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环境不确定性的日益增强对当今组织的领导者提出了各种挑战,这就需要一个新的领导力模型作为理论框架和实践工具。人本矩阵以人本思想为核心,基于DISC理论和情境领导理论,从人的心理、能力与行为三个维度研究领导力等相关问题。根据人本矩阵,人们应该做到修心、赋能和正行,改善心力模式与行为风格,从而有效提升领导力。  相似文献   

和谐管理理论视角下战略领导力分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对战略领导力研究进行评述,指出现有研究在一定程度上存在战略领导力核心内涵未达成共识、研究缺乏系统性和动态性、学术研究和管理实践存在脱节3个缺陷。以和谐管理理论对领导的诠释为基础分析战略领导力内涵,指出战略领导力具有强调"提供引导"和"调配资源"2个维度的耦合、研究定位于组织层面、强调组织长期可持续发展、基于未来方向配置当前资源4个特点。和谐管理理论可以在一定程度上弥补现有战略领导力研究的缺陷,促进战略领导力研究的发展。  相似文献   

组织双元性领导力是指组织在关注目前业务需求的同时,也要拥有适应内外部环境变化的能力。学者们分别从组织学习理论、技术创新理论、组织适应理论、战略管理理论、组织设计理论等视角对组织双元性领导力进行了研究。从相关研究成果来看,组织双元性领导力的前因变量包括结构设计、组织环境和领导力三个方面,结果变量则聚焦于能否提升组织绩效。为此,可以通过设计弹性的组织结构、营造支持整体业务部门发展的环境、培训组织管理人员来提升组织双元性领导力。  相似文献   

本文以两个相关的研究领域中高层管理者领导活动、中高层协同领导过程及机制为研究对象,通过对相关学术思想、理论以及国内外研究成果的系统总结,借助理论分析框架,探讨与组织变革、成长、文化有关的组织协同领导力的影响维度和动因,以及研究难点与分析要点.本文提出从群体动力视角,研究多重、群体领导行为及交互作用的研究思路,以及未来的研究趋势和展望,为进一步揭示组织协同领导力形成、发展和演化的规律奠定理论基础.  相似文献   

近20年来,世界范围内的并购潮一浪又一浪,然而并购被公司用于实现一定的战略和财务目标的同时也带来了巨大的风险。传统的经济学理论在对并购行为进行分析时对于其中的"异象"的解释显得力不从心,行为金融学的发展对于一系列"金融异象"进行了积极的论证和有益的探索,在一定程度上弥补了传统金融理论在这一领域的研究空白。本文将行为金融学理论与传统经济学理论进行比较分析,将行为金融学理论与我国的实际情况相结合,这将对并购市场的分析研究,对我国的监管主体和市场行为主体都有重大的意义。  相似文献   

自1998年以来;我国房地产市场在蓬勃发展的同时露也出现了许多传统金融理论无法解释的异常现象,这对传统金融学构成了严重的挑战和威胁,在对传统金融理论进行反思的过程中,行为金融理论因其对市场异常现象拥有良好的解释能力而备受关注。本文通过市场主体的心理和行为出发,借鉴行为金融学相关理论来探讨我国房地产市场异常现象。  相似文献   

20世纪50年代出现的现代主流金融学,其理论无法解释阿莱悖论、日历效应、股价溢价之谜和期权微笑等金融市场异象.80年代后兴起的行为金融学将人类心理和行为的分析纳入投资决策框架,为解决上述问题提供了新视角,从行为金融理论对现代主流金融理论的挑战中反思主流金融理论将如何发展这一深层问题.  相似文献   

从制度理论和高层梯队理论的基本观点出发,探讨组织高层与组织合法性之间的关系.在一定的制度背景之下,组织高层利用信号行为来获取合法性,这是信号管理相关理论所描述的一个基本现象,也是基于战略视角合法性研究的一个基本思路.遵循此思路,回顾了国内外相关的理论与实证研究,尝试给出一个综合性的概念模型.  相似文献   

