the substitutive argument: the positive effect of internal R&D on product innovation performance diminishes as the exposure to external knowledge increases. However, in well reputed companies, interaction becomes positive, revealing a complementary effect. Thus, the study extends the traditional approach focused on determining whether internal and external knowledge sourcing are complements or substitutes by showing that their interplay depends on other firm-specific characteristics. Moreover, identifying corporate reputation as a source of complementarity between both activities provides an additional explanation of how corporate reputation contributes to a more effective management of knowledge assets.  相似文献   

An increasing number of studies in technology/innovation management contribute to the understanding of the relationship between external technology acquisition and product innovation performance. On the other hand, the meta-analytic reviews of new product development literature indicate a positive impact of product innovativeness on product innovation performance. However, existing research has not examined the link between external technology acquisition and product innovativeness. This study, therefore, aims to fill this gap of knowledge by investigating the external technology acquisition—product innovativeness relationship and examining the moderating roles of R&D investment and configurational context on this link. Based on a panel sample of 105 high-technology firms over a six-year period, a least squared dummy variable s model reveals interesting results. First, external technology acquisition has a positive impact on product innovativeness. Second, R&D investment increases the effect of external technology acquisition on product innovativeness. Lastly, firm size exhibits a negative effect on the contribution of external technology acquisition to product innovativeness. However, firm age positively impacts the relationship between external technology acquisition and product innovativeness. In addition, this study reveals a positive effect of product innovativeness on firm growth.  相似文献   

Open innovation and absorptive capacity are two concepts based on the idea that companies can leverage the knowledge generated externally to improve their innovation performance. The aim of this paper is to analyse the joint effect of open innovation and absorptive capacity on a firm's radical innovation. Open innovation is expressed in terms of external search breadth and depth strategies and absorptive capacity is described by distinguishing between potential and realized absorptive capacity. In order to test our hypotheses, we carried out empirical research in firms operating in high-technology industries. The results indicate that internal routines and processes for absorbing external knowledge help explain radical innovation as they show a significant effect of potential and realized absorptive capacity. Also, there is a moderating effect of absorptive capacity on open innovation. Specifically, potential absorptive capacity exerts a positive effect on the relationship between external search breadth and depth and radical innovation. Realized absorptive capacity moderates the influence of external search breadth. These findings confirm the complementary nature of absorptive capacity and open innovation search strategies on radical innovation.  相似文献   

The often paradoxical relationship between investment in information technology and gains in productivity has recently been attributed to a lack of user acceptance of information technology innovations. Diverse streams of research have attempted to explain and predict user acceptance of new information technologies. A common theme underlying these various research streams is the inclusion of the perceived characteristics of an innovation as key independent variables. Furthermore, prior research has utilized different outcomes to represent user acceptance behavior. In this paper we focus on individual's perceptions about the characteristics of the target technology as explanatory and predictive variables for acceptance behavior, and present an empirical study examining the effects of these perceptions on two frequently used outcomes in the context of the innovation represented by the World Wide Web. The two outcomes examined are initial use of an innovation and intentions to continue such use in the future, that is, to routinize technology use. Two research questions motivated and guided the study. First, are the perceptions that predict initial use the same as those that predict future use intentions? Our results confirm, as hypothesized by prior research, that innovation characteristics do explain acceptance behavior. The results further reveal that the specific characteristics that are relevant for each acceptance outcome are different. The second research question asks if perceived voluntariness plays a role in technology acceptance. Results show that external pressure has an impact on adopters' acceptance behavior. Theoretical and practical implications that follow are presented.  相似文献   

Prior research indicates that search practices are an important part of the innovation process. But where established firms search for different innovation types is not clear. Drawing on knowledge-based theory of innovation and using state-of-the-art statistical techniques (copula with Bayesian inference), we find that established firms predominantly rely on several external sources (broad external search) when introducing new business models, on internal and external sources with high intensity (deep search) when innovating processes, and on broad and deep external search when innovating products. We explain that broad external search is important for business model innovation (BMI) because increased exploration is needed when introducing new business models that rely on general rather than specialized technical or tacit business knowledge. We contribute to the innovation and business model literatures by nuancing the differences between innovation types (BMI, product, and process innovation) and the associated search behavior. It is important to consider these differences because they give us clues to understand how established firms can explore unfamiliar territories through BMI.  相似文献   

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