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对于现代管理而言,"无为而治"体现了以人为本的理念,渗透着授权、分权的思想,强调了科学管理和文化管理的重要性。但"无为而治"的管理思想建立在人性至善的假设前提下,适合制度和文化建设比较完善的企业,并对管理者自身的素质要求很高。因此,"无为而治"也具有一定的局限性。  相似文献   

徐娜 《决策与信息》2008,(12):175-176
老子"无为而治"理论中的"无为"不是不为,而是不强作妄为,不为不该为之为,其"无为"是为了达到"无不为"的目的。"无为而治"理论无论在理念还是实践上对现今中国政府管理和政府改革都具有极其重要的意义。本文结合了我国国情,提出要引进"无为而治"理念,变管制型政府为服务型政府;要借鉴"无为而治"范式,健全社会主义法制,建设法治国家。  相似文献   

姚霞 《决策与信息》2008,(12):113-115
本文从古代道家管理思想的哲学基础为切入点,详尽的研究了老子道家"无为而治"管理思想,深入探讨了老子道家管理学说中的谋略思想,提出了对当代管理学的一些启示,这对于现代管理具有十分重要的现代价值。  相似文献   

本文从高职高专人才培养目标出发引出校园文化在实现这一目标过程中的重要作用,着重分析了校园文化建设的内涵和功能作用,从而得出"加强校园文化建设,实现学生管理的无为而治"是现代高校学生管理的必然趋势扣发展方向的结论.  相似文献   

正中国社会是乡土的,"乡土社会秩序的维持和现代社会有很大的不同,它是礼治的社会,一种自动的秩序,是个‘无为而治’的社会"。现代乡村社会"礼治"的秩序具有"嵌入"特征,法治作为现代化的治理方式逐渐"嵌入"乡村社会治理方式中,从而完成现代化的转型。传统的"礼治"模式,逐渐"嵌入"法  相似文献   

法治是和谐社会的基本构成要素,也是构建社会主义和谐社会的保障。老子的“无为而治”思想与现代宪政理念下的“法治”在内涵上有一定的联系。在构建社会主义和谐社会的时代大背景下,提倡“无为而治”,对建设法治国家的“有限政府”有着重大的意义。  相似文献   

当前中国的社会经济处在巨大的变革转型时期,"无为而治"管理理念的内涵进一步扩展,主要表现为态度上的"无绝对"性、行为上的"无具体"性、思维上的"无套路"化和语言上的"无定论"化。在瞬息万变的当下,要实现"无为而治",需要理性把握对机遇之争、对规律之随,科学把握"为"与"不为的度,以兼容并包的开放性思维鼓励下属创新,避免一成不变状态下的"病态"平稳和人的惰性心理。  相似文献   

现代教育理论认为,教育应该是“全人教育——教育就是对人的成全,培养完整的人”.在这种文化背景下,现代的班级管理应该上升到哲学高度,摒弃“以师为本、大包大揽、亲历其为”的“有为而治”,力倡“以生为本,着眼素质,文化治班”的“无为而治”  相似文献   

由于加入WTO的影响,中国企业的发展早前一直侧重于借鉴国外的管理思想,以致出现许多"水土不服"的状况,问题接踵而来。《论语》是我国古代的一部重要哲学巨作,本着弘扬中华传统儒家文化,促进中国式管理理论完善的目的,该文试图探索《论语》中的管理思想,达到无为而治的状态。  相似文献   

无为而治是老子哲学思想的核心观点.它兼容了本体论、认识论等哲学理念,从"有"与"无"两个特殊角度去审视事物,观其无界之妙,察其有界之涯,是"道"与"德"的合而为一.其中,道乃德之"体",德乃道之"用".老子认为,道乃宇宙之本体,"独立不改,周行而不殆".道之运行而产生天地万物.老子之道,乃自然主义.老子强调对法制的尊重,反对以一已之私欲,凌驾于公众之法制.老子之德,乃无心之德,即无为而治.对于"无为",世人有诸多不同的理解.无为,乃避开冲突.  相似文献   