黄张凯  徐信忠  于鹏 《管理世界》2005,(12):162-165
在过去的20年里,我国经济取得了举世瞩目的高速增长,同时我国的金融体系不论在规模和制度方面,还是在监管体系和运营效率方面都取得了长足的进步,金融市场已经成为了我国市场经济的一个重要组成部分。但是转轨经济的特征决定了我国的金融体系仍不完善,发展过程中仍有很多问题急需解决。因此,在我国经济发展的背景下,金融学的学术研究尤为重要。金融研究回顾和展望系列将对金融学主要领域的最新理论和实证研究成果进行总结,尤其就相关领域的经典文章和书籍进行评论,同时指出每一领域尚需解决的重要问题和可能的将来研究方向。系列将对货币理论与政策、金融中介、资产定价、金融风险管理、资本结构、公司治理、首次公开发行(IPO)、市场微观结构和行为金融等领域的研究进行回顾和展望。我们希望这一金融研究的回顾与展望系列能为经济学和金融学的博士生和年轻老师提供一份不可缺少的重要研究资源。  相似文献   

翟瀟 《经营管理者》2014,(25):21-22
现代社会对于行为金融学与标准金融学的探讨越来越多,基本上建立了一个比较完整的系统,但是因为对金融学研究的立场不同以及决策行为基础不同,所以行为金融学与标准金融学的有很多的不同与矛盾。本文对行为金融学与标准金融学在内容、框架等方面进行对比分析,以便对标准金融学与新兴的行为金融学有更深的了解。  相似文献   

Strategic leadership research: Moving on   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
During the last 20 years, the field of strategic leadership has undergone both a rejuvenation and a metamorphosis. We argue that the essence of strategic leadership involves the capacity to learn, the capacity to change, and managerial wisdom. Against this backdrop, we first review issues related to under what conditions, when, and how strategic leadership matters. Next, we selectively review three streams of theory and research. The first is strategic leadership theory and its antecedent, Upper Echelon theory. The second stream of theory and research focuses on what Bryman has labeled the “new” leadership theories. These include charismatic, transformational, and visionary theories of leadership. The last stream of research we classify as the “emergent” theories of leadership. Among these are theories that explore behavioral and cognitive complexity as well as social intelligence. Finally, we attempt to suggest how the “new” and “emergent” theories can be integrated within what we claim is the essence of strategic leadership.  相似文献   

高管团队的职能特征如何反映到企业绩效中一直是管理领域研究的重点,但是其实证检验结果呈现出复杂化的特征,一致性的结论尚未达成。本文从高阶梯理论和信息处理理论出发,较为全面地探索高管团队职能异质性如何影响企业绩效。研究结果表明:(1)高管团队职能异质性对企业绩效水平有负向的影响;(2)高管团队职能异质性会显著促进管理者认知集中性和复杂性的提高;(3)管理者认知集中性和复杂性的提高会进一步促进绩效水平的提高;(4)管理者认知是高管团队职能异质性影响企业绩效水平的中介机制;(5)高管团队职能异质性的提高会显著促进团队冲突的提高;(6)团队冲突的增强会抑制企业绩效水平的提高;(7)团队冲突是职能异质性影响企业绩效水平的中介机制。  相似文献   

信息技术战略价值及实现机制的实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为研究信息技术战略价值及其实现机制,基于企业资源观、竞争战略理论和核心能力理论,构建了信息技术资源、信息技术应用能力、战略层面的信息系统能力、环境动态性和企业绩效之间关系的研究模型,应用结构方程模型对233家中国企业的调查问卷进行数据分析和模型拟合.研究结果表明信息技术资源和信息技术应用能力都无法直接影响企业绩效,其战...  相似文献   

This paper responds to recent calls to bridge strategy and organization research by combining Strategy-as-Practice and Neo-Institutional Theory through re-theorizing the notion of strategic actor. We problematize the notion of strategic actor at the field level, and rely on insights from management and organization studies and sociology to advance a theoretical framework that conceptualizes organizations as social actors at the field level. We demonstrate our theoretical framework by drawing on corporate social responsibility rating agencies. We see corporate social responsibility rating agencies as supra-individual, social actors that are predisposed to assume an active role in defining and revisiting structural parameters within the society through their purposeful, meaningful actions and interactions. Our main contribution is to the development of the Strategy-as-Practice literature, achieved by re-theorizing the notion of strategic actor at the field level. This contribution responds to the micro-isolationism critique, and proposes a new focus for Strategy-as Practice research.  相似文献   

