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杨汇泉 《老年人》2006,(6):40-41
神秘的香格里拉,对我的好奇心一直是个挡不住的诱惑。去年金秋时节,终于有了赴云南旅游的机会,我鼓动几位身体尚好的老同志,冒着高山缺氧的危险,向海拔3000多米的高原进发,加入了争睹香格里拉仙境的队伍。车一过金沙江,当地的同志就告诉我们说,好久好久以来,金沙江就被称为人神  相似文献   

乔明 《老年世界》2010,(1):28-29
最早听到香格里拉这个神秘而诱人的名字,是从一位藏族歌手在中央电视台综艺节目演唱的歌曲中知道的。香格里拉,是美籍英国作家詹姆斯·希尔顿在小说《失去的地平线》中描写的一个与世隔绝而又和平、宁静、和谐的地方。  相似文献   

如果说,山水甲天下的桂林风光名胜是祖国宝库中的一只美丽翡翠盘的话;那么,龙胜的山光水色和民族风情就是这只翡翠盘上最为光彩夺目的璀璨明珠。  相似文献   

西方有关西藏的知识深深植根于他们的“东方主义”意识,在想象中建构了一个香格里拉,当然,这并不是西藏神话的全部。其背后更深隐藏着的,是西方人对中国在经济上的迅速崛起感到焦虑、恐惧、排斥和反感,因此,西方一些政治力量操纵舆论,炒作西藏话题,对西藏跨入现代化进程的种种努力横加指责,希望保留一个”完美的、封闭的西藏”,一个“中世纪的生活样本”。  相似文献   

1988年10月,日本第三大化妆品巨头高丝(KOSE)与杭州孔凤春化妆品厂合资成立了集生产和销售于一体的专业化妆品公司春丝丽有限公司,标志着高丝迈开了进军中国市场的步伐。经过近20年的发展,当年的产销一体的春丝丽已被高丝化妆品销售(中国)有限公司和高丝化妆品有限公司所取代,企业性质也从中外合资转变为外商独资。本文就高丝在中国的品牌营销策略进行分析解读。  相似文献   

正车站无妆店,补妆太难26岁的沈阳姑娘尤晓凤爱美成癖,平常上下班总要保持她一丝不苟的妆容。2008年夏天,她工作的化妆品公司派尤晓凤到深圳出差三天。因为走得匆忙,她只带了几件换洗衣服,没什么行李,所以,她从车站出来后直接去见了客户。客户是名挑剔的中年妇女,对方目不转睛地看着尤晓凤,半晌才说:  相似文献   

本文论述了钓鱼岛事件以来日本资生堂公司的销售额下滑,以及在中国化妆品市场的惨淡业绩,并从政治,经济,品牌形象等方面,剖析了资生堂发展遭遇挫折,前景堪忧的原因。与此同时,介绍了资生堂公司对此困境做出的举措,并针对销售渠道、营销手段、市场拓展等方面,提出了笔者的个人意见。  相似文献   

高丝著名的雪肌精系列以“Miss sekkisei——寻找白雪公主白肌无瑕”为主题的总决赛近日在北京中国大饭店梦幻登场。万众期待的“白雪公主”终于脱颖而出。她就是来自杭州赛区,就读于浙江传媒大学的陈洁。决赛现场仿如一个充满时尚绚烂风情的晶灿梦境,水的流畅与雪的轻盈美妙交织,营造出宫殿般璀璨的舞台,等待着白雪公主故事的精彩上演,等待着缤纷梦想的翩翩飞舞。来自北京、上海、成都、杭州、南京、武汉6个赛区的14位候选佳丽,优雅高贵的气质也与梦幻氛围交相辉映。经过前期紧张努力的集训,佳丽们登上舞台一展魅力风采,燃情美丽梦想。无论是古典高贵的白雪公主的服饰演绎,激情奔放自由热烈的SALSA热舞,还是充满创意的个人才艺表演,都赢得了如潮般的掌声。  相似文献   

现代女性对于美可谓无限关注,因此也更容易盲目听信一些夸大的广告宣传,造成身体上、精神上、经济上的不必要损失,下面的这些宣传可不要轻易相信呀!  相似文献   

“得女性者得天下。”——《华尔街8报》刊文分析中国电商的成功秘诀,结合一些数据调查得出上述结论,文章认为,相对男性,中国女性网购物更为频繁、支出更多,更能拉动商家利润。  相似文献   

When facing danger, to call for help is instinctive humannature. But for only-children that's not so easy. A three-day youth self-defence camp has been helping.  相似文献   

大学生创业问题探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在经济危机的形势下,鼓励大学生创业,以创业带动和解决就业,这在当前总体就业形势紧张时期具有积极意义。因为一人创业就能带动多人就业。这样既能帮助大学生发挥其学识和专业技能,为大学生本人提供获取财富和经验的机会。又能为社会解决诸多问题,缓解当前的就业困难,可谓一举多得。但是从目前大学生创业的现状及其后续发展并不乐观,如何帮助大学生突破瓶颈制约。增加大学生创业的成功率,需要我们从多方面寻找有效的对策。  相似文献   

The study reported here is an exploratory factor analysis of supervisors' perceptions of their own listening behavior. A forty item questionnaire was developed to assess supervisors' perceptions of their on the job listening behaviors. Seven first order factors were identified as underlying these perceptions: attending, clarifying, responding, discriminating and evaluating, recalling, affiliating and accomodating. In addition, two second-order factors were found to undergird the seven factor structure: listening to gain information accurately and listening to create a supportive interpersonal environment  相似文献   


As urban adolescents encounter serious health and mental health risks, they present the allied health professions with important opportunities for health promotion and risk reduction interventions. However, the prevailing emphasis on adolescents' risk behaviors rather than on their vulnerability has limited our capacity to understand and serve them. Further limiting are the widely held myths that adolescents as a whole have few health problems and that they are poor judges of their own needs. This article presents an overview of current theories of adolescent risk and vulnerability and suggests Youth Development as an overarching framework for understanding both. Experience within a comprehensive, adolescent health and mental health center demonstrates how to meaningfully engage adolescents in their own health care from the start.  相似文献   

Since 1999 there has been a renewed effort addressing the challenges youth face exiting foster care in adolescence, yet outcomes for most youth are still indicating heartbreaking results and it is still not clear what more is needed. Presented is a study addressing what is needed for successful transition. Three major themes emerged; youth focused practice, need for collaboration and better communication with youth, and unmet needs and permanent connections.  相似文献   

Will life expectancy in the United States rise or fall in this century? The implications of either scenario are far reaching. We contend that the rise of childhood obesity in the United States in the past three decades has been so dramatic that it will soon lead to higher than expected death rates at middle ages and a possible decline in life expectancy by midcentury. The most detrimental health and longevity effects will not be seen for decades--a phenomenon that cannot be detected by current methods used to forecast life expectancy or estimate the number of deaths currently attributable to obesity. This scenario contrasts sharply with the views of mathematical demographers who generate forecasts by relying on the assumption that the U.S. pattern of longevity will follow that of other longer lived nations and on the extrapolation of historical trends in life expectancy into the future.  相似文献   

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