Before the field of business and society can adequately analyze the relationship between governmental policies and corporate social responsibility (CSR), either as a reality or an ideal, it is first necessary to understand exactly how governments nurtured the development of the autonomous corporation. The roles assigned to government by the economics and management literatures—regulator, standard setter, protector, and adjudicator—ignore the crucial part played by state violence and government expenditures in the rise and sustained success of the corporate economy. An examination of the history of the American case, crucial for the development of the modern corporation as well as the “explicit” form of CSR that eventually followed it, highlights these roles: the willingness of the state to intervene with force in labor conflicts bolstered the managerial autonomy that defined the large corporation, and the way government expenditures promoted innovation and firm success. Acknowledging how corporations depended on government assistance in their development is a necessary step for both assessing the responsibilities owed stakeholders and for advancing the theoretical development of the field.  相似文献   

Jean-Jacques Salomon   《Omega》1977,5(6):635-647
The contribution which Social Science has made and may make to policy formulation in modern Europe is described and evaluated. The rapid economic growth of the post war period was accompanied by the growing impact of government economic policy but the contribution made by Social Science in most countries was limited. The questioning of growth and bureaucratization which has subsequently arisen offers new opportunities for Social Science in policy-making. At present, its contribution is handicapped by limitations of methodology, and in some circumstances by a lack of awareness of its value. A positive strategy is now required for the development and integration of Social Science into policy formulation.  相似文献   

《Long Range Planning》1987,20(4):110-117
As part of a World Bank funded project to rehabilitate the export industries of a West African country, a study was undertaken into the methods of corporate planning and the systems of reporting management information for the government owned organization responsible for the distribution and marketing of the country's main agricultural export. Although many of the familiar problems were faced in attempting to introduce modern management techniques into a Third World country, considerable success in implementation was achieved by using a microcomputer with modern business software. Local staff were trained in the use of the modelling software and management information reports were prepared in graphical format to highlight the results for top management.  相似文献   

现代政府的一个基本功能就是保障全民的基本公共品(公共服务),因此与一般商品相比,当企业无法满足部分居民的基本公共品需求时,政府具有全面覆盖居民需求的“兜底”动机。本文使用内生化的市场覆盖因素刻画政府的“兜底”动机,并基于市场垂直竞争框架建立了基准模型和政府干预模型两个模型以讨论政府干预的最优策略选择问题。研究显示:首先,消费者支付意愿和厂商生产意愿两个因素决定了政府干预与否的边界条件;其次,这两个因素还分别确定了补贴和自营两种干预方式的可行范围,政府应选择与之匹配的干预方式,否则将因干预方式的错配而致使干预无效;最后,出于消费者剩余最大化考虑,政府应在对应的匹配范围内选择补贴高质量厂商或自营高质量的干预策略。基于此,本文认为在现实中,政府应当重点分析未覆盖市场的产生原因,当未覆盖市场由厂商生产意愿过低所致时选择补贴高质量厂商策略,当部分未覆盖消费者具有迫切需求时选择自营高质量策略。  相似文献   

The Republic of Korea has been considered to be relatively safe from earthquake hazards because of the geological location of the Korean Peninsula, which has a low level of intraplate seismic activity. However, an earthquake with a moment magnitude of 5.4 struck the city of Pohang on November 15, 2017, causing 90 casualties and 52 million USD in property losses. During the recovery process after the earthquake, the Korean government provided individual disaster assistance to victims who reported their damages. However, the government disaster assistance could have been unfairly distributed among the socially vulnerable victims who essentially relied on that assistance. This study identifies whether the government disaster assistance was fairly distributed to socially vulnerable victims using a statistical model based on the data from the Pohang earthquake that occurred in 2017 in Korea. A conceptual model was constructed using a structural equation model (SEM) of three factors—social vulnerability, physical vulnerability, and the amount paid out in individual disaster assistance. Furthermore, interviews with and a survey of the victims were conducted to verify the problems identified by the conceptual model. This study found that socially vulnerable victims were less likely to take advantage of the government disaster assistance program.  相似文献   