本文基于高阶梯队理论,针对以往TMT研究的关键问题,探讨绩效下滑的非多元化企业CEO继任后,TMT异质性、战略变革和绩效改善的关系。本文选取了沪深两市2005-2013年相关数据为研究变量,对2008-2010期间发生CEO变更的145家绩效下滑的非多元化企业进行实证研究,结果表明,TMT任期异质性对战略变动有显著负向影响,战略变动对企业绩效变化没有显著影响,战略背离对企业绩效变化有显著负向影响。当我们探索性的测量战略变革的方向时,发现战略变动与企业绩效变化呈U型关系,战略背离与企业绩效变化呈倒U型关系。本研究不仅为绩效下滑的非多元化企业转型战略研究提供一个新的视角,而且为绩效下滑企业选择高管团队提供了决策的依据。  相似文献   

期权定价理论(OPT)在企业战略投资领域的应用代表近期西方管理决策研究方面的一大突破。该理论为决策者评价投资的战略价值并争取管理运作中的灵活度,提供了新的思路与量化工具。本文运作期权定价理论的基本思路方法,对一个简化的企业案例作具体分析,试探讨结合我国国情的应用性研究途径。  相似文献   

企业归核化战略及其对我国企业的启示   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
20世纪80年代以来,归核化战略在全球迅速兴起,资源基础论和价值链理论为这一战略的兴起和发展提供了理论基础。与此同时,为了应对这一战略带给我国企业的巨大机遇,我国企业最现实的选择就是本着“学习、合作和竞争”的原则,尽快参与到国际供应链之中,逐步谋求发展与壮大。在参与的过程中,我国企业还必须充分考虑战略步骤、链条选择和参与方式等相关问题。  相似文献   


The purpose of this study is to investigate the influence of sustainable supply chain management (SSCM) practices on triple bottom line (TBL) measures from the perspective of organizational theories. This study identified five SSCM practices using a comprehensive literature review and feedback from industry experts. These five practices were prioritized using a fuzzy analytical hierarchy process (FAHP). The results from FAHP analysis were further confirmed by conducting semi-structured interviews in five electronics parts/components manufacturing organizations. This study also prioritized theoretical drivers of SSCM adoption based on the consideration of three organizational theory perspectives – Institutional Theory; Resource-Based View, and; Social Network Theory. The results indicate that the economic dimension was the most important measure for implementing SSCM while sustainable design was the most important SSCM practice for achieving the TBL. The study also found that Institutional Theory is the most important theoretical driver for implementing SSCM. The research findings provide insight for management to allocate necessary resources and to develop effective strategic directions for the implementation of SSCM practices.  相似文献   

Resource Dependency Theory (RDT) and Global Value Chain (GVC) analysis have been deployed in the strategic and international management literatures to address questions of power in dyadic relationships and global production networks, respectively. This paper integrates the two theoretical approaches in order to expand RDT, using insights from Hirschman's exit/voice model to show the options available to some firms but not others. Using the relationship between buyers and contract manufacturers from GVC analysis, we find a correlation between firm size and choice of strategic action in response to contract manufacturers' dependence on buyers. Large firms follow an acquiescence strategy while small manufacturers follow an avoidance strategy, able to use both exit and voice strategies. Enabled by scale or control over information, both of these approaches successfully reduce uncertainty and provide a source of sustained competitive advantage. Using a study of the production chain in consumer plastics manufacturing in China, we show how dependent firms respond to GVC induced pressure. We find that based on the size of the contract manufacturer, the range of strategic responses to power is constrained by the nature of the dependency in global value chains. This opens important insights into the role that structural characteristics of organizations (like size) play in determining strategic freedom.  相似文献   

This paper analyses Top Management Team (TMT) composition diversity as an antecedent of firm performance in accordance with a recent paradigm based on Complexity Theory. Research into TMT diversity is commonly seen as a double-edged sword because inconclusive results have been achieved in prior studies. This controversy has reinforced the call to employ a more appropriate methodology by moving beyond the reliance on multiple regression analysis and towards the use of fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis. The study provides various TMT diversity configurations that lead to high performance. The study therefore contributes towards the TMT diversity literature by utilising asymmetric testing to advance in the understanding of the diversity of TMT attributes as an antecedent of high firm outcome. The paradigm currently facing TMT internal complexity is doubly relevant for managers, to ascertain the best TMT diversity compositions to achieve the best strategic goal and thereby the highest firm outcome, and for new research avenues in the demographic literature, to obtain richer insights from TMT data, which might provide additional information on the complex relations established within these TMTs.  相似文献   

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