陈恒  卢巍  杜蕾 《中国管理科学》2020,28(4):131-141
随着中国现代城市管理社区制的推行,由公共设施引发的社区冲突逐步凸显,其中,风险集聚类邻避设施成为引发社区冲突的主要诱因。邻避冲突事件演化过程的复杂性和随机扰动要求现有研究不应局限于确定环境下事件的分析,而应在更加真实的不确定环境下对冲突本身展开探讨。鉴于此,本文以演化博弈论为理论基础,引入高斯白噪声随机干扰项,构建风险集聚类邻避冲突事件中营建企业与周边民众两类群体的随机演化博弈模型,对比分析在无政府监管与政府监管情景下群体策略选择行为的随机演化过程,并利用Matlab进行数值仿真。研究发现:(1)无政府监管情景下,当营建企业采取强硬策略收益小于成本,且周边民众采取抗争策略成本大于收益时,(合作,妥协)是其演化均衡策略组合;营建企业与周边民众策略选择演化速度与初始策略选择概率密切相关。(2)政府监管情景下,当政府监管力度大于营建企业采取强硬策略收益与采取合作策略收益之差,且政府监管力度大于周边民众采取抗争策略收益与采取妥协策略收益之差时,(合作,妥协)是其唯一策略演化均衡点;政府监管力度对营建企业策略选择有显着影响,而对周边民众策略选择无显着影响。(3)随机因素对风险集聚类邻避冲突中营建企业与周边民众策略选择行为产生干扰,但随机模型演化趋势与确定性模型相一致。研究结果表明,政府完善监管机制,赋予公民参与权利,企业建立"柔性"冲突协调机制,民众合法表达利益诉求,推动风险集聚类邻避冲突治理框架的构建。  相似文献   

内部性与外部性及其政府管制的产权分析   总被引:35,自引:0,他引:35  
文章以一个生产安全的案例为切入点 ,尝试用现代产权理论分析框架而非传统的方法来分析内部性问题及其政府管制产生的根源。在产权理论看来 ,由于交易成本为正 ,产权便不能完整界定清楚而必有一部分被置于公共领域 ,成为有信息优势的交易者攫取的公共财富 ,从而对交易者另一方造成未在合同条款中反映的损害。这即所谓的内部性。因此 ,政府管制的目的在于降低充分界定产权的成本 ,提高资源配置的效率。以此为基础 ,文章最后把内部性和外部性整合在同一个产权理论框架内 ,使二者及其政府管制有一个统一的理论基础。一、引言在管制经济学中 ,内…  相似文献   

Information regarding economic fundamentals is widely dispersed in society, is only imperfectly aggregated through prices or other indicators of aggregate activity, and cannot be centralized by the government or any other institution. In this paper we seek to identify policies that can improve the decentralized use of such dispersed information without requiring the government to observe this information. We show that this can be achieved by appropriately designing the contingency of taxation on ex post public information regarding the realized fundamentals and aggregate activity. When information is common (as in the Ramsey literature) or when agents have private information only about idiosyncratic shocks (as in the Mirrlees literature), the contingency on fundamentals alone suffices for efficiency. When instead agents have private information about aggregate shocks, the contingency on aggregate activity is crucial. An appropriate combination of the two contingencies permits the government to: (i) dampen the impact of noise and hence reduce non-fundamental volatility, without also dampening the impact of fundamentals; (ii) induce agents to internalize informational externalities, and hence improve the speed of social learning; (iii) restore a certain form of constrained efficiency in the decentralized use of information; and (iv) guarantee that welfare increases with the provision of any additional information. (JEL: C72, D62, D82)  相似文献   

As a result of the 2001 anthrax attacks, the U.S. government is trying to forge a plan to handle something much worse: an outbreak of smallpox due to terrorist activity. Here's a look at where the debate stands today.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the relatively new interest in national planning in the United States. The effects of the Arab oil embargo and price increases, impending scarcities of minerals, inflation, unemployment, and other problems seem to be reversing the American public's negative views of planning by the Federal government. Assuming that negative sentiments are still strong and aware of the difficulty of institutional change, the authors submit a modest proposal for initiating a formal system of indicative national planning.The proposal is based upon an analysis of the economic challenges facing the United States and the apparent inability of the Federal government to respond effectively to change. The solution is seen as the need for an economic intelligence activity coupled to the formulation of ‘inventories of policy alternatives’, with a minimum of structural change or expansion in governmental structure.The recent Humphrey-Javits proposal for national planning is discussed briefly and critically.  相似文献   